What caching strategy do you use for a Database dependant ASP.NET App? - asp.net

I'm looking for a good caching strategy for an CRM App written in ASP.NET. Almost all sites depend heavily on the database, which means caching parts/the whole page for some time does not work in my situation. Is there any other way you use caching in these situations?
The setup is the following:
- ASP.NET App hosted on IIS
- App uses either Entity Framework or nHibernate as OR Mapper as Data Access technology - which ever technology has more advantages for my specific requirements
- SQL Server 2008

We use caching for reference data that populates combo boxes and other fields(e.g. help fields) and any values that are unlikely to change frequently.
There are different levels of caching that are stored for different periods of time, including:
Session (lifetime of the session)
Application (lifetime of the web service)

What database engine?
For SQL Server, have you looked at SqlCacheDependency? Allows you to retain data sets and provides a cache invalidation mechanism based on notifications from the server. See The Mysterious Notification for an explanation how it works.


SaaS: one web app to one database VS. many web apps to many databases

I am planning to develop a fairly small SaaS service. Every business client will have an associated database (same schema among clients' databases, different data). In addition, they will have a unique domain pointing to the web app, and here I see these 2 options:
The domains will point to a unique web app, which will change the
connection string to the proper client's database depending on the
domain. (That is, I will need to deploy one web app only.)
The domains will point to their own web app, which is really the
same web app replicated for every client but with the proper
connection string to the client's database. (That is, I will need to
deploy many web apps.)
This is for an ASP.NET 4.0 MVC 3.0 web app that will run on IIS 7.0. It will be fairly small, but I do require to be scalable. Should I go with 1 or 2?
This MSDN article is a great resource that goes into detail about the advantages of three patterns:
Separated DB. Each app instance has its own DB instance. Easier, but can be difficult to administer from a database infrastructure standpoint.
Separated schema. Each app instance shares a DB but is partitioned via schemas. Requires a little more coding work, and mitigates some of the challenges of a totally separate schema, but still has difficulties if you need individual site backup/restore and things like that.
Shared schema. Your app is responsible for partitioning the data based on the app instance. This requires the most work, but is most flexible in terms of management of the data.
In terms of how your app handles it, the DB design will probably determine that. I have in the past done both shared DB and shared schema. In the separated DB approach, I usually separate the app instances as well. In the shared schema approach, it's the same app with logic to modify what data is available based on login and/or hostname.
I'm not sure this is the answer you're looking for, but there is a third option:
Using a multi-tenant database design. A single database which supports all clients. Your tables would contain composite primary keys.
Scale out when you need. If your service is small, I wouldn't see any benefit to multiple databases except for assured data security - meaning, you'll only bring back query results for the correct client. The costs will be much higher running multiple databases if you're planning on hosting with a cloud service.
If SalesForce can host their SaaS using a multitenant design, I would at least consider this as a viable option for a small service.

How can I use caching to improve performance?

My scenario is : WebApp -> WCF Service -> EDMX -> Oracle DB
When I want to bind grid I fetch records from Oracle DB using EDMX i.e LINQ Query. But, this degrades performance as multiple layers take place between WebApp & Oracle DB. Can I use caching mechanism to improve the performance? But as far as I know cache is shared across the whole application. So, if I update cache other user might receive wrong information. Can we use caching per user? Or is there any other way to improve performance of the application?
Yes, you can definitely use caching techniques to improve performance. Generally speaking, caching is “application wide” (or it should be) and the same data is available to all users. But this really depends on your scenario and implementation. I don't see how adding the extra caching layer will degrade performance, it's a sound architecture and well worth the extra complexity.
ASP.NET Caching has a concept of "cache dependencies" which is a method to notify the caching mechanism that the underlying source has changed, and the cached data should be flushed and reloaded on the next request. ASP.NET has a built-in cache dependency for SQL Server, and a quick Google search revealed there’s probably also something you can use with Oracle.
As Jakob mentioned, application-wide caching is a great way to improve performance. Generally user context-agnostic data (eg reference data) can be cached at the application level.
You can also cache user context data by storing data in the user's session when they login. Then the data can be cached for the duration of that users session (HttpContext.Session)
Session data can be configured to be stored in the web application process memory, in a state server (a special WCF service) or in a SQL Server database, depending on the architecture and infrastructure.

ASP.NET In a Web Farm

What issues do I need to be aware of when I am deploying an ASP.NET application as a web farm?
All session state information would need to be replicated accross servers. The simplest way would be to use the MSSQL session state provider as noted.
Any disk access, such as dynamic files stored by users, would need to be on an area avialable to all servers. Such as by using some form of Network Attached storage. Script files, images and html etc would just be replicated on each server.
Attempting to store any information in the application object or to load information on application startup would need to be reviewed. The events would fire each time the user hit a new machine in the farm.
Machine keys across each server is a very big one as other people have suggested. You may also have problems if you are using ssl against an ip address rather than a domain.
You'll have to consider what load balancing strategy your going to go through as this could change your approach.
Sessions is a big one, make sure you use SQL Server for managing sessions and that all servers point to the same SQL Server instance.
One of the big ones I've run across is issues with different machineKeys spread across the different servers. ASP.NET uses the machineKey for various encryption operations such as ViewState and FormsAuthentication tickets. If you have different machineKeys you could end up with servers not understanding post backs from other servers. Take a look here if you want more information: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms998288.aspx
Don't use sessions, but use profiles instead. You can configure a SQL cluster to serve them. Sessions will query your session database way too often, while profiles just load themselfs, and that's it.
Use a distributed caching store like memached for caching data, and ASP.Net cache for stuff you'll need alot
Use a SAN or an EMC to serve your static content
Use S3 or something similar to have a fallback on 3.
Have some decent loadbalancer, so you can easily update per server, without ever needing to shut down the site
HOW TO: Set Up Multi-Server ASP.NET Web Applications and Web Services
Log aggregation is easily overlooked - before processing HTTP logs, you might need to combine them to create a single log that includes requests sent to across servers.

asp.net session using sql server mode

I am using a ASP.net session in SQL Server mode. I have created the necessary tables and stored procs in a custome db
My question is:
Can I use this database to serve more than one application / web site ?
Is there anything to take into consideration having multiple websites use the same db for their session store
Yes you can use this database to server more than one site. The session provider will take care of the semantics of that.
It would make the profiling more difficult if there is a performance problem. Why not create a second state db for the second application? It's not much to do, simple with a different name and specify the different db in your session configuration.
The short answer though is you can use the same session database and each session should be fine, though I wonder if anyone has any comments on colliding sessionIds between the two applications.

Web Database or SOAP?

We’ve got a back office CRM application that exposes some of the data in a public ASP.NET site. Currently the ASP.NET site sits on top of a separate cut down version of the back office database (we call this the web database). Daily synchronisation routines keep the databases up-to-date (hosted in the back office). The problem is that the synchronisation logic is very complex and time consuming to change. I was wondering whether using a SOAP service could simply things? The ASP.NET web pages would call the SOAP service which in tern would do the database calls. There would be no need for a separate web database or synchronisation routines. My main concern with the SOAP approach is security because the SOAP service would be exposed to the internet.
Should we stick with our current architecture? Or would the SOAP approach be an improvement?
The short answer is yes, web service calls would be better and would remove the need for synchronization.
The long answer is that you need to understand the technology available for you in terms of web services. I would highly recommend looking into WCF which will allow you to do exactly what you want to do and also you will be able to only expose your services to the ASP.NET web server and not to the entire internet.
There would be no security problem. Simply use one of the secure bindings, like wsHttpBinding.
I'd look at making the web database build process more maintainable
Since security is obviously a concern, this means you need to add logic to limit the types of data & requests and that logic has to live SOMEWHERE.
