Overcome compilation(?) pause on *secondary* initial ASP.Net application startup? - asp.net

After deploying an ASP.Net application to a new server, the first user to hit the app gets a long pause, presumably because the app is performing its initial compilation. However, this pause seems to also also occur after the application has timed out and unloaded itself from memory.
The first compilation would be tolerable as it only happpens once, but the 2nd one seems to me like it should be unnecessary....is there a workaround to address this issue? It would be nice to be able to extend the application timeout, but I only see a way to extend the session timeout, which I would rather not do, as this would keep all user sessions in memory for a long period of time.

That's IIS shutting down the worker process - the default is a 20 min idle time. In IIS6, you can configure the app pool and turn off the Idle timeout (on Performance tab). In IIS7, it's in the Advanced Settings.

A common way (though looks hackish to me) to keep the worker process alive is to have some program issue web requests to some URL in the application on a regular basis.
You can reduce the initial startup time by precompiling the ASP.NET app with aspnet_compiler.exe. This won't reduce the initial request time to zero (it'll still need to create the worker process and do other housekeeping.) but it'll noticeably reduce it.

I did find some recommended settings for the App Pools in IIS. The intended outcome of these settings is to reduce the number of times your application needs to go through the startup cycle. These settings should apply to IIS 6 as well as IIS 7:
Recycle Worker Process: Disable. Use this only if you have multiple websites and are trying to isolate processes.
Shutdown worker processes after being idle for (time in minutes): Disable unless you are sharing resources on your server. With this setting disabled, your website should not unload, ensuring that startup time for your site is as minimal as possible.


How to get fast ASP.Net application shutdown for restart/recycle on high traffic site?

I'm running a very high traffic site that gets a good 300+ requests/second (http://cooltext.com). A restart takes a good 90 seconds at least for it. So every time I post a new build it goes down for a minute or two. Long enough to trigger my monitoring services.
When I make a change that restarts the server, it appears that the restart stalls until all of the old requests on the old application pool (some of them very long running) complete. I can make the restart happen much faster by killing the old w3wp.exe instance manually.
Is there some way to force IIS to close all the connections right away and do a hard restart? Some setting in IIS or asp.net to control this?
Just found the following that appears to be what I'm looking for: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa720127(v=vs.71).aspx
Shutdown Time Limit is the equivalent application pool setting for the shutDownTimeout ASP.NET process model setting. It specifies the amount of time a worker process is given to shutdown gracefully. If the worker process does not shutdown in time amount specified, the ASP.NET ISAPI will end the worker process. Shutdown Time Limit is set to 90 seconds by default. You can specify a different time limit by changing the value in the spin box.

ASP.NET Session Recycles

In an ASP.NET website we are storing sessions in SQL Server. All is working fine except that sessions frequently recycle. I've a timeout period set to 30 minutes but some times it recycles within a few minutes. We've a dedicated server, and website running under a 'classic' application pool. I've searched a lot on this problem, but didn't find a satisfactory answer. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Note: mostly it happens on a page where there is lots of use of viewstate, I'm curious that is there a link of viewstate with session recycling?
We've experienced this problem when we either have a web farm (more than one web server servicing clients) or a web garden (more than one worker process in an application pool).
If you have a web farm, then you need to ensure that all web servers have the same machine key and that all instances have the exact same application path.
If you have a web garden, try dropping the maximum worker processes back to 1 to see if that resolves the issue.
While you are checking the IIS settings, you should probably also ensure that the application pool is not recycling regularly. This can be due any of the following specified in the app pool:
1) Private Memory Limit (the app pool is reset if the maximum amount of memory has been exceeded)
2) Regular Time Interval recycling (the app pool is automatically recycled after a specified number of minutes, defaulting to 1740, and/or at specific times).
3) Idle Time-out (the number of minutes of inactivity that can elapse before the application pool is automatically shutdown).
You should also check the event logs for reports of the application pool crashing or otherwise being recycled.
An additional thought:
If you have an application, such as anti-virus or backup software, that monitors your application's bin directory and modifies or changes attributes (such as the backup flag or timestamp) of files in that directory OR your web.config file, this will cause application recycling as well.

impact of disabling recycling of worker process in IIS application pool

I have a WCF service hosted in IIS which takes a long time (around 5 hours) to execute. the WCF service basically generates some reports using SSRS (SQL server reporting services) and saves them to a locaton on the server. this service was actually stopping after generating few reports, so I disabled the "recycling of worker process", "shut down worker processes after being idle" and "limit kernel request queue" in application pool and that fixed the issue and all the reports were generated regardless of the amount taken to generate them. but I am not sure if this is the right fix for this and I would like to know what is the impact of unchecking these settings in application pool for the WCF service in IIS? and is there any better way to get around this problem?
For any long running process it is much better to do it outside of IIS.
In this case I would have a regular windows service running that monitored a request queue. When a request comes in to generate a report, it would then spin off a thread to perform the generation.
The web service would be responsible for 3 things. First, adding an item to the queue to be handled. Second, checking status on the queue as to whether the report is ready. Third, sending the completed report back to the calling client.
This would allow the client to essentially do a fire and forget on the report request and call back later to check on it's status. Further it would mean that if IIS recycled for whatever reason you are still OK.
For bonus points I would add some error handling code that when the windows service restarted it could restart report jobs that were in the middle of execution. This would make it a bit more robust and allow you to reboot the server at any point.
I have disable also all the automatic shut down process from iis for my application with out any issue. I have monitor the memory limits and of course the program work smoothly with out any issues on memory.
I think that this automatic shut down triggers are designed mostly for process that keep too many web sites together and possible some of them have not good programming. But if you are the master of your iis, and you have check your program that have not memory issue, then is better to not shut it down, or at least control the shut down process with some way.
Ok is better to make long running process outside IIS, but is not so simple to develop it, not so simple to install it, not so simple to check it out.

WCF Performance Slow for the first call

I have a WCF service installed on IIS7. I noticed that the first call to my service is always very very slow. The subsequent calls are much faster & acceptable.
If there are no calls made to the service for some time, it again goes to sleep mode. After this the next call again takes a long long time.
Any remedies for this problem?
It is because of process management on IIS. When there are no calls for certain period of time IIS release the recourses and stops the process.
This is why you can notice that it is slow for first request and for requests after a long delay. Because while the first request or after long period of silence IIS loads everything from scratch. JIT complier runs and etc...
Also note :
When you are hosting WCF services on IIS, the WCF services enjoy all the features of ASP.NET applications. You have to be aware of these features because they can cause unexpected behavior in the services world. One of the major features is application recycling, including application domain recycling and process recycling. Through the IIS Management Console, you can configure different rules when you want the recycling to happen. You can set certain thresholds on memory, on time, and on the amount of processed requests. When IIS recycles a worker process, all the application domains within the worker process will be recycled as well
If you need automatic starting: The Windows Service Control Manager allows you to set the startup type to automatic, so that as soon as Windows starts, the service will be started, without an interactive logon on the machine. So you can use Windows service as a host.
More details you can check in Hosting and Consuming WCF Services.
There is another approach through which you can make it better. We have some kind of scehduled process which keeps hitting our server like every 5 mins with very light 'fetch' requests to keep all servers "hot" (by loading most of the required dlls etc) so that user experience is far better.
I agree it is not a fool proof way but still is something you can consider apart from increasing the recycling settings in IIS.

How can I overcome a slow loading application with several app pools in IIS 7?

How can I overcome a slow loading application with several app pools in IIS 7 ?
And not have requests wait for the server to load (in case of recycling) and create a queue. But have the server loaded while hitting recycle condition before the first requests arrives.
Are you sure the slow load isn't a result of waiting for the original pool to complete? This can happen if the app pool has the "Disable Overlapped Recycle" setting turned on.
Applications will load their initial state when the get the first request. Hence you could consider having a little tool whose job it is to ping the application to get it to start before a real user attempts to use it.
