how to populate the textboxes inside a gridview from a datagrid in -

I am using a gridview in my form.aspx page. The textboxes in each row of the gridview are to be populated from a datagrid upon clicking a particular field of the datagrid. Is there any way to do the same.....?

Did you check out some of the samples the ASP.NET website? Maybe this one can help?
Gridview quickstart on ASP.NET
Otherwise I suggest you describe your problem in greater details. What's the datasource? Anything specific you can't figure out right now? Are you getting any exceptions?


OnRowCommand from a GridView within User Control within a row of a GridView not firing

I'm working on an ASP.Net Web forms web site, and I face the following situation.
I have a GridView, wich contains in some row a User Control, which contains a GridView. This last GridView had a OnRowCommand method and some buttons are supposed to fire this method. However, the OnRowCommand method is not fired...
Any idea or clue about this problem ? Maybe this GridViewception is not possible...
Thanks in advance !

Insert Records From GridView to another GridView Page

Can somebody help me?
I am developing a website using Microsoft Expression Web. My database is MS Access. My page extension is .aspx (ASP.NET)
I have two gridview:
Pending Records GridView should be under a PendingRecords.aspx page. I want this gridview to allow me to accept first all the requested records before they go straight under the Main Gridview. Of course, the gridview have "ADD" button. When I click the button, I want the records to be transfer in Main Records GridView.
Main GridView should be under a Records.aspx page. I want this gridview to display all the records that I already accepted in Pending Records Gridview.
Simple as that!
Thanks in advance!
one the button click event save the data from first gridview into the session and when load it again in the second gridview when page loads or reloads.
it will work if you don't have much data to move.....
hope will give you some idea.... :)

callback in one aspxgridview causes all gridviews to databind

I have a aspxgridview with details row.
in detils row of this gridview, there are about 10 aspxgridviews. whenever one of this grids cause callback by clicking edit/new/delete , other gridview also databound i.e hit database. this cause performance issue.
Is there a way to disable databinding on other aspxgridview?
You can use tab content lazy loading. Look here for example and here for further explanation.
i find a solution here:
ASPxPageControl - Page Load of all TabPages

How to prevent reposting of data before refresh?

Suppose there is button on which there is event for adding the total sum(there is coloumn Amount in gridview) and posting the data in gridview i.e update of gridview. I want that when user click on button it will update the gridview i.e data will inserted in geridview but it will not add current numeric value to the total sum unless user refresh the page.
For this how to do? Please tell me.
You can use telerik's ASP.NET AJAX controls.
Visit here

ASP.NET GridView - Editing Dynamic Template Columns

I have created a GridView whose columns are dynamically created based on my data source. I have implemented these columns by using the approach described here.Those columns display properly on the initial load. However, I need to implement commanding so that a user can edit / delete a row in the GridView.
At this point, I have implemented commanding as I would with a normal GridView. I have a TemplateField with an ItemTemplate that has LinkButton elements for edit and delete. The CommandName for each LinkButton is set to either Edit or Delete respectively.
Oddly, when a user clicks either the Edit or Delete link, the data in the GridView disappears. However, I have verified that I am in fact re-binding the data when one of these LinkButton elements is selected.
Can anyone provide some suggestions as to what the cause could be?
Thank you!
Here are good examples. You can figure out postback issue.
