ASP.NET Application becomes unresponsive -

I make an application for querying from and inserting data to the database using ASP.NET 3.5 linq to SQL.
It works fine in the development server.
But after deploying to the staging server, after the first few requests, the application seems unresponsive no matter what I type in the URL. The whole IIS application is frozen. I know I can restart the application to fix that. But I don't want it to happen again in the future.
What are the possible causes of this?
I've just found a ref about this problem:

It's not easy to provide an exact cause since we have no idea how the application was written, what dependencies exist, whether service packs/patches are installed etc. What we could help with is debugging the application.
Things I would start with:
Find out if other applications have the same problems.
Review the server event logs on both servers.
Memory, CPU usage etc on the server with Performance Monitor (perfmon.exe)
See what SQL is being generated with SQL Profiler.
Use an HTTP Analyzer like Fiddler to find out if the server is running anything in particular but the browser is not displaying it.

As BrianLy says this is one of those tricky to pin down situations. We had several problems with ASP.NET apps taking seemingly forever to start, this was down to our corporate firewall blocking
It's probably a stab in the dark, but it might be worth investigating. The chances of your issue being this sound slim though.
A quick test to see if it is something related to this is to add to your hosts file.


TTFB Delays on Every Page Load

This may very well be a question that is too broad to answer but any ideas would be incredibly beneficial. I have a web site where load times are incredibly slow in one environment but not the other. In general, the time to first byte is around 15 seconds on most pages. It takes this long on every page within the entire application and not only on first load. I have been troubleshooting the issue for several days now and feel completely lost as to the actual cause for the latency.
Now for a long explanation about the issue.
The environment is a Frankenstein monster of different sources where too many people have had their hands in it, from what I can gather. I have carefully taken the time to compare each of the two environments and haven't identified a key difference. There are numerous things at play here, but I can summarize the main components.
It is a .NET web application built using Orchard CMS running within IIS and has a SQL Server backend. A dedicated server hosts the database and the another dedicated server hosts the web application itself, which is pretty standard. The main difference between the environments is the production site is running in Liquid Web and the new development site is running in AWS. Basically, the site will ultimately be migrated to AWS once the latency issues are resolved.
AWS has more than enough resources. In fact, production (Liquid Web) has been running into issues as of late due to the CPU usage being nearly maxed out. There are many more resources in AWS, and neither of the servers appear to be using more than 1% or 2% of their available resources. I verified this.
If the issue is within the database, I'm not really sure where else to look. I used SQL Server Profiler on the database server to analyze traffic and no transactions were taking more than a half second, aside from the Audit Logins/Outs (which from my research is normal behavior). The main database queries execute almost immediately after trying to navigate to a page within the site, not 15 seconds later when the page loads.
I had a thought that the network traffic in AWS application server and the database server could be bottlenecked somewhere. However, resolving the application locally does not improve performance. I thought it could have been an issue with the routing within the domain, such as the way in which DNS is set up, but that does not seem to be the case either... or perhaps it is, and I just haven't figured out the best way to troubleshoot that. Either way, resolving the application on localhost does not improve performance. The page still hangs for 15-20 seconds.
The vRAM usage for the site's application pool and the default app pool certainly does seem on the high end, if that makes a difference.
I have browsed the IIS logs and cannot find anything obvious. Granted, I don't have much experience in IIS and could be missing something. Windows Event logs show me nothing out of the ordinary either. There are some errors in both Liquid Web and AWS in regards to printer drivers not being installed, but those have nothing to do with the application itself.
I am unsure of how to check if it has something to do with the Orchard CMS. Granted, this is just a package/framework that was migrated over into the dev server, directly along with the application itself. I see nothing that would have changed within the environment.
The fact is that the two environments seem identical, yet one is running very slowly based on some factor that I just can't seem to identify.
Thank you!

Debugging an ASP.NET website that is running slowly?

We're getting more and more complaints from users that our ASP.NET 4.5.2 website is running slowly or just generally "freezing up." Things look fine from our test servers and from our workstations, but we're probably using better workstation hardware and browsers than our customers. We're running ASP.NET 4.5.2, C#, SQL Server.
What are some areas that we should concentrate on for debugging such a nebulous request? Should I be looking at system performance and resources on the application servers? System performance and resources on the SQL server? We're tracking application page load times, and they don't seem to be excessive or much changed from months ago, even though customer complaints have gone up.
What are some best practices for starting our investigation, and where's the low hanging fruit on improving performance overall?
If your page is getting slower "sometimes" during the day, I would suggest first to check the Performance Monitor at your IIS server. This could easily be an issue with the server hitting it's limits (Machine or IIS settings). One way verifying this is by creating a sandbox server and run your application from there for your testers.
After that if you are executing stored procedures, add a monitor function in them to gather some cases and then check if any of them causes the process to freeze or delay.
I must also mention here the possibility of locked tables, so maybe a code review maybe in line. (most time consuming from all the above..)
This should be able to give you a hint where your issue originate.
Good luck
If you suspect some SQL problems, you can try to run a Sql Server Profiler to check what is running at the moment and if there is something that could be "freezing up" your system. This way you can check what is going on when the system is slow.

If the browser is left open for an extended period of time, website is getting crashed

We have developed a website. This will be deployed in IIS in server machine of a network. n number of people will access our website from their allocated pc's. What happens now is, if the browser is left open for an extended period of time, it is getting crashed, then i will have to reload the page to get access to my site. What should i do to overcome this problem?
Please advise on this.
You havent provided much information here so cant really comment anything specific (for e.g. runtime env, database servers, any specific tech. in use such as TCP/IP, web sockets.
There can be number of things that you could look into.
For the start you could look into resources that are not being disposed properly. For e.g. Database connection, large in memory .NET objects for e.g. file streams. Now this could be something as simple as using statements or exception handling(if .NET).
You could use profiler applications such as MiniProfiler (do google), Again if its Microsoft then you could use Microsoft Load Testing to see where the problem is.
Try using fiddler to see if it shows anything.
If you are using TCP/IP communication for e.g. push notifications from server side using websockets or node.js then you need to investigate if there are any threads/connections not properly closed/disposed.
list is sort of endless.. good luck

How to find issue on remote server that you don't have access to?

Ok, so this is my dilemma... I have an ASP.NET MVC site that is running into some conditions that it is pegging the processor on the iss boxes it's running on. I don't have access to these servers (it's a farm of about 5 iis6 boxes behind a netscalar). I am doing some logging to a sql database, but the problem is that when the cpu pegs my database starts timing out. The iis servers are hosted in house, but I can't get access to them.
And to make things ever more complicated, I can't reproduce any of these issues in my qa environment (which I don't have access to either). QA is setup to similarly to our prod environment, but it runs on a single box that isn't behind a netscalar.
So, any thoughts on the best way to try to track down where my issues lie? Thanks!
Since you are already logging to a database, why you don't log to another database, install this DB on another computer, so that when your MVC application starts killing the CPU the database won't be affected (since it is working on another computer).
or you could log to an FTP folder that you can access.
Hope I helped.
ASP.NET Trace. Haven't used MVC, but I'm assuming it still works...
If you want to know what is going on with the system you could read from the event viewer programatically:
This should help you to learn what is going on with the system. This way you can build a web interface for it and capture any info you may want to look at for what is going.

How to identify performance and concurrency issues on an ASP.NET / IIS / SQL Server website

I would appreciate any advice regarding tools and practices I could use to confirm my recently completed website is performing correctly.
Although I am confident the code is not producing errors and is functionally operating as it should, I have little understanding of how to identify IIS, SQL Server and Windows performance/concurrency issues. For example if the website was briefly hit by a huge deluge of traffic, how would I be aware that event had ever happened and how would I know whether the website coped with it.
The website was written using ASP.NET 2.0 and C# running on Windows 2003 R2 Standard Edition, SQL Server 2005 Workgroup Edition and IIS 6.
Consider using a logging mechanism that also raises alerts, so when a database call takes too long, indicating a high server load, the logger raises a warning. Check out log4net.
Regarding tools and practises, I recommend badboy and jmeter as tools for load testing your site. Badboy is simple and can generate urls that may also be used in jmeter. The latter does a very good job load testing your site. Do tests that run over a long period and use different hardware setups to see how adding more web/app servers affect performance.
Also, check out PerfMon, a tool that lets you monitor a local or remote Windows server regarding contention rate, cpu load and so on.
You can use a load generating tool like WebLoad to capture and then replay (with possible variations through scripting) user interactions with your application's UI with lots of threads and connections.
As mentioned, load generation tools are quite helpful. One thing you can add for the database side is to use SQL Tracing. Setup a test plan with very specific steps, and as you step through your plan, trace the SQL that is running on the server.
This way, you can identify if certain actions are causing unnecessary/duplicate database calls. Also, you may discover very large and non-performant queries being run for very simple actions.
For SQL Server use the sys.dm_exec_requests DMV and check for CPU usage, reads, writes, blocking etc etc
select blocking_session_id,wait_type,*
from sys.dm_exec_requests
