Why does it take me so long to launch an ASP.NET web site? - asp.net

I am running VS 2008 SP1 on a pretty high-powered Win XP machine. My startup project is a web project that was written by another developer (I'm not that well versed in web development). Start Options = launch specific page, Server = default Web server, debuggers = ASP.NET.
When I push F5, my browser opens a new tab in Firefox (my default browser) - but then it takes over 3 minutes for the web page to appear! I tried "step into" instead of F5, and the first executable line of code is only hit after that same 3 minutes.
Other developers do not have this problem. There is clearly something wrong with my configuration, but I haven't the faintest idea where to start looking.
Your suggestions are most appreciated!

There were issues reported with FireFox and the VS built-in development server. It has something to do with IPv6 issue.
With me it's similar: IE/Opera do it quickly, FireFox/Safari terribly slow.
You should be able to fix it the following way:
In your FF type in the "about:config" address. Then find the setting "network.dns.disableIPv6" and set it to true. Now it should become fast.


Chrome won't load pages after Stop Debugging in Visual Studio

If I F5 to debug, and browse to my test site using Chrome, and execution halts before sending a response (e.g. we get an exception and I click Stop Debugging instead of continue to the end), that Chrome window and any child windows it spawns will no longer work with the project. It will say "Loading" with the spinner in the tab, the window will be empty, and it will stay like this apparently forever. Alternately, in a new tab, I type the URL and hit enter and it does not display any loading behaviour as though it isn't even trying to load it. This persists across tabs within the same window hierarchy.
My workaround is to create incognito windows in Chrome when testing local sites. If it gets into this error state, then I have to close the window and open a new incognito session from the original browser parent. If I accidentally cause this problem in the main window, I have to fully close Chrome to proceed. Using different Chrome profiles also works as I assume it's a different top level process.
Otherwise, it does seem to calm itself after quite a while - 5+ real life minutes or something similar it will revert and start working again and the page will load if it was still trying. But is there a better solution? This is VS 2022, debugging ASPX/C#, using a hosts file for local.site.com domains and separate http/https ports.
Edit: Image to show settings page
Your issue is rare, we need to troubleshoot step by step. First, please confirm that Tools==>Options==>Debugging==>General==>Enable Edit and Continue is enabled. Then you need to use detach all instead of stop debugging.
Well, if you hit a break-point in code behind, then code has haulted, and no more web pages can be dished out. (this is standard behavour when using the built-in web server that launches by hitting F5. if you close the web page, then the web server shuts down, debugging stop, and you back into Visual Studio.
You could try hitting ctrl-F5. That runs the VS site as non debug mode, and break-points etc. thus don't usually get hit. But, f5 STARTS a copy of IIS express web server. You close that web page, then debugging stop, IIS is then shut down. This is correct behavior's.
If you want to start testing the web site with say NOT having a debugger tied to the web site, then you probably are better off to install + run IIS full edition, and not the Express Edition that is "tied" to VS and the debugger.
So, the instant you close the browsesr, or even hit the "stop" button in VS, then IIS is shut down - it is stopped each time.
However, you could/can give ctrl-F5 a try - that will launch your site as non debug mode (and you not that no stop button is highlight).
IIS "express" is a great setup for f5, step code, debug code. However, the instant you want to start testing the site, and not having launched it from "inside" of VS? Then you probably should setup a VM with the full edition of IIS, or even I suppose install full edition of IIS on your computer (I not done that, since I have a few VM's, and I don't want to "mess up" my developer box with having a full pop full edition of IIS installed on my computer.
So, if you want "others" to test the site, then setup a VM with server 2019, or whatever, and then install IIS full edition. This THEN gives you the full GUI and setup features of a web server - which is a good learning experience.
So when using f5 to debug? yes, a halt in code will halt the ability of the web server to dish out other pages. In effect, IIS process one page at a time, and when the page life cycle is done, the the next page/request can be processed.
So, if you want "more" then this setup, then you probably need/want to get a full blown full edition of IIS up and running. And I suggest that should be placed on some other computer then your dev box, or at the very least in a VM on your dev box.
You "can" sort of get IIS Express edition to be launched and running outside of a VS debug session, but it is painfully, since you don't have the GUI and all of the web configuration tools that the full edition of IIS has.

ASP.NET Web Application Productivity in Visual Studio 2010

I'm working on a fairly large ASP.NET web application and I'm taking a big productivity hit when I do work in the interface. I can zip through adding features to the database and API, then I hit the interface and having to recompile and run eats up a lot of my day.
For example if i'm working on a tricky bit that isn't behaving quite right and requires a number of tweaks I'll have to go through multiple [stop/tweak/build/run/log in/navigate back to page] cycles, which really kills my flow and has me staring at the screen with my finger hovering over the hackernews bookmark each time.
I've been fiddling with ways to get around this problem but I haven't improved my situation much. Here's what I've found so far:
visual studio will restart the app frequently when you change static files (js/css/etc), which shouldn't require a restart. If you run VS with IIS express instead this problem goes away.
If I know I have a bunch of messing around to do i'll cut/paste my code into a server script tag on the markup page, run the product, and tweak until it's good, then cut/paste it back. This is annoying because it often requires setting up a number of Imports page declarations and code editing features in ASP.NET files, while better than ever in VS2010, is not as good as in C# files. Plus, it still restarts the app occasionally once enough changes are made.
I can exclude the codebehind file from the web application project, change the "codebehind" attribute in the aspx page declaration to an "src" attribute, then edit the code from there while the app runs (until i make enough changes to trigger a restart.) However now intellisense doesn't work in the codebehind, among other things.
Am I missing something blindingly obvious here, or is development in ASP.NET web applications really supposed to be this slow? Thanks for any solutions you can offer.
I never run my applications through Visual Studio. Set yourself up with IIS and then configure a site to point to the location of your application along with a faux domain. Edit your hosts file to point the domain to localhost.
Then when you want to view your site, just visit the domain that you chose. If you need to modify CSS or script, just make your changes and refresh the page. If you make a code change, compile your app and then refresh the page.
If you need to actually use the Visual Studio debugger, then just attach to the IIS process (application pool name) and your breakpoints will get hit.
I've found a combination of techniques that brings my productivity up a fair bit.
Use an alternative browser like Chrome. When you stop the VS debugger and you're using IE, VS will shut down the browser, but it won't do it with Chrome (or Firefox, or anything else.)
Switched web.config to run in Windows Authentication mode and wrote a quick transparent login routine enclosed in conditional compilation tags (debug only, this feature is not perfect for our production product.)
Now when I'm getting into it I can stop the debugger (which no longer closes the browser,) make code changes, build, optionally start the debugger again, and just hit F5 in Chrome to load the latest. The refresh obviously takes longer since the app has to start up but there's no "run browser/log in/navigate back to the page" task anymore.
Hopefully this will help somebody else in a similar situation.

Visual Studio 2010 slow debugging

I have a problem with Visual Studio 2010. When I start debugging it works slowly.
Internet Explorer opens, but the website loads extremely slowly.
My workmate and me work on the same project and he doesn't have any problem like that.
My hardware is 4G memory + Intel Core i5 CPU 3.20 GHz.
I stopped my anti-virus program but it couldn't be resolved.
I've had the same problem for over a year! And I solved it :)
I took me about 20 seconds to start debugging, and about 1 minute to stop it. It also took 2 minutes to load the solution! My colleague had NO problems with the same solution.
I found my way out of it by a coincidence.
I CHANGED the NAME of the solution, and things suddenly happened 30 times faster.
I CHANGED the solution name back and it slowed down again!
This is probably a FUBAR error made by the Microsoft development team. Don't try to figure out why it happens :)
This might be a IPV6 issue (that shows itself in windows vista/7 when using firefox or IE). I've had that at work and this is what made pages load instantly when using localhost (instead of the 20+ seconds that could happen on image-heavy websites I was developing).
IPv6 (taken from Firefox cannot load websites but other programs can )
Firefox supports IPv6 by default, which may cause connection problems on certain systems. To disable IPv6 in Firefox:
In the Location bar, type about:config and press Enter.
The about:config "This might void your warranty!" warning page may appear. Click I'll be careful, I promise!, to continue to the about:config page.
In the Filter field, type network.dns.disableIPv6.
In the list of preferences, double-click network.dns.disableIPv6 to set its value to true.
For Internet Explorer, try using where PORT_NUMBER is the port you can see in your address bar. If the loading of the page is faster, then you might want to go check the C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\HOSTS file and make sure the only line mentioning localhost looks like localhost.
Check to see if you have _NT_SYMBOL_PATH environment variable set. Getting symbols or pdb files for the assemblies used by your application from a symbol server could be the cause of the slow startup of your application when debugging. You can also look at the symbols setting in VS>Tools>Options>Debugging. Also, take a look at the output window and the status bar down at the bottom in VS when your app is loading and taking a long time to see what VS is busy doing.
Not sure if this applies to ASP.NET applications, but disabling the 'Show Parameter Values' option in the Call Stack window's context menu considerably speeds up the debugger on my machine.
Two things to check.
1. Remove all the parameters in the watch list.
2. Build >> Config Manager , Check the Configuration Mode: Debug/Release.
I have encountered the same problem. I could make it better by deleting the Folder created in the temporary aspnet folder. For that you need to close the solution that you have opened and then delete. I don't know if there is any other solution.

Setting up IIS7.5 for local ASP.Net Development

Are there any particular settings one should optimally enable/disable/tweak when doing ASP.Net MVC development on local test machine Windows 7 using IIS 7.5 and moving in and out the debugger & recompiling refrequnetly (integration/troubleshooting stage now before TDD fantactics throw stones - although admittedly I could have more under test), I work with 64 bit edition but figure this probably applicable at both x86/x64?
I'll start with one:
Ping Period (seconds) - increase from 90 to 3000 (or something somewhat higher) so you can if unfortunately need to a good bit of time whilst debugging or disable ping on local test machine.
Credit: http://blogs.msdn.com/johan/archive/2007/09/12/my-web-application-times-out-when-debugging-in-iis7.aspx
However I see over stuff such as:
Disable Overlapped Recycle & Recycling settings etc.. that I wonder if could increase performance or make debugging less friction
Question prompted by the annoyance that I've ran across a few recent debugging issues (not apparent in production) including a random, and tempormental error "An assembly with the same simple name blah-blah-lah-assembly-definiton has already been imported . Try removing one of the references or sign them to enable side-by-side." (iisreset resovles) and generally slow debugging attaching. The points and answers to this question need not help with the above (I believe it may be related to spark view engine as that where the stacktrace ends) but figure it worth mentioning incase someone has a direct suggestion *
quick tip: if you're experiencing slow response times (~1-1.5 sec) from browsers other than internet explorer (eg: firefox, chrome, safari) while running your mvc/ other web app on your local machine using win7/vista, it is due to dns resolution with ipv6.
firefox solution: disable ipv6 in about:config (boolean cfg 'network.dns.disableIPv6')
machine wide soft solution: uncomment the good old localhost address in the hosts file (%WINDIR%\System32\drivers\etc\hosts):
# localhost name resolution is handled within DNS itself. localhost
# ::1 localhost
machine wide hard solution: disable ipv6 completely
credit goes to this blogpost: http://weblogs.asp.net/dwahlin/archive/2007/06/17/fixing-firefox-slowness-with-localhost-on-vista.aspx
Embarcadero guys just published a fresh article on similar topic for Delphi Prism (aka Delphi for .NET), so why not take a look on their suggestions?
From the experience i have working with asp.net mvc, i can tell that there are no special settings for IIS 7 or IIS 7.5 for working on asp.net mvc projects. It works fine in the default form, you just need to create a new website and point it to the folder that has the files for you application.
For debugger if you ask, you can simply put a breakpoint in the code and hit that breakpoint when you run the application from visual studio. But by default the application will use the development web server that fires up when you run a web application from visual studio. If you want to the application to run using the IIS installed on your system you will have to change the project settings. See here for a screen shot of how to do so
Additionally you can also use System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Break(); for putting a break point in the code.
If you only want to debug your application, I recommend to use the built-in development server of Visual Studio.
If you debugged the most of it or want to do that on IIS, I recommend you the Ctrl+Alt+P shortcut, which enables you to attach a debugger. Select w3wp.exe and you can debug with IIS.

w3wp crashes when starting debug in VS 2005

I know there were a couple similar questions, but none solved my problem.
This issue just started within the last couple of days. I don't always hit VS everyday, so I can't say for sure when it began.
When I start debugging, the app loads in IE, but the w3wp process dies with the message
"The program '[9252] w3wp.exe:
Managed' has exited with code 0
I'm running Vista and debugging on IIS 7 (local machine). VS 2005. This is not a new environment. Everything had worked for months before this issue began.
I've Googled and found a number of solutions. I tried messing with the Process Model settings in the app pool. I tried changing the app pool. I've dug through all the settings of VS I could find that seemed applicable. I am running as administrator. Also, I run VS 2008 as well, and that is working fine.
Update: I tested another app and also had a problem. Though that app was configured to debug on the native VS web server (I forget what it's called off the top of my head), so the error is
The program [7192]
'WebDev.WebServer.EXE: Managed' has
exited with code 0 (0x0).
After about 8 hours of wasted time, I can answer my own question. It's an issue with VS2005/IE8. They, for whatever reason, do not play nice together. I uninstalled IE8 and everything is working fine.
I know Microsoft is a big company, but some interdepartmental communication and testing would be awesome.
I was having this same problem.
According to this Microsoft list of Visual Studio 2005 issues on Microsoft Vista, there are two requirements to fix this issue:
Start Visual Studio with Elevated Administrator Permissions
Make sure that the IIS 6 Compatibility Layer for IIS 7 is installed
The IIS 6 Compatibility components can be added by going to the Control Panel, selecting Programs and Features, and clicking Turn Windows features on or off. Make sure to check the IIS 6 Management Compatibility components under Internet Information Services.
Once I installed these components and rebooted I was able to debug.
EDIT: I still find that the process dies on my from time to time if I have other Internet Explorer browser windows open. Therefore, I have to make sure that the only Internet Explorer window that is open is the one that is debugging my Visual Studio 2005 code. I use FireFox to browse the web in parrallel if I need to.
This can happen if a stack overflow (no pun intended) occurs in your application. Stack overflows are usually caused by infinite recursion in your code.
I had the same problem since an update from latest weeks.
But solved by simply open the develompment tools and set the browser mode to ie7.
I get this if I have an existing IE window open when I start the debugger. Make sure you close all existing IE windows.
Using IE1 and VS 2003 (!) on Win 7 Enterprise N, I found that having additional IEs running made debugging impossible, but when starting the debug session after losing all IE windows worked.
Cost a lot of time and frustration.
I solved the issue on mine, by doing the following:
Go to IIS.
Go to Application Pools.
Click Advanced Settings on the relevant App Pool.
Find the key "Ide Time-out Action" and increase the value to something you think is right for you.
