Drupal: Creating a simple blog? - drupal

I'm new to Drupal and trying get my head around it. I'd like to create a simple blog where I have a page that displays blog posts and the number of comments on each posts. Once the blog title or comment number is clicked, the user is taken to the post page. Simple as that.
I'm using Views and CCK, and I was able to create the main blog page, but I have no idea how to give each post its own page which contains comments and a comment form.
I tried searching online with no luck.
Any idea how to do this?
appreciate your help

In Views, you can select one of the fields you're displaying (best bet: the Title field) and select the "Link this field to its node" option. That'll make it a link to the individual node page, which is where comments etc. live by default.

Your question is quite broad, but you will need to do the following: Create a user node and connect it to the user profile (CCK, nodeprofile and usernode), and a new content type (CCK) for the blog posts (with any custom fields you may want). And then use Views to show the blog posts and profiles of each user. (You can build a view that uses arguments to select user/blog posts and also gives nice urls.)


How to create a page like the WordPress Plugin page

I'm pretty sure this is basic but it's been a couple of weeks I'm struggling.
I'm building a video game news type of website with Wordpress and I would like the "game sheet" to work in the same way the WordPress plugin page works (here is an example: http://wordpress.org/plugins/buddypress/ )
The idea would be to have a page for each game and then this page would pull out content in each tabs to display different content:
News would be articles with the game name as a tag
Screeshots would be images from the media manager I would have tagged with the name of the game
Game review and user voting in the sidebar
Again, this seem to be a very basic taxonomy/custom post type system but I just don't know where to start and I can't find the right words to explain it to do a proper google search.
Thank you for your help.
What you need is to create a "custom post type". In other words, something like a post, but with more / different fields. I suggest you use the plugin: "custom content type manager".
After you create the custom post type you need, you will only have to create a page / post the summarizes the custom content you have built. For that you will also use the same plugin.

Wordpress - Best way to differentiate between Blog Posts and News Posts

I am implementing a clients website in wordpress that has both news and blog posts. The homepage is satic page but the nav bar has the links to two different types of posts - NEWS AND BLOGS. Though both are exactly same however they are to be made accessible entirely separate from each other through the navigation bar.
Now I would like to know what is the best possible way to differentiate between the two in the admin panel:
I mean i can create custom post types for either one or for both the types or on the other hand create no custom post type but just a taxonomy to divide the two into different parts as news posts and blog posts. Also I think I can use the custom field option to differentiate between the two...
Kindly keep in mind that the news and blog posts will be made by the client himself...
Going with this train of thought
Kindly keep in mind that the news and blog posts will be made by the client himself
I think that the best option would be to create a custom post type for "news" and leave the standard blog posts unchanged.
As you can see in the official documentation. Once you create a custom post type, a new top-level option will be created in the admin panel.
Which would allow for the following use scenarios:
Posts > Add New
Posts > All Posts
News > Add New
News > All News
Keeping the taxonomies out of this is also a good idea. Because that would allow you to keep them meaningful and share them among different post types.
e.g: clicking on "open source" category would show a list of "posts" and "news" related to that particular topic.
This yoast article covers a few more advanced scenarios and how to manage them.
Using custom-fields would probably confuse the end user. Especially because there will be times where they forget to add the field altogether, and wonder why the post is not showing on the page at all.
hope this helps

Page Template Custom Options

I have a little question. I am making a wordpress template that uses custom page templates. Now i ran into a problem. I want to create a page with a intro text and blog posts that come from a certain category. When a user creates a new page, I want them to be able to select the category from witch the posts are shown. Kinda like a drop down box with category's from where they can select the category they want. Does anyone maby knows a tutorial where I could learn how to do this ?
I mean something like this: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/10/naamloosea.jpg/
I already searched google but I could only find tutorials on how to make a template options page.
Thanks in advance,
You would want to create a Meta Box to save the category as a custom field entry within Pages. In here you could list the categories within a select box. You could then use this in the page template to pull in the posts from that category as you wish. I'll see if I can dig out a decent tutorial for this.
I did a quick search and found the following plugin for WordPress that may be of use... http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/map-categories-to-pages/

Linking Custom Post Types in Wordpress?

I have three Custom Post Types in Wordpress: artists, writers, stories
Is it possible to "link" the posts? For example, if a story is written by a writer and illustrated by an artist, I would like to show in the story page a picture of the writer (linked to the writer's page) and other stories illustrated by the artist.
Use the Posts 2 Posts Plugin
It gives you the chance to make relationships between post types.
I used it to link Clients to Projects and it worked like a charm.
P.S.: The answer given earlier will be needed to, you will need to make templates to display this all.
You probably want a custom single page template.
Adding a new template for those post types is easy. You can add a new template for each post type, like "single-artist.php" in which you put together the page to display the artist info. On the "single-story.php" you can arrange it so that the appropriate links are added where necessary.

Creating relationships between posts in WordPress

Is there a way to create an exlicit relationship between two posts in WordPress regarless of what categories those posts might be in?
The idea is that within the post template it would be obtain and list the related posts for the current post.
I'm guessing you could achieve this using tags to group posts together, but that seems to be a hi-jacking of the tag system for a purpose for which is wasn't designed.
Any ideas?
Would adding post IDs as meta data help? I had written a quick hack to display the Digg box for posts that were submitted to Digg. I was manually adding a digg_url meta field with the Digg URL. Perhaps you could add multiple related__post fields and add some code to iterate through all and render post links? Are you looking for a more automated solution?
Maybe I didn't catch the point, but Categories are not just there for that purpose?
I may have miss understood the question. But tags, archives and categories are there to "connect" posts, on the basis of that common connection.
Other than that, I can only see ...
Manually linking posts from with the text of a blog post or
Using plugins. Two I user are similar posts (http://rmarsh.com/plugins/similar-posts/) and SEO Smart Links (http://www.prelovac.com/vladimir/wordpress-plugins/seo-smart-links)
Similar posts if highly configurable and allows the blog to automatically suggest "related posts" and SEO Smart Links, links (in post) words or phrases to related posts.
All the best
