ASP.Net site upload not working -

I have uploaded a site built with 2.0 in a sub directory created by the plesk control panel. The subfolder name is "test" and it has the same files as root. However I am not being able to browse the files in the test folder, it's showing a directory listing denied message.
Here is the link:
even is not working and asking for authentication, when the same files are working as expected at
Any kind of help would be appreciated. Many thanks in advance.

You have to enable "Directory Listing" in iis to view the list of files. It seems the folder "test" does not have a default page. Is it a shared hosting?

I'd check the IIS settings. You may need to enable anonymous access to the site.


Application hosted on IIS not able to read some html files placed on the same server in diffenrent folder

I have an ASP.NET application hosted on IIS. And have some html files in a folder under "c" drive on the same server. My application try to read those files and display some content from those files onto the webpage. But it seems like application is not able to read those html files. I have tried with all the permissions.
LIKE : giving that folder "Network service" "Network", "ISUR" full control permissions. But application is displaying
404 File or Folder not found error. Please suggest.
Under file Properties > Security > Group or user names > make sure that user IIS_IUSRS has access to the file.
And remember that it's not a good practice to allow webserver to access files on C.
Webserver should be limited to inetpub.

what is a root directory in IIS 6 and How do I make one of my subfolder in ASP.NET website the root directory?

I need to integrate a third party plugin in my website. To install the plugin, they have mentioned this sentence, "Create an application through your IIS control panel with root directory at -(some path from my website folder)?".
I am not much aware with IIS and rarely worked with it. Though I tried every possible way I could do in IIS, I am not able to work it out. After installation, there is a test page provided by plugin which I have to run to check but when I run it, it shows this error.
"It is an error to use a section registered as allowDefinition='MachineToApplication' beyond application level. This error can be caused by a virtual directory not being configured as an application in IIS."
I searched this error too and found that it is because the two Web.Config file, one from the main project and another from plugin folder. The only way to work with this, is to make the plugin folder they specified as a root directory in IIS. Someone kindly tell me some easy steps to do this.
What I was doing is, in IIS6, I added New website with the main folder of my website, then I right click>add application and choose the given path, thought it would become root directory but it is not.
Help would be appreciated. Also note that, I have to put the plugin folder in my main website folder only. So, there are two web.config. I tried to rename one of them too, it solved the above error but gave another errors but I think main problem is of root directory. P.S they show me above error on web.config file of plugin folder on this sentence-
"Line 51:
< authentication mode="Windows" />"
Most of the times the root directory is C:\inetpub\wwwroot folder and "Default Web Site" on IIS Manager.
Open IIS Manager and under Sites there should be IIS websites and under it you will probably see Default website. You can see the root directory with Right click/Settings.
Copy your website files under this root directory.
And after copying folder to root folder you will see this folder under Default websites on IIS.
Right click your directory name on IIS and "Create Application", select correct .net framework.
It should be work. Good luck, if you need more help please give more details on your server IIS.

Set default directory in

Is there a way to configure the default directory in web.config?
My Default.aspx file is not in the root folder but in /Public/Default.aspx.
I found this post : Set Default Page in but it does't work, probably because it's only to configure the default page and not the default directory...
You'll want to configure this in IIS.
You have your website already setup, and all you need to do is add an "Application" within that website.
Add Application...
You can also create a Virtual Directory which would give a similar result. Unfortunately you will still be navigating to
My question to you is, what is in the wwwroot directory? Is there a different website? Why not launch two websites within IIS?
Here's more information C/O #waqas

Deployed website shows it folder file list

I built Deployment package and feed IIS with that, but when I trying to visit my site, I see only files of root folder like FTP
Whats wrong ?
Do you have a default or index page? Also, in IIS you should disable directory browsing.

Prevent site directory from being displayed

I have a subdomain on which I have put up all the js code for my webiste to interact with another application. For eg: at
Whenever, the user types this address,, all the contents of the directory are listed. How do I prevent this thing? I do not have nay index.html or index.aspx here.
In your IIS Configuration, turn off Directory browsing.
If you say what version of IIS you're using, then we can give specific steps on how to turn directory browsing off.
