Flex, Flexunit: How to test that an event is dispatched twice? - apache-flex

I'm testing some event dispatch code in a Flex app, using FlexUnit's addAsync method for testing that events are dispatched. Great so far, I can ensure that at least one event was fired. However, I want to be a bit more detailed; I want to ensure that exactly the set of events I'm expecting are dispatched. Is there a useful test pattern (or, even, different test framework -- I'm flexible!) to accomplish this?
I tried this code, but it doesn't seem to get invoked the second time:
protected function expectResultPropertyChange(event: Event, numberOfEvents: int = 1): void {
trace("Got event " + event + " on " + event.target + " with " + numberOfEvents + " traces left...");
assertTrue(event.type == ResponseChangedEvent.RESPONSE_CHANGED);
if (numberOfEvents > 1) {
event.target.addEventListener(ResponseChangedEvent.RESPONSE_CHANGED, addAsync(expectResultPropertyChange, 1000, numberOfEvents - 1));
public function testSomething(): void {
requiredQuestion.addEventListener(ResponseChangedEvent.RESPONSE_CHANGED, addAsync(expectResultPropertyChange, 1000, 2));
requiredQuestion.responseSelected("1", true);
requiredQuestion.responseSelected("2", true);

In response to the comment...
What if the event is dispatched
directly? responseSelected doesn't
trigger an asynchronous event on a
composite object, it simply dispatched
the RESPONSE_CHANGED event itself
directly. I'm not seeing how this
approach can be mocked using your
method. Mind you, I'm fuzzy on the
mock testing practice as-is, so I'm
probably missing a simple solution
..in that case you don't need to use a mock or addAsync. Something like this will do:
public function testSomething(): void
var requiredQuestion : RequiredQuestion = new RequiredQuestion();
var callCount : int = 0;
requiredQuestion.addEventListener(ResponseChangedEvent.RESPONSE_CHANGED, function(event : ResponseChangedEvent)
requiredQuestion.responseSelected("1", true);
requiredQuestion.responseSelected("2", true);
assertEquals(2, callCount);

This is going to be a high level example of how a similar problem could be solved using a mocked out object of whatever it is that's doing the asynchronous call. Obviously i can't see your code so i can't give you a precise example.
So, as i said in the comment, you can mock out a dependency in a class to fake asynchronous calls so that they become synchronous. Take the below class
public class RequiredQuestion extends EventDispatcher
private var someAsynchronousObject : IAsynchronousObject;
public function RequiredQuestion(someAsynchronousObject : IAsynchronousObject = null)
someAsynchronousObject = someAsynchronousObject || new AsynchronousObject();
someAsynchronousObject.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, asyncCallComplete);
public function responseSelected(id : String, flag : Boolean) : void
//Will asynchronously fire the Event.COMPLETE event
protected function asyncCallComplete(event : Event) : void
dispatchEvent(new ResponseChangedEvent(ResponseChangedEvent.RESPONSE_CHANGED));
So by default you are using the concrete class that you want to use unless someAsynchronousObjec is injected into the class via the constructor. AsycnhronousObject probably has it's own unit tests or it's in an external class so you don't really want, or need to be testing its functionality. What you can now do is create a mock object that implements IAsynchronousObject that can be used to fake its behavior. Using the ASMock framework the test could look something like this:
public function testSomething(): void
var mockIAsycnhronousObject : IAsynchronousObject =
IAsynchronousObject(mockRepository.createStrict( IAsynchronousObject));
.dispatchEvent(new Event(Event.COMPLETE)); // all calls to the startAsynchronousCall method and dispatch the complete event everytime it's called.
var requiredQuestion : RequiredQuestion = new RequiredQuestion(mockIAsycnhronousObject);
var callCount : int = 0;
requiredQuestion.addEventListener(ResponseChangedEvent.RESPONSE_CHANGED, function(event : ResponseChangedEvent)
requiredQuestion.responseSelected("1", true);
requiredQuestion.responseSelected("2", true);
assertEquals(2, callCount);
This is just one example of how mocking can help you unit tests. There's a whole wealth of info out there on mocking although it is still very new to ActionScript (released in December). ASMock is based on the .net Rhino mocks so searching for Rhino mocks should throw up a lot more results if you need help.
Definitely a different way of thinking but once you get into it you tend to wonder how you got by in unit testing without them.


How to test the method passed to subscribe method of the PubSubEvent in the Wpf Prism library?

I have two ViewModels, MainWindowShellViewModel(shellVm) and MainWindowContentViewModel(contentVm). The shellVm publishes an event and the contentVm subscribes to it.
The shell VM looks something like the following. I have omitted many details.
// ctor
public MainWindowShellViewModel(IEventAggregator eventAggregator)
_EventAggregator = eventAggregator ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(IEventAggregator) + " service injected is null!!!");
_AppStartingClosingEventToken = _EventAggregator.GetEvent<AppStartingClosingEvent>();
private void MainWindowShellLoaded()
var payload = new AppStartingClosingEventData();
payload.Data = "MainWindowStarting";
The AppStartingClosingEvent is a no brainer type as follows.
public class AppStartingClosingEvent : PubSubEvent<AppStartingClosingEventData>
{ }
public class AppStartingClosingEventData
public string Data { get; set; }
And finally, the contentVm looks as follows.
public MainWindowContentViewModel(IEventAggregator eventAggregator)
private void AppStartingClosing(AppStartingClosingEventData appStartingClosingEventData)
if (appStartingClosingEventData.Data == "MainWindowStarting")
if (appStartingClosingEventData.Data == "MainWindowClosing")
I want to test the that the method AppStartingClosing inside of contentVm is called with proper data. I am using Moq
I am running out of ideas. Please suggest. Tried the following but so far no success.
How do I test Prism event aggregator subscriptions, on the UIThread?
Using Moq to verify a Prism event subscription fails
Unit testing with Moq, Prism 6, and Event Aggregation
Moq Event Aggregator Is it possible
// Verifying a delegate was called with Moq
Here is what I have tried.
// Arrange
var mockingKernel = new MoqMockingKernel();
var eventAggregatorMock = mockingKernel.GetMock<IEventAggregator>();
var eventBeingListenedTo = new AppStartingClosingEvent();
eventAggregatorMock.Setup(e => e.GetEvent<AppStartingClosingEvent>()).Returns(eventBeingListenedTo);
var vm = mockingKernel.Get<MainWindowContentViewModel>();
var evData = new AppStartingClosingEventData();
evData.Data = "MainWindowStarting";
// Act
Now, what should I do? I am not even clear if I have approached correctly.
Now what should I do?
After eventBeingListenedTo.Publish(evData); look whether whatever effect SaveState should have is actually happening.
I am not even clear if I have approached correctly.
You do not want to test whether one method in a class is called by another method of that class.
So instead of trying to do
MagicallyVerifyThatThisGotCalled( () => subjectUnderTest.SomeEffect() );
you should do
var subjectUnderTest = new SubjectUnderTest( serviceMock.Object );
serviceMock.Verify( x => x.SomeEffectOnTheService(), Times.Once );
Assert.That( subjectUnderTest.SomePropertyThatsChanged, Is.EqualTo( newValue ) );
Whatever SubjectUnderTest does internally to achieve the desired effect, is not in the scope of the test. It's private to SubjectUnderTest, you don't care how it is done as long as it is done at all. When testing, look at the externally visible state of your subject under test, and what it does to its dependencies.

Call function after remote call in Flex

I have a function in Flex which has three function in it.
public function update():void
A(); \\Dispatches a event with Remote Call
B(); \\Dispatches another event with Remote Call
I wan't to call C() after both A() and B() have returned from their call and set particular variables. How can i do that?
If you find yourself doing this often (esp. with more than 2 remote calls), you might want to write your own custom class that handles AsyncTokens from remote calls with a final result() function that is invoked when all remote calls end in success.
If not, since ActionScript is single-threaded, you can just use a local variable to track whether both calls have succeeded.
private var resultFromRemoteCallA:Object;
private var resultFromRemoteCallB:Object;
private function handleRemoteCallA(event:ResultEvent):void {
resultFromRemoteCallA = event.result;
private function handleRemoteCallB(event:ResultEvent):void {
resultFromRemoteCallB = event.result;
private function C():void {
if (resultFromRemoteCallA && resultFromRemoteCallB) {
// do some thing with the results.
private function update():void {
resultFromRemoteCallA = resultFromRemoteCallB = null;
A(); B();
If you expect null values, you might want to use a boolean variable to track the invocation of the result handler instead.
EDIT: since the author indicated that the dispatch happens in another class, another way to do it would be to pass along a responder and attach it to the AsyncToken like so (in the callee):
private function dispatchRemoteCall(resultHandler:Function, faultHandler: Function): void {
var resultToken: AsyncToken = remoteObject.foo('bar'); // remoteObject may or may not have a result/fault handler
resultToken.addResponder(new mx.rpc.Responder(resultHandler, faultHandler));
Then, you can pass along listeners to be invoked when the remote call finishes (at which point you can choose to let the dispatching class store the result or handle it in the caller), like so:
private function update(): void {
classA.dispatchRemoteCall(handleRemoteCallA, handleRemoteCallAFault);
If you find yourself doing this a lot, you may also want to look into having a framework do global event routing, like Parsley or Spring Actionscript.

Flex event will only fire once

In an AIR application, I have a private variable and a setter:
private var _saveResult
public function set saveResult( result:String ):void
_saveResult = result;
dispatchEvent( new resultUpdatedEvent( _saveResult ));
The first time that I set "saveResult" the event fires. But it will never fire again unless I restart the application.
If I change the setter to:
public function set saveResult( result:String ):void
_saveResult = result;
if ( result != null)
dispatchEvent( new resultUpdatedEvent( _saveResult ));
The problem goes away, I can set the variable many times and the event fires every time.
My question:
Am I doing something wrong here? If not, can anyone explain to me whats happening? If so, what SHOULD I be doing?
It looks like you're constructing your event incorrectly. The first parameter of an Event object should always be a string. So in this case you'd want to always use the same string so you could listen for the event. What does your resultUpdatedEvent class look like? You'll want it to look something like this:
package myEvents
import flash.events.Event;
public class PropertyChangeEvent extends Event
public static const PROPERTY_CHANGE:String = "propertyChange";
public var result:String = "";
// Public constructor.
public function PropertyChangeEvent (type:String,
result:String="") {
// Call the constructor of the superclass.
// Set the new property.
this.result= result;
// Override the inherited clone() method.
override public function clone():Event {
return new PropertyChangeEvent(type, result);
That way, when you go to dispatch your event, you can construct the event as follows:
new PropertyChangeEvent(PropertyChangeEvent.PROPERTY_CHANGE, result);
That way, you're listening for the event "PropertyChangeEvent.PROPERTY_CHANGE", which never changes. The problem is now your event listener is probably listening for an event represented by the string saved in result, and obviously, this changes after the first time it's set, so there's no way to assign a listener to it.
For more information about how events work in AS3: http://livedocs.adobe.com/flex/3/html/help.html?content=events_02.html
Per the comments...
There was no event dispatcher problem.
I misdiagnosed the problem, the REAL problem was that if you have a [Bindable] property and you use a setter, and you set it for the current value, flex will ignore it. SO, you have several choices:
1) give the getter and setter different names. Seems like a "bad idea" but it does fix the problem.
2) remove [Bindable] from either the class (my problem) or the property. If the class does not implement IEventDispatcher, you will need to do so. You can simply "extends Sprite" to see it work, but that seems like a "bad idea" as a solution, so I implemented IEventDispatcher per the example at the end of this page: http://livedocs.adobe.com/flash/9.0/ActionScriptLangRefV3/flash/events/IEventDispatcher.html
3) I am sure that there is a way to get around this bug, but I don't actually NEED the class to be [Bindable] so I did not find a work around.

Programming synchronous web service calls in flex

Web service calls are asynchronous in flex, but I wanted to wrap a web service call in a class to provide synchronous encapsulation. Something like the below - the user could call getMyMethodResult and get the result returned by the web service. I expected the thread that recieved the soap response would populate the variable _result and mean that getMyMethod would, after a time, find _result is not longer null. But it doesn't! Can anyone explain why this does not work?
public class myClass
private var _result:Object;
public function myClass()
//create a web service object
// Add listener
public function getMyMethodResult()
while (_result == null)
// count a variable or something (unimportant)
return _result;
private function myMethodListener(event:Event):void
_result = event.result;
There's is absolutely no support for that. The event loop runs between frames and as long as you block the execution with your (infinite) loop, your myMethodListener function will not be called. Anyway, this would be a terrible idea since the absence of threading in the Flash Player will cause your UI to freeze while you wait for your service to return. You should just drop that idea.

FlexUnit component testing patterns: use addAsync or manually initialize?

We've been using Flex for about 6 months here at work, and I found that my first batches of FlexUnit tests involving custom components would tend to follow this sort of pattern:
import mx.core.Application;
import mx.events.FlexEvent;
import flexunit.framework.TestCase;
public class CustomComponentTest extends TestCase {
private var component:CustomComponent;
public function testSomeAspect() : void {
component = new CustomComponent();
// set some properties...
addAsync(verifySomeAspect, 5000));
component.height = 0;
component.width = 0;
public function verifySomeAspect(event:FlexEvent) : void {
// Assert some things about component...
override public function tearDown() : void {
try {
if (component) {
component = null;
} catch (e:Error) {
// ok to ignore
Basically, you need to make sure the component has been fully initialized before you can reliably verify anything about it, and in Flex this happens asynchronously after it has been added to the display list. So you need to setup a callback (using FlexUnit's addAsync function) to be notified when that's happened.
Lately i've been just manually calling the methods that the runtime would call for you in the necessary places, so now my tests tend to look more like this:
import flexunit.framework.TestCase;
public class CustomComponentTest extends TestCase {
public function testSomeAspect() : void {
var component:CustomComponent = new CustomComponent();
// set some properties...
// Assert some things about component...
This is much easier to follow, but it kinda feels like I'm cheating a little either way. The first case is slamming it into the current Application (which would be the unit test runner shell app), and the latter isn't a "real" environment.
I was wondering how other people would handle this sort of situation?
I see nothing wrong with using the async version. I can agree that the second version is shorter, but I'm not sure that I think it's easier to follow. The test does a lot of things that you wouldn't normally do, whereas the first example is more true to how you would use the component outside the test environment.
Also, in the second form you have to make sure that you do exactly what the framework would do, miss one step and your test isn't relevant, and each test must repeat this code. Seems to me it's better to test it in a situation that is as close to the real thing as possible.
You could have a look at dpUint's sequences, they made component testing a little more declarative:
public function testLogin():void {
var passThroughData:Object = new Object();
passThroughData.username = "myuser1";
passThroughData.password = "somepsswd";
var sequence:SequenceRunner = new SequenceRunner(this);
sequence.addStep(new SequenceSetter(form.usernameTI, {text:passThroughData.username}));
sequence.addStep(new SequenceWaiter(form.usernameTI, FlexEvent.VALUE_COMMIT, 100));
sequence.addStep(new SequenceSetter(form.passwordTI, {text:passThroughData.password}));
sequence.addStep(new SequenceWaiter(form.passwordTI, FlexEvent.VALUE_COMMIT, 100));
sequence.addStep(new SequenceEventDispatcher(form.loginBtn, new MouseEvent("click", true, false)));
sequence.addStep(new SequenceWaiter(form, "loginRequested", 100));
sequence.addAssertHandler(handleLoginEvent, passThroughData);
(example from the dpUint wiki, see here for more info).
