dos date/time calculation - datetime

I am working on a project that involves converting data into dos date and time. using a hex editor (Hex Workshop) i have looked through the file manually and and found the values I am looking for, however I am unsure how they are calculated. I am told that the int16 value 15430 corresponds to the date 06/02/2010 but i can see no correlation, also the value 15430 corresponds to the time 07:34:12 but i am lost in how it is calculated. any help with these calculations would be very welcomed

You need to look at the bits in those numbers.
See here for details:

I know this post is very old but I think the time 07:34:12 corresponds to 15436 (not 15430).


is JQ Transform modifying numbers? How can I get past it?

Why this ("Filter" in
returns this ("Result" in
{"key": 633447818234478200}
Original JSON doesn't matter.
Why is it changing 180 into 200? How can I overcome this? Is this a bug? A number too big?
I believe this is because jq can only represent legal JSON data and the number you've given is outside the range that can be represented without loss of precision. See also
What is JavaScript's highest integer value that a number can go to without losing precision?
If you need to work with larger numbers as strings in jq you may want to try this library:
jq-bigintA big integer library for working with possibly-signed arbitrarily long decimal strings. Written by Peter Koppstein (#pkoppstein) and released under the MIT license.

How to convert string as YYYY-MM-DD:HH:mm:SS:sss into epoch time?

I have a string as YYYY-MM-DD:HH:mm:SS:sss (ex : 2017-10-11:04:36:26.376). Now I want to convert it into epoch time . What would be programmatic approach for this ?
I am programming in C++, able to extract information in variable.
It turns out there is a formula, but it's fairly ugly. I originally implemented something similar in BASIC 2.0 in 1982 (when each byte counted), and later converted it to Perl:
sub datestar {
Note that this takes something like "20171011", not "2017-10-11", and doesn't convert hours/minutes/seconds (which are easy to convert).
As always, doublecheck code before use, and use it as a template to write your own code if you really want to.
However, you would be infinitely better off using your programming language's existing functions to do this.
As others said the formula is so complex and would make whole code a mess, So to avoid these I am calculating the number of days from Input date to 01-01-2000. As I know epoch time till 01-01-2000, thus by finding number of days considering leap year I can calculate total epoch time.

SPSS date format when imported into R

I have not worked with SPSS (.sav) files before and am trying to work with some data files provided to me by importing them into R. I did not receive any explanation of the files, and because communication is difficult I am trying to figure out as much as I can on my own.
Here's my first question. This is what the Date field looks like in an R data frame after import:
> dataset2$Date[1:4]
[1] 13608172800 13608259200 13608345600 13608345600
I don't know what dates the data is supposed to be for, but I found that if I divide the above numbers by 10, that seems to give a reasonable date (in February 2013). Can anyone confirm this is indeed what the above represents?
My second question is regarding another column called Begin_time. Here's what that looks like:
> dataset2$Begin_time[1:4]
[1] 29520 61800 21480 55080
Any idea what this is representing? I want to believe this is some representation of time of day because the records are for wildlife observations, but I haven't got more info than that to try to guess. I noticed that if I take the difference between End_Time and Begin_time I get numbers like 120 and 180, which seems like minutes to me (3 hours seems reasonable to observe a wild animal), but the absolute numbers are far greater than the number of minutes in a day (1440), so that leaves me puzzled. Is this some time keeping format from SPSS? If so, what's the logic?
Unfortunately, I don't have access to SPSS, so any help would be much appreciated.
I had the same problem and this function is a good solution:
pss2date <- function(x) as.Date(x/86400, origin = "1582-10-14")
This is where I found the answer:
Dates in SPSS Statistics are represented as floating point doubles holding the number of seconds since Oct 1, 1582. If you use the SPSS R plugin apis, they can be automatically converted to R dates, but any proper converter should be able to do this for you.

Mismatch when converting unix timestamp to date

I have a database (in CSV) with unix timestamps. I try to convert them in LibreOffice Calc into a human readable date. Everything is ok... except a one-day-lag.
For example, my timestamp is -518144400 (in E2 cell).
My function is : =E2/86400+DATEVAL("1/1/1970").
I obtain 19572,9583333333 which correspond to 1953-07-31.
This on-line calculator confirm the result.
What is the problem ? Just that the right answer is 1953-08-01.
First, I thought the timestamps contained a mistake. But, in this PHP calendar, if I paste -518144400 as parameter in the URL, it works. The on-line calendar associate this timestamp to (what I think is) the right answer.
I don't understand what happens. What I missed ?
One solution could be adding +1 in my function to correct. But I'm not satisfied, I'd like to understand...
It depends on conversion time zone, I mean that -518144400 (Timestamp) is equal to 1953-07-31 in GMT
While it will be 1953-08-01 in all other Time Zone where Time Relative to GTM is +1 or more.

MS Project - Column with formula does not calculate correctly

I am trying to add an indicator light to my MS Project sheet similar to this one: Late Indicator Tool. I'm using a simplified formula: IIf([% Complete]<>100,DateDiff("d",[Deadline],[Finish]))
For any row that I enter all the information by hand, the formula works perfectly. However, the formula returns 0 for any rows where I paste data in from other project files (even if all I paste in is the task name).
Even if I attempt to use an even simpler formula ([Deadline]-[Finish]), it still returns 0 (and breaks even further by returning 4294925695.29 or 4294925708.67 instead of #Error in the rows where the Deadline is NA).
Has anyone else had any issues with calculated columns in MS Project and can help me fix it?
EDIT: I gave up on this approach when I discovered a work-around: There is a column called "Finish Variance" that will automatically calculate the difference between the Finish date and the date in the "Baseline Finish" column (which I am now using instead of "Deadline").
Your first problem sounds like your project may be corrupted (or the file that you are pasting from). I suggest building a small sample project to see if you can replicate this error. (I could not replicate it.)
As for the second problem, when the Deadline is NA, Project is substituting a default value of the largest unsigned 32-bit integer (2^32-1). To avoid this unintended value, use an If statement in your formula to return your own value in case Deadline is NA.
