ASP .NET 2.0 on Apache (Windows XP)? -

I am building an ASP .NET 2.0 web app for an intranet environment. The site may have to be hosted on an XP machine in the LAN. IIS would restrict the number of connections to 40.
My requirements are different - the number of clients in the LAN could be much higher - say upto 1000 or maybe even more.
The site is built using ASP .NET 2.0 and extensively uses ASP .NET Ajax 1.0.
What options do I have? Is hosting it on an Apache server possible? (with ASP .NET Ajax)
If not, any alternatives?
EDIT: I've heard about ultidev cassini. Is that a good option (ASP .NET 2.0+ ASP .NET AJAX 1.0)?

I wouldn't consider cassini, in my experience it's too slow for production. Other alternatives:
Apache + mod_mono (but your app would be running under Mono instead of "standard" .net, which may or may not bring its own problems)
Apache + mod_aspdotnet (but this mod seems rather old and unmaintained)
Buy a Windows Web Server license (2003 or 2008), but I guess that's not an option is it? :-)

With those sorts of numbers, you should be able to justify a license really - will they all be accessing the server concurrently - if not you might be able to get away with the XP hosting.
How are you managing 1000 users without a single server instance in there - surely one of them has a bit of capacity to run IIS?
You can get a Windows Web Server 2008 License from around $469
This doesn't require CALs for access, but (IANAL) you might not be able use Windows Auth with that and it should be a public facing website...

Related website not starting default.aspx (apache 2.4 on Windows 10 Pro; IIS 10)

So, I setup a Win10 box as an Apache server; built VS19 webforms app, which works as expected when run in VS. published to the C:\Apache24\htdocs folder. Now, I setup port forwarding on my ISP-provided "Internet IP Address" to point to my local server. If I use any browser (outside of my LAN) to access that address (e.g. http://xx.yy.zz.qq - not showing actual IP for security reasons) I will see the page titled "index of /", and the list of files that I published to that htdocs folder. If I put in INDEX.HTML file in that folder, it will be displayed; but since I see Default.aspx as the 1st entry in the IIS Default Documents list, with NO index.html present, I still just see the list of files, not the aspx. I don't think the fact that I've not yet established a DomainName-to-IP binding should make any difference to this issue, but I can't be sure. Any thoughts? As you might guess, I've not done this before! :) ). TIA!
I made sure that the VS instance of the website was not running, just in case that might cause IIS confusion; but I don't think that would be the case.
As noted, I can't see how a non .net server going to run/launch/process correctly aspx pages that require IIS as the web server?
I mean, IIS can't run a web site designed for Apache, nor can say IBM "web spere" web server either.
I am trying "hard" to think how a application built in .net framework going to work with a web server that not designed to work with the .net framework?
I mean, if you have a computer, and have a word document, then you need word installed to work with that document.
If you have a PDF file on your computer, then you have to install some PDF software to use that PDF document.
A web server is not some "magic" box, but is a plane jane computer, with some software installed on it. So, if you build a aspx .net framework site in .net, then that computer will require the .net framework to have been installed, and require the correct type of software to work with those pages - in this case IIS.
Now, to be fair, you CAN do this with .net core, since .net core can run on quite much "any" computer (that supports nigex). However EVEN in that case, they FAKE and TRICK you, since how they achieve this "magic trick" is when you build the .net core application, the build process includes a WHOLE WEB SERVER as part of the build!!! (this lighter weight web server (kestrel) thus can work if you forward the ports and requests say from Apache, or quite much any web server. But MAKE NO MISTAKE here, a WHOLE .net core compatiable web server is included in that build, and thus that .net web server IS STILL required to run that .net code.
Unfortunately, the .net framework (as opposed to the .net core choice) does not upon build of your web site INCLUDE that WHOLE WEB SERVER as part of the build.
So, .net framework sites requite the correct software to work, and that correct software in this case is the web server called IIS (Internet Information Services).
You can no more suggest/attempt/assume that some program to load and read a PDF document is now out of the blue going to consume and work with Excel files, or word files.
Software build to a particular library of code requires the correct software to run and work. Kind of simple!!
So, a computer with a web server?
That is JUST a computer with software installed on it, and you need the correct software installed on that computer to consume the files etc. it was designed form.
Apache web server can no more consume a "application" or "web site" designed for IIS then it can consume other files etc. that are designed for use with a 100% different application. this is how all software works, and it not clear why you would think that Apache, or IIS, or word or Excel would work any different at all here?
Now, there was the "mono" project, and that was a port of .net framework that allowed the .net framework to run say on Linux, and there are some examples of some attempts to run aspx pages that way, but it is a galactic mess of epic proportions, and really not the way to go.
However, as stated, the .net core system DOES run on just about any platform, and it does have the above "magic trick" of being able to run on Apache, but behind the scenes, that software build actually includes a WHOLE WORKING web server that is .net core compatible, and that WHOLE web server is included with your build, and thus some are "fooled" by this magic trick that .net core web sites can run on Apache. They look like they can, but they are not, and in that example case (of .net core, NOT .net framework), the site seeming to work on the Apache web server? Nope, what occurs is the Apache web server simple hands off any web request to the REAL WORKING AND INSTALLED .net core web server!!! (thus Apache really only acts as a router, or "hand off" machine, and all the REAL web processing occurs in the .net core web server called kestrel).
So, you can do as you ask, but you would have to dump "web forms" and build the web site with aspx pages as a .net core web site. If you do that, then YES you can use Apache, and it will work, but behind the scenes, it ONLY works because that build process of the .net site ALSO includes THAT WHOLE COPY AND WORKING COPY of a .net core web server as part of the build. As noted, this magic trick option during the build process is NOT available for .net framework, but is most certainly available for the .net core choice.
So, in your case of using Apache? Software designed for a particular type of web server must use the correct type of web server. Same goes for IIS - it can't consume nor run a web site designed for Apache. I mean, how software works on your desktop is not any different then how software on a web server
The pages you have implemented with the .aspx are part of the ASP.NET Web Forms framework. This framework is part of the .NET Framework. The main server required to host Web Forms applications is IIS (Internet Information Services). Since you are working on a Windows machine, you can research how to setup IIS to host your Web Forms site if you wish. If you still want to use Apache as the front end for your site, you can even have it proxy requests to your site hosted in IIS, although there's probably little benefit and much complexity from such a setup.
Apache out of the box does not include support for hosting Web Forms applications. There is an open source project called Mono that seeks to implement an alternative version of .NET Framework and allows the use of alternative web servers such as Apache. But Mono has largely been superseded by .NET Core.
.NET Core is the official replacement for .NET Framework. It is open source and cross platform by default, and the ASP.NET Core web framework that runs on .NET Core includes a Kestrel web server. This can be utilized with Apache (or any other web server) in front of it, acting as a reverse proxy. It is not a magic trick, but a rather standard approach for web applications these days. However, ASP.NET Core does not include the Web Forms framework, so you would need to re-implement your application in a more modern alternative that's supported by ASP.NET Core if you intend to stay in the .NET ecosystem. There are many alternatives in ASP.NET Core including MVC, Blazor, Razor Pages, and Web API.

What is Kestrel (vs IIS / Express)

What is the kestrel web server and how does it relate to IIS / IIS Express?
I come from developing apps on IIS Express and hosting them on an IIS web server. With ASP.NET Core I have a dependency on Microsoft.AspNetCore.Server.Kestrel and my startup has .UseServer("Microsoft.AspNetCore.Server.Kestrel"). But when I run my website, I still get the IIS Express icon in the system tray. Someone asked me if I was using IIS Express or Kestrel and I didn't know what to say!
I don't have any cross-platform requirements as I develop on a PC and host in Azure, so I'm confused if I even need Kestrel, but it doesn't seem like there's an alternative - even the simplest samples use Kestrel.
I'd like to offer an alternative answer, with some history, so that you might understand why Kestrel comes, even if you only use Windows and IIS.
At the very beginning of ASP.NET development before year 2000, clearly Microsoft created two pieces to host ASP.NET WebForms apps,
Cassini, later became ASP.NET Development Server in Visual Studio. It is a fully managed web server written in C# based on HttpListener. Of course, since it was for development only, many features were never implemented. As Microsoft made the source code of Cassini available for the public, there are third parties who forked the code base and added more features, which started the Cassini family.
ASP.NET support on IIS (revision 1). Because IIS was 4.0 and 5.0/5.1 at that time, which has nothing like application pools, ASP.NET even has its own worker process (aspnet_wp.exe).
So to develop a web app, you use Cassini, and to deploy you use IIS.
The introduction of application pools in IIS 6 required some changes on ASP.NET side, so aspnet_wp.exe became obsolete and replaced by aspnet_isapi.dll. That can be seen as ASP.NET support on IIS revision 2. So ASP.NET apps are being hosted in IIS worker processes w3wp.exe.
The introduction of integrated pipeline in IIS 7 and above required further changes, which replaced aspnet_isapi.dll with webengine4.dll. That can be seen as ASP.NET support on IIS revision 3. ASP.NET and IIS pipelines are unified.
You can see ASP.NET has become much more complex and tightly integrated with IIS, so Cassini started to show its age, and gradually was replaced by IIS Express (a user mode lite IIS).
Thus, in many cases, when people blame that IIS is slow, they should blame ASP.NET in fact. IIS itself without ASP.NET is pretty fast and stable, while ASP.NET was not developed with enough performance metrics in mind (as WebForms focuses quite a lot of productivities and RAD).
Then in November 2014, ASP.NET 5 (later renamed to ASP.NET Core) was announced and became a cross platform technology. Obviously Microsoft needed a new design to support Windows, macOS, and Linux, where all major web servers, nginx/Apache (or other web servers) should be considered besides IIS.
I think many would agree that Microsoft learned quite a lot from NodeJS, and then designed and developed Kestrel (based on libuv initially but might move to other technology soon). It is a light-weight web server like Cassini initially, but later more features are being added (like another answer commented, much more features so can be treated as a full web server). Though fully managed (some native dependencies exist), it is no longer a toy web server like Cassini.
Then why cannot you just use Kestrel? Why IIS Express and potentially IIS, nginx, or Apache are still needed? That primarily is a result of today's internet practice. Most web sites use reverse proxies to take requests from your web browsers and then forward to the application servers in the background.
IIS Express/IIS/nginx/Apache are the reverse proxy servers
Kestrel/NodeJS/Tomcat and so on are the application servers
Another answer already showed a link to Microsoft documentation, so you can take a look.
Microsoft developed HttpPlatformHandler initially to make IIS a good enough reverse proxy for Java/Python and so on, so planned to use it for ASP.NET Core. Issues started to appear during development, so later Microsoft made ASP.NET Core Module specifically for ASP.NET Core. That's ASP.NET support on IIS revision 4.
Starting from ASP.NET Core 2.2, ASP.NET Core Module for IIS (version 2) can host .NET Core environment inside IIS worker process (w3wp.exe), quite similar to ASP.NET 2.x/4.x. This mode is called "IIS in-process hosting". It can be considered as ASP.NET support on IIS revision 5.
Well, quite lengthy, but I hope I put all necessary pieces together and you enjoy reading it.
One recent update (Jan 2023) is that ASP.NET Core/Kestrel can be used to host reverse proxy functionalities itself, as the open source YARP project revealed.
Kestrel/YARP is now widely used inside Microsoft Azure to replace IIS ARR in many scenarios as reported, so literally now you can host your own production web apps with Kestrel/YARP without any other web server (IIS/nginx/Apache) in front as well.
What is Kestrel
It's a full blown web server. You can run your ASP.NET Core application using just Kestrel.
But when I run my website, I still get the IIS Express icon in the system tray
In your ASP.NET application, probably in the wwwroot directory, you'll see a web.config that contains this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<add name="httpPlatformHandler" path="*" verb="*" modules="httpPlatformHandler" resourceType="Unspecified"/>
<httpPlatform processPath="%DNX_PATH%" arguments="%DNX_ARGS%" stdoutLogEnabled="false" startupTimeLimit="3600"/>
This is the HttpPlatformHandler. Essentially, what this does is forward all requests to Kestrel. IIS Express (and IIS for that matter) will not run ASP.NET themselves anymore. Instead, they will act as proxies that simply pass requests and responses back and forth from Kestrel. There is still advantages of using IIS, specifically it gives you security configuration, kernel-level caching, etc.
From ms docs at:
Kestrel is a cross-platform web server for ASP.NET Core based on
libuv, a cross-platform asynchronous I/O library. Kestrel is the web
server that is included by default in ASP.NET Core project templates.
You can use Kestrel by itself or with a reverse proxy server, such as
IIS, Nginx, or Apache. A reverse proxy server receives HTTP requests
from the Internet and forwards them to Kestrel after some preliminary
UPDATE: .net core 2.1, Kestrel uses managed sockets instead of libuv
From core 2.1 docs at:
With the release of ASP.NET Core 2.1, Kestrel's default transport is
no longer based on Libuv but instead based on managed sockets.
Multiple apps on the same port is not supported in Kestrel.
Windows Authentication does not exist on Kestrel.
Request Filtering is much more fully featured in IIS.
Mime Type Mapping is much better in IIS.
HTTP access logs aren’t collected in Kestrel.

How would you compare IIS & Cassini as production servers?

I have an ASP.NET website which is running currently on IIS. Now I want to move that site to run on Cassini.
What are the advantages of Cassini over IIS? What are its disadvantages?
What are your experiences using Cassini as a production web-server?
As far as I know, you cannot use Cassini in production because it listens for localhost requests only. You will have to modify source code and recompile the webserver by yourself.
Another thing is that IIS is built on top of http.sys kernel-level library for maximum performance. I'm not familiar with the latest Cassini versions but last time I checked, it used slower managed TCP sockets.
If your website is not very popular and Cassini has all the features you need, why not... there is nothing wrong with Cassini. It's simple webserver but it's not the only alternative to IIS.
There is Abyss, UltiDev Cassini and I think a few other open-source servers with ASP.NET support.
UltiDev Web Server Pro is a free, redistributable, light-weight web server with lots of enterprise-level feature for ASP.NET applications (from ASP.NET 1.1 to 4). Unlike Cassini, its design has nothing precluding it from serving Internet-facing applications. Created by UltiDev, the vendor of UltiDev Cassini fork, new UWS Pro is functionally closer to IIS than to Cassini. More screenshots.
Easy choice: it's simply not possible to use Cassini in production, because it's not accessible from remote machines (it only listens on localhost).
I would say you are better off, going with something proven to handle scaling, like mod_mono on apache if you are looking for alternative servers.
The integrated pipeline, routing, compression and caching features of iis are hard to replicate. But the app pool and failure rapid response stuff is hard to do without knowledge of the OS and the network stack at a root level.
Cassini doesn't claim to be multi threaded or handle any of the advanced e-tags or other header control issues that can be issues with iis, but are also usually set at sensible defaults in later versions of iis.
For the sake of completeness, you could do the older rails-mongrels model, spin up say 10 cassini's on ports 10100 - 10110, then use ngenx or apache to load ballance requests on those threads, and using a monitoring tool to redo requests to new threads when old ones go out to lunch and constantly be restarting 2 or so ports, because you get overloaded.
There is a good comparison of Cassini and IIS here at StackOverflow
There is no possible angle you can look at cassini or any of it's derivatives and consider using it as anything other than a development/testing server.

Is there a small classic ASP server like ASP.NET Development server that comes with Visual Studio?

I would like to hear if there is a small classic ASP server, similar to the ASP.NET Development server that comes with Visual Studio?
We are a small group that supports a legacy (classic) ASP site, and would therefore like to have a small server that easily can be executed on a Windows XP machine. Currently we're stuck with IIS 5.1 on our development machines (and because we're running XP Pro, we cannot update to IIS 6 or 7).
I've tried installing the Cassini web server, but that doesn't seem to work with classic ASP either.
You're not going to get anything extra from ASP by running on IIS 6 or 7. Are you having any specific issues with being stuck on IIS 5.1?
Have you tried Baby Web Server? -
The short answer is No, there is no small web server that runs classic ASP. There are many alternatives, as mentioned here, such as IIS or Apache plug-ins, but none that has a similar small footprint like the ASP.NET Development Server that comes with Visual Studio and that supports debugging.
There is a small footprint web server that runs Classic ASP.
Its called Abyss Web server. Abyss Web server is produced by Aprelium software and can be downloaded free of charge. Abyss Web server can be configured to run with OR Classic ASP.
The Server can be configured to run without any addition downloads.
To run Classic ASP on the server a program called ActiveHTML written by Selisoft must be downloaded and configured to allow Classic ASP to run on the Abyss web server. Active HTML is on a 45 day free trial and if you like it the purchase price is currently around 30 to 40 euros depending on whether you need a client or server version.
Hope this helps.
Abyss web server supports classic ASP (also ASP.Net, Ruby, and PHP) with a 3rd party extension that cost $$$. But at one point there was a free version of the third party component, you MIGHT be able to find a copy of that still floating around. Not sure about debugging.
Baby ASP Web Server can take care of things for you, PLUS you don't have to install it, so it doesn't plop all sorts of crazy settings into your registry.
Get it here
Your only real choice is to either run Windows server or Vista in order to get the latest version of IIS.
Cassini doesn't support classic asp.
According to this post it is not possible to run ASP on Cassini. A couple of google searches later I have still not been able to find any other alternatives either.
What functionality is it that you're after? If it is the quick-and-easy running features of VS, you can quite easily make the IDE debug on IIS (although ASP cannot technically be "debugged" - what you really do is just run it with the Ctrl+F5 command).
Here is a web site that allows you to run classic ASP pages from any web server (including IIS and Apache), but it costs money:

An easy way to run an ASP.Net application at home?

I'd like to run some small private/home applications on a local machine, but I dislike the idea to set up a full Win2003 Server with IIS for this.
Is there a easy and cheap way to get an ASP.Net application running at home?
Windows 2000 has ASP, Windows XP Professional also can run it. Look up how to turn on IIS, the built in webserver. Sure Win2k3 Server would be a nicer implementation, but for personal stuff, any of them work.
The easiest way, assuming your desktop has an OS that supports it, is the Microsoft Web Platform Installer. Requires XP or higher, but doesn't work on Home editions of XP or Vista. It'll install IIS (which version depends on your OS), SQL Server 2008 Express, the .Net Framework, Visual Web Developer 2008 Express, ASP.NET MVC, Silverlight, and more. There's even a video on the linked page that'll show you how to set it all up.
Try VIsual Studio 2008 Express Web Developer. It's free, and better than many that are not. It comes with a built-in web server so you can compile,deploy and test immediately. No need for IIS.
Depending on what kind of app and what version of .Net you could run Cassini. It's the free, open source web server that supports .Net. I'm not sure if it's been updated to handle 3.5, but I used to use at home to run some pretty serioud 2.0 apps that I had written.
Here's the Ultidev version which has been updated: Looks like it'll handle 3.5, so pretty much anything you have.
I have been running .NET apps on my home machine (XP) for years, and ASP apps for years before that. Just install IIS and then the .NET frameworks (and whatever else you need, e.g., MVC) and you are good to go. If your machine is behind a router you will need to port-forward port 80 to your desktop. If you do not have static IP, you can use a free service like to give you a hostname, and you run a small client to keep the DNS for that hostname pointed to your router's IP. If you want to use your own hostname, register one with someone like, and then use a free service like to keep the DNS updated with the correct IP.
