Why does Comet need chunked-encoding response? - http

I read some articles about Comet tech. All of them mentioned that the long-life HTTP response should be Transfer-Encoding: chunked . I'm wondering why it should be chunked-encoded. If the response is not chunked-encoded, the client javascript can still read and parse the responded text, right?
Is there any special reason that Comet response should be chunked-encoded?

Chunked-encoded response is used when the length of the response is not known until the response is completed. An empty chunk indicates the end of the response. This is the only way the client can be notified for the end of response.
All this fit nicely with Comet. You send the first chunk when the request is received. You may also send additional "heartbeat" chunks while waiting for an action to complete. An empty chunk will notify the client that the response is completed.


what is grpc trailers metadata used for?

I was looking through grpc documents and found out that on the server-side you are able to set metadata both in the form of headers and trailers.
Headers seem like the usual replacement for normal HTTP headers with key-value mapping. I don't see any needs for trailers anymore seems the header is serving somewhat a similar purpose or am I missing something here?
Trailers can be used for anything the server wishes to send to the client after processing the request. Typically this should be used for information common to all methods a service provides, for example, data about the load created by the RPC for metrics purposes.
gRPC uses HTTP trailers for two purposes.
it sends its final status (grpc-status) as a trailer header after the content has been sent.
When an application or runtime error occurs during an RPC a Status and Status-Message are delivered in Trailers.
For responses end-of-stream is indicated by the presence of the END_STREAM flag on the last received HEADERS frame that carries Trailers
The second reason is to support streaming use cases. These use cases last much longer than normal HTTP requests. The HTTP trailer is used to give the post-processing result of the request or the response. For example, if there is an error during streaming data processing, you can send an error code using the trailer, which is not possible with the header before the message body.
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HTTP Response Objects

Does every HTTP request need to be paired with a response? When you do some POST or DELETE actions, my understanding is that sometimes you don't need to send back data. I've always been told to send back an empty object, but is that necessary? Also, is sending a status code considered a response?
Q1: Does every HTTP request need to be paired with a response?
Yes, unless client cancel the request. Actually, one HTTP request needs to be paired with one or more HTTP responses. According to RFC7231:
A server listens on a connection for a request, parses each message received, interprets the message semantics in relation to the identified request target, and responds to that request with one or more response messages.
Q2: When you do some POST or DELETE actions, my understanding is that sometimes you don't need to send back data. I've always been told to send back an empty object, but is that necessary?
It's NOT necessary to send back an empty object (payload). According to RFC7230, the response payload is not required:
A server responds to a client's request by sending one or more HTTP response messages, each beginning with... and finally a message body containing the payload body (if any).
However, although you don't have to "send back data", you still need to send back message, such as HTTP response statuc code and some necessary response headers.
Q3: is sending a status code considered a response?
Yes. Theoretically, a minimal HTTP response can only include HTTP protocol version, status code and status code textual phrase.

Does 200 mean the request successfully started or successfully finished?

I realize this might sound like an odd question, but I'm seeing some odd results in my network calls so I'm trying to figure out if perhaps I'm misunderstanding something.
I see situations where in isolated incidents, when I'm uploading data, even though the response is 200, the data doesn't appear on the server. My guess is that the 200 response arrives during the initial HTTP handshake and then something goes wrong after the fact. Is that a correct interpretation of the order of events? Or is the 200 delivered once the server has collected whatever data the sending Header tells it is in the request? (cause if so then I'm back to the drawing board as to how I'm seeing what I'm seeing).
It means it has been successfully finished. From the HTTP /1.1 Spec
10.2.1 200 OK
The request has succeeded. The information returned with the response is dependent on the method used in the request, for example:
GET an entity corresponding to the requested resource is sent in the response;
HEAD the entity-header fields corresponding to the requested resource are sent in the response without any message-body;
POST an entity describing or containing the result of the action;
TRACE an entity containing the request message as received by the end server.
Finished. It doesn't make sense otherwise. Something might go wrong and the code could throw an error. How could the server send that error code when it already sent 200 OK.
What you experience might be lag, caching, detached thread running after the server sent the 200 etc.
A success reply, like 200, is not sent until after server has received and processed the full request. Error replies, on the other hand, may be sent before the request is fully received. If that happens, stop sending your request.

What does client send after receiving a "100 Continue" status code?

Client sends a POST or PUT request that includes the header:
Expect: 100-continue
The server responds with the status code:
100 Continue
What does the client send now? Does it send an entire request (the previously send request line and headers along with the previously NOT sent content)? Or does it only send the content?
I think it's the later, but I'm struggling to find concrete examples online. Thanks.
This should be all the information you need regarding the usage of a 100 Continue response.
In my experienced this is really used when you have a large request body. It could be considered to be roughly complementary to the HEAD method in relation to GET requests - fetch just the header information and not the body (usually) to reduce network load. 100 responses are used to determine whether the server will accept the request based purely on the headers - so that, for example, if you try and send a large POST/PUT request to a non-existent server resource it will result in a 404 before the entire request body has been sent.
So the short answer to your question is - yes, it's the latter. Although, you should always read the RFC for a complete picture. RFC2616 contains 99% of the information you would ever need to know about HTTP - there are some more recent RFCs that settle some ambiguities and offer a few small extensions to the protocol but off the top of my head I can't remember what they are.

HTTP HEAD method and pipelining

I'm writing some code that parses HTTP requests and responses, but it may not see both sides of every conversation.
The HTTP RFC states that a HEAD request should cause exactly the same response as GET except that a message body is not sent. This seems to imply that a Content-Length header would be included.
If HTTP Pipelining is being used, I cannot see how you would reliably parse a pipelined response to a HEAD without having seen the request; the headers would not correctly indicate the length of the response, there is no Transfer-Encoding, and the connection would not necessarily be closed at the end.
Any ideas? Can anyone see any other types of response that cannot be parsed without seeing the request?
I agree. It is not possible to know that the response to the request does not have an entity body, even though the ContentLength header seems to imply the opposite. All implementations should take the request method into account for this reason.
