Finding quaternion representing the rotation from one vector to another - math

I have two vectors u and v. Is there a way of finding a quaternion representing the rotation from u to v?

Quaternion q;
vector a = crossproduct(v1, v2); = a;
q.w = sqrt((v1.Length ^ 2) * (v2.Length ^ 2)) + dotproduct(v1, v2);
Don't forget to normalize q.
Richard is right about there not being a unique rotation, but the above should give the "shortest arc," which is probably what you need.

Half-Way Vector Solution
I came up with the solution that I believe Imbrondir was trying to present (albeit with a minor mistake, which was probably why sinisterchipmunk had trouble verifying it).
Given that we can construct a quaternion representing a rotation around an axis like so:
q.w == cos(angle / 2)
q.x == sin(angle / 2) * axis.x
q.y == sin(angle / 2) * axis.y
q.z == sin(angle / 2) * axis.z
And that the dot and cross product of two normalized vectors are:
dot == cos(theta)
cross.x == sin(theta) * perpendicular.x
cross.y == sin(theta) * perpendicular.y
cross.z == sin(theta) * perpendicular.z
Seeing as a rotation from u to v can be achieved by rotating by theta (the angle between the vectors) around the perpendicular vector, it looks as though we can directly construct a quaternion representing such a rotation from the results of the dot and cross products; however, as it stands, theta = angle / 2, which means that doing so would result in twice the desired rotation.
One solution is to compute a vector half-way between u and v, and use the dot and cross product of u and the half-way vector to construct a quaternion representing a rotation of twice the angle between u and the half-way vector, which takes us all the way to v!
There is a special case, where u == -v and a unique half-way vector becomes impossible to calculate. This is expected, given the infinitely many "shortest arc" rotations which can take us from u to v, and we must simply rotate by 180 degrees around any vector orthogonal to u (or v) as our special-case solution. This is done by taking the normalized cross product of u with any other vector not parallel to u.
Pseudo code follows (obviously, in reality the special case would have to account for floating point inaccuracies -- probably by checking the dot products against some threshold rather than an absolute value).
Also note that there is no special case when u == v (the identity quaternion is produced -- check and see for yourself).
// N.B. the arguments are _not_ axis and angle, but rather the
// raw scalar-vector components.
Quaternion(float w, Vector3 xyz);
Quaternion get_rotation_between(Vector3 u, Vector3 v)
// It is important that the inputs are of equal length when
// calculating the half-way vector.
u = normalized(u);
v = normalized(v);
// Unfortunately, we have to check for when u == -v, as u + v
// in this case will be (0, 0, 0), which cannot be normalized.
if (u == -v)
// 180 degree rotation around any orthogonal vector
return Quaternion(0, normalized(orthogonal(u)));
Vector3 half = normalized(u + v);
return Quaternion(dot(u, half), cross(u, half));
The orthogonal function returns any vector orthogonal to the given vector. This implementation uses the cross product with the most orthogonal basis vector.
Vector3 orthogonal(Vector3 v)
float x = abs(v.x);
float y = abs(v.y);
float z = abs(v.z);
Vector3 other = x < y ? (x < z ? X_AXIS : Z_AXIS) : (y < z ? Y_AXIS : Z_AXIS);
return cross(v, other);
Half-Way Quaternion Solution
This is actually the solution presented in the accepted answer, and it seems to be marginally faster than the half-way vector solution (~20% faster by my measurements, though don't take my word for it). I'm adding it here in case others like myself are interested in an explanation.
Essentially, instead of calculating a quaternion using a half-way vector, you can calculate the quaternion which results in twice the required rotation (as detailed in the other solution), and find the quaternion half-way between that and zero degrees.
As I explained before, the quaternion for double the required rotation is:
q.w == dot(u, v) == cross(u, v)
And the quaternion for zero rotation is:
q.w == 1 == (0, 0, 0)
Calculating the half-way quaternion is simply a matter of summing the quaternions and normalizing the result, just like with vectors. However, as is also the case with vectors, the quaternions must have the same magnitude, otherwise the result will be skewed towards the quaternion with the larger magnitude.
A quaternion constructed from the dot and cross product of two vectors will have the same magnitude as those products: length(u) * length(v). Rather than dividing all four components by this factor, we can instead scale up the identity quaternion. And if you were wondering why the accepted answer seemingly complicates matters by using sqrt(length(u) ^ 2 * length(v) ^ 2), it's because the squared length of a vector is quicker to calculate than the length, so we can save one sqrt calculation. The result is:
q.w = dot(u, v) + sqrt(length_2(u) * length_2(v)) = cross(u, v)
And then normalize the result. Pseudo code follows:
Quaternion get_rotation_between(Vector3 u, Vector3 v)
float k_cos_theta = dot(u, v);
float k = sqrt(length_2(u) * length_2(v));
if (k_cos_theta / k == -1)
// 180 degree rotation around any orthogonal vector
return Quaternion(0, normalized(orthogonal(u)));
return normalized(Quaternion(k_cos_theta + k, cross(u, v)));

The problem as stated is not well-defined: there is not a unique rotation for a given pair of vectors. Consider the case, for example, where u = <1, 0, 0> and v = <0, 1, 0>. One rotation from u to v would be a pi / 2 rotation around the z-axis. Another rotation from u to v would be a pi rotation around the vector <1, 1, 0>.

I'm not much good on Quaternion. However I struggled for hours on this, and could not make Polaris878 solution work. I've tried pre-normalizing v1 and v2. Normalizing q. Normalizing Yet still I don't get it. The result still didn't give me the right result.
In the end though I found a solution that did. If it helps anyone else, here's my working (python) code:
def diffVectors(v1, v2):
""" Get rotation Quaternion between 2 vectors """
v1.normalize(), v2.normalize()
v = v1+v2
angle =
axis = v.cross(v2)
return Quaternion( angle, *axis )
A special case must be made if v1 and v2 are paralell like v1 == v2 or v1 == -v2 (with some tolerance), where I believe the solutions should be Quaternion(1, 0,0,0) (no rotation) or Quaternion(0, *v1) (180 degree rotation)

Why not represent the vector using pure quaternions? It's better if you normalize them first perhaps.
q1 = (0 ux uy uz)'
q2 = (0 vx vy vz)'
q1 qrot = q2
Pre-multiply with q1-1
qrot = q1-1 q2
where q1-1 = q1conj / qnorm
This is can be thought of as "left division".
Right division, which is not what you want is:
qrot,right = q2-1 q1

From algorithm point of view , the fastest solution looks in pseudocode
Quaternion shortest_arc(const vector3& v1, const vector3& v2 )
// input vectors NOT unit
Quaternion q( cross(v1, v2), dot(v1, v2) );
// reducing to half angle
q.w += q.magnitude(); // 4 multiplication instead of 6 and more numerical stable
// handling close to 180 degree case
//... code skipped
return q.normalized(); // normalize if you need UNIT quaternion
Be sure that you need unit quaternions (usualy, it is required for interpolation).
Nonunit quaternions can be used with some operations faster than unit.

Some of the answers don't seem to consider possibility that cross product could be 0. Below snippet uses angle-axis representation:
//v1, v2 are assumed to be normalized
Vector3 axis = v1.cross(v2);
if (axis == Vector3::Zero())
axis = up();
axis = axis.normalized();
return toQuaternion(axis, ang);
The toQuaternion can be implemented as follows:
static Quaternion toQuaternion(const Vector3& axis, float angle)
auto s = std::sin(angle / 2);
auto u = axis.normalized();
return Quaternion(std::cos(angle / 2), u.x() * s, u.y() * s, u.z() * s);
If you are using Eigen library, you can also just do:
Quaternion::FromTwoVectors(from, to)

Working just with normalized quaternions, we can express Joseph Thompson's answer in the follwing terms.
Let q_v = (0, u_x, v_y, v_z) and q_w = (0, v_x, v_y, v_z) and consider
q = q_v * q_w = (-u dot v, u x v).
So representing q as q(q_0, q_1, q_2, q_3) we have
q_r = (1 - q_0, q_1, q_2, q_3).normalize()

According to the derivation of the quaternion rotation between two angles, one can rotate a vector u to vector v with
function fromVectors(u, v) {
d = dot(u, v)
w = cross(u, v)
return Quaternion(d + sqrt(d * d + dot(w, w)), w).normalize()
If it is known that the vectors u to vector v are unit vectors, the function reduces to
function fromUnitVectors(u, v) {
return Quaternion(1 + dot(u, v), cross(u, v)).normalize()
Depending on your use-case, handling the cases when the dot product is 1 (parallel vectors) and -1 (vectors pointing in opposite directions) may be needed.

The Generalized Solution
function align(Q, u, v)
U = quat(0, ux, uy, uz)
V = quat(0, vx, vy, vz)
return normalize(length(U*V)*Q - V*Q*U)
To find the quaternion of smallest rotation which rotate u to v, use
align(quat(1, 0, 0, 0), u, v)
Why This Generalization?
R is the quaternion closest to Q which will rotate u to v. More importantly, R is the quaternion closest to Q whose local u direction points in same direction as v.
This can be used to give you all possible rotations which rotate from u to v, depending on the choice of Q. If you want the minimal rotation from u to v, as the other solutions give, use Q = quat(1, 0, 0, 0).
Most commonly, I find that the real operation you want to do is a general alignment of one axis with another.
// If you find yourself often doing something like
quatFromTo(toWorldSpace(Q, localFrom), worldTo)*Q
// you should instead consider doing
align(Q, localFrom, worldTo)
Say you want the quaternion Y which only represents Q's yaw, the pure rotation about the y axis. We can compute Y with the following.
Y = align(quat(Qw, Qx, Qy, Qz), vec(0, 1, 0), vec(0, 1, 0))
// simplifies to
Y = normalize(quat(Qw, 0, Qy, 0))
Alignment as a 4x4 Projection Matrix
If you want to perform the same alignment operation repeatedly, because this operation is the same as the projection of a quaternion onto a 2D plane embedded in 4D space, we can represent this operation as the multiplication with 4x4 projection matrix, A*Q.
I = mat4(
1, 0, 0, 0,
0, 1, 0, 0,
0, 0, 1, 0,
0, 0, 0, 1)
A = I - leftQ(V)*rightQ(U)/length(U*V)
// which expands to
A = mat4(
1 + ux*vx + uy*vy + uz*vz, uy*vz - uz*vy, uz*vx - ux*vz, ux*vy - uy*vx,
uy*vz - uz*vy, 1 + ux*vx - uy*vy - uz*vz, uy*vx + ux*vy, uz*vx + ux*vz,
uz*vx - ux*vz, uy*vx + ux*vy, 1 - ux*vx + uy*vy - uz*vz, uz*vy + uy*vz,
ux*vy - uy*vx, uz*vx + ux*vz, uz*vy + uy*vz, 1 - ux*vx - uy*vy + uz*vz)
// A can be applied to Q with the usual matrix-vector multiplication
R = normalize(A*Q)
//LeftQ is a 4x4 matrix which represents the multiplication on the left
//RightQ is a 4x4 matrix which represents the multiplication on the Right
LeftQ(w, x, y, z) = mat4(
w, -x, -y, -z,
x, w, -z, y,
y, z, w, -x,
z, -y, x, w)
RightQ(w, x, y, z) = mat4(
w, -x, -y, -z,
x, w, z, -y,
y, -z, w, x,
z, y, -x, w)


How to calculate the intersection point between an infinite line and a line segment?

Basically, a function that fulfills this signature:
function getLineIntersection(vec2 p0, vec2 direction, vec2 p2, vec2 p3) {
// return a vec2
I have looked around at existing solutions, and they all seem to deal with how to find the intersection between two line segments, or between two infinite lines. Is there a solution for this problem where the line has an initial position, an angle, and needs to determine if it intersects with a line segment? Basically, something like this:
There should be one line segment that starts in a location and has a unit direction, and another line segment that is just a line connected by two points. Is this possible, and if so, is there a good way of calculating the intersection point, if it exists?
If you've a endless line which is defined by a point P and a normalized direction R and a second endless line, which is defined by a point Q and a direction S, then the intersection point of the endless lines X is:
alpha ... angle between Q-P and R
beta ... angle between R and S
gamma = 180° - alpha - beta
h = | Q - P | * sin(alpha)
u = h / sin(beta)
t = | Q - P | * sin(gamma) / sin(beta)
t = dot(Q-P, (S.y, -S.x)) / dot(R, (S.y, -S.x)) = determinant(mat2(Q-P, S)) / determinant(mat2(R, S))
u = dot(Q-P, (R.y, -R.x)) / dot(R, (S.y, -S.x)) = determinant(mat2(Q-P, R)) / determinant(mat2(R, S))
X = P + R * t = Q + S * u
If you want to detect if the intersection is on the lien, you need to compare the distance of the intersection point with the length of the line.
The intersection point (X) is on the line segment if t is in [0.0, 1.0] for X = p2 + (p3 - p2) * t
vec2 getLineIntersection(vec2 p0, vec2 direction, vec2 p2, vec2 p3)
vec2 P = p2;
vec2 R = p3 - p2;
vec2 Q = p0;
vec2 S = direction;
vec2 N = vec2(S.y, -S.x);
float t = dot(Q-P, N) / dot(R, N);
if (t >= 0.0 && t <= 1.0)
return P + R * t;
return vec2(-1.0);
Start with the intersection of two infinite lines, expressed in parametric form (e.g., A + tp, where A is the "start point", p is the direction vector and t is a scalar parameter). Solve a system of two equations to get the two parameters of the intersection point.
Now if one of your lines is really a segment AB, and B = A + p (i.e., the direction vector goes from A to B), then if the parameter t is between 0 and 1, the intersection lies on the segment.

Quaternion to matrix rotation only one axis

I have a quaternion that contains the rotation of the three axes (x, y, z) at the same time.
I want to convert this quaternion to a rotation matrix but only the rotation on the Y axis of the quaternion or of any of the other axes, without all three at the same time.
A possible route:
Transform unit vectors X=(1,0,0) and Z=(0,0,1) by the quaternion
Call these rotated vectors (x0,x1,x2) and (z0,z1,z2)
If the rotation would have been purely around Y, we would have:
(x0,x1,x2) = (cos(theta), 0, sin(theta))
(z0,z1,z2) = (-sin(theta), 0, cos(theta))
not used is (y0,y1,y2) = (0, 1, 0)
so, calculate
c = (x0+z2) / 2
and s = (x2-z0) / 2
then normalize to get c2 + s2 equal to 1
norm = sqrt(c * c + s * s)
if norm != 0:
c = c / norm
s = s / norm
(if the norm would be zero, there is not much we can do)
the angle would be atan2(c, s)
the rotation matrix would be [[c,0,-s],[0,1,0],[s,0,c]]

Efficient way to apply mirror effect on quaternion rotation?

Quaternions represent rotations - they don't include information about scaling or mirroring. However it is still possible to mirror the effect of a rotation.
Consider a mirroring on the x-y-plane (we can also call it a mirroring along the z-axis). A rotation around the x-axis mirrored on the x-y-plane would be negated. Likewise with a rotation around the y axis. However, a rotation around the z-axis would be left unchanged.
Another example: 90º rotation around axis (1,1,1) mirrored in the x-y plane would give -90º rotation around (1,1,-1). To aid the intuition, if you can visualize a depiction of the axis and a circular arrow indicating the rotation, then mirroring that visualization indicates what the new rotation should be.
I have found a way to calculate this mirroring of the rotation, like this:
Get the angle-axis representation of the quaternion.
For each of the axes x, y, and z.
If the scaling is negative (mirrored) along that axis:
Negate both angle and axis.
Get the updated quaternion from the modified angle and axis.
This only supports mirroring along the primary axes, x, y, and z, since that's all I need. It works for arbitrary rotations though.
However, the conversions from quaternion to angle-axis and back from angle-axis to quaternion are expensive. I'm wondering if there's a way to do the conversion directly on the quaternion itself, but my comprehension of quaternion math is not sufficient to get anywhere myself.
(Posted on StackOverflow rather than math-related forums due to the importance of a computationally efficient method.)
I just spent quite some time on figuring out a clear answer to this question, so I am posting it here for the record.
As was noted in other answers, a mirror effect cannot be represented as a rotation. However, given a rotation R1to2 from a coordinate frame C1 to a coordinate frame C2, we may be interested in efficiently computing the equivalent rotation when applying the same mirror effect to C1 and C2 (e.g. I was facing the problem of converting an input quaternion, given in a left-handed coordinate frame, into the quaternion representing the same rotation but in a right-handed coordinate frame).
In terms of rotation matrices, this can be thought of as follows:
R_mirroredC1_to_mirroredC2 = M_mirrorC2 * R_C1_to_C2 * M_mirrorC1
Here, both R_C1_to_C2 and R_mirroredC1_to_mirroredC2 represent valid rotations, so when dealing with quaternions, how do you efficiently compute q_mirroredC1_to_mirroredC2 from q_C1_to_C2?
The following assumes that q_C1_to_C2=[w,x,y,z]:
if C1 and C2 are mirrored along the X-axis (i.e. M_mirrorC1=M_mirrorC2=diag_3x3(-1,1,1)) then q_mirroredC1_to_mirroredC2=[w,x,-y,-z]
if C1 and C2 are mirrored along the Y-axis (i.e. M_mirrorC1=M_mirrorC2=diag_3x3(1,-1,1)) then q_mirroredC1_to_mirroredC2=[w,-x,y,-z]
if C1 and C2 are mirrored along the Z-axis (i.e. M_mirrorC1=M_mirrorC2=diag_3x3(1,1,-1)) then q_mirroredC1_to_mirroredC2=[w,-x,-y,z]
When considering different mirrored axes for the C1 and C2, we have the following:
if C1 is mirrored along the X-axis and C2 along the Y-axis (i.e. M_mirrorC1=diag_3x3(-1,1,1) & M_mirrorC2=diag_3x3(1,-1,1)) then q_mirroredC1_to_mirroredC2=[z,y,x,w]
if C1 is mirrored along the X-axis and C2 along the Z-axis (i.e. M_mirrorC1=diag_3x3(-1,1,1) & M_mirrorC2=diag_3x3(1,1,-1)) then q_mirroredC1_to_mirroredC2=[-y,z,-w,x]
if C1 is mirrored along the Y-axis and C2 along the X-axis (i.e. M_mirrorC1=diag_3x3(1,-1,1) & M_mirrorC2=diag_3x3(-1,1,1)) then q_mirroredC1_to_mirroredC2=[z,-y,-x,w]
if C1 is mirrored along the Y-axis and C2 along the Z-axis (i.e. M_mirrorC1=diag_3x3(1,-1,1) & M_mirrorC2=diag_3x3(1,1,-1)) then q_mirroredC1_to_mirroredC2=[x,w,z,y]
if C1 is mirrored along the Z-axis and C2 along the X-axis (i.e. M_mirrorC1=diag_3x3(1,1,-1) & M_mirrorC2=diag_3x3(-1,1,1)) then q_mirroredC1_to_mirroredC2=[y,z,w,x]
if C1 is mirrored along the Z-axis and C2 along the Y-axis (i.e. M_mirrorC1=diag_3x3(1,1,-1) & M_mirrorC2=diag_3x3(1,-1,1)) then q_mirroredC1_to_mirroredC2=[x,w,-z,-y]
Test program
Here is a small c++ program based on OpenCV to test all this:
#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
#define CST_PI 3.1415926535897932384626433832795
// Random rotation matrix uniformly sampled from SO3 (see "Fast random rotation matrices" by J.Arvo)
cv::Matx<double,3,3> get_random_rotmat()
double theta1 = 2*CST_PI*cv::randu<double>();
double theta2 = 2*CST_PI*cv::randu<double>();
double x3 = cv::randu<double>();
cv::Matx<double,3,3> R(std::cos(theta1),std::sin(theta1),0,-std::sin(theta1),std::cos(theta1),0,0,0,1);
cv::Matx<double,3,1> v(std::cos(theta2)*std::sqrt(x3),std::sin(theta2)*std::sqrt(x3),std::sqrt(1-x3));
return -1*(cv::Matx<double,3,3>::eye()-2*v*v.t())*R;
cv::Matx<double,4,1> rotmat2quatwxyz(const cv::Matx<double,3,3> &R)
// Implementation from Ceres 1.10
const double trace = R(0,0) + R(1,1) + R(2,2);
cv::Matx<double,4,1> quat_wxyz;
if (trace >= 0.0) {
double t = sqrt(trace + 1.0);
quat_wxyz(0) = 0.5 * t;
t = 0.5 / t;
quat_wxyz(1) = (R(2,1) - R(1,2)) * t;
quat_wxyz(2) = (R(0,2) - R(2,0)) * t;
quat_wxyz(3) = (R(1,0) - R(0,1)) * t;
} else {
int i = 0;
if (R(1, 1) > R(0, 0))
i = 1;
if (R(2, 2) > R(i, i))
i = 2;
const int j = (i + 1) % 3;
const int k = (j + 1) % 3;
double t = sqrt(R(i, i) - R(j, j) - R(k, k) + 1.0);
quat_wxyz(i + 1) = 0.5 * t;
t = 0.5 / t;
quat_wxyz(0) = (R(k,j) - R(j,k)) * t;
quat_wxyz(j + 1) = (R(j,i) + R(i,j)) * t;
quat_wxyz(k + 1) = (R(k,i) + R(i,k)) * t;
// Check that the w element is positive
quat_wxyz *= -1; // quat and -quat represent the same rotation, but to make quaternion comparison easier, we always use the one with positive w
return quat_wxyz;
cv::Matx<double,4,1> apply_quaternion_trick(const unsigned int item_permuts[4], const int sign_flips[4], const cv::Matx<double,4,1>& quat_wxyz)
// Flip the sign of the x and z components
cv::Matx<double,4,1> quat_flipped(sign_flips[0]*quat_wxyz(item_permuts[0]),sign_flips[1]*quat_wxyz(item_permuts[1]),sign_flips[2]*quat_wxyz(item_permuts[2]),sign_flips[3]*quat_wxyz(item_permuts[3]));
// Check that the w element is positive
quat_flipped *= -1; // quat and -quat represent the same rotation, but to make quaternion comparison easier, we always use the one with positive w
return quat_flipped;
void detect_quaternion_trick(const cv::Matx<double,4,1> &quat_regular, const cv::Matx<double,4,1> &quat_flipped, unsigned int item_permuts[4], int sign_flips[4])
if(abs(quat_regular(0))==abs(quat_flipped(0))) {
sign_flips[0] = (quat_regular(0)/quat_flipped(0)>0 ? 1 : -1);
else if(abs(quat_regular(0))==abs(quat_flipped(1))) {
sign_flips[1] = (quat_regular(0)/quat_flipped(1)>0 ? 1 : -1);
else if(abs(quat_regular(0))==abs(quat_flipped(2))) {
sign_flips[2] = (quat_regular(0)/quat_flipped(2)>0 ? 1 : -1);
else if(abs(quat_regular(0))==abs(quat_flipped(3))) {
sign_flips[3] = (quat_regular(0)/quat_flipped(3)>0 ? 1 : -1);
if(abs(quat_regular(1))==abs(quat_flipped(0))) {
sign_flips[0] = (quat_regular(1)/quat_flipped(0)>0 ? 1 : -1);
else if(abs(quat_regular(1))==abs(quat_flipped(1))) {
sign_flips[1] = (quat_regular(1)/quat_flipped(1)>0 ? 1 : -1);
else if(abs(quat_regular(1))==abs(quat_flipped(2))) {
sign_flips[2] = (quat_regular(1)/quat_flipped(2)>0 ? 1 : -1);
else if(abs(quat_regular(1))==abs(quat_flipped(3))) {
sign_flips[3] = (quat_regular(1)/quat_flipped(3)>0 ? 1 : -1);
if(abs(quat_regular(2))==abs(quat_flipped(0))) {
sign_flips[0] = (quat_regular(2)/quat_flipped(0)>0 ? 1 : -1);
else if(abs(quat_regular(2))==abs(quat_flipped(1))) {
sign_flips[1] = (quat_regular(2)/quat_flipped(1)>0 ? 1 : -1);
else if(abs(quat_regular(2))==abs(quat_flipped(2))) {
sign_flips[2] = (quat_regular(2)/quat_flipped(2)>0 ? 1 : -1);
else if(abs(quat_regular(2))==abs(quat_flipped(3))) {
sign_flips[3] = (quat_regular(2)/quat_flipped(3)>0 ? 1 : -1);
if(abs(quat_regular(3))==abs(quat_flipped(0))) {
sign_flips[0] = (quat_regular(3)/quat_flipped(0)>0 ? 1 : -1);
else if(abs(quat_regular(3))==abs(quat_flipped(1))) {
sign_flips[1] = (quat_regular(3)/quat_flipped(1)>0 ? 1 : -1);
else if(abs(quat_regular(3))==abs(quat_flipped(2))) {
sign_flips[2] = (quat_regular(3)/quat_flipped(2)>0 ? 1 : -1);
else if(abs(quat_regular(3))==abs(quat_flipped(3))) {
sign_flips[3] = (quat_regular(3)/quat_flipped(3)>0 ? 1 : -1);
int main(int argc, char **argv)
cv::Matx<double,3,3> M_xflip(-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1);
cv::Matx<double,3,3> M_yflip(1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1);
cv::Matx<double,3,3> M_zflip(1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,-1);
// Let the user choose the configuration
char im,om;
std::cout << "Enter the axis (x,y,z) along which input ref is flipped:" << std::endl;
std::cin >> im;
std::cout << "Enter the axis (x,y,z) along which output ref is flipped:" << std::endl;
std::cin >> om;
cv::Matx<double,3,3> M_iflip,M_oflip;
if(im=='x') M_iflip=M_xflip;
else if(im=='y') M_iflip=M_yflip;
else if(im=='z') M_iflip=M_zflip;
if(om=='x') M_oflip=M_xflip;
else if(om=='y') M_oflip=M_yflip;
else if(om=='z') M_oflip=M_zflip;
// Generate random quaternions until we find one where no two elements are equal
cv::Matx<double,3,3> R;
cv::Matx<double,4,1> quat_regular,quat_flipped;
do {
R = get_random_rotmat();
quat_regular = rotmat2quatwxyz(R);
} while(quat_regular(0)==quat_regular(1) || quat_regular(0)==quat_regular(2) || quat_regular(0)==quat_regular(3) ||
quat_regular(1)==quat_regular(2) || quat_regular(1)==quat_regular(3) ||
// Determine and display the appropriate quaternion trick
quat_flipped = rotmat2quatwxyz(M_oflip*R*M_iflip);
unsigned int item_permuts[4]={0,1,2,3};
int sign_flips[4]={1,1,1,1};
char str_quat[4]={'w','x','y','z'};
std::cout << std::endl << "When iref is flipped along the " << im << "-axis and oref along the " << om << "-axis:" << std::endl;
std::cout << "resulting_quat=[" << (sign_flips[0]>0?"":"-") << str_quat[item_permuts[0]] << ","
<< (sign_flips[1]>0?"":"-") << str_quat[item_permuts[1]] << ","
<< (sign_flips[2]>0?"":"-") << str_quat[item_permuts[2]] << ","
<< (sign_flips[3]>0?"":"-") << str_quat[item_permuts[3]] << "], where initial_quat=[w,x,y,z]" << std::endl;
// Test this trick on several random rotation matrices
unsigned int n_errors = 0, n_tests = 10000;
std::cout << std::endl << "Performing " << n_tests << " tests on random rotation matrices:" << std::endl;
for(unsigned int i=0; i<n_tests; ++i) {
// Get a random rotation matrix and the corresponding quaternion
cv::Matx<double,3,3> R = get_random_rotmat();
cv::Matx<double,4,1> quat_regular = rotmat2quatwxyz(R);
// Get the quaternion corresponding to the flipped coordinate frames, via the sign trick and via computation on rotation matrices
cv::Matx<double,4,1> quat_tricked = apply_quaternion_trick(item_permuts,sign_flips,quat_regular);
cv::Matx<double,4,1> quat_flipped = rotmat2quatwxyz(M_oflip*R*M_iflip);
// Check that both results are identical
if(cv::norm(quat_tricked-quat_flipped,cv::NORM_INF)>1e-6) {
std::cout << "Error (idx=" << i << ")!"
<< "\n quat_regular=" << quat_regular.t()
<< "\n quat_tricked=" << quat_tricked.t()
<< "\n quat_flipped=" << quat_flipped.t() << std::endl;
std::cout << n_errors << " errors on " << n_tests << " tests." << std::endl;
return 0;
There is little bit easier and programmer oriented way to think about this. Assume that you want to reverse the z axis (i.e. flip z axis to -z) in your coordinate system. Now think of quaternion as orientation vector in terms of roll, pitch and yaw. When you flip z axis, notice that sign of roll and pitch is inverted but sign for yaw remains same.
Now you can find the net effect on quaternion using following code for converting Euler angles to quaternion (I'd put this code to Wikipedia):
static Quaterniond toQuaternion(double pitch, double roll, double yaw)
Quaterniond q;
double t0 = std::cos(yaw * 0.5f);
double t1 = std::sin(yaw * 0.5f);
double t2 = std::cos(roll * 0.5f);
double t3 = std::sin(roll * 0.5f);
double t4 = std::cos(pitch * 0.5f);
double t5 = std::sin(pitch * 0.5f);
q.w() = t0 * t2 * t4 + t1 * t3 * t5;
q.x() = t0 * t3 * t4 - t1 * t2 * t5;
q.y() = t0 * t2 * t5 + t1 * t3 * t4;
q.z() = t1 * t2 * t4 - t0 * t3 * t5;
return q;
Using basic trigonometry, sin(-x) = -sin(x) and cos(-x) = cos(x). Applyieng this to above code you can see that sign for t3 and t5 will flip. This will cause sign of x and y to flip.
So when you invert the z-axis,
Q'(w, x, y, z) = Q(w, -x, -y, z)
Similarly you can figure out any other combinations of axis reversal and find impact on quaternion.
PS: In case if anyone is wondering why anyone would ever need this... I needed above to transform quaternion coming from MavLink/Pixhawk system which controls drone. The source system uses NED coordinate system but usual 3D environments like Unreal uses NEU coordinate system which requires transforming z axis to -z to use the quaternion correctly.
I did some further analysis, and it appears the effect of a quaternion (w, x, y, z) can have it's effect mirrored like this:
Mirror effect of rotation along x axis by flipping y and z elements of the quaternion.
Mirror effect of rotation along y axis by flipping x and z elements of the quaternion.
Mirror effect of rotation along z axis by flipping x and y elements of the quaternion.
The w element of the quaternion never needs to be touched.
Unfortunately I still don't understand quaternions well enough to be able to explain why this works, but I derived it from implementations of converting to and from axis-angle format, and after implementing this solution, it works just as well as my original one in all tests of it I have performed.
We can examine the set of all rotations and reflections in 3D this is called the Orthogonal group O(3). It can be though of as the set of orthogonal matrices with determinant +1 or -1. All rotations have determinant +1 and pure reflections have determinate -1. There is another member of O(3) the inversion in a point (x,y,z)->(-x,-y,-z) this has det -1 in 3D and we will come to this later. If we combine two transformations in the group you multiply their determinants. Hence two rotations combined give another rotation (+1 * +1 = +1), a rotation combined with a reflection give a reflection (+1 * -1 = -1) and two reflections combined give a rotation (-1 * -1 = +1).
We can restrict the O(3) to just those with determinant +1 to form the Special Orthogonal Group SO(3). This just contains the rotations.
Now the set of unit quaternions is the double cover of SO(3) that means that two unit quaternions correspond to each rotation. To be precise if a+b i+c j+d k is a unit quaternions then a-b i-c j-d k represents the same rotation, you can think of this as a rotation by ø around the vector (b,c,d) being the same as a rotation by -ø around the vector (-b,-c,-d).
Note that all the unit quaternions have determinant +1, so there is none which correspond to a pure reflection. This is why you cannot use quaternions to represent reflections.
What you might be able to do is use the inversion. Now a reflection followed by an inversion is a rotation. For example reflect in x=0 and invert, is the same as reflecting in the y=0 and reflecting in the z=0. This is the same as 180º rotation around the x-axis. You could do the same procedure for any reflection.
We can define a plane through the origin by using it normal vector n = (a,b,c). A reflection of a vector v(x,y,z) in that plane is given by
v - 2 (v . n ) / ( n . n) n
= (x,y,z) - 2 (a x+b y+c z) / (a^2+b^2+c^2) (a,b,c)
In particular the x-y plane has normal (0,0,1) so a reflection is
(x,y,z) - 2 z (0,0,1) = (x,y,-z)
Quaternions and spatial rotation has a nice formula for a quaternion from the axis angle formula.
p = cos(ø/2) + (x i + y j + z k) sin(ø/2)
This is a quaternion W + X i + Y j + Z k with W=cos(ø/2), X = x sin(ø/2), Y = y sin(ø/2), Z = z sin(ø/2)
Changing the direction of rotation will flip the sin of the half angle but leave the cos unchanged, giving
p' = cos(ø/2) - (x i + y j + z k) sin(ø/2)
Now if we consider reflecting the corresponding vector in x-y plane giving
q = cos(ø/2) + (x i + y j - z k) sin(ø/2)
we might want to change the direction of rotation giving
q' = cos(ø/2) + (- x i - y j + z k) sin(ø/2)
= W - X i - Y j + Z k
which I think corresponds to your answer.
We can generalise this to reflection in a general plane with unit length normal (a,b,c). Let d be the dot product (a,b,c).(x,y,z). The refection of (x,y,z) is
(x,y,z) - 2 d (a,b,c) = (x - 2 d a, y - 2 d b, z - 2 d c)
the rotation quaternion of this
q = cos(ø/2) - ((x - 2 d a) i + ((y - 2 d b) j + (z - 2 d c) k) sin(ø/2)
q = cos(ø/2) - (x i + y j + z k) sin(ø/2)
+ 2 d sin(ø/2) (a i + b j + c k)
= W - X i - Y j - Z k + 2 d (X,Y,Z).(a,b,c) (a i + b j + c k)
Note that mirroring is not a rotation, so generally you can't bake it into a quaternion (I might very well have misunderstood your question, though). The 3x3 component of the mirroring transformation matrix is
M = I-2(n*nT)
where I is an identity 3x3 matrix, n is the mirror plane's normal represented as a 3x1 matrix, and nT is n as a 1x3 matrix (so n*nT is a 3x(1x1)x3=3x3 matrix).
Now, if the quaternion q you want to 'mirror' is the last transformation, the last transformation on the other side would be just M*q (again, this would be a general 3x3 matrix, not generally representable as a quaternion)
For anyone who gets here by a web-search and is looking for the math, then:
To reflecting point 'p' through plane ax+by+cz=0, using quaternions:
n = 0+(a,b,c)
p = 0+(x,y,z)
where 'n' is a unit bivector (or pure quaternion if you prefer)
p' = npn
then p' is the reflect point.
If you compose with a second reflection 'm':
p' = mnpnm = (mn)p(mn)^*
is a rotation.
Rotations and reflections compose as expected.
Uniform scaling
Since scalar products commute and can be factor out then if we have either a rotation by unit quaternion 'Q' or a reflection by unit bivector 'b' (or any combination of) multiplying either by some non-zero scale value 's' results in a uniform scaling of s^2. And since (sqrt(s0)*sqrt(s1))^2 = s0*s1, these uniform scaling value compose as expected.
However this point is probably of no interest since in code we want to be able to assume unit magnitude values to reduce the runtime complexity.

How can I convert coordinates on a circle to coordinates on a square?

I'm currently working on a game in LBP2 that has modify the way a controller gives input. This question:
How can I convert coordinates on a square to coordinates on a circle?
Has helped me quite a lot with what I am doing, but I do have one problem. I need the inverse function of the one they give. They go from square -> circle, and I've tried searching all over for how to map a circle to a square.
The function given in the previous question is:
xCircle = xSquare * sqrt(1 - 0.5*ySquare^2)
yCircle = ySquare * sqrt(1 - 0.5*xSquare^2)
From Mapping a Square to a Circle
My question is given xCircle and yCircle... how do I find xSquare and ySquare?
I've tried all of the algebra I know, filled up two pages of notes, tried to get wolfram alpha to get the inverse functions, but this problem is beyond my abilities.
Thank you for taking a look.
x = ½ √( 2 + u² - v² + 2u√2 ) - ½ √( 2 + u² - v² - 2u√2 )
y = ½ √( 2 - u² + v² + 2v√2 ) - ½ √( 2 - u² + v² - 2v√2 )
Note on notation: I'm using x = xSquare , y = ySquare, u = xCircle and v = yCircle;
i.e. (u,v) are circular disc coordinates and (x,y) are square coordinates.
For a C++ implementation of the equations, go to
for more example images.
Also, see for the proof/derivation
This mapping is the inverse of
u = x √( 1 - ½ y² )
v = y √( 1 - ½ x² )
P.S. The mapping is not unique. There are other mappings out there. The picture below illustrates the non-uniqueness of the mapping.
if you have xCircle and yCircle that means that you're on a circle with radius R = sqrt(xCircle^2 + yCircle^2). Now you need to extend that circle to a square with half-side = R,
if (xCircle < yCircle)
ySquare = R, xSquare = xCircle * R/yCircle
xSquare = R, ySquare = yCircle * R/xCircle
this is for the first quadrant, for others you need some trivial tweaking with the signs
There are many ways you could do this; here's one simple way.
Imagine a circle of radius R centred on the origin, and a square of side 2R centred on the origin, we want to map all of the points within and on the boundary of the circle (with coordinates (x,y)) to points within and on the boundary of the square. Note that we can also describe points within the circle using polar coordinates (r, ø) (that's supposed to be a phi), where
x = r cos ø,
y = r sin ø
(ie r^2 = x^2 + y^2 and r <= 1). Then imagine other coordinates x' = a(ø) x = a(ø) r cos ø, and y' = a(ø) y (ie, we decide that a won't depend on r).
In order to map the boundary of the circle (r = 1) to the boundary of the square (x' = R), we must have, for ø < 45deg, x' = a(ø) R cos ø = R, so we must have a(ø) = 1/cos ø. Similarly, for 45 < ø < 90 we must have the boundary of the circle map to y' = R, giving a(ø) = 1/sin ø in that region. Continuing round the circle, we see that a(ø) must always be positive, so the final mapping from the circle to the square is
x' = a(ø) x,
y' = a(ø) y
ø = |arctan y/x| = arctan |y/x|
a(ø) = 1/cos ø, when ø <= 45 deg (ie, when x < y), and
a(ø) = 1/sin ø, when ø > 45 deg.
That immediately gives you the mapping in the other direction. If you have coordinates (x', y') on the square (where x' <= R and y' <= R), then
x = x'/a(ø)
y = y'/a(ø)
with a(ø) as above.
A much simpler mapping, though, is to calculate the (r, ø) for the desired position on the circle, and map that to x' = r and y' = ø. That also maps every point in the circle into a rectangle, and vice versa, and might have better properties, depending on what you want to do.
So that's the real question: what is it you're actually aiming to do here?
I was implementing the solution above but the results are not satisfiying.
The square coordinates are not exact.
Here is a simple counter-example:
Consider the point (x,y)=(0.75, 1) on the square.
We map it to the circle with (u,v)=(0.53, 0.85) on the circle.
Applying the expression above we get the new square coordinates
(x',y')=(u/v,r)=(0.625543242, 1) with r=(u^2+v^2)^(1/2).
This point is close but not the expected precise solution.
I solved a root finding problem in order to get the inverse expression of the mapping from square to circle like above.
you need to solve the system equations like above:
I) u = x*(1-y^2/2)^(1/2)
II) v = y*(1-x^2/2)^(1/2)
One ends up with 8 root points as solution. One of the roots I implemented into Excel-VBA which I present here below and it works very fine.
' given the circle coordinates (u,v) caluclates the x coordinate on the square
Function circ2sqrX(u As Double, v As Double) As Double
Dim r As Double, signX As Double, u2 As Double, v2 As Double, uuvv As Double, temp1 As Double
u2 = u * u
v2 = v * v
r = Sqr(u2 + v2)
signX = 1
If v = 0 Or u = 0 Then
circ2sqrX = u
Exit Function
End If
If u < 0 Then
signX = -1
End If
If Abs(u) = Abs(v) And r = 1 Then
circ2sqrX = signX
Exit Function
End If
uuvv = (u2 - v2) * (u2 - v2) / 4
temp1 = 2 * Sqr(uuvv - u2 - v2 + 1)
circ2sqrX = -((temp1 - u2 + v2 - 2) * Sqr(temp1 + u2 - v2 + 2)) / (4 * u)
End Function
' given the circle coordinates (u,v) caluclates the y coordinate on the square
' make use of symetrie property
Function circ2sqrY(u As Double, v As Double) As Double
End Function

How to compute the cross-product?

I have the following piece of pseudo-C/Java/C# code:
int a[]= { 30, 20 };
int b[] = { 40, 50 };
int c[] = {12, 12};
How do I compute the cross-product ABxAC?
The solution that was given to you in your last question basically adds a Z=0 for all your points. Over the so extended vectors you calculate your cross product. Geometrically the cross product produces a vector that is orthogonal to the two vectors used for the calculation, as both of your vectors lie in the XY plane the result will only have a Z component. The Sign of that z component denotes wether that vector is looking up or down on the XY plane. That sign is dependend on AB being in clockwise or counter clockwise order from each other. That in turn means that the sign of z component shows you if the point you are looking at lies to the left or the right of the line that is on AB.
So with the crossproduct of two vectors A and B being the vector
AxB = (AyBz − AzBy, AzBx − AxBz, AxBy − AyBx)
with Az and Bz being zero you are left with the third component of that vector
AxBy - AyBx
With A being the vector from point a to b, and B being the vector from point a to c means
Ax = (b[x]-a[x])
Ay = (b[y]-a[y])
Bx = (c[x]-a[x])
By = (c[y]-a[y])
AxBy - AyBx = (b[x]-a[x])*(c[y]-a[y])-(b[y]-a[y])*(c[x]-a[x])
which is a scalar, the sign of that scalar will tell you wether point c lies to the left or right of vector ab
Aternatively you can look at stack overflow or gamedev
Assuming whether you're asking whether the angle between AB and AC is acute or obtuse, you want this:
int a[]= { 30, 20 };
int b[] = { 40, 50 };
int c[] = {12, 12};
int ab_x = b[0] - a[0];
int ab_y = b[1] - a[1];
int ac_x = c[0] - a[0];
int ac_x = c[1] - a[1];
int dot = ab_x*ac_x + ab_y*ac_y;
boolean signABxAC = dot > 0; // pick your preferred comparison here
The cross product is a vector, it doesn't have "a sign".
Do you mean the scalar (dot) product? If you do, then that is computed as for a pair of vectors [a,b,c]•[d,e,f] as ad + be + cf, so the sign of that expression is the sign of the dot product.
Figuring out the sign without doing the multiplications and adds is probably not faster than just doing them.
Since all three points have just two components, I'll assume that the z-component for all three is zero. That means that the vectors AB and BC are in the xy-plane, so the cross-product is a vector that points in the z-direction, with its x and y components equal to zero.
If by "sign" you mean whether it points in the positive or negative z-direction, the computation will tell you that.
In your case, the two vectors are AB = (10, 30, 0) and AC = (-18, -8, 0). If I take the cross-product of those two, I get vector AB X AC = (0, 0, 460). Do you mean to say that this has a positive sign because the z-component is positive? If yes, that's your answer.
UPDATE: If it's the scalar product you want, it's negative in this case:
AB dot AC = -180 -240 + 0 = -420.
From reading the question you linked, it seems you want the sign of the z-component of the cross-product (assuming 0 z-value for AB and AC); to indicate which side of the line AB the point C lies.
Assuming that's the case, all you need is the sign of the determinant of the matrix with AB and AC as its rows.
xAB = b[0] - a[0]
yAB = b[1] - a[1]
xAC = c[0] - a[0]
yAC = c[1] - a[1]
detABxAC = (xAB * yAC) - (yAB * xAC)
if (detABxAC < 0)
// sign is negative
elif (detABxAC > 0)
// sign is positive
// sign is 0, i.e. C is collinear with A, B
