How to upload a file in without reloading a page -

How to upload a file in without reloading a page

You will need to perform asynchronous
file upload using Ajax and send the
file in chunks of bytes.
Authentic AsyncUpload in original AjaxConotrlToolkit
Some other references that may interest you..
Matt berseth's Asyncupload <-- Recommended
Flajaxian FileUploader
ASP.Net File Upload/Download Module <-- Recommended

You should find a suitable ajax uploader. One wise choice would be a jquery ajax uploader. I hope this jquery ajax uploader, free download, would win your heart. All the best!

There are many ways to do this. but if you need some extended functionality try this sample.

Here is a cross-browser script to upload file using ajax. You can search google for Ajax file upload and find out other tools and techniques if this one does not works for you.

jquery-transmit is a sophisticated jQuery plugin providing an elegant multi-file upload utility. At the core of the plugin is a small SWF file which provides single or multiple file selection and upload services

try this
it uses jquery to upload multiple files... you can also download sample project which works fine.. and uploads files quickly.
you may need to change your web.config to set lenght of data can be passed ... in the sample project...

Related : Upload directory using c#

I have have a solution now to upload multiple files using (drag drop) technique by JavaScript and jQuery, but I need to find a way to upload folder with all of it is content like Google drive . Is this possible?
Unfortunately you can not do this, only with a browser.
You will have to use a custom client for this.
But a simple method will be Ask the user to ZIP the folder and upload the zip using the file-upload control.
Then on the server end, you can un-zip and read the content.

What are .ashx files in an ASP.NET application?

When do you use ashx files in web application ? Can some one explain in simple terminology with a pratical example ? I understood from the msdn that .ashx files implements ihttphandler but i could not get much explanation from here, Can some one explain it clearly for me?
In short, a file ASHX is an ASPX file, minus all plumbing ASP.NET webform.
I am using ASHX to generate PDF files on the fly, and download them.
Similarly, I use them to generate thumbnails on the fly and download them.
This could work very well with a blank ASPX, but ASHX files are much less resource-consuming.
Take a look at this tutorial to see how the files ashx.
One use I use them for is to use it to handle AJAX requests, and print the output in plaintext format. There is no need to render any HTML controls etc, just plain text/XML etc, and ASHX seems best for that.
Here is a good overview:
You want to create an ASP.NET file
that is not a typical web forms page.
Your file will need to dynamically
return an image from a query string,
or XML and other non-HTML web pages.

uploading flash with asp server component

I upload image files using aspupload component. I was wondering if its possible to upload flash files with a component as well.
You can upload any kind of files.. there are no restrictions..
If you are using code from their examples make sure that they have not hard-coded in their examples checks for the specific file extensions.. you can easily remove/alter those..

ASP.NET File upload - Validation

In our application , we are using FileUpload control to upload files.
Requirement is , user should be able to upload only ".doc, .xls , .pdf" files.
System should not allow him to upload other files. To achieve this we are validating the extension of the uploaded file. If it is not valid then throwing error message.. this works fine..
But if i change the any exe file as .doc file , then system is allowing to upload. this should not happen.
Is there any way to validate the file with its content instead of its extension ..?
Check out this question/answer on stackoverflow. I belive this is a duplicate question.
Also, look into reading a file's magic number especially if you are just trying to determine if the file is one of a few acceptable types. Magic number Wikipedia
Uploadify is a good file uploading tool that I have found which allows you to specify which extensions you allow the user to see when uploading their files. It also has alot of other cool options and it is highly customizeable. It uses a combination of jquery and flash to allow the user to upload more than one file at a time as well (if desired).

ASP.NET File uploading-dynamic file names

I have a web page where i have an ASP.NET file upload control to upload files from client machine to Server.Now i want to do the uploading n number of times.Ex : I want to upload 100 files from my local pc to server.The 100 file names i can read from an excel file in my program.But is there any way to assign this file to the file upload control ?
No, as a security feature, FilUpload controls do not allow you to set what to download (imagine if you sign on to a website, and it is set to upload a passwords file or something).
Now there is probably another control, or a way to code around this, buut the FileUpload control will not allow it.
I would recommend using the jQuery Multifile Uploader which would take care of a UI (if you need one). And the actual uploads with Free ASP Uploads which takes care of the actual file transfer. Though it sounds like you are tkaing care of the programs programatically, so you can skip the multifule and just work with free asp upload.
You'll have to make your own Flash object or something to accomplish this, the basic HTML/ASP.Net controls won't let you do what you're looking for.
This will require creating some kind of an active or installable control. In order to get around the security hole of doing this, you're ultimately going to have to be able to execute code on the machine to select and upload the file.
And at that point, you're platform specific, so...
I would strongly suggest that instead of trying to have a web site automatically upload files for you, that you make a WinForms utility to accomplish this task and upload the files wherever you need, communicate with the web site over web services, etc.
This is a security restriction, you cant script the file selection of an upload box as it would allow hackers to write scripts to steal files off your computer.
You could use this silverlight upload utility which is my list of "things to use when I get the chance".
It has a nice UI and supports uploading many files at once. I originally tracked it down doing some research for a photography website that we were quoting for but that project fell through.
Anyway the project can be found here:
It also has full source code included so even if the control's developers abandon it you still have the choice to edit it yourself.
