Dubuging problem in asp.net? - asp.net

in my project when i build the project it is giving this message :
To debug this module, change its project build configuration to debug mode. To suppress this message, disable the "Warn inf no user code on launch" debugger option
due to this when i place the break point. break point is not working. can u help me.

Check that the Standard toolbar shows that you are working in Debug mode. This is the most common cause for this problem. This setting controls what mode the Run will use. (Too see this toolbar, right click in the Visual Studio menu area and make sure the 'Standard' toolbar is checked.)
Check that you are not running with ctrl+f5 (which equals Start Without Debugging). This does not match the error message you get, so likely not the answer.
Check that the Solution Configuration does not specify that the project should be built in Release mode. To access this, right click the solution, see properties for the solution and then review the configuration settings for your projects in the configuration dialog editor that pops up.

you're trying to debug your project in Release mode... Switch the project into Debug mode, click Rebuild and then press F5.


Running debug mode in Qt Creator

I am trying to compile some demo code (specifically, the pcl_visualizer demo that comes with the Point Cloud library). When running debug by clicking the green arrow with the magnifying class, I get the following errors:
This does not seem to be a "Debug" build.
Setting breakpoints by file name and line number may fail.
Section .debug_info: Not found.
Section .debug_abbrev: Not found.
Section .debug_line: Not found.
Section .debug_str: Not found.
Section .debug_loc: Not found.
Section .debug_range: Not found.
Section .gdb_index: Not found.
Section .note.gnu.build-id: Found.
Section .gnu.hash: Found.
Section .gnu_debuglink: Not found.
Furthermore, none of the breakpoints I have inserted are breaking the program, and they all have little hourglasses hovering over.
In Projects, the Debug mode is selected in Build Settings.
Why does my code not seem to be debugging correctly?
Some projects automatically build debug mode and allow to run it individually. You can then pick it in the bottom left Run selection menu.
Other projects require you to specifically do a debug build.
For example: Kdenlive requires you to run CMake again with the following parameter added:
You can re-run CMake in the Projects view.
For newer versions of QT:
Go to "Projects" in the top left of the screen, an icon with a wrench that turns green when you select it.
If not already "clicked", click on "Build" under the named Kit (I have "desktop" as my kit). This should be immediately below "Build & Run" on the left side.
Under Build Settings at the top center, should have "Edit build configuration" with a drop down next to it. If you can select "Debug" from the drop down then do it, otherwise click "Add" in the drop down next to it and select "Debug".
Drop down some and see "Key" on the left side of a table of "Key"s with "Value"s, look farther right and see "Advanced" with a square, check the square to get the advanced Key-Value pairs.
Look for "CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE" and click "Edit" in the far right, change the drop down for the value matched to the key CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE to "debug".
Now in the bottom left, change the build configuration to "debug" and build... should work!
You may have to Clean the project and possibly clear cmake configuration under the Build tab.
Another cause for the "does not appear to be a debug build" message is running gdb using the cdb engine. to check go to tools->options->build and run->kits and select the kit you are using. next go to the debugger line, choose edit, and make sure you have the right engine for your debugger.
On linux using the 'Qt Maintenance tool' to install the 'Qt Debug Information Files' solved this for me
I've got the same message because the build type was set to release. On Qt Creator 3.3.0 on the bottom left, on top of the play symbol i have a pc icon with the build type. click on that icon and select debug.
I needed to 'run qmake' too from the menu build.
For nasm users with QT5.9.1 and nasm 2.14 the problem will be gone by using:
nasm -felf64 -FDwarf -g
I know it's not c/c++ related but works very well in QT
To change the Build Configuration in QT Creator :(at time of writing : 4.13.3)
Just make sure you have selected this as Debug so that it would then run in debug mode.
I managed to solve this by unchecking "Warn when debugging Release builds" in the Debug settings General tab, as in the article:

Webforms rebuild and use previous browser instance

VS2013 Upd1, .NET 4.5, Webforms
In the past I have been able to RUN (F5 or run button) my project and do some testing. I have then been able to stop the project (Shift-F5 or stop button). Make some code changes and BUILD the project (F6) and press reload in the browser and see what the changes are. Yes no debugging but I did not have to re RUN the project.
However the above behaviour has changed in that I have to always RUN my project after stopping it instead of reload in the browser. I am sure I have changed a setting somewhere. Can anyone point me in the right direction?
It will be the "Edit and Continue" setting.
Please see the answer to this this similar question

Unable to launch web browser flex

I AM Using Flex Builder 4 for flex Web application, In which I create one flex Web Application. Now i am trying to run my application on web browser at that time builder shows some error like (Cannot run program "C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe": CreateProcess error=5, Access is denied).
This error shows me from last one day. So will anyone can give me answer that why i got such error. In preferences Default System Web browser is selected. which is Mozilla Firefox.
Go to Window -> Preferences -> General -> Web Browser. There you can see the available browsers listed and a radio button for selecting either the internal or external browser. Do check these settings and try to launch again. It may be that the path you have shown, where "firefox.exe" resides has not been updated within the Flash Builder.
Rigth click on the flashbuilder shortcut -> run as administrator
If you can't run as an admin, try checking on the security settings to ensure all users have full access to the Firefox directory & files. This almost has to be security related, unless Firefox is actually a location different from where it's looking.
I just clean and close flash builder project. And then close flash builder and restart my system and then relaunch flash builder then it will works now.
Thanks to all.

vs2005 - Switching between design and source mode get stuck

I dont know if anyone else has had this problem. I'm using VS2005 working on a C# website.
The problem is on the .aspx page, when I click on the "Design" option two things happen.
It does not switch to design mode. I see only source. But I the problem is that the source mode gets stuck and uneditable.
Second thing is that I cannot switch back to source mode and hence am stuck only in that non-editable mode.
I tried to Reset my settings, but that hasnt helped.
Any ideas?
Try running visual studio in safemode. Launches Visual Studio in safe mode, loading only the default environment and services, and shipped versions of third party packages.
Try the below command in Start-> Run
devenv.exe /safemode

The Breakpoint Will Not Currently Be Hit. No Symbols Have Been Loaded For This Document

I've Googled this particular problem, but cannot seem to find a working solution.
Symptoms: After adding a breakpoint in the codebehind for an aspx page in a web application project, the breakpoint displays in the margin as a hollowed out red circle with an exclamation point enclosed in a yellow triangle in the bottom right of the circle. When mousing over the breakpoint, the message "The breakpoint will not currently be hit. No symbols have been loaded for this document."
Note: I'm trying to hit the breakpoints by "attaching to [a] process", namely w3wp.exe, located on a remote computer.
Things I have tried.
Recompiling other projects in the solution.
Checking to make sure that the configuration for each of the projects and the website in the solution is set to "Debug" on "any pc".
Closing the solution and restarting Visual Studio.
Restarting IIS.
Reattaching to the process (w3wp.exe).
I've been trying to hit the breakpoints using Internet Explorer version 9 and Mozilla FireFox version 4. In each case, the breakpoints are never hit.
Any ideas are welcome! Thanks!
If you have more than one solution in your project.
Right click on your solution --> Properties
Set as --> Startup Project
Are you deploying your assemblies to the GAC? If not, copy the .pdb file along with the .dll file, placing both in the same bin directory. The debugger should pick up the symbols automatically.
I run into the same problem and guess what? Just do it: At solution explorer, right click on Project -> Package/Publish Settings UNCHECK "Exclude generated debug symbols"...
Maybe it can't solve your specific problem but certainly it will save another people from suffering.
I can't post a screenshot because I don't have 10 of reputation... :(
Like you guys I lost all day searching on google and stackoverflow and the problem was just that. I realized that when I saw the PDB file in the bin folder ready to be published becoming 0 bytes size when I clicked "publish"...
In my case I was trying to debug an ASP.NET Core app hosted in IIS. I noticed that when I published the app (dotnet publish) the generated web.config had this line:
<aspNetCore processPath=".\MyService.exe" stdoutLogEnabled="false" stdoutLogFile=".\logs\stdout" />
I had to attach to MyService.exe rather than w3wp.exe to debug the app even though it was running in IIS.
This error produce by many reason, one solution is : its due to different framework version when you try to attach process. For more details, please visit: https://stackoverflow.com/a/13106908/1218422
I realize that this is an old thread, but the one thing that nobody mentioned was to make sure that debugging is enabled in the web.config file.
I had the same problem, fixed it by switching the debugging method. I was clicking F5 with web project set to startup project (and the "Don't open a page. Wait for a request from an external applicaton" selected in project settings).
When I attached VS debugger manually to the w3wp.exe process using the debug menu it worked.
