Retrieve lost data from log file? -

I have an file that receives data and processes it via a stored procedure. The code had the width set to 2 for the year's varchar, so it was chopped, leaving only the first two digits to get inserted into the db.
Is this info possibly retrievable from a system/IIS log file or is it lost forever?

That data is lost forever.

Do you have data that isn't corrupted? Are the records in the database sequential or do they have automatically incrementing fields. Do you have timestamps on the records? Do the years correspond to the date when the record was inserted/updated? Depending on your answers to these you may be able to reconstruct the data. In particular using timestamps and/or autoincrement fields may give you the ability to determine a particular ordering between records. If the date field is related to this ordering you may be able to infer the year from the data in other records. It's very unlikely that any log files would be of any use.

Only if the year was part of a querystring or URL...which is unlikely, at best. If your IIS admin happened to turn on logging of POST fields, then you may be able to retrieve it from there. Very few sites that I know of, though, ever log POST data.


Hoes does setRange in GAE datastore work?

I need to mark the first(earliest) 10 entries in my table as '1'. How to do this?
I read about query.setRange(0,10) option. I just want to confirm whether this setRange option without any sort applied retrieves the earliest 10 entities of a table?
I don't want to save any date and time to measure this.
If you have some other simpler way to do this, please advise.
You should never count on a database (no matter which one) to sort results without explicitly requesting a specific order. Even if datastore returns the earliest entities, it might change in the future and your software will stop working.

Meta-data from SQLite

Is there any way to query a SQLite database for basic meta data such as:
Last date/time updated
Hash of database to indicate "state"
I am just looking for a simple, infrastructural way to have a script evaluate different databases and take a reasonable point of view on whether they are the same "state" as other databases in a different environment (PROD and DEV for instance).
In my experience, if no update, new record, or any change is made to the SQLite database file, the last modified time of the file doesn't change. So the last modified time should suffice for the time of any change made to database.
If 2 database files with same state are only accessed for reading, their modified times are always the same.
Similarly you get the file sizes for comparison.
You can use the whole file to calculate hash. If you consider same data in the database as the same "state" regardless of any difference in the past, then maybe you want hash of the all records in database, which is probably not simple.

Tables with data that will never be deleted or changed

This is a more in depth follow up to a question I asked yesterday about storing historical data ( Storing data in a side table that may change in its main table ) and I'm trying to narrow down my question.
If you have a table that represents a data object at the application level and need that table for historical purposes is it considered bad practice to set it up to where the information can't be deleted. Basically I have a table representing safety requirements for a worker and I want to make it so that these requirements can never be deleted or changed. So if a change needs to made a new record is created.
Is this not a good idea? What are the best practice to deal with data like this? I have a table with historical safety training data and it points to the table with requirement data (as well as some other key tables) so I can't let the requirements be changed or the historical table will be pointing to the wrong information.
Is this not a good idea?
Your scenario sounds perfectly valid to me. If you have historical data that you need to keep there are various ways to meeting that requirement.
Option 1:
Store all historical data and current data in one table (make sure you store a creation date so you know what's old and what's new). When you need to retrieve the most recent record for someone, just base it on the most recent date that exists in the table.
Option 2:
Store all historical data in a separate table and keep current data in another. This might be beneficial if you're working with millions of records so you don't degrade performance of any applications built on top of it. Either at the time of creating a new record or through some nightly job you can move old data into the other table to keep your current table lightweight.
Here is one alternative, that is not necessarily "better" but is something to keep in mind...
You could have separate "active" and "historical" tables, then create a trigger so whenever a row in the active table is modified or deleted, the old row values are copied to the historical table, together with the timestamp.
This way, the application can work with the active table in a natural way, while the accurate history of changes is automatically generated in the historical table. And since this works at the DBMS level, you'll be more resistant to application bugs.
Of course, things can get much messier if you need to maintain a history of the whole graph of objects (i.e. several tables linked via FOREIGN KEYs). Probably the simplest option is to simply forgo referential integrity for historical tables and just keep it for active tables.
If that's not enough for your project's needs, you'll have to somehow represent a "snapshot" of the whole graph at the moment of change. One way to do it is to treat the connections as versioned objects too. Alternatively, you could just copy all the connections with each version of the endpoint object. Either case will complicate your logic significantly.

Firebase IDs - can I extract the date/time generated?

I need to date/timestamp various transactions, and can add that explicityly into the data structure.
Firebase creates an ID like IuId2Du7p9rJoT-BARu using some algorithm.
Is there a way I can decode the date/time from the firebase-created ID and avoid storing a separate date/timestamp?
Short answer: no.
I've asked the same question previously, because my engineer instincts tell me I can never duplicate data. The conclusion that I came to after I thought this through to the logical end, is that even in a SQL database there exists tons of duplication. It's simply hidden under the covers (as indices, temporary tables, and memory caches). This is a part of large and active data.
So drop the timestamp in the data and go have lunch; save yourself some energy :)
Alternately, skip the timestamp entirely. You know that the records are stored by timestamp already, assuming you haven't provided your own priority, so you should be good to go.

Should I use Wordpress Transient API in this case?

I'm writing a simple Wordpress plugin for work and am wondering if using the Transients API is practical in this case, or if I should seek out another way.
The plugin's purpose is simple. I'm making a call to USZip Web Service ( to retrieve data. Our sales team is using a Lead Intake sheet that the plugin will run on.
I wanted to reduce the number of API calls, so I thought of setting a transient for each zip code as the key and store the incoming data (city and zip). If the corresponding data for a given zip code already exists, then no need to make an API call.
Here are my concerns:
1. After a quick search, I realized that the transient data is stored in the wp_options table and storing the data would balloon that table in no time. Would this cause a significance performance issue if the db becomes huge?
2. Is this horrible practice to create this many transient keys? It could easily becomes thousands in a few months time.
If using Transient is not the best way, could you please help point me in the right direction? Thanks!
P.S. I opted for the Transients API vs the Options API. I know zip codes don't change often, but they sometimes so. I set expiration time of 3 months.
A less-inflated solution would be:
Store a single option called uszip with a serialized array inside the option
Grab the entire array each time and simply check if the zip code exists
If it doesn't exist, grab the data and save the whole transient again
You should make sure you don't hit the upper bounds of a serialized array in this table (9,000 elements) considering 43,000 zip codes exist in the US. However, you will most likely have a very localized subset of zip codes.
