Problem with slash within a query string -

I'm using the WebRequest class to make a request to some site. The query string contains a slash (/), which cause to the url to be cut by the site, because it doesn't see it as part of the query string.
The query string is: "my params / separated by slash".
The request:
var request = WebRequest.Create(
What I missing?
After all answers here are update:
I was wrong about query string, it's not actually query string, but the url should look (without "?"):
The url "" is result of Server.UrlEncode method. The code:
var url = "" +
Server.UrlEncode(#"my params / separated by slash");
If I place the resulting url into a browser, everything works.
But if I run it through WebRequest class, the url results as it was called without "/ separated by slash" part

If this is your actual code you are missing the ?:
var request = WebRequest.Create("");

you forgot to put "?" before key name , so try :
var request = WebRequest.Create("");

You need to have a look at apaches AllowEncodedSlashes option
You should be able to enable this through .htaccess or httpd_conf

UrlEncode it. (You will need a reference to System.Web )
string url = "");
var request = WebRequest.Create(HttpUtility.UrlEncode(url));

This part of the URL:
is actually a continuation of the URL, the website probably uses some kind of URL routing. Query strings are denoted by the '?' and seperated by '&'.
If you did need to remove '/' from a URL then HttpUtility.UrlEncode would be the way to go, but this will not benefit you in your case as any encoding done to the URL will almost definitely cause your WebRequest to fail.

(Yes, that is what you are missing. :)

Use like this
$qrypic = 'INSERT INTO tbl_propics (userID,num,imagename,propic) VALUES ("$id","1","http://\\$id/\picture?type=large","1")';


ASP.Net WebForms malformed querystring, ? rather than &

In one of our webforms apps we have external links coming to the site where there are 2 querystring parameters, but the second param is also preceded by a ?.
Normally, your querystring will only have one ?, which is at the beginning just before the first param, and any subsequent params are preceded by &. For example: <---- this is properly formed <---- this is malformed
Yes, I know that param values can contain question marks, and it is best to escape them, but we don't have that issue.
These urls are coming from an external source and we can't do anything about them right now, but we do need to parse the querystrings properly.
With the above malformed url, Request.QueryString["param1"] yields:
But if the url were properly formed it would yield:
Also if properly formed, Request.QueryString["param2"] would yield:
How best to handle such a situation, if you are unable to fix the source of the problem? I might add that the url comes to the site urlencoded.
This is the solution that I have come up with. Just fix the querystring and redirect back. In the Page_Load, I call this ProcessQS method, and have added the fix qs code to it:
private bool ProcessQS()
var param1 = Request.QueryString["param1"];
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(param1))
return false;
// Workaround for external links that have ? instead of & for querystring parameter beyond the first.
// In this case, id should be preceded by &, this handles those urls that have a ? preceding id.
if (param1.Contains("?param2="))
var qs = Request.ServerVariables["QUERY_STRING"];
qs = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(qs);
Response.Redirect($"~/somepage.aspx?{qs.Replace("?param2=", "&param2=")}", true);
return true;

how to get the url(URL is in canonical) without querystring values in

Is there any way to get current url (which is in the form of canonical) without query string?
One option is to use Request.Rawurl but I need the better solution to get the url which is canonical form.
Not too sure if this is what you are after, but running locally this would return 'http://localhost'
var t = HttpContext.Request.Url.AbsoluteUri;
var newurl = t.Replace(HttpContext.Request.Url.PathAndQuery, "");

Decode and RequestQueryString

My URL is
I would love to read the QueryString value of t. So i can parse it as GUID.
Unfortunatelly that & thing, seems to mess things up.
How can i parse the value of the t Query string?
My URL is
I hope you realize that this is not a valid URL. This is a HTML encoded string. Do not confuse with an URL. URLs should be properly URL encoded, not HTML encoded. And since you start with something invalid your only chance is to use some ugly string parsing/regex to extract the necessary information. Since this looks like an HTML encoded string you could HTML decode it first:
var myUrl = "";
myUrl = HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(myUrl);
var values = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(myUrl);
var t = values["t"];
But I repeat once again: don't do this: tackle the problem at its root. And the root of your problem is the origin of this URL. So if you have control over the generation of this URL then fix it so that you can have a valid URL that you could easily work with with the built-in methods. If you don't have control over the generation of the URL then notify the author of the code that he has a bug in it and ask him to fix it because he has provided you a non-properly encoded URL and you are obliged to use some ugly string parsing mechanisms to extract the information from it.

Encoded ID in URL path on IIS with

We have an Id that could look something like this:
That we would like to use in the path or an url:
This obviously does not work, so we used HttpUtility.UrlEncode() and get
But this still does not work.
What would be a good approach here?
Once you get the url string back, you have to decode it.
Also, you should use any slashes after encoded params, use ampersand instead to join them.
We actually decided to encode the whole thing into HEX first:
public static string GetBytesToString(byte[] value)
SoapHexBinary shb = new SoapHexBinary(value);
return shb.ToString();
With this we then just had HEX codes in the url. Works fine.

Url Rewriting in but maintaining the original url

Page aspxHandler = (Page)PageParser.GetCompiledPageInstance(virtualPath, context.Server.MapPath(virtualPath), context);
aspxHandler.PreRenderComplete += AspxPage_PreRenderComplete;
When you call Page.Request.Url after this, you get the Url of the page you rewrote to
...what I'm looking for is to do a rewrite, but for Page.Request.Url to remain as the original url that was passed in. Is that possible?
I had a similar problem using rewriting rules in the web.config. Not sure if this will solve your problem too, but I found that when the url was rewritten, the originally requested URL was accessible through the "HTTP_X_ORIGINAL_URL" server variable.
string pathAndQuery = Request.ServerVariables.AllKeys.Contains("HTTP_X_ORIGINAL_URL") ? Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_X_ORIGINAL_URL") : Request.Url.PathAndQuery
string pathAndQuery = Request.ServerVariables.AllKeys.Contains("HTTP_X_ORIGINAL_URL") ? Request.ServerVariables["HTTP_X_ORIGINAL_URL"] : Request.Url.PathAndQuery;
That should get you the original path and querystring of the request before rewriting, whether or not rewriting has taken place.
