Access variables -

I have a session variable that I want to access in a Silverlight 3 application. How can I do it in the best recommended way?

In the object tag in your Silverlight aspx host page:
<param name="initParams" value="myvar=<%=Session["myvar"] %>" />
then retrieve the value in app.xaml.cs
private void Application_Startup(object sender, StartupEventArgs e)
this.RootVisual = new Page();
myvar = e.InitParams["myvar"];
Not the most secure way and as has been noted only work best for immutable session variables.
The other way which was already suggested was to expose the session variable using a WCF service. It all depends on how you want to retrieve the value, how secure you want the process to be, which of several ways you want to access the value and from where(in the web page or in the Silverlight app). I hope some of this makes some sense.

If it is a mutable value, i.e. changes after the session initialization, use an Ajax or WCF call to a service endpoint to get/set the value. The ScriptService or 'Ajax Enabled WCF' endpoint will both have access to the session.
If the value is immutable as the hosting page is being rendered, you could, and I don't suggest this, write it out as a JSON object to the hosting page.


Keep getting null reference error when setting session variables [duplicate]

I have an ASMX webservice hosted alongside my ASP.NET web app. Now, I need to get the users session into the Webservice. To test this I made this simple method:
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public string checkSession()
return HttpContext.Current.Session["userid"].ToString();
So, first I login to my web app, then in the browser goto my webservice and click "checkSession" on that auto generated test page. I have tested this on 3 computers. All 3 of those work fine with the webapp(so the sessions are being created etc), and 2 of those return the value of Session["userid"] on invoking the webmethod, however the last computer returns "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" because Session is null.
So, whats the difference between these computers and why can my ASP.NET app get the sessions on all computers but the webservice cant?
maybe it's too late, but have you tried this:
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public string checkSession()
return HttpContext.Current.Session.SessionID
SessionIDs are stored as cookies on the client's browser by default (Session State Overview). So check if that cookie is being created properly on that problem computer. Maybe cookies are disabled for some reason? In that case it would not be sending the SessionID to the server when you are hitting that web service.
Can you check how many worker processes is your application using? You can check it in your App pool settings in IIS.
If more than one worker process are being used then it is called to be running a web garden. If that is the case then in proc session will not be useful as this session is not shared among the worker processes. Have a look at
Have you got Session disabled in IIS, this would over rule .net.
Have a look at this - it tells you how to disable session, but shows where to check the setting.
By default web services are and should be stateless. However if you must use session information be sure to use the marker interfaces IReadOnlySessionState and IRequiresSessionState in order to access, use, or modify session state information in the webservice.
Web service by default wont support Session. You need to explicitly specify the parameter in web method attribute
These two things work for me
<add name="Session"
type="System.Web.SessionState.SessionStateModule"/> under
enableSessionState="true" in <page> tag
A session object is accessible by:
var session = this.Session;
var contextSession = this.Context.Session;
best way to do this approach check before your session is not null and in the other side you
initialize the selected session with your value and then when and where web service working with httpcontext.current.session have value !
web services are stateless and best way is get value in web service instead of set or initialize session value

Access HttpContext.Current.Session in Nancy Module

I've read a lot of answers saying to just use the built-in Nancy Session/User object, but this isn't an option in my case.
Using WCF I was able to access the ASP.Net Session["SomethingStuffedIntoSessionFromAWebForm"] by enabling aspNetCompatibilityEnabled in the web.config (other stuff had to been done too, probably), but I can't seem to figure out how to get a handle on the System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session (or anything else in the current context) from within a Nancy module.
My 1st thought was to inject it in the bootstrapper but I can't even get a handle on the System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session there either. Any ideas?
I ended up just stuffing an encrypted version of my desired session object into a cookie upstream and checking/validating against it in the module's BeforePipeline... not too crazy about this approach, but it suits my needs for now.
As far as I can tell, when a Nancy module handles a request, it bypasses the Asp.Net pipeline, so while I actually do have access to HttpContext.Current, Session is not populated.
Inherit IRequiresSessionState to enable Session.
public class NancyAspHttpRequestHandler
: NancyHttpRequestHandler, IRequiresSessionState
and use NancyAspHttpRequestHandler in handler registration, this can be possible using Nancy.AspNet hosting.
This will solve the problem

SessionID changing across different instances in Azure (and probably in a web farm)

I have a problem with an Azure project with one WebRole but multiple instances that uses cookieless sessions. The application doesn't need Session storage, so it's not using any session storage provider, but I need to track the SessionID. Apparently, the SessionID should be the same accross the WebRole instances, but it changes suddently w/o explanation. We are using the SessionID to track some data, so it's very important.
In order to reproduce the issue:
Create a Cloud Project.
Add a ASP.NET Web Role. The code already in it will do.
Open Default.aspx
Add a control to see the current SessionID and a button to cause a postback
<p><%= Session.SessionID %></p>
<asp:Button ID="Button1" runat="server" Text="PostBack" onclick="Button1_Click" />
Add a event handler for button that will delay the response a bit:
protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Open Web.Config
Enable cookieless sessions:
<sessionState cookieless="true" />
Run the project, and hit fast and repeteadly the "PostBack" button for a while giving attention to the session id in the address bar. Nothing happens, the session id is always the same :). Stop it.
Open ServiceConfiguration.csfg
Enable four instances:
<Instances count="4" />
Ensure that in the Web.config there is a line related with the machine key that has been added automatically by Visual Studio. (at the end of system.web).
Rerun the project, hit fast and repeteadly the "Postback" button for a while and give attention to the session id in the address bar. You'll see how the SessionID changes after a while.
Why is this happening? As far as I know, if all machines share the machineKey, the session should be the same across them. With cookies there are no problems, the issue apparently is just when cookieless sessions are used.
My best guess, is that something wrong is happening when there are several instances, when the SessionID generated in one WebRole goes to another, is rejected and regenerated. That doesn't make sense, as all the WebRoles have the same machineKey.
In order to find out the problem, and see it more clearly, I created my own SessionIDManager:
public class MySessionIDManager : SessionIDManager
public override string CreateSessionID(HttpContext context)
if (context.Items.Contains("AspCookielessSession"))
String formerSessionID = context.Items["AspCookielessSession"].ToString();
// if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(formerSessionID) && formerSessionID != base.CreateSessionID(context))
// Debugger.Break();
return formerSessionID;
return base.CreateSessionID(context);
And to use it change this line in the WebConfig:
<sessionState cookieless="true" sessionIDManagerType="WebRole1.MySessionIDManager" />
Now you can see that the SessionID doesn't change, no matter how fast and for how long you hit. If you uncomment those two lines, you will see how ASP.NET is creating a new sessionID even when there is already one.
In order to force ASP.NET to create a new session, just a redirect to an absolute URL in your site:
Response.Redirect(Request.Url.AbsoluteUri.Replace(Request.Url.AbsolutePath, String.Empty));
Why is this thing happening with cookieless sessions?
How reliable is my solution in MySessionIDManager ?
Kind regards.
I've tried this workaround:
User-Specified Machine Keys
Overwritten by Site-Level Auto
Configuration, but the problem
still stands.
public override bool OnStart()
// For information on handling configuration changes
// see the MSDN topic at
using (var server = new ServerManager())
// get the site's web configuration
var siteNameFromServiceModel = "Web"; // update this site name for your site.
var siteName =
string.Format("{0}_{1}", RoleEnvironment.CurrentRoleInstance.Id, siteNameFromServiceModel);
var siteConfig = server.Sites[siteName].GetWebConfiguration();
// get the appSettings section
var appSettings = siteConfig.GetSection("appSettings").GetCollection()
.ToDictionary(e => (string)e["key"], e => (string)e["value"]);
// reconfigure the machine key
var machineKeySection = siteConfig.GetSection("system.web/machineKey");
machineKeySection.SetAttributeValue("validationKey", appSettings["validationKey"]);
machineKeySection.SetAttributeValue("validation", appSettings["validation"]);
machineKeySection.SetAttributeValue("decryptionKey", appSettings["decryptionKey"]);
machineKeySection.SetAttributeValue("decryption", appSettings["decryption"]);
_init = true;
return base.OnStart();
I've also tried this about put a
session start handler and add
some data, but no luck.
void Session_Start(object sender, EventArgs e)
Session.Add("dummyObject", "dummy");
Bounty up!
In short, unless you use cookies or a session provider there is no way for the session id to pass from one web role instance to the other. The post you mention says that the SessionID does NOT stay the same across web roles if you don't use cookies or session storage.
Check this previous question for ways to handle state storage in Azure, e.g. using Table Storage
The machineKey has nothing to do with sessions or the application domain, it is the key used to encrypt,decrypt,validate authentication and viewstate data. To verify this open SessionIDManager.CreateSessionID with Reflector. You will see that the ID value is just a random 16-byte value encoded as a string.
The AspCookielessSession value is already checked by SessionIDManager in the GetSessionID method, not CreateSessionID so the check is already finished before your code gets executed. Since the default sessionstate mode is InProc it makes sence that separate web roles will not be able to validate the session key so they create a new one.
In fact, a role may migrate to a different physical machine at any time, in which case its state will be lost. This post from the SQL Azure Team describes a way to use SQL Azure to store state for exactly this reason.
EDIT I finally got TableStorageSessionStateProvider to work in cookieless mode!
While TableStorageSessionStateProvider does support cookieless mode by overriding SessionStateStoreProviderBase.CreateUnititializedItem, it fails to handle empty sessions properly in private SessionStateStoreData GetSession(HttpContext context, string id, out bool locked, out TimeSpan lockAge,out object lockId, out SessionStateActions actions,bool exclusive). The solution is to return an empty SessionStateStoreData if no data is found in the underlying blob storage.
The method is 145 lines long so I won't paste it here. Search for the following code block
if (actions == SessionStateActions.InitializeItem)
// Return an empty SessionStateStoreData
result = new SessionStateStoreData(new SessionStateItemCollection(),
This block returns an empty session data object when a new session is created. Unfortunately the empty data object is not stored to the blob storage.
Replace the first line with the following line to make it return an empty object if the blob is empty:
if (actions == SessionStateActions.InitializeItem || stream.Length==0)
Long stroy short cookieles session state works as long as the provider supports it. You'll have to decide whether using cookieless state justifies using a sample provider though. Perhaps vtortola should check the AppFabric Caching CTP. It includes out-of-the-box ASP.NET providers, is a lot faster and it definitely has better support than the sample providers. There is even a step-by-step tutorial on how to set session state up with it.
Sounds tricky.
I have one suggestion/question for you. Don't know if it will help - but you sound like you're ready to try anything!
It sounds like maybe the session manager on the new machine is checking the central session storage provider and, when it finds that the session storage is empty, then it's issuing a new session key.
I think a solution may come from:
- using Session_Start as you have above in order to insert something into Session storage
- plus inserting a persistent Session storage provider of some description into the web.config - e.g. some of the oldest Azure samples provide a table based provider, or some of the newer samples provide an AppFabric caching solution.
I know your design is not using the session storage, but maybe you need to put something in (a bit like your Session_Start), plus you need to define something other than in-process session management.
Alternatively, you need to redesign your app around something other than ASP.NET sessions.
Hope that helps - good luck!
I experienced the same problem and after much research and debugging I found that the issue occurred because the "virtual servers" in the Azure SDK map the websites to different paths in the IIS metabase. (You can see this through through Request.ServerVariables["APPL_MD_PATH"].)
I just found this out now but wanted to post this so people could get working on testing it. My theory is that this problem may go away once it's published out to Azure proper. I'll update with any results I find. web services

I am using a web service which sets the Thread.CurrentPrincipal object while logging in and soon later when another webmethod of the same web service accesses Thread.CurrentPrincipal, its different/resets
Can someone tell me if this is expected or can different webmethod calls from the same client can access the same Thread.CurrentPrincipal object
As soon as you stop using a thread it goes back into the thread pool.
The next call will take a thread from the thread pool, but you have no control which one you get.
You need to send information about which user is making the call, with each request.
This is expected, every new web request is actually new thread. And every web request reset stuff like CurrentThread, CurrentCulture and so on.
What are you trying to do is authentication session. There are many possible solutions. But to suggest something I have to specify technology you use.
For example, ASP.NET ASMX Services can use Forms Authentication. Also they are aware about ASP.NET Session.
With WCF, you can enable ASP.NET support, so you will have same stuff like for ASP.NET ASMX Services. But you also can leverage on Windows Communication Foundation Authentication Service.
Anyways need more info from you.
If you are using the built-in ASP .NET authentication for your website and then just calling the web service from a web page, you may be able to enable session variables and user context information in the methods of the web service with a decoration. Like this:
public void MyWebMethod()
string mySessionVar = HttpContext.Current.Session["sessionVar"].ToString();
IPrincipal currentUser = HttpContext.Current.User;
If that doesn't solve your problem, tell us what are you using the Thread.CurrentPrincipal object for (what you are pulling out of the Thread.CurrentPrincipal object). Perhaps there is another solution.

Readonly access to session in a web service call?

We have a .net asmx web service that gets called from javascript (using ASP.Net AJAX), and requires access to Session.
public string DoSomethingOnTheServer() { }
We're running into the problem of session being locked on a read/write request. Is there any way to mark a web service method as requiring read-only access to Session?
This is a really old thread, but i stumbled on it in my search for an answer to the same question.
I found the answer else where, and will leave it here for other internets in my place:
In Global.asax you can specify for each request, what access the request should have to the session object, and thereby if it should block or not.
private void Application_BeginRequest(object sender, EventArgs e)
// This will set the session to read only for asmx services
// This will make the asmx services non blocking for other requests as it doesnt lock the session object
if (Context.Request.Path.Contains(".asmx/"))
This way asmx services always only have read only access to the session and will not block other requests
This page seems to suggest that the answer is "no" - you cannot mark a WebSerivce as having EnableSessionState=ReadOnly.
If you are making simultaneous Web service calls from the same process, the requests will be serialized at the server so that only one will execute at any one time. Unlike .ASPX pages that have support for read-only access to the HttpSessionState object, which allows for simultaneous processing of multiple requests, there is no such capability with ASP.NET Web services. All Web method calls with sessions enabled have read/write access and will be serialized within each session.
Warning: That article is old (2002).
According to the MSDN documentation of the WebMethod Attribute there are several possible properties, so I'm not sure what the 'true' value in your WebMethod Attribute going to do.
Have you tried:
According to this document that should give you full access to the session.
