Add Lightbox Effect to NextGen Gallery Wordpress - wordpress

Just can't seem to figure it out. How can I turn the lightbox effect on while using the Wordpress NextGen Gallery Plugin?

Your answer was almost perfect, and certainly led me on the correct trail.
The Lightbox plugin to enable the Lightbox effect in NextGen Gallery is actually deprecated, and replaced by the Slimbox Plugin by my compatriot Giuseppe Argento.
The official WordPress page for the plugin is here:
Just install the plugin, then, in the Gallery options, go to:
Gallery >> Options >> Effects
You can now choose "Lightbox," and it will work perfectly.
Just make sure that your images are not too big, as Lightbox/Slimbox does not resize images that come up in the modal layer above your Web page.
I usually shoot for a maximum size of 800 x 600.

Not sure if this is exactly what you're asking but:
3: I didn’t get the Highslide or Lightbox effect working…
NextGEN Gallery supports only Shutter and Thickbox as full integrated effect. All other effects are possible but you need to add them manually. You can use other plugins to add the effect.
Highslide JS plugin or Lightbox JS Plugin
I found this #:
(its Q #3)
linked from:


Next Gen Gallery Filter By Tag On Galleries

I have NextGen Gallery version 3.1.5 and NextGen Pro version 2.6.8.
I am trying to put a gallery on a page, and have filter buttons above the gallery so that users can filter the images by tag.
Does anybody know of something I'm missing, or have a bit of custom code that can make this work?
I tried using the NextGen Gallery PowerTags plugin, but that broke my site (made it go to a 500 error). I think that plugin doesn't work anymore because of how big this last update by NextGen Gallery was.
Check out justified image grid. Its a plugin to display different gallery sources including nextgen. You can have two levels of filtering.

Use Responsive Lightbox for FooGallery in wordpress

I have multiple galleries which made by FooGalllery, Now i want show the galleries images by "Responsive Lightbox by dFactory" plugin. also I installed Swypebox!
but the lightbox shows only first image of each gallery!
I found a solution here, in the WordPress suport forums.
In essence, you need to hook into FooGallery's foogallery_attachment_html_link_attributes hook.
NOTE: If you had previously selected another lightbox (e.g. FooBox) for any gallery, you must edit that gallery and set the lightbox to "None". Otherwise, I found that both FooBox and RL by dFactory will fire, giving you odd results (perhaps including what you encountered). Hope this helps.

My wordpress gallery won't open in a lightbox

At i am trying to open the photos in a lightbox, but that's not working. I have tried different plugins to make it happen, but all of them won't do it (Nextgen, WP Lightbox Gallery and more). I'm guessing it's javascript conflict but I can't figure out where the problem is. Any ideas?
All solved by using the Foobox image lightbox plugin. Workaround that works.

responsive video slider wordpress

I need a free wordpress slider plugin which supports images as well as videos with responsive. I have tried anything slider but it lacks responsiveness for videos. Flex slider have all the features but couldn't find as wordpress plugin. Any help?
Most of slider are responsive, you can use :
Try Wow Slider :
This article give free others plugins
Flexslider is ABSOLUTELY available as a plugin - it just costs money.
You don't need a plugin to incorporate a slider into WordPress. If you know even a little bit of coding, you should be able to add the files to your theme and just manually add sliders as needed.

Creating a Filter system for images using NextGen Gallery for Wordpress

Using the latest version of Wordpress and NextGen Gallery plugin... I'm trying to create a filter system for the images. For instance: If you click on a link called "Vacation" all the images with the tag/alt of Vacation would appear and the rest would disappear and so on. Is there a plugin I can use or does NextGen have anything built in?
Can anyone lead me in the right direction to getting this filter going? Thank you.
This plugin works:
It's an extension for the NextGen plugin. Once activated, be sure to "Activate permalinks" in NextGen's Options first.
You can use the [nggpowertags] shortcode, which will show your gallery + clickable tag filters. Just be aware that images without tags will not show up (at least not by default). I.e, make sure all of your images are tagged.
If you don't feel like tagging all your images, you can also use the default [nggallery] shortcode and place [tagcloud] above it. This gets you roughly the same result.
