How to give Write Permission In IIS Version5.1? -

I have developed an web application using ( .Net Framework 3.0). In this application I have created a folder in the application directory. This folder contains an xml file to read and write data. when I tested this application in my local machine I can read and write data. But, when I deployed in IIS Ver5.1, I can read the data but when I try to write data in xMl file i could not.
So, I hope this problem is in IIS. I gave the write permission to my application folder in IIS.
or Is there any steps to do that?
How to give write text file persmission in IIS Ver5.1?

Setting IIS Web Site Permissions.
From Microsoft TechNet.

After deployed my web application in IIS. When I try to write file in xml file. I could not wirte. It redirected to another page. So, the file is not written. But, it is writing in local machine...


Folder Access denied error when trying to create a file from a web project

I have solution in which there are two projects one is a web project and one is a windows application. The windows application does some file read write things. Recently I have got a requirement to refer those in Web project. I referred the windows project in my web project and it worked great.
But the issue is there is a file writing part in Windows Project which is triggering an Access Denied error. When I am running locally its not triggering that file error. When running from IIS that error triggers.
You need to assign Write access to IIS_IUSRS user group in that folder. Just right click on the folder, go to security tab and add IIS_IUSRS with read + write access and click OK.

How do I grant unmanaged DLL with WRITE permission on files using fopen in ASP.NET web service?

I wrote an XML Web Service that run with an unmanaged dll which creates a file for writing.
But when my unmanaged dll tries to use _wfopen to WRITE something into an existing file, it causes a security issue: ACCESS DENIED!! And then _wfopen receives a NULL back.
I originally used _wfopen with r+b to access file. To test the permissions it had,
I tried to change it to use rb (Read file only), then the file opened successfully. This means I can access the file with READ access.
I also found that directly accessing the file through C# code does not cause this problem.
(e.g. if I use File.Create etc.).
The OS I'm running is WinXP Professional SP3 with IIS 5.1. So there should not be directories or files permissions not set properly in such a system.
Is there a way to solve this problem?
After lots of Code Fighting, I came to a conclusion: THIS MAY NOT BE A CODE PERMISSION ISSUE.
So I tried to configure my web service in IIS.
I finally found that configuring the ASP.NET tab of the property page can solve this problem.
On the ASP.NET configuration page, I go to the Application tab and check Impersonate in Identity Settings, and input username/password with my computer login data.
After that, everything went well and the problem was solved.
I hope this helps for those who have the same problem as me.
Thanks for any advice!

Where is web.config file when running Azure web role in Compute Emulator?

I created an empty Azure Cloud Service project, then added a web role there. The role project has a web.config file.
When I hit F5 the role is deployed in Compute emulator. I went into the folder where role binaries are deployed - there's no web.config file there.
What's happening? Is that because I didn't set "copy always" on web.config file? What web.config does my role use?
If your role is configured for Full IIS mode (for those unaware of the difference between Hosted Web Core and Full IIS, see this blog post), the compute emulator should deploy the web role to IIS where it can be viewed in IIS Manager. On my machine (I'm running Azure SDK 1.5), the deployed web role's physical path is my source code directory.
I think web.config is compiled into your assembly as content in your development environment, and is not directly accessible like in staging/prod. You don't need to use Copy Always, if its marked as Content its all you need. You can use Environment.CurrentDirectory to see your web root path.
Even though the preferred way of storing configuration in Windows Azure applications is in the ServiceConfiguration.cscfg file, there are still many cases when you may want to use a normal .NET config file - especially when configuring .NET system components or reusable frameworks. In particular whenever you use Windows Azure diagnostics you need to configure the DiagnosticMonitorTraceListener in a .NET config file.
When you create your web role project, Visual Studio creates a web.config file for your .NET configuration. While your web application can access this information, your RoleEntryPoint code cannot-because it's not running as a part of your web site. As mentioned earlier, it runs under a process called WaIISHost.exe, so it expects its configuration to be in a file called WaIISHost.exe.config. Therefore, if you create a file with this name in the your web project and set the "Copy to Output Directory" property to "Copy Always" you'll find that the RoleEntryPoint can read this happily. This is one of the only cases I can think of where you'll have two .NET configuration files in the same project!
All info is from Azure Team Blog and I have used this solution successfully-

Deploying on IIS in windows 7

I've never actually used IIS, and I'm pretty new to the whole thing too.
Basically, I've created a RESTful service using a VS2010 project.
I'm not sure how you get that application (which runs great on Visual Studio) to run on an IIS server.
It's pretty easy with a Java dynamic web project and Tomcat, but here I'm not sure how to begin.
Do I simply deploy the binaries to a directory?
ther are some possibilities
the easy one
create under c:\inetpub\wwwroot\ a new directory for your app
in the iis manager, configure this directory (create an application, set the right .net version, ... ). than everything you need is to copy all your files into that directory and thats it.
but you can also create a msi file, if you don't have the direct access to the server.
For best testing you application use IIS 7.5 express on you development machine and set this:
project->Properties->Web->Use Local IIS Web Server
After testing under local IIS you can deploy you project to real IIS by using Build->Publish 'Your project'
Simplest way is deploying to File System in some folder and copy its content to created site folder, associated with IIS Virtual directory. To create Sites and virtual directories, see this:

Error while browsing application in IIS

I am using 2.0 with C#.
I have deployed my application on IIS and while browsing it I am receiving below error:
Could not write to output file 'c:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\Temporary ASP.NET Files\root\7179d944\dd7c82ae\App_Web_adlogin.aspx.cdcab7d2.rqcxmj0e.dll'
Please suggest us how can I remove this error, this is urgent.
Thanks in adavnce.
The network service account, or other account if you have changed your application pool user, needs to have access to the temp folder mentioned in the error. You can normally do this most easily by running the command below from command prompt.
aspnet_regiis.exe /ga actual_acount_here
Perform a disk check and clean up the whole c:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\Temporary ASP.NET Files\ folder. It happens from time to time on IIS6.
