Blackberry http connection not working on 3g - http

hi friends i'm a newbie in blackberry programming and have managed to make a small application... The application downloads an xml file through http and parses it and displays it on the screen... now the problem is that though it works fine on my simulator... the client complains that he's getting an error in connection if he connects it through 3G... do i need to add anything other than the following...
// Build a document based on the XML file.
url = <my clients url file>;
DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
DocumentBuilder builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder();
hc = (HttpConnection)";deviceside=true");
InputStream inputStream = hc.openInputStream();
Document document = builder.parse(inputStream);
Do i need to add anything to make it download http content through 3G also??

Specifying "deviceside=true" requires the device have the APN correctly configured, or you include APN specification in the URL. Have a look at this video.

You need to be able to detect what sort of connection the device is using as was said above deviceside=true works only for APN. If you want to just test it out try using
;deviceside=false //for mds
;deviceside=false;ConnectionType=mds-public //for bis-b
;interface=wifi //for wifi


Xamarin Android project cannot connect to localhost API

I have been working on this problem for quite some time. I've read the many similar posts and their solutions don't help me (many posts are old and stale). I have a new Xamarin project and a localhost API that I am testing to. Initially I installed our production API locally and it doesn't connect. So I created a smaller test API and have had varying results in connecting. Xamarin Android will not connect with a "Failed to connect to localhost:XXXXX" message. I built a WPF project and get the same results. However I can connect to outside public API's (github) with both. I can connect to my localhost with a Windows forms desktop app and successfully get & post. Postman and httprepl both connect locally and successfully get & post. A couple of the other things the other posts suggested are 1) Client handler to ignore SSL - doesn't work, 2) Use the emulator's browser to connect to localhost - cannot connect. (this might be exposing where the problem really is but not sure).
Also The debugger seems to be behaving oddly. When the debugger gets to the HttpResponseMessageresponse.... line it rarely makes it to the next line so I cannot inspect the statuscode. The block I have below is in a try/catch and rarely makes it to the catch if the connection truly fails. Sometimes it will be caught at the catch and that's how I get the "failed to connect" message. Another developer here has run the project on his computer and gets the same results/errors on his computer.
HttpResponseMessage response = await client.SendAsync(request);
var Statuscode = response.StatusCode;
if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
var jsonbody = response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;
var ResponseBody = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result);
string oops = "Nothing";
I seem to be running out of options and am looking for any advice.
Thanks in advance.

Need to know why HttpsURLConnection giving connection reset but works with REST Template (SSLContext)

I have a Spring Boot application to make an API call to a remote service and parse incoming data.
I am connecting to the secure site using a .pfx and truststore.jks. I have used plain Java HttpsUrlConnection to establish the SSL connection and write output (Json payload) and then read the input (Json response). It used to work fine but now it started giving Connection Reset error
Partial error stack trace is as below: Connection reset
I tried alternative of using REST Template by building the SSLContext and that is working fine.
What could be the reason the HttpsURLConnection code is now not working? Is there a difference in the ssl context built in these two ways - below are the 2 different creations:
Using HttpsURLConnection:
SSLContext sslContext = null;
sslContext = SSLContext.getInstance("TLSv1.1");
sslContext.init(kms, tms, new SecureRandom());
Using REST Template:
SSLContext sslContext2 = SSLContextBuilder.create()
.loadKeyMaterial(ResourceUtils.getFile(<PFX File Path>),<store_password>,
.loadTrustMaterial(ResourceUtils.getFile(<trusstore path>),
HttpClient client = HttpClients.custom()
RestTemplateBuilder builder = new RestTemplateBuilder();
RestTemplate restTemplate = builder.requestFactory(() -> new HttpComponentsClientHttpRequestFactory(client)).build();
I am not even sure if it is a difference between the SSL Context building or something else. I am testing with the same data in both cases and the same data was working earlier.

BizTalk 2016: How to use HTTP Send adapter with API token

I need to make calls to a rest API service via BizTalk Send adapter. The API simply uses a token in the header for authentication/authorization. I have tested this in a C# console app using httpclient and it works fine:
string apiUrl = "<method>?";
string dateFormat = "dateFormat = 2017-05-01T00:00:00";
using (var client = new HttpClient())
client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("token", "<token>");
client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("Accept", "application/json");
string finalurl = apiUrl + dateFormat;
HttpResponseMessage resp = await client.GetAsync(finalurl);
if (resp.IsSuccessStatusCode)
string result = await resp.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
var rootresult = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<jobList>(result);
return rootresult;
return null;
however I want to use BizTalk to make the call and handle the response.
I have tried using the wcf-http adapter, selecting 'Transport' for security (it is an https site so security is required(?)) with no credential type specified and placed the header with the token in the 'messages' tab of the adapter configuration. This fails though with the exception: System.IO.IOException: Authentication failed because the remote party has closed the transport stream.
I have tried googling for this specific scenario and cannot find a solution. I did find this article with suggestions for OAUth handling but I'm surprised that even with BizTalk 2016 I still have to create a custom assembly for something so simple.
Does anyone know how this might be done in the wcf-http send adapter?
Yes, you have to write a custom Endpoint Behaviour and add it to the send port. In fact with the WCF-WebHttp adapter even Basic Auth doesn't work so I'm currently writing an Endpoint Behaviour to address this.
One of the issues with OAuth, is that there isn't one standard that everyone follows, so far I've had to write 2 different OAuth behaviours as they have implemented things differently. One using a secret and time stamp hashed to has to get a token, and the other using Basic Auth to get a token. Also one of them you could get multiple tokens using the same creds, whereas the other would expire the old token straight away.
Another thing I've had to write a custom behaviour for is which version of TLS the end points expects as by default BizTalk 2013 R2 tries TLS 1.0, and then will fail if the web site does not allow it.
You can feedback to Microsoft that you wish to have this feature by voting on Add support for OAuth 2.0 / OpenID Connect authentication
Maybe someone will open source their solution. See Announcement: BizTalk Server embrace open source!
Figured it out. I should have used the 'Certificate' for client credential type.
I just had to:
Add token in the Outbound HTTP Headers box in the Messages tab and select 'Transport' security and 'Certificate' for Transport client credential type.
Downloaded the certificate from the API's website via the browser (manually) and installed it on the local servers certificate store.
I then selected that certificate and thumbprint in the corresponding fields in the adapter via the 'browse' buttons (had to scroll through the available certificates and select the API/website certificate I was trying to connect to).
I discovered this on accident when I had Fiddler running and set the adapter proxy setting to the local Fiddler address (http://localhost:8888). I realized that since Fiddler negotiates the TLS connection/certificate (I enabled tls1.2 in fiddler) to the remote server, messages were able to get through but not directly between the adapter and the remote API server (when Fiddler WASN'T running).

Upload image from mobile device to a remote Server using Icenium Cordova and ASP.NET

I am trying to figure out a way to to upload an image from the mobile phone to a remote server using Icenium+Cordova (mobile) and ASP.NET.
I did try to use FileTransfer() command while providing a remote webservice address but without success. I am using Icenium simulator and Visual Studio to test the code locally.
What I need is a code example of the mobile (Javascript) and Server (.NET) side to support that image upload communication. Thanks.
The code that I am currently using:
function uploadPhoto(imageURI) {
var options = new FileUploadOptions();
options.fileKey="image_file"; // recFile
var imagefilename = Number(new Date())+".png";
options.mimeType= "text/plain";
options.chunkedMode = false;
params = {
val1: "some value",
val2: "some other value"
options.params = params;
var ft = new FileTransfer();
ft.upload(imageURI,"", success, fail, options);
On the server side:
public string SaveImage()
HttpPostedFile file = HttpContext.Current.Request.Files[0];
if (file == null)
return "0";
HttpPostedFile file =
string targetFilePath = "c:\\" + file.FileName;
catch (Exception ex)
return "1";
I also have:
<access origin="*" />
In the config.xml for cordova.
Note: I tested the webservice for image upload using the standard file upload control using "Advanced Rest Client" and it returned 200 OK.
Other than that, I'm stuck and can find a way to successfully upload am image to the remote server. I am open to using other method, but I think that using the native Cordova FileTransfer() is the safer way to do that if I want the best comparability.
You should use machine name and your device should be connected to the same network. There is no way for your device to know what is, as it is a loopback address. Always test your services by trying to access them from a browser from another machine.
Cordova version has nothing to do with it, Icenium provides all device API even now, there is no need to manually include them as separate plugins.
I suppose you are trying to compile with cordova version 3.
From what I have understood, in cordova-3 most of the device-level API has been moved to external plugins:
Read "Accessing the Feature" in
So in Icenium it doesn't work anymore.
If you try to go in you project properties and set cordova 2.7.0 everything will works.
To be sure add this line in your main javascript, in the deviceready event:
if you get both alert msg, the app is working correctly and also the filetransfer will work.
But if you import the File-Transfer GitHub project in Icenium, still using the cordova-3, it will work correctly. That's really a mistery and only Telerik can explain us what they are doing!

Reading a remote URL in Domino LotusScript

I have a remote RSS feed which has to be transformed into Notes documents using LotusScript.
I've looked through the documentation, but I can't find how to open a remote URL in order to retrieve its contents. In other words, some sort of wget- or curl-like functionality. Can anyone shed some light on how to do this? Using Java is not an option.
Check out the NotesDOMParser class - available in LotusScript - which lets you (indirectly) pull XML from a remote URL and process in a an XML DOM object.
You can pull the XML into a string using the MSXMLHTTP COM object, then use NotesStream to send the XML to the NotesDOMParser.
I have not tested, but the code would look something like this:
Set objXML = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP") "GET", sURL, False, "", ""
sXMLAsText = Trim$(objXML.responseText)
Set inputStream = session.CreateStream
inputStream.Open (sXMLAsText)
Set domParser=session.CreateDOMParser(inputStream, outputStream)
You can't open a remote URL (whether it's HTTP or some other protocol) using native Lotusscript: the object library simply doesn't support it. If you're running on a Windows server, you should be able to use the MS XMLHttp DLLs to get a handle on your remote file via a URL, as specified by the previous answer. (Alternatively, this link specifies how to parse and open a UNC path with Lotusscript—again, Windows only).
All that said, if I understand you correctly, you're not using HTTP to access the remote file at all. If the RSS file is just on a simple path, why can't you open the file for parsing in the normal way with Lotusscript?
