Silverlight and ASP.NET authorization -

My website uses Forms authentication. I did silverlight 3 module which is designed to work in context of asp - authenticated user. Silverlight module talks with WCF hosted by the same website, but the issue is that it cannot authenticate to WCF service.
I run Fiddler and I see that .ASPXAUTH cookie is not sent to WCF service.
How to force Silverlight to get this cookie from browser and send it to service?

Finally I solved it.
The problem of missing cookie was made by inproper host name.
I was sending requests to myhostname, but SL was calling WCF using myhostname.mylocaldomainnam.local. This is why there was no .aspauth cookie during WCF calls.

I've used it successfully. First, I make sure that there are is a service endpoint for the WCF AuthorizationService used by ASP.NET. Then use the Silverlight project to generate a "Service Reference" to the AuthorizationService. Finally, in your module, you will use that service reference to login your visitor using their credentials stored within your provider. If you have some more information on how you've built your site, I might be able to offer a more concise answer to your problem.


using WIF in ASP.NET Web API Service

I am trying to do something like this:
I have a MVC4 Web App and a Web-API service (hosted on two separate roles in azure)
Another role runs CustomSTS1.
The MVC Web App trusts the CustomSTS1
Now the customer logs into the site he is redirected to the STS login page.
Once logged in, he is redirected back to the MVC Web Site.
From this web site, the customer performs actions, which in turn invoke the web-API Service.
I have the SAML token in the web app, which I pass to the WebAPI service.
Now when I try to validate the SAML token at the Web API side, I get a
Message=ID1032: At least one 'audienceUri' must be specified in the SamlSecurityTokenRequirement when the AudienceUriMode is set to 'Always' or 'BearerKeyOnly'. Either add the valid URI values to the AudienceUris property of SamlSecurityTokenRequirement, or turn off checking by specifying an AudienceUriMode of 'Never' on the SamlSecurityTokenRequirement.
This is without the Web API service trusting the CustomSTS1
Once I setup the trust,
I am always given a HTTP 401: UNAUTHORIZED, whenever I try to make a HTTP Get request to the WEB API Service.
Now, My Question is, (I know that my current approach is definitely wrong)
How do I setup the Trust relationship with the CustomSTS1, such that the WebAPI service is able to do an ActAS on behalf of the user logged into the MVC site?
Is this architecture wrong?
And is there another way to achieve this?
That approach is wrong conceptually. The MVC application should negotiate a new token for the Web API in the STS using ActAs. That's how it traditionally works for SOAP Services. However, Web APIs are moving away from SAML as it is a complex format that relies on different WS-* specs. OAuth 2.0 is becoming the standard in that area if you want to support SSO at that level.
Another approach is to establish an implicit trust between the MVC app and the Web API, so all the calls to the Web API from the MVC app are done through a more standard Http auth mechanism like Basic Auth using an specific set of credentials that only the MVC app knows. The info about the logged user in the MVC app is passed as additional information.

Authenticating a user via wcf

I have a java app with a .net application running in the java applications embedded browser.
I want the java application to call a .net WCF or web service with a username and password.
The wcf will set the user to authorized in forms authentication.
In the java desktop application I will then load a .aspx page that was protected via forms authentication.
How can I accomplish this? Is it even possible...?
You will need to enable ASP.NET compatibility mode on the WCF service in order to enable forms authentication.
The Java client application could send username and password over a secure connection and your WCF service authenticates the user via FormsAuthentication.Authenticate(username, password) or FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie.
You will then need to use a cookie store on the Java client side in order to pass the authentication cookie on every consecutive request (and update it when it gets refreshed), but this should be a built-in feature of your HTTP-client.
The .aspx page must run on a server with the same machine key as the WCF service.
Conclusion: Yes, it is possible, but for me it is not clear to which ".NET application" you refer to?
Edit: I think its clear now, you will need to be able to set the browser cookies. If you cant do this directly from your java application, a workaround would be to let the WCF service communicate that the user is authenticated and then set the cookie on the .aspx site request.

Can we have login form in wcf services

I have a set of services in my web service. every one should be authenticated before accessing any one of service. To achieve this, i want to add a login page in web service project with form authentication. is it possible?
How would a client which is another program authenticate through a form?
You should have a look at the various built in security features that are in WCF, such as using basicHttpBinding with Windows authentication at the HTTP level.

ASP.NET web service using forms authentication from a windows app

I have an ASP.NET web service that I can access via a windows program but now I want to secure the web service. I can secure the web service using forms authentication. How do you access the secured web service from a windows forms application?
Although this is not the right approach, tt is theoretically possible to use forms authentication in the manner you describe. This could be accomplished by either:
Using a WebRequest to send your requests in raw form to the web service. This will involve inspecting the response, extracting the relevant forms-authentication fields, and sending a response back which logs the user in. This will generate a cookie which you must send along with each subsequent response to the service
Generate the FormsAuhentication authentication cookie yourself. This is complex as it involves synchronising the machine key on the calling application, and artificially manipulating the headers being sent to the machine hosting the service.
Display the forms-authentication form for the user to log in to at the beginning of a session requiring interaction with the web-service. You can then harvest the generated cookie and present it to the service in HTTP headers as in option (2).
As you can see, these methods are highly complex, and are fundamentally a hack to use forms-authentication where it was never intended.
Microsoft intended us to use either Windows authentication, or SSL certs to secure access to ASP.NET web services. See HTTP Security and ASP.NET Web Services on MSDN.
If you are able to use WCF, then a few more options present themselves, including the ability to build a custom authentication mechanism into the SOAP, with some support from WCF.
For the most part, securing web services is one of the trickiest parts of the job. Many live solutions which I have seen are compromises such as the ones above.
It seems the answer is no. Forms authentication is a cookie-based mechanism, and your WinForms app won't be able to hold and relay the cookies (without some serious workarounds, if at all).
A potential workaround that I wrote up when researching your question attempted to use a NetworkCredential object, but that didn't work. Also tried was the ClientCredentials in .NET 4.0.
var ss = new MySecureWebService.MyServiceSoapClient();
ss.ClientCredentials.UserName.UserName = "abc";
ss.ClientCredentials.UserName.Password = "123";
string asmxReturn = ss.HelloWorld(); //exception returned here
The console app was still presented with the login html page when calling the webmethod.
Other Suggestions
If you have the source to your web service, extract its logic out into an assembly of its own. Reference that assembly in your WinForms app, and it's just as if you're calling the web service.
I understand that your goal is to reuse the app that's deployed, but the next best thing would be to use the same logic/implementation via .dll reference.
This might help:

Accessing .NET Web Service securely from Flex 3

We can successfully consume a .NET 2.0 web service from a Flex/AS3 application. Aside from SSL, how else can we make the security more robust (i.e., authentication)?
You can leverage ASP.Net's built in session management by decorating your webmethods with
Then, inside your method, you can check that the user still has a valid session.
If you're talking about securing the information going over the wire, you can use Web Service Extensions (WSE) to encrypt the body of the soap message so that you don't have to secure the channel. This way the message can get passed around from more than one endpoint (ie. it can get forwarded) and you don't need multiple https certs.
If you're talking abut autentication then you could do forms auth with either a password in the body or in the soap headers (once again either encrypt the body or the channel). Or one of the easiest ways to secure a webservice (if it's an internal set of services) is have IIS do it, turn on NTLM and do authentication there. You can do authorization later on in the pipeline with an HTTPModule that checks peoples credential against the code they're trying to call.
Consider using WebOrb to communicate with your service. Here is some information on WebOrb's authentication mecahnism. There is also an article on Adobe's developer site on using WebOrb and .Net for authentication.
You should be able to use's authentication (such as forms authentication) without much extra effort. Securing an asmx file is just like securing an aspx file. There's a ton of information on forms authentication out there, just search for ' forms authentication'
If you are using Microsoft technologies you could build a little Asp.Net/C# application that would ask for credentials before redirecting to the correct swf.
That way you could restrict the access and have different swf file depending on the user.
