How to pass Session from one Application to another? -

I am having 2 applications Suppose A and B. I am having a webpage in Application A where i am Setting the Session and in Application B i want to retrieve that session.How can i do that with out using DB?

Sessions are application specific and I don't believe you can share data between two applications via the session. You will need to pass the data through some other medium. You could serialize it and pass it via a POST parameter. You may also be able to use a cookie. If it is really small data, you could just pass it in the GET parameters of the query string.

I agree with NYSystemsAnalyst - and here's a FAQ on how to transfer session from a classic ASP app to ASP.NET. The code can nearly be copied to do the same thing in this case.

When you say without using a Database I guess you mean without using a third party database. There is no way around the fact you need to store and retrieve data while protecting against simultaneous access of underlying data structures causing problems, and this pretty much makes it a database. You could implement something simple by allocating some shared memory and using semaphores to protect access to it. Also you could have app A inform app B of changes to session state and have app B track these. This communication could be done over a named pipe between the apps. What OS are you targeting?

How are you Identifying you user between the applications?
What do you need in the session?
Not sure, but a web-service or wcf that passes the session variables back and forth for a given username || id?
( maybe not the session exactly but a object you could used to build/populate the session on both applications... )
User start session in App A, just before they move to App B store a small version of the session variables needed in cache with high priority but short expiry( this is what the web service would look for).
User stars session in App B, App B calls web service to see if user was in App A... if so get variables needed for App B?
No DBs, but you will need to do some work...
And not even sure this will solve what you looking for?
Used something kind of like this to talk from Admin servers on Production servers...
But I wasn't passing the session itself...
Good Luck


Best caching framework for application

I have an order system developed on 4 web forms. I need to store order details (order object) for a user on the cache in order to manage it till I save it in the DB.
I want to install my site at least on two server with option to scale for more in the future .
As you know , the two servers are located behind load balancer , so I need the cached order object to be shared on the both servers.
I hear about App fabric.
Any recommendation to good frameworks to do that , Hope will be simple and easy to maintain one .
Thanks in advance ...
I need to store order details (order object) for a user on the cache
in order to manage it till I save it in the DB.
If your data is not persisted, SQL Server-based Session state will work across machines on a per-user basis and can be configured with a minimum of fuss.
However, I would suggest regularly saving the order to your application database (not just the Session database) so that the user doesn't lose it. This is fairly standard practice on e-commerce sites. Unless the order process is very short, inevitably the user will want to pause and return, or accidentally close the browser, spill coffee into their computer, etc.
Either way, the database makes a good intermediate and/or permanent location for this data.

Difference between Cache,Session,Application,View in ASP.Net

I want to store some data during my site viewing.
Sometime i need to store large data like crystal reports and some times i need to store a string.
So which is best to use and when to use.
Where are these datas stored. i.e., Client or Server
Please go through this link:
Nine Options for Managing Persistent User State in Your ASP.NET Application
What you are asking is about State Management in ASP.NET. What you have actually listed is Server Side state management options.
You can made a choice of which to use depending on your requirement or functionality.
I will recommend you do some background reading on MSDN regarding State Management. I am not sure which answer you need here as your query is a bit generic.
Here is a link to get you started...
This is a very open ended question. Ass Julius said you need to learn more about the different ways you can store information. For example, Application is used when you want to store information on the initial startup of the site and make it available to all users. Session is for a single user so you may have many sessions open depending on how many users you have online at that time. Cache is also a way you can store information on the server. All of these are stored on the server so if you have hundreds of users online at the same time, server memory will be consumed holding all this information. Rule of thumb is to try to be conservative when storing information in these locations. Personally, I rarely use application and also try to limit my use of session to when it makes sense. If I were to write an app that used crystal reports as you are, I would probably use sql to store the paramaters of the report and generate the report from the parameters but it depends entirely on the needs of the user using the app.
You can find a wealth of infomation on this subject on line. Hopefully this will give you some information.

Detailed and specific use of Sessions?

Can any one help me in explaining the detailed and proper use of ASP.NET Sessions.
i read many web portals and blogs but i do not understand how to and where to use the sessions.
we create many sessions on page, for login, transfering some values from one page to another. but what is its impact on multiple users like more than 10000 users accessing the website, server transfer rate. memory storage, etc.
This may help many beginners, and also experienced person to properly use sessions in their project.
Any help is appreciated.
This is roughly how it works:
When the user visits your webpage, a session ID is set in a cookie in the user's browser. Each time the browser sends a request to the server, the browser will pass the cookie containing the session ID to the server. This allows the server to recognize the user and associate data with the user across multiple page requests (you can use sessions without cookies if you want to).
The server will by default store this data in memory. However, if multiple webservers are running the application and serving the same user, they will all need to know about the user's session data. Thus, you can configure your application to store session data using the "ASP.NET State Server" Windows service, or you can store the data in a SQL database (or you can write your own Session State Provider and store the data wherever you like). Moreover, storing the session data in memory is obviously a bad choice if you are worried your machine might crash (that obviously should worry you).
As for the "proper and detailed" use of ASP.NET sessions it is hard to say - it depends on what you are trying to achieve.
If you can help it, you should store only small amounts of data in sessions, as the combined sessions of all users visiting your website may take up quite a lot of space. Moreover, if you are using the ASP.NET State Server or the SQL Server session state stores the data you store needs to be serialized and deserialized, which will take a non-trivial amount of time for data of non-trivial size.
If what you are planning to store isn't confidential, an alternative approach might be to store the data in a cookie. That way your server will not have to worry about storing the data at all. This way you are trading memory (or disk space or whatever storage mechanism you choose) for bandwidth, as the cookie will now be part of the payload for every request.

Where can I store shared data on an ASP MVC website?

I'm working on an ASP MVC project using C#.
My question is basically which is the best place to store some data that you get at a given part on your website, say for example, on the method that handles the SignOn of the user to the site, and then you want to access that data on another parts of the website, say on the classes of your model layer.
Suppose the data is just a list of strings, what would be better, store it as a list or wrap the list with a class?
It depends on how long you need your data to be around.
In the case of a single request you could use TempData on the controller
If you only want to store it per session (aka next time the user logs on to the site it will be gone) you could use the Session
If you want to keep it around forever then you will need to use some sort of offline storage, such as a database or file of some sort.
Good luck.
Um, pardon my ignorance, but can't you store it in the database?
What do you mean by "shared"? Shared by whom, by different pages but the same user? Or by different users?
If the latter -> DB.
If the former, either TempData, or if your talking about "authentication" data, then store it in the forms authentication ticket (assuming Forms Auth).
I think similar question was asked before here is the URL
Session variables in ASP.NET MVC
YOU likely store them in a session
which is the best place to store some data that you get at a given
part on your website, say for example, on the method that handles the
SignOn of the user to the site, and then you want to access that data
on another parts of the website, say on the classes of your model
A database is a great candidate for storing such information. Or a cookie if it is user specific and you don't need it to last very long. Or a file on the server. Or on the Cloud. Or write a P/Invoke wrapper around a C++ unmanaged Win32 function that will deposit the data on your company's intranet FTP server. The possibilities that you have are close to infinity. Just pick the one that you feel most comfortable with.
And I am explicitly not suggesting you to use Session contrary to what others might suggest you. session using sql server mode

I am using a session in SQL Server mode. I have created the necessary tables and stored procs in a custome db
My question is:
Can I use this database to serve more than one application / web site ?
Is there anything to take into consideration having multiple websites use the same db for their session store
Yes you can use this database to server more than one site. The session provider will take care of the semantics of that.
It would make the profiling more difficult if there is a performance problem. Why not create a second state db for the second application? It's not much to do, simple with a different name and specify the different db in your session configuration.
The short answer though is you can use the same session database and each session should be fine, though I wonder if anyone has any comments on colliding sessionIds between the two applications.
