working with sql server 2008 -

I am not used to work with SQL Server(usually I just use express). I run it on windows server 2008, iis7.
I have attached the database to my sql server. I made a web site in iis7 but I get this error message.
Cannot open database "Phaeton.mdf" requested by the login. The login failed.
Login failed for user 'NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE'.
Connectionstring I use
<add key="PhaetonConnectionString" value="Data Source=.;Initial Catalog=Phaeton.mdf;Integrated Security=True"/>

Since you are using Integrated Security the SQL connection will use the windows identity which is passed from ASP.NET.
You can either change your security to mixed-mode which will involve removing the integrated security. Or use impersonation (check IIS and your web.config) and grant that user access to the database.
Hope that helps

You need to configure your application in IIS to turn off anonymous access and turn on Windows authentication(If yoy want to use integrated security).
Access SQL Server Using Windows Integrated Security
The other way, you can use a connection string with user/password ... with the appropriate login

Problem was that the database I tried to attach was sql express

The problem is here:
Initial Catalog=Phaeton.mdf
In SQL Server Express, you can attach a filename as a local database. That's not how it works on a production SQL Server. In non-Express versions you attach a database permanently, which it looks like you've already done, and you give it a logical name, which is not the same as the primary file name.
I would guess that if the file name was "Phaeton.mdf" then you probably named the database "Phaeton". In which case that part of the connection string should simply be:
Initial Catalog=Phaeton
If that's not the right name, you can get a list of database names from the server using the following script:
USE master;
SELECT name FROM sys.databases


Classic ASP connecting to localdb for SQL Server

Can anyone explain why this works
Conn.Open "Provider=SQLOLEDB;;Database=People;Uid=MyUid;Pwd=MyPwd;Encrypt=yes;"
and this doesn't
Conn.Open "Provider=SQLOLEDB;Server=(localdb)\v11.0;Database=People;Uid=MyUid;Pwd=MyPwd;Encrypt=yes;"
I copied my live azure database locally for dev work in Classic ASP and the error message is
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server error '80004005'
[DBNETLIB][ConnectionOpen (Connect()).] SQL Server does not exist or access denied.
Azure SQL server version: 11.0.9231
Local SQL server version: 11.0.2318
I can connect using the same details on SQL Server Management Studio so its not a user permissions thing...
Under Security for the server, the user has public server role, the user mapping for the 'People' database is everything except db_denydatareader and db_denydatawriter.
I have also tried (localdb)\\v11.0 which doesn't make a difference.
Any ideas?
OK so I believe the answer is as follows: It doesn't like (LocalDb)\V11.0 it wants a proper instance name like you said in the first place. MACHINENAME\INSTANCENAME OR localhost\INSTANCENAME which I am using as this is going to be replicated for other devs. Also, you DONT NEED two back slashes! My problem is I somehow didn't have a local instance installed. Thanks or your help #Lankymart

LocalDB Connection Issue

I have been through the mill trying to connect to LocalDB. I have been following a two-part article dealing with this issue on my development workstation. In article part two, I opted for the second option of creating a shared instance of LocalDB and get the following runtime error as YSOD:
Cannot open database "DTC" requested by the login. The login failed.
Login failed for user 'IIS APPPOOL\DTC'.
DTC is name of Web Forms application and name of application pool in IIS.
Following the steps in the article for creating the shared instance, I got as far as creating the SQL Server login for ApplicationPoolIdentity as follows:
create login [IIS APPPOOL\DTC v4.0] from windows;
exec sp_addsrvrolemember N'IIS APPPOOL\DTC v4.0', sysadmin
Then I get the following error when executing the query in SQL Server Object Explorer:
Msg 15401, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Windows NT user or group 'IIS APPPOOL\DTC v4.0' not found. Check the name again.
Msg 15007, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sp_addsrvrolemember, Line 33
'IIS APPPOOL\DTC v4.0' is not a valid login or you do not have permission.
Am using VS2013 and SQL Server 2012 on Windows 8.1. Can't believe how difficult it is to set up LocalDB. What I'm actually trying to do is add Identity membership to existing Web Form application and am open to any suggestions...
I don't recommend use LocalDB for this purpose. If you really want to have a lightweight database just to manage the membership, your best option is SQL Express.
LocalDB is intended to be used for development, not in production cases.
The simplest solution was to login under my Windows identity. Impersonate Windows User ID

I am trying to connect to a SSAS Cube which uses windows authentication
My web application is stored on a seperate server the SQL Analysis Instance (lets says ServerWebApp) and the SSAS Cube is on ServerCUBE
OLAPCon = New AdomdConnection("Provider=MSOLAP.4; roles=Administrator; Integrated Security=SSPI; Persist Security Info=True; EffectiveUserName=<Domain\Username>; " _
& " Initial Catalog=<DBName>; Data Source=<ServerCUBE>; ")
As SSAS uses Windows authentication I have tried to impersonate my windows login by specifing EffectiveUserName however, this doesn't seem to work as I am getting the follow error:
Either the user, Domain\ServerWebApp, does not have access to the <DBName> database, or the database does not exist.
As you can see it is using the web apps login ID not my windows ID
How would I impersonate my windows ID in the SSAS ADOMD connection string?
This is what tripped me up when I used EffectiveUserName. From MSDN:
To use [the EffectiveUserName] property, the caller must have
administrative permissions in Analysis Services.
You need to configure the IIS server first by creating an Application pool first. Then you need to point this pool to the local path ( folder in C drive) which consists of msmdpump.dll and msmdpump files. Edit msmdpump file using notepad (remove localhost name and replace it with your SQL analysis server name). Provide the username of server name in place of domain\username.

web.config connection string to different database server

I have two conn strings in my web.config
The second of them connects to external database - the database is on different server than the current website.
Is it possible?
How do I write my connection string?
I have this now:
<add name="newConn" connectionString=";database=dbname;user id=dbuser;password=dbpass" providerName="MySql.Data.MySqlClient" />
But I'm getting error saying:
Access denied for user 'dbuser'#'' (using password: YES)
You have 2 questions:
1. Absolutely.
2. You will need to write a connection string that use TCP/IP as the transport.
To debug this you should try connecting via the SQL Server Mgmt Studio using the credentials you are using in the conn string.
I assume you are using SQL Server, here is a typical connection string to a TCP/IP enabled DBMS using SQL Server authentication.
<add name="conn2" connectionString="Database=myDB;Server=serverNameOrIpAddress;uid=id;pwd=pwd;" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient"/>
The connection I wanted to establish was between different hosting server (one on Windows, another on Linux).
My hosting provider told me it's not possible to connecto from Windows .NET website to Linux MySQL db. Not sure why but not possible.
Would be possible on the same hosting they said.
Thank you for trying to help #T McKeown
Yes, you can connect to remote server and this is used alot.
The main thing that you should edit in your connection string is: Data Source.
Data Source=;initial catalog=books;integrated security=False;user id=admin;password=!password1
Data Source: IP or URL of the computer you want to connect
Initial Catalog: Name of the Database you want to use
UserName and Password for the database user you want to use when you working with
the database are required.

My SQL Server Express has gone nuts it seems, at times mounting db and others not

I am not sure what's going on exactly as I can't establish a strict linear correlation between
events. But below you'll find my connection string, at times it works, other times when I open the app/project I am building (no changes made) it doesn't and gives me various errors and reasons.
<add name="EFDbContext"
connectionString="Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL10.SQLEXPRESS\MSSQL\DATA\EFDbContext.mdf;MultipleActiveResultSets=true;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True"
providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />
Errors include:
Unable to complete operation. The supplied SqlConnection does not specify an initial catalog.
saying Amin-PC\Admin has no access rights (I am logged in admin)
Also when I try to add a new connection at times it will tell me I have no access rights or database already exists or just adds it normally!
I tried explicitly starting visual studio as administrator and this seemed to help with the denied access to the db issue.
Basically I don't know what the heck's going on.
Have recently started with .net and it has been easy coding for mvc framework until I got to interacting with underlying infrastructure, connection strings, outdated (noon-entity framework ready) membership provider etc.
And now don't know what's going on with the SQL Server Express edition that gets installed a long with VS2010.
My recommendation would be: since you already have a server instance (.\SQLEXPRESS) installed - attach your databases to the SQL Server Express instance, and then use them under their database name (instead of using the shaky AttachDbFileName= method).
launch your SQL Server Management Studio Express
find your MDF files you want
use Server > Attach Database to attach the MDF/LDF to the server - give it meaningful name
from that point on - use the database on the server and don't attach MDF's on the fly....
Your connection string would then look something like:
server=.\SQLEXPRESS;Database=YourEFDatabaseName;Integrated Security=True
I find this method is typically much more reliable and predictable - the AttachdbFileName= and User Instance=true are supposed to be easier, but tend to be more confusing that anything else....
Refer to SQL Server connection string samples here.
