Does a forms auth ticket survive a trip to WorldPay? -

I've got a site that uses Forms Authentication (with a custom membership provider, but that's not important right now). In the secure part of the website, the customer can purchase goods and pay for them via WorldPay.
Once they come back from WorldPay, if there's a link back into the secure part of the website, can I reasonably expect the forms auth ticket (stored in a session cookie) to have survived (timeout notwithstanding)?
The ticket is set thus:
FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(username, false);
FormsAuthentication.RedirectFromLoginPage(username, false);
The work is part of a redevelopment, and I would rather have a quick "yes/no/maybe" answer before writing lots of code that may not be required - we do not want to have the user log back into the secure part of the site so we recreate their login based on the information returned from WorldPay. Obviously, if the user is going to be remembered, I don't have to write that code - I'm quite lazy ;-)
Thank you for any suggestions,
Mike K.

Forms Authentication uses a cookie.
A session cookie (which is stored in memory) lives as long as the session does not timeout and you do not close the browser.
You may also be able to set the life time of the cookie, then it will be written to disk, and available to all browser instances. In this case you will also be logged out if the session timesout on the server.

If you're calling
FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(username, false);
then the cookie will survive for as long as the value specified in your web.config or until the user logs-out.
If you redirect them to a 3rd-party site during the course of their visit to your site, this cookie will remain. The 3rd-party site won't have access to your auth cookie.
In short, they will still be logged-in on your site when WorldPay redirects them back.
Even shorter: yes.
Hope this helps.

The other answers here seem to point out to this being a non-issue, but I thought I'd just add that if you're posting data to their gateway, any variables which start with MC_ will be returned to you on the other side. I'm not sure if this helps or not!


is it good to use Session for storing a logged in user id? Or is there a simpler way?

We have a log-in form in ASP.Net Webforms. and when user logs in we save the user id to session state.
Session["CurrentUserId"] = user.Id;
So this is how we know a user is logged in.
if(Session["CurrentUserId"] == null) Redirect("Login.aspx");
This is all we use Session for. I am storing session in DynamoDB because we have many load balanced servers. But sometimes DynamoDB gets overloaded or gives errors. So I trying to get rid of session state to avoid these errors and to simplify a login process.
So what alternatives are there? How do modern websites log people in and remember they are logged in, and timeout after x minutes?
Is there a way to use a secure cookie to just do it? And how would you expire it if user doesnt do anything for 20 minutes? It has to work over a collection of web servers.
Storing user ID in session is not necessarily bad but has to be combined with other things in order to secure the site against things like session fixation attack and CSRF (also known as "session riding"). It is also problematic in a web farm if you are using in-proc session state.
In ASP.NET web forms, the standard way to authenticate is to use forms authentication, which places an encrypted cookie ("authentication ticket") on the browser. You may also want to put the user ID somewhere in session and compare it to the authentication ticket in order to ensure they match.
if you using the standard FBA login providers?
You can get user logon ID with this:
And you can get user email with this:
So, the user logon id can be fetched with above.
As for session() being a bottle neck?
Well, it not all that bad - you not "updating" the session() value by doing this, so it certainly does not have to be written back each time (for a post) and also it means that a lock on session() during post backs etc. should not occur.
I would however consider one of the above two approaches, since then session() re-sets or anything else would not matter to get the user ID, or email.
As noted, this much depends on what security and authentication provider you are using here.

Cookie hacking: is it possible to edit them manually?

I think this is not the first time someone askes this question. But I couldn't get a clear answer.
Is it possible to "hack" a cookie? For example, If someone is logged in, I create an 'user id' cookie, with value 'usr01301', and this is a reference to that user. If this user is loading the webpage, the website will check for cookies. If a 'user id' is available, the user will login with the account connected to the user id.
But, is someone able to write this cookie manually? Or change it to another ID? To be able to login with this cookie.
Session Hijacking is a very real thing, and it is easy to exploit on any website that does not have good security systems in place. Using a username in a cookie is a really, really bad idea.
There are browser plugins that make it easy to edit cookies, but you can even do it using the developer console that ships with many browsers.
For that matter, you don't need a browser at all. wget can perform http requests with cookies from the command line.
predictable cookies are a bad idea. with that, anyone can predict cookie for any user existed on that website. and manually edit also possible ad there are lot of tools available o internet to do it autometically.

ASP.Net Membership Services

In our application, we have a need for a user to "impersonate" a different user. Think of it as a hierarchy -- Bob is above Frank in a hierarchy. Bob is logged in, and he needs to do things in the system for a short time as Frank. So, we have given Bob a list of users that report to him, and an impersonate link. He clicks on this link, and, behind the scenes, I log Bob out, and log in as Frank. I also set a session variable that tells me that really Bob is they guy who is the user. Also, Bob (acting as Frank now) has a nice little link at the top of every page that says "Stop Impersonation."
In addition, when Bob is impersonating Frank, Bob is restricted from doing some things, like changing Frank's password.
This was working great, until we encountered a situation where, if the session (I think -- getting confused here) gets destroyed (such as when I copy up new code and dlls to the live site), then when Bob clicks on "Stop Impersonation" he gets redirected to the default page, and is still logged in as Frank, but without the Impersonation session variable. So, now Bob really is logged in as Frank, and can change Frank's password (among other things).
How is it that a session variable (Impersonation) gets destroyed, but I guess the session is still hanging around, because it doesn't make the user log in again?
This is a somewhat serious bug for how our system works (bug in our code, I'm sure, not in .Net). Does anyone have any suggestions for a solution for this?
We are using ASP.Net c#, aspnet membership services, .net 3.5, forms auth...not sure what else you need to know.
EDIT: Updated information. Looks like when "something" happens, for instance, when I recompile some dlls and copy them to the webserver, the session gets dumped. Or, rather, the variables in the session get dumped. The session id stays the same. I do get to check for Session.IsNewSession and it returns true, even though the id is the same as it was before.
Just like Utaal mentioned, Membership Services is separate from Session, so it's forms auth token is still hanging around in the browser, but my session variable telling me that that isn't really the user who is controlling the browser isn't there anymore.
EDIT: Sky, here is what I'm doing to authenticate a user. I can't figure out where I would insert a ticket into this flow:
if (Membership.ValidateUser(txtUserName.Text, txtPassword.Text))
FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(txtUserName.Text, false);
So, where can I slip in a ticket object and set my own information?
Use the UserData slot on the forms ticket to store the impersonation information. That is what it is for.
Then your info will not get lost with the session.
If you would like a simple example of creating your own ticket, amongst other things, check this. You may want to focus on the login page and the tickethelper class.
I think your problem is due to the fact that Forms Authentication and Session are two different things and are not interconnected: both of them (usually) use cookies but Forms Authentication stores the encrypted logged-in user directly in the cookie while Session stores information in-process (even if you can change this behaviour) and uses a cookie with a session identifier to retrieve it.
So, when your session information gets lost (or session expires) it isn't really still hanging around (except for the invalid session cookie on the user's pc). On the other hand the Forms Authentication cookie is still valid (ASP.NET decrypts it and authenticates the user for the request).
A possible solution is to detect the creation of a new session (using HttpSessionState.IsNewSession MSDN) and sign out the user (using FormsAuthentication). You can then redirect user to login page.

How do I find out if the current AUTH cookie is "permanent"?

I have a ASP.NET website where after a specific user action, I have to issue a new AUTH cookie almost identical to the one the user already currently has. I'm having trouble finding out whether the current AUTH cookie is supposed to be persisted or not. Any ideas on how to do this?
If the cookie expiration isn't set, then it's session.
If you are trying to discover it's life via the browser, you can use firebug with the firecookie plugin. Or the web developer tool will also enumerate all the cookies on a page.
Any cookie that is not session will have Expires field. If you send it into feature date - you will get it "permanent" until the time expires. If you want to maintain "permanent" cookie status you would refresh it on next user login and shift it further into the future. One month is usually enough

ASP.Net session and cookies for keeping someone logged in

I've got an existing site I'm taking over, and right now it stores, in a session variable, the id of the currently logged in user (if logged in at all -- otherwise I'm sure it is empty string or null or something).
The client now wants, after someone is logged in, to "keep" them logged in on that computer for an indefinite amount of time. Sessions have a maximum idle time of 1 day, I believe. The website isn't written all that well in the Flash portion (whole front end is flash) and the flash will process a login, then, as long as the flash isn't reloaded, assume that the user is still "logged in".
I think my solution is to ALSO store a client side cookie with some GUID value and hold in the database the associated user id...sort of like a session that never expires. So, when the page is loaded, I can check my cookie, use that to select the userid out of the database, and if we find one, then set the session value that says user 23 is logged in.
Does anyone see any issues with this perspective? Would you recommend something different? I really don't want to refactor a bunch of the existing code, but just slip this in on top...
PS -- security is not really a concern. The only reason they have people log in is so we can track orders by a person, but no money changes hands through this website. There is also no personal information that a user can view or edit, either.
This is how I do it. I actually have a cookie that holds their login and password, this way I can automatically log them in should they not be logged in. I expire the cookie after a couple of days of inactivity. The downside is that everyone forgets their password because the only time they really have to enter their password is when they come back from extended time-off.
This is for an internal application, with the same customer demands that you have and this works ... and makes the customer happy.
One thing we may end up doing is just using Windows authenication, might actually work better in this circumstance.
That's the way I do it, but the problem with it (at least I think its a problem) is that when you store the username and password in a cookie there is not any encrypting when you add the cookie. If you look at the cookies in your browser the username and password are displayed there plain as day. Is it possible to get some kind of encrypting on the cookies you store? Or how would you handle this?
Check this blog posting out basically you needs to save the cookie with a guid a series, and a token, the token, in my case, changes all the time, the series is something that is generated based on something, like the guid and id combo or whatever, then the guid is always stored with the user. There is a cookie table to stored this info etc... pretty secure, not 100%, but pretty good... Tim Maxey
I recommend using the Enterprise Library Crypto App Block to store an encrypted cookie which is nothing more than a GUID. Get the GUID, and use a session table in the database to track user info.
At the session start event, get the user info and cache it.
Using the session object is not recommend for user info because it won't work on a web farm, unless you use a database for session state.
You're basically rolling your own session state at that point, and I'm fine with that. However, I would not go the route of storing the username/password in a cookie (even if encrypted). There's no way to expire that from the server-side. You can always remove your row in the table to force a user to log in again, but if they hold the username/password they hold the keys to the kingdom.
