page loads twice in Google chrome -

Does anyone have any problems with Page_Load being executed twice in Google Chrome?
It's a short question, i do not know what else to explain...
I have a simple page and in Firefox and IE all it's working fine.
But in Chrome the Page_Load is fired twice...
Anyone has any ideas why?
Later EDIT:
- what is strange is that i have 4 repeaters... binded with random values. The random methods are twice fired (because of page loaded twice) but the repeaters takes the INITIALLY, the 2nd post back is somehow raised after the rendering step.
3rd edit: It happens ONLY at the refresh!
Solution (in my case): There was an empty img src, and that was the cause

I notice this same issue in IE if the page contains img tags that don't have a src attribute (or the src is empty, etc). Not sure if Chrome does the same thing, but worth checking, right?

For me the problem was because of the extension Firebug Lite for Google Chrome. Once deactivated the page only loads once.

I had a very similar problem:
Chrome and Firefox loading the page twice,
Internet Explorer loading it once.
The problem was because of my .htaccess:
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php [QSA,L]
When the browsers were requesting a favicon.ico, my index.php page was called, thus creating a double access to the server.
My solution was to create a favicon.ico, although I could also had index.php handle that special case, or even .htaccess, but I needed a favicon.ico anyway :)

I had the same stupid problem.
Page loads twice and the updates went blank.
Thanks to this posting I checked my CSS sheet.
I removed this line:
body {
background-image: url();
That was the problem

I recently had this issue with Chrome rendering twice too, the cause of this issue is
<iframe src="#"></iframe>
once I set it to
or completely remove iframe then the double rendering no longer appears.

In addition to Chris Shaffer's answer which got me on the right track, I'd like to add that in my case there was also a <script> tag with an empty src that caused the problem.
Perhaps it applies to all elements with an empty src.

Gecko based browsers apparently do this when the markup is incorrect. That means XHTML AND CSS.
Here is a great post about the issue:
That's why some of you guys are getting the problem when you have a blank src attribute or a blank href attribute. Incorrect syntax, the browser reads it as an "error". I guess it's a more unobtrusive type of error that you would otherwise not even notice, but due to the nature of the page you're working on it's become apparent and presented itself as a rather obtrusive problem.
What certain browsers consider to be an 'error' and what is 'passable' is probably slightly different too, that would explain why some of you are having the problem in FF and not in Chrome and visa versa.
Just be thankful you're not in my shoes. I've got a page that's sending an email out twice due to this issue and there's no way I can fix the bad markup because there's just simply too much of it to fix being generated in far too many places, a lot of the CSS and HTML issues are dynamically driven too unfortunately.
I still don't understand the reasoning behind it grabbing the page twice though when it encounters non-compliant issues of this nature though.

This may be a problem with one of the extensions/plugins. Try out the incognito mode - this helped me once.

Base on Johann's reply, I check and disable each extension in google chrome and discover the flash extension cause my browser reload twice. After remove it, the problem is solved!!

In my case it was this <link rel="shortcut icon" href="#" /> tag in the head of my index.html file:
<html lang="en">
<link rel="shortcut icon" href="#" />
I just removed that line and problem solved.

So far I've used Chrome to test ASP.NET pages many times and never encountered this. What are you doing client-side that could cause this? Are you doing any AJAX stuff?

I noticed that this started happening to me when I switched to Chrome v.4, the developer's channel, so that i could start using extensions. Didn't seem to be a problem with v.3, the stable version.

In your Page_Load, check the value of Page.IsPostBack and Page.IsCallback to see if they differ between the two calls. If they're different, it could be some javascript reexecuting or chrome following a redirect twice or something odd like that.

I encountered a similar problem with PHP and Firefox.
The problem was coming from a faulty style definition that Firefox interpreted to reload the page.
I cannot remember exactly what it was but int the idea, could be something like
.my_class { background: url(#); }
I would advice to try to isolate first your CSS and then your HTML sections to check if the problem might come from it.

If you set your image tag src to # or empty it will cause twice pageload calling, i faced this on chrome and before on firefox.
you can put any char or string value instead of empty or # to solve this issue.

It also doesnt like empty href's
I had an empty favicon link tag and it did the same thing. Whoever said about the empty src put me onto that, just stripped out everything until it started working

I'm also having this issue.
Funny, I added "visible=false" to the whole "form" tag making the page totally empty - it still loads twice. I also tweaked the DOCTYPE, checked the img-tags for empty sources etc. etc. etc.
It still loads twice.
BUT I noticed that this happens on "localhost" only. Remote websites work fine.
I thought may be is has something to do with DNS, but "" also loads twice. This drives me nuts...

Ran into the same issue. I was using DOM Snitch.
I disabled it and it immediately stopped posting back twice.
After looking at it, it seems to contain 2 tags without an href attribute. Because it's a Chrome extension it's injected into the DOM at the client and I suppose this causes a Webforms page to post back twice.
On the off chance someone sees this, be sure to check any extensions and/or plugins you are using.

I had the same issue. However my "mistake" was located in my css file.
I was using .htaccess to rewrite everything back to my root folder but used
background-image: url('../img/login_facebook.png')
in my css file. I removed the .. and the problem was solved.

Here is another great article on why this occurs:
I was getting the same error using Chrome in an ASP.NET site. I was getting the page life-cycle firing again with IsPostBack set to False.
This caused all sorts of issues for me.

I just had the same issue, and once I shut down the JSON Viewer extension, problem was solved.
I can recommend this extension for viewing JSON's without the extra request as side-effect:

I believe it is just how Google Chrome works. I put some code on my index page to write to a file with the file name that was loaded, and every time I load the page (using refresh or a new window) it puts 2 results in the file.
EDIT: I renamed my index file to test.php and ran it again. This time it only had one result. This problem is pissing me off.
EDIT: I renamed my file back to index.php and ran it. Same problem. Then I renamed my .htaccess (for mod_rewrite) to htaccess so it wouldn't be parsed and the problem is gone. After I found this out, I disabled url rewriting in the .htaccess file and the problem was still gone (finally). I did one more test (if people are still reading this crap) and found that google loads the page twice when you redirect from the .htaccess file. I found a little workaround that seems to fix the problem.
Not sure if this applies to I only know php coding and apache servers.


Can Access CSS File By URL, But Not From HTML

I have a Spring App with ThymeLeaf and Dojo that is causing me a problem. The CSS files are showing up aborted in Firebug when I reference them from my HTML file. However, when I go directly to the file by putting a copy of the CSS URL in the address bar, it works. In addition, the Dojo code works, but it fails when it gets to the CSS file. So, I have tried a CSS link only and with Dojo and both fail. I have searched this one for hours, but I cannot find anyone else having this problem.
Thanks in advance,
Figured out the issue. I turned on debug on the server and tested a JS and CSS file. They both behaved the same from the server perspective and it looked like the CSS file was being sent correctly. So, I tried IE and it worked fine. After reinstalling Firefox, the software works as expected. Wish I had figured out this issue earlier

Chrome caching CSS but not loading images inside CSS file

We're having a weird problem at work that happens only in chrome. It looks like the css file is getting cached and the content of this file isn't getting re-downloaded.
The problem is that when using a fresh session for example "private session", the image "mainSprite.png" isn't getting displayed.
After some tests, I believe the problem is related to us doing redirects at the beginning if the user isn't authenticated. From what I understand, it might not complete the download of the sprites linked inside the css files. It will cache an invalid object as soon as the redirect starts and then on the following pages, it will fail to display a correct image since it cached something wrong.
The strange thing is that it actually loads the image completely at some point. But it looks like it's not refreshing it in memory...
I did a timeout of one second before starting redirects on first load and images correctly display. This is a quick fix and I can't expect every computer to load in 1 second every images contained in the css.
As far as I can say, it really looks like a race condition. I changed the order of loading. We use require.js. Instead of loading js after css, I start js loading before. And images are getting loaded correctly now on my local server.
if someone is interested to look into it:
edit 2
When images aren't visible, opening new tabs will have the same problem. Closing the browser and reopening it will work on first load and images isn't being downloaded but loaded from Cache which means that before closing the browser, the image was indeed downloaded.
It looks like the problem coming from your redirects unfortunately i couldn't see your example ( link won't open ). Google chrome has indeed issues with caching it's annoying during development time ( clear up the cache, load new image, do the same for new image..), if you need to clear your cache try the folowing:
try to go to
in your chrome browser and check the options:
Empty the Cache( i have also Clear download history and Delete cookies and other site and plug-in data )
click on 'Clear Browsing Data' button it should
All what you need to do is to trace your cash list via chrome, and from what I see is that you got this error which make it not cached:
Uncaught TypeError: Object [object Object] has no method 'placeholder'
So if you want to trace, you can use the manifest offline mode or you trace via your code.
Just following and test your page, I did catch where the error is:
file: scripts2.js Line 20 --> $('input[placeholder]').placeholder();
which you need to check the name of the place holder and change it here in this tag.
Thank you
I assume your server/backend app has routes set up. Like this Play! framework example:
# Ignore favicon requests
GET /favicon.ico 404
# Map static resources from the /app/public folder to the /public path
GET /public/ staticDir:public
# Catch all
* /{controller} {controller}.index
According your summary I suggest to set up a static folder route (where the images are) in config file or htaccess as you want, then check image url in browser url bar (with empty session). That should work!
First I would suggest that you first try to find ways to narrow the redirects. If it possible I would suggest that it would be much more advisable to try to create your content dynamically based on your users authentication using languages like PHP or ASP (just to name two).
The classic way of disabling the caching on a webpage is to set two <meta> tags inside of your <head> </head> tags. However, you should note that these are technically not "correct" as they are not part of any of the "offical" standards documentation. This also means that I would again lean towards my first suggestion of finding a better delivery system which in turn should prevent the problem.
So for "testing" purposes the tags would be:
Maybe I don't understand your question or dilemma (maybe because of lack of explanation or because I can't see your page at that link since I run Chrome), but there's an example I ran across here that works in Chrome by just using Javascript/jQuery to load, instead of CSS:
Use image at URL:
And although the accepted answer didn't work for me in Chrome, this is the question I got the jsFiddle above, from:
Load Image from javascript
All the caching, etc. is unnecessary, and even something you wouldn't want to do if your images are ever updated to something else - they won't appear without forcing a refresh which you can only do through altering the file name like this to avoid users not seeing your updated image:
And you could set the date according to the date you are modifying it.
clean your browser history like cache,cookies
clean the temporary internet file
if problem not solved then reinstall browser your problem is solved definitely

Aspx cache problem?

When I update a js file in my project, I refresh the browser and the change shows up as expected. If I change a css file or an .aspx file, the change does not show in the browser. Not when I clear the browser's cache, not when I restart IIS (iisrestart). What could this possibly be?
PS. I have tried chrome and firefox
Your browser loves to cache files such as CSS, JS and XML docments.
Do a "hard refresh" to tell your browser to download everything again.
Typically, it's CTRL-F5
You can also append a random number to the end of the file name so that it's never the same and the browser will snatch it up each time.
I have observed weirdness like this in chrome, but not firefox.
When you open it in firefox with firebug, are you seeing a 304 code? That might help separate server side issues from client issues.
I've had this problem a couple of times. Adding a random querystring value on the end of the URL for CSS seemed to fix things. So if your URL was /css/styles.css, just put in some code to add a random number on the end so the URL looks like /css/styles.css?random=2345.

CSS file not refreshing in browser

When I make any changes to my CSS file, the changes are not reflected in the browser. How can I fix this?
The fix is called "hard refresh"
In most Windows and Linux browsers: Hold down Ctrl and press F5.
In Apple Safari:
Hold down ⇧ Shift and click the Reload toolbar button.
In Chrome and Firefox for Mac:
Hold down both ⌘ Cmd+⇧ Shift and press R.
Try opening the style sheet itself (by entering its address into the browser's address bar) and pressing F5. If it still doesn't refresh, your problem lies elsewhere.
If you update a style sheet and want to make sure it gets refreshed in every visitor's cache, a very popular method to do that is to add a version number as a GET parameter. That way, the style sheet gets refreshed when necessary, but not more often than that.
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="styles.css?version=51">
A good way to force your CSS to reload is to:
<link href='styles.css?version=1' rel='stylesheet'></link>
And then just increment the version number as you change your CSS. The browser will then obey. I believe Stack Overflow uses this technique.
I always use Ctrl+Shift+F5 out of habit, it should force a full-refresh including by-passing any http proxies you may be going through.
I had this issue. Turns out I completely forgot I had CloudFlare setup on the domain I was live testing on.
CloudFlare caches your JavaScript and CSS. Turned on development mode and BAM!
Do Shift+F5 in Windows. The cache really frustrates in this kind of stuff
This sounds like your browser is caching your css. If you are using Firefox, try loading your page using Shift-Reload.
Having this problem before I found out my own lazy solution (based on other people suggestions). It should be helpful if your <head> contents go through php interpreter.
To force downloading file every time you make changes to it, you could add file byte size of this file after question mark sign at the end.
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="styles.css?<?=filesize('styles.css');?>">
EDIT: As suggested in comments, filemtime() is actually a better solution as long as your files have properly updated modify time (I, myself, have experienced such issues in the past, while working with remote files):
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="styles.css?<?=filemtime('styles.css');?>">
The Ctrl + F5 solusion didn't work for me in Chrome.
But I found How to Clear Chrome Cache for Specific Website Only (3 Steps):
As the page is loaded, open Chrome Developer Tools (Right-Click > Inspect) or (Menu > More Tools > Developer Tools)
Next, go to the Refresh button in Chrome browser, and Right-Click the Refresh button.
Select "Empty Cache and Hard Refresh".
Since I found this thread having the same problem, 10 YEARS later, I'll add my own solution too. I use PHP most of the time, and rather than requiring the user to press unusual buttons to refresh the page, or myself to remember to bump a version number embedded in a link, I used the filemtime() function to get the modification time of the css file (as a unix timestamp), and then use THAT number as the parameter.
$FILE_TIME = filemtime("main.css");
$CSS_LINK = "main.css?version=$FILE_TIME";
While results in a URL like:
This entirely disables caching, since every time the page is refreshed, it will believe it needs to grab the CSS file again, changed or not... but that's far less frustrating than forgetting to manually update this trick and wasting time wondering why it isn't right. You can always remove it from a production server.
If you are using plain HTML, you could probably engineer a javascript wrapper or some such, but that's probably more trouble than it's worth.
Have you tried renaming the new version of your CSS to CSSv2.css and then directing your page to use that? If that solves the stale-file issue, then you're just experiencing non-refreshing files. If not, you've got bigger issues.
If you're using ASP.NET web forms, make sure that you are using the right theme:
I just spent about an hour trying to solve this!
Is this a local custom CSS file? Is this your website? Maybe you should clear your cache.
Also the last CSS declaration takes precedence.
I faced the same problem. Renaming the file worked for me.
The reason this occurs is because the file is stored in the "cache" of the browser – so there is no need for the browser to request the sheet again. This occurs for most files that your HTML links to – whether they're CDNs or on your server, for example, a stylesheet. A hard refresh will reload the page and send new GET requests to the server (and to external b if needed).
You can also empty the caches in most browsers with the following keyboard shortcuts.
Safari: Cmd+Alt+e
Chrome and Edge: Shift+Cmd+Delete (Mac) and Ctrl+Shift+Del (Windows)

What might cause CSS to fail to load occasionally on all browsers?

I'm working on a webapp, and every so often we run into situations where pages will load without applying CSS. This problem has shown up in IE6, IE7, Safari 3, and FF3.
A page refresh will always fix the problem.
There are 3 CSS files loaded, all within the same style block using #import:
<STYLE type="text/css">
#import url([base css file]);
#import url([skin css file]);
#import url([generated css path]);
In any situation when we take the time to examine the html source, nothing is out of the ordinary. Access logs seem normal as well - we're getting HTTP 304 responses for the static CSS files whenever they are requested, and an HTTP 200 response for our generated CSS.
The mimetype is text/css for the css files and the generated css. We're using an iPlanet server, which forwards requests to a Tomcat server.
davebug asked:
Is it always the same css file not loading, or is the problem with all of them, evenly?
None of the CSS files load. Any styles defined within the HTML work fine, but nothing in any of the CSS files works when this happens.
I've had a similar thing happen that I was able to fix by including a base style sheet first using the "link rel" method rather than "#import". i.e. move your [base css file] inclusion to:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="[base css file]" type="text/css" media="screen" />
and put it before the others.
if it happens often enough that you're able to see it in your browser, try intalling the Live http headers Firefox extension or the Tamper Data extension, and watch the response headers as they are seen by the browser.
I don't know why, but in my case if the page is loaded from an action with the path like /ActionName, I see this problem.
But if I change it (for example) to /reservedArea/ActionName or /aPath/ActionName it works :/
It's crazy...
Examining the headers is a good idea, but I imagine all you will learn from them is that the server didn't respond to a request every once in a while.
I see this happen all the time on the net. Images won't load until you refresh, css is messed up, etc. All of the situations are solved by a refresh.
I imagine one way you could "fix" this, maybe, is by specifying in your cs file a url for an image for some element. Then, on page load in javascript, get that element and see if that image has loaded. If not, then have the page reload itself.
Seems pretty exotic, but that's the only idea I had...
Use ab or httperf or curl or something to repeatedly load the CSS files from the webserver. Perhaps it's not consistently serving the pages.
