Saving Configuration Section Error - Elements are merged as attributes -

I have created a configuration section designer project to represent nodes of a custom section necessary to read and save from my web application. I am able to successfully create instances of the configuration elements and collections, however when I save the configuration using the referenced System.Configuration.Configuration object and issuing save, the elements get merged into their parents as attributes. An example of the issue is outlined below:
After calling the referenced, the output is as follows:
<savedReports xmlns="SavedReportSchema.xsd">
<resultsSets dataViewId="1" id="4203bb88-b0c4-4d57-8708-18e48f0a1d2d">
<selects keyId="1" sortOrder="1" />
As defined in my configuration section designer project (confirmed by the resulting xsd as well) the output should match the following:
<savedReports xmlns="SavedReportSchema.xsd">
<savedReport id="1">
<select keyId="1" sortOrder="1"/>
Any ideas? The element collection types are set to BasicMapAlternate however when I set them to AddRemoveClearMapAlternate they are not merged but they are prefixed by "add" rather than "select" or "savedReport" causing the validation to be off.

Turns out AddRemoveClearMapAlternate was the option I needed to correct my problem referenced in the question.


How to include dependent projects XML-comment files during a publish?

When I use the "normal" "Publish-tool" built into Visual Studio for, it seems like it does not include XML-comment-files that belongs to dependent projects/assemblies.
For instance, lets say we have two projects:
Presentation = The Web-application
Definitions = A project
containing definitions of models
The presentation-project has a dependency to the Definition-project.
The presentation-project has XML-comments enabled, and so does the Definition-project (for all configurations).
The presentation-project has a few comments added to the actions of its controller(s).
The definition-project has a few comments added to the properties of the model(s).
The expected result would be that when I publish the Presentation-project, we should end up with two XML- files in the bin folder:
The names might of course alter if any other name has been specified in the build-properties of each project.
The actual result is that only Presentation.xml is published to the bin-folder.
I have tried to link resulting Definitions.xml-file to the Presentation-project as setting it as "Content" and to always copy, that ended up in the file getting copied to the root-folder of the application during a publish and not the /bin-folder.
I have tried the same thing but linked it into the bin-folder of the Presentation-project, but that ened up with the result of the Definitions.xml-file ending up at /bin/bin/Definitions.xml.
I have tried linking and setting Always, but that did nothing.
Here is a simple sample that can be used to reconstruct the problem:
However.. one thing to notice is that the Definitions.xml-file is indeed copied to the /bin-folder during build, but its not copied once using publish.
Anyone that has a workaround for this strange behaviour?
Edit your project XML file, .csproj/.vbproj, and include this in the first PropertyGroup:
This will include all the .xml of all dependent assemblies.

Why is object in AOT marked with red cross?

I have to extend report's query to add a new field.
I've created extension of a query, joined required datasources and can see new field in the list of fields.
For some reason the report in the AOT is displaying with red cross sign:
In properties i can see error in metadata: "There was an error reading metadata. Make sure the metadata xml file(s) are accessible, are well formed and are not corrupted with duplicate or missing xml elements.
The exception message is: Element named: 'Copy1' of type 'ModelElement' already exists among elements: 'Copy1'.
Parameter name: item
Additional information:
There is an .xml of that object in packages local directory, there are no any duplicate names in any node of that report.
Any ideas how it can be fixed?
I've run into this before and there are a two things that come to mind.
Often times it's due to an incorrect merge where changes are merged and metadata is accidentally duplicated (in your case it's possible there are two xml nodes with the same name/id in the .rdl file)
If this report is checked in with corrupt metadata, you need to manually modify the RDL file, which is not great, but hopefully the error contains enough hints. Open the report rdl file in your favourite editor (report likely located in a similar path as this: K:\AosService\PackagesLocalDirectory\YOURMODEL\Reports) and look for an xml node with an attribute Name="Copy1". With luck, you have two duplicate nodes next to each other due to the merge. Remove the offending duplicate node, save, and refresh the AOT in Visual Studio.
If the error is in your local changes only (xml file is corrupted for whatever reason) and you are sure that your source control contains the correct version and you simply wish to overwrite the local contents with the source controlled version, follow these steps. Note: this will overwrite local changes.
First, undo pending changes.
Then force a get latest:

Remove custom type in Alfresco

In Alfresco, if a type name is removed/changed all nodes of that type will disappears but still exists.
Using alfresco 5.0.c I've added some custom types:
<type name="my:test">
<title>Test folder</title>
now i deploy it and create a folder of this type (a simple folder, then change type)
Now i edit the type like this:
<type name="my:test2"> <!-- from my:test to my:test2 -->
<title>Test folder</title>
Deploying this: any "my:test" folder will disappear, but, if I try to create another folder with the same name I get an error becouse the node still exists.
These nodes will not be not even listed within the folder child:
How can I recover (if possible using the the javascript console) all the "broken" nodes and be able to change the type?
A little preface: as widely stated by Alfresco, if you want to change your custom content model you should change it only incrementally.
This means that you can't remove any properties, types or aspect at definition level of the model, you only can add new definitions in the content model of Alfresco.
So it is a very bad practice to change types "on the fly".
A good practice is to always start with a model as small as you can and then add features as long as you need them.
In your case you should have deleted all nodes referencing my:test type BEFORE changing the model and then safely remove it and finally you should have performed a full reindex. This could be the reason why the repository tells you that the folder exists even if you cannot see it anymore.
As far as I know it is not possible to delete this inconsistent nodes through the console, so my advice is to perform a full reindex. If the issues come up again then you should consider to start again from scratch.
Another approach next time is to add the new type and programmatically hide the older one.

SAP HANA custom dictionary: full-text-index not generated or updated

There are two problems with SAP HANA custom dictonaries.
Updating and recompiling the dictionary has no effect on the full-text-index table (even by dropping and generating the full-text-index again)
using custom dictionaries & configuration may lead to an empty fulltext-index-table
For the 1. Problem
deleting the configuration file and replace it with a new file (same content but different file name) then activating all changes (activates the deletion of the old config and adds the new config) seems to be a work-around.
Note: this means you also have to change the configuration name in the SQL command.
For the 2. Problem
Check this trace file:
This error message:
File read Error '/usr/sap/HDB/SYS/global/hdb/custom/config/lexicon//EXTRACTION_CORE_MOD2', error='Storage object does not exist: $STORAGEOBJECT$'
occurs if the configuration file EXTRACTION_CORE_MOD2 is not properly activated in the repository under sap.hana.ta.config. So double check the repository if the configuration file exists in the specified path.
For the first problem, I have the same scenario in which I need to make some changes in the custom dictionary and activated it. It did not affect my index table unit I run the following statement:
I have checked it and the changes affect the index table by this statement. So you do not have to remove your index or save the changes of your custom dictionary in a file with new name.

How can I programmatically add build files to Xcode4?

I've been trying to figure out how to programmatically add files to an Xcode4 project and it seemed like AppleScript would be the way to go, however I'm running into "missing value" errors.
Here's the code I've got:
tell application "Xcode"
set theProject to first project
set theTarget to first target of theProject
set theBuildPhase to compile sources phase of theTarget
tell first group of theProject
set theFileRef to make new file reference with properties {full path:"/Users/jeff/Projects/XcodeTest/XcodeTest/MyViewController.h", name:"MyViewController.h", path:"XcodeTest/MyViewController.h", path type:group relative}
add theFileRef to theProject
end tell
--tell theBuildPhase to make new build file with properties {build phase:theBuildPhase, name:"MyViewController.h", file reference:theFileRef, target:theTarget, project:theProject}
end tell
I've tried the commented-out line instead of the add-command as well, but that doesn't work either (I get "missing value").
The 'add' error is:
error "Xcode got an error: file reference id \"251AD3431432472E006E300F\" of Xcode 3 group id \"251AD32C14324645006E300F\" of project \"XcodeTest\" of workspace document \"XcodeTest.xcodeproj/project.xcworkspace\" doesn’t understand the add message." number -1708 from file reference id "251AD3431432472E006E300F" of Xcode 3 group id "251AD32C14324645006E300F" of project "XcodeTest" of workspace document "XcodeTest.xcodeproj/project.xcworkspace"
The "make new reference" does add the file to the list of files in Xcode, but I also need it to be added to the project target so that I can add actions and outlets to the file from Xcode w/o having to first check the checkbox to add it to the "target membership".
I ended up sending this question to the devs on the xcode developer list and the response I got was effectively "you can't".
This appears to be completely broken in Xcode4, but I've seen a project that does it. I think what they are doing is parsing and modifying the "project.pbxproj" file directly. (this file is hidden inside the xcodeproj bundle)
The file is a GUID soup, but once you look at it for a while it seems possible to safely modify it, especially if you are only adding stuff.
Found this stackoverflow answer that might help.
Tutorial or Guide for Scripting XCode Build Phases
There is a poorly documented user defined build setting that can be added. Files can be both excluded and included from compilation
Go to your target's Build Settings > Tap the + button > Add User-Defined Setting
The value is a space separated list of file paths
See reference:
