as3: reloading an image - apache-flex

I have an image that I am attempting to load, and then reload. Here is my code for the loading of the image:
public function loadImage(url:String, _w:int, _h:int):void
this._stwidth = _w;
this._stheight = _h;
this._imageURL = url;
this.alpha = 1.0; //need this because we might have just faded the image out
_ldr.alpha = 0.0;
_prog.alpha = 1.0;
_sqr.alpha = 0.0;;
//trace("bmdisplay has loaded once, but there was an error: " + e.message);
_ldr.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, onProgress);
_ldr.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onComplete);
_ldr.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, onError);
_ldr.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(SecurityErrorEvent.SECURITY_ERROR, onError);
_ldr.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.INIT, onOpen);
_ldr.load(new URLRequest(_imageURL));
For some reason, this code will not load the image without issuing an Error upon the 2nd load.
Can someone please help me figure this out?
I am totally lost on why my variable _asLoaded would do me wrong.
I have an onComplete() handler, which sets that var to true, and I never set it to false after that.
I don't know what else I should be trying...

Sometimes back I wrote a helper class to achieve something similar. The helper class extends Loader and provides automatic scaling of image. Here is the code for that class:package {
import flash.display.Loader;
import flash.geom.Rectangle;
public class ImageLoader extends Loader {
private var _imageURL:String; // URL of image
private var _imageBoundary:Rectangle; // boundary rectangle for the image
private var _loaded:Boolean; // flag which tells whether image is loaded or not.
private var _isLoading:Boolean; // flag which say if any loading is in progress
//Constructor function, which calls Loader's constructor
// and loads and resize the image
public function ImageLoader(url:String = null, rect:Rectangle = null):void {
_imageURL = url;
_imageBoundary = rect;
_loaded = false;
_isLoading = false;
// sets the image for the loader and loads it
public function set imageURL(url:String):void {
_imageURL = url;
// sets the boundary of the image and resizes it
public function set boundary(rect:Rectangle):void {
_imageBoundary = rect;
private function removeListeners():void {
this.contentLoaderInfo.removeEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onComplete);
this.contentLoaderInfo.removeEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, onError);
this.contentLoaderInfo.removeEventListener(SecurityErrorEvent.SECURITY_ERROR, onError);
private function onComplete(e:Event):void {
_loaded = true;
_isLoading = false;
//In case of error, we are not propogating the event
private function onError(e:Event):void {
// real loading goes here
// it first closes and unloads the loader and
// then loads the image
private function loadImage():void {
if (_isLoading) {
trace("Some loading is in progess");
try {
catch(e:Error) {
if (!_imageURL)
_loaded = false;
_isLoading = true;
this.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onComplete);
this.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, onError);
this.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(SecurityErrorEvent.SECURITY_ERROR, onError);
this.load(new URLRequest(_imageURL));
// standard resizing function for image so that it's
// aspect ratio is maintained.
private function resizeImage():void {
if (!_imageBoundary || !_loaded)
var aspect:Number = width / height;
var cAspect:Number = _imageBoundary.width / _imageBoundary.height;
if (aspect <= cAspect) {
this.height = _imageBoundary.height;
this.width = aspect * this.height;
else {
this.width = _imageBoundary.width;
this.height = this.width / aspect;
this.x = (_imageBoundary.width-this.width)/2 + _imageBoundary.x;
this.y = (_imageBoundary.height-this.height)/2 + _imageBoundary.y;
} And you can use it like this:var _imageLoader:ImageLoader = new ImageLoader();
_imageLoader.imageURL = "http://some-image-url";
_imageLoader.boundary = new Rectangle(0, 0, stage.stageWidth, stage.stageHeight); // or whatever suits you
ImageLoader extends Loader class so you can listen to all the Events dispatches by Loader class. Hope it helps.

i would declare _ldr inside the function so its dead every time you start this function. and i also would not use this unload() and close() methods. its much simpler if make some thing like this (you need to have a empty movieclip called "ldrHelper"):
public function loadImage(url:String, _w:int, _h:int):void
// do your job and die bravely, no need to be global
var _ldr:Loader = new Loader();
this._stwidth = _w;
this._stheight = _h;
this._imageURL = url;
this.alpha = 1.0; //need this because we might have just faded the image out
// now you will need to make alpha = 1 on ldrHolder since _ldr is dead after this function
ldrHolder.alpha = 0.0;
_prog.alpha = 1.0;
_sqr.alpha = 0.0;;
// remove the old image, doesn't matter whether its empty or not
while(ldrHolder.numChildren > 0){
//add image
_ldr.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, onProgress);
_ldr.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onComplete);
_ldr.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, onError);
_ldr.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(SecurityErrorEvent.SECURITY_ERROR, onError);
_ldr.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.INIT, onOpen);
_ldr.load(new URLRequest(_imageURL));

Try instantiating new Loader, probably trying to recycle it is giving you the problem


override public function initialize() error in flex

i want to know what i should put befor .mx_internal
override public function initialize() : void
var target:DialogButtons;
var watcherSetupUtilClass:Object;
var bindings:* = _DialogButtons_bindingsSetup();
var watchers:Array;
if (_watcherSetupUtil == null)
watcherSetupUtilClass = getDefinitionByName("_components_DialogButtonsWatcherSetupUtil");
var obj1:* = watcherSetupUtilClass;
_watcherSetupUtil.setup(this, function (param1:String)
return target[param1];
}// end function
, bindings, watchers);
var i:uint;
while (i < bindings.length)
i = (i + 1);
mx_internal::_bindings = mx_internal::_bindings.concat(bindings);
mx_internal::_watchers = mx_internal::_watchers.concat(watchers);
}// end function
mx_internal should be without dot.
You don't have to reference the mx_internal namespace every time you access it. You can just import it into the class. Use statements like this:
import mx.core.mx_internal;
use namespace mx_internal;
Then re-write your code like this:
override public function initialize() : void
var target:DialogButtons;
var watcherSetupUtilClass:Object;
// line commented to snow the mx_internal less code
// .mx_internal::setDocumentDescriptor(_documentDescriptor_);
var bindings:* = _DialogButtons_bindingsSetup();
var watchers:Array;
if (_watcherSetupUtil == null)
watcherSetupUtilClass = getDefinitionByName("_components_DialogButtonsWatcherSetupUtil");
var obj1:* = watcherSetupUtilClass;
_watcherSetupUtil.setup(this, function (param1:String)
return target[param1];
}// end function
, bindings, watchers);
var i:uint;
while (i < bindings.length)
i = (i + 1);
// lines commented to snow the mx_internal less code
// mx_internal::_bindings = mx_internal::_bindings.concat(bindings);
// mx_internal::_watchers = mx_internal::_watchers.concat(watchers);
_bindings = _bindings.concat(bindings);
_watchers = _watchers.concat(watchers);
}// end function

Manually dispatch a collection change event

I have a standard combobox that dispatches a collection event when the dataprovider finishes initializing:
my_cb.addEventListener( CollectionEvent.COLLECTION_CHANGE, getMyStuff );
Then I have a custom component that also has a dataProvider. How do I get it to dispatch a collection change event when its dataprovider finishes loading?
From what I've read, I can't do it. Will dispatching a propertychangeevent work?
Thanks for any helpful tips!
I have a custom component that I call 'SortingComboBox' but it is not a ComboBox at all; it extends Button and I set is dataProvider property to my arraycollection, model.product (which is an arraycollection).
And here is how I use the dataProvider in that component:
private var _dataProvider : Object;
public function get dataProvider() : Object
return _dataProvider;
public function set dataProvider(value : Object) : void
_dataProvider = value;
In the createChildren() method of this component, I use this:
BindingUtils.bindProperty(dropDown, "dataProvider", this, "dataProvider");
The dropDown is a custom VBox that I use to display labels.
When you call the setter, you have to make sure
1) that you actually are changing the value with the setter. So even if you are inside the class, call this.dataProvider = foo instead of _dataProvider = foo
2) The binding will not trigger unless you actually change the value. If you trace you'll see that the setter actually calls the getter, if the values of what you pass into the setter and the getter are the same, the binding will not occur.
Your other option is to put an event on the getter, then just call it to trigger the binding.
[Bindable( "somethingChanged" )]
public function get dataProvider() : Object
return _dataProvider;
dispatchEvent( new Event( "somethingChanged" ) );
Make your dataprovider bindable
protected var _dataProvider:ArrayCollection ;
Data binding is something unique to ActionScript/Flex.
Among other things it will dispatch change events.
Maybe if you post your code for the custom component I can be more specific.
Actually can you explain what your goal is you are trying to achieve?
All I can tell is you are trying to make a button have a drop down.
this is the custom component just to give you a better idea.
import flash.geom.Point;
import flash.geom.Rectangle;
import mx.binding.utils.BindingUtils;
import mx.controls.Button;
import mx.core.UIComponent;
import mx.effects.Tween;
import mx.managers.PopUpManager;
public class SortingComboBox extends Button
private const MAX_LABEL_LENGTH : int = 400;
private const ELIPSES : String = "...";
private var _dataProvider : Object;
private var dropDown : SortingDropDown;
private var inTween : Boolean;
private var showingDropdown : Boolean;
private var openCloseTween : Tween;
public var noSelectionLabel : String = "No Filter";
public var noSelectionData : String = "ALL";
public function get dataProvider() : Object
return _dataProvider;
public function set dataProvider(value : Object) : void
_dataProvider = value;
private function collectionEvent(e : Event):void
trace(new Date(), e);
public function SortingComboBox()
this.buttonMode = true;
this.useHandCursor = true;
inTween = false;
showingDropdown = false;
addEventListener(Event.REMOVED_FROM_STAGE, removedFromStage);
override protected function createChildren() : void
dropDown = new SortingDropDown();
dropDown.width = 240;
dropDown.maxHeight = 300;
dropDown.visible = false;
BindingUtils.bindProperty(dropDown, "dataProvider", this, "dataProvider");
dropDown.styleName = "sortingDropDown";
dropDown.addEventListener(SortEvent.CLOSE_SORT, closeDropDown);
dropDown.addEventListener(FlexMouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN_OUTSIDE, dropdownCheckForClose);
dropDown.addEventListener(FlexMouseEvent.MOUSE_WHEEL_OUTSIDE, dropdownCheckForClose);
dropDown.addEventListener(SortEvent.UPDATE_SORT, onSortUpdate); //this event bubbles
dropDown.addEventListener(ResetSortEvent.RESET_SORT_EVENT, onSortUpdate);
PopUpManager.addPopUp(dropDown, this);
this.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, toggleDropDown);
// weak reference to stage
systemManager.addEventListener(Event.RESIZE, stageResizeHandler, false, 0, true);
private function stageResizeHandler(evt : Event) : void
showingDropdown = false;
dropDown.visible = showingDropdown;
private function toggleDropDown(evt : MouseEvent) : void
private function openDropDown(evt : MouseEvent) : void
if (dropDown.parent == null) // was popped up then closed
PopUpManager.addPopUp(dropDown, this);
showingDropdown = true;
dropDown.visible = showingDropdown;
dropDown.enabled = false;
var point:Point = new Point(0, unscaledHeight);
point = localToGlobal(point);
point = dropDown.parent.globalToLocal(point);
//if the dropdown is larger than the button and its
//width would push it offscreen, align it to the left.
if (dropDown.width > unscaledWidth && point.x + dropDown.width > screen.width)
point.x -= dropDown.width - unscaledWidth;
dropDown.move(point.x, point.y);
//run opening tween
inTween = true;
// Block all layout, responses from web service, and other background
// processing until the tween finishes executing.
dropDown.scrollRect = new Rectangle(0, dropDown.height, dropDown.width, dropDown.height);
openCloseTween = new Tween(this, dropDown.height, 0, 250);
private function closeDropDown(evt : Event) : void
//dropDown.visible = false;
showingDropdown = false;
//run closing tween
inTween = true;
// Block all layout, responses from web service, and other background
// processing until the tween finishes executing.
openCloseTween = new Tween(this, 0, dropDown.height, 250);
private function dropdownCheckForClose(event : MouseEvent) : void
if ( != dropDown)
// the dropdown's items can dispatch a mouseDownOutside
// event which then bubbles up to us
if (!hitTestPoint(event.stageX, event.stageY, true))
public function refresh():void
private function onSortUpdate(evt1 : Event) : void
//update the label
var dpLength : int = this.dataProvider.length;
var nextLabel : String = "";
var nextData : String = "";
for (var i : int = 0; i < dpLength; i++)
if (this.dataProvider[i].selected == true)
nextLabel += this.dataProvider[i].label + ", ";
if (this.dataProvider[i].data != null)
nextData += this.dataProvider[i].data + ", ";
if (nextLabel.length > 0)
// remove extra comma at end
nextLabel = nextLabel.substr(0, nextLabel.length - 2);
if (nextData.length > 0)
nextData = nextData.substr(0, nextData.length - 2);
if (nextLabel.length > MAX_LABEL_LENGTH)
// limit label to MAX_LABEL_LENGTH + ... REASON: tooltips with lots of characters take a long time to render
nextLabel = nextLabel.substr(0, MAX_LABEL_LENGTH) + ELIPSES;
if (nextLabel.length == 0)
nextLabel = noSelectionLabel;
//nextLabel = "No Filter";
if (nextData.length == 0)
nextData = noSelectionData;
//nextData = "ALL";
label = nextLabel;
data = nextData;
toolTip = label;
if (evt1 is SortEvent)
trace("sort event");
var temp:Object = this.dataProvider;
this.dataProvider = null;
this.dataProvider = temp;
trace("not dispatching");
public function onTweenUpdate(value:Number):void
dropDown.scrollRect = new Rectangle(0, value, dropDown.width, dropDown.height);
public function onTweenEnd(value:Number) : void
// Clear the scrollRect here. This way if drop shadows are
// assigned to the dropdown they show up correctly
dropDown.scrollRect = null;
inTween = false;
dropDown.enabled = true;
dropDown.visible = showingDropdown;
private function removedFromStage(event:Event):void
// Ensure we've unregistered ourselves from PopupManager, else
// we'll be leaked.
Ok this code here
private var _dataProvider : Object;
public function get dataProvider() : Object
return _dataProvider;
public function set dataProvider(value : Object) : void
_dataProvider = value;
is no different then
public var _dataProvider : Object;
Since objects are passed by reference you are not protecting it in anyway and the setter and getter are pointless.
On the other hand you made the source _dataProvider Bindable so anytime the data changes it will dispatch a CollectionEvent.COLLECTION_CHANGE

How to change the loading clock in Flex

How can I replace the loading clock in Flex at the cursor to something like loading wheel in the middle of page instead of cursor
I loathe that little clock. A clock on the mouse just tells the user that something is busy, but they don't know what. It is much better to display a progress indicator visually NEAR the thing that it is showing the progress of!
So, my solution is to enforce a ban on CursorManager, and instead supply your own progress indicator.
Example: A submit button in a form. You know that the submittal is asynchronous and it will take an indeterminate amount of time. So after the user clicks the button and the request is executed, display a little spinner to the direct right of the button. When the request is complete, hide the spinner. It's very sad to see a user who is worried that her actions did not accomplish anything--so give them a way of determining that your application is indeed functioning!
To go along with Jonathon Dumaine's answer, here's an example of the Spinner class I use as a busy indicator in my apps. Just remember to call the stop() method when you first load it since it will use memory in your app if it's playing even when visible is set to false. You can call the play() method when you want it to start spinning again.
package {
import flash.utils.Timer;
import mx.core.FlexGlobals;
import mx.core.UIComponent;
import mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration;
import mx.styles.StyleManager;
public class Spinner extends UIComponent {
private static var STYLE_TICK_COLOR:String = "tickColor";
private var tickColorChanged:Boolean;
private static var classConstructed:Boolean = classConstruct();
// Make sure we create the ticks the first time updateDisplayList is called
private var creation:Boolean = true;
private var fadeTimer:Timer;
private var _isPlaying:Boolean;
private var _numTicks:int = 12;
private var numTicksChanged:Boolean;
private var _size:Number = 30;
private var sizeChanged:Boolean;
private var _tickWidth:Number = 3;
private var tickWidthChanged:Boolean;
private var _speed:int = 1000;
[Bindable] public var fadeSpeed:int = 600;
public var autoPlay:Boolean = true;
public function Spinner() {
addEventListener(FlexEvent.CREATION_COMPLETE, handleCreationComplete);
addEventListener(FlexEvent.REMOVE, handleUnloading)
private function handleCreationComplete(e:FlexEvent):void {
removeEventListener(FlexEvent.CREATION_COMPLETE, handleCreationComplete);
if (autoPlay) {
* Set the height and width based on the size of the spinner. This should be more robust, but oh well.
override protected function measure():void {
width = _size;
height = _size;
* Override the updateDisplayList method
override protected function updateDisplayList(unscaledWidth:Number, unscaledHeight:Number):void {
if (tickColorChanged || numTicksChanged || sizeChanged || tickWidthChanged || creation) {
creation = false;
// Find out whether it's playing so we can restart it later if we need to
var wasPlaying:Boolean = _isPlaying;
// stop the spinning
// Remove all children
for (var i:int = numChildren - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
// Re-create the children
var radius:Number = size / 2;
var angle:Number = 2 * Math.PI / _numTicks; // The angle between each tick
var tickWidth:Number = (_tickWidth != -1) ? _tickWidth : size / 10;
var tickColor:uint = getStyle(STYLE_TICK_COLOR);
var currentAngle:Number = 0;
for (var j:int = 0; j < _numTicks; j++) {
var xStart:Number = radius + Math.sin(currentAngle) * ((_numTicks + 2) * tickWidth / 2 / Math.PI);
var yStart:Number = radius - Math.cos(currentAngle) * ((_numTicks + 2) * tickWidth / 2 / Math.PI);
var xEnd:Number = radius + Math.sin(currentAngle) * (radius - tickWidth);
var yEnd:Number = radius - Math.cos(currentAngle) * (radius - tickWidth);
var t:Tick = new Tick(xStart, yStart, xEnd, yEnd, tickWidth, tickColor);
t.alpha = 0.1;
currentAngle += angle;
// Start the spinning again if it was playing when this function was called.
if (wasPlaying) {
tickColorChanged = false;
numTicksChanged = false;
sizeChanged = false;
tickWidthChanged = false;
private static function classConstruct():Boolean {
if (!FlexGlobals.topLevelApplication.styleManager.getStyleDeclaration("Spinner")) {
// If there is no CSS definition for StyledRectangle,
// then create one and set the default value.
var newStyleDeclaration:CSSStyleDeclaration = new CSSStyleDeclaration();
newStyleDeclaration.setStyle(STYLE_TICK_COLOR, 0x000000);
FlexGlobals.topLevelApplication.styleManager.setStyleDeclaration("Spinner", newStyleDeclaration, true);
return true;
override public function styleChanged(styleProp:String):void {
if (styleProp == STYLE_TICK_COLOR) {
tickColorChanged = true;
* Begin the circular fading of the ticks.
public function play():void {
if (! _isPlaying) {
fadeTimer = new Timer(speed / _numTicks, 0);
// addEventListener for the ticking going forward
fadeTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, handleTicking);
_isPlaying = true;
* Start the Tick at each Timer.
public function handleTicking(e:TimerEvent):void {
var tickNum:int = int(fadeTimer.currentCount % _numTicks);
if (numChildren > tickNum) {
var tick:Tick = getChildAt(tickNum) as Tick;
tick.fade(fadeSpeed != 1 ? fadeSpeed : speed * 6 / 10);
* Start the Tick at each Timer.
public function handleUnloading(e:FlexEvent):void {
removeEventListener(FlexEvent.REMOVE, handleUnloading);
trace("Removing "+this.uid.toString());
* Stop the spinning.
public function stop():void {
if (fadeTimer != null && fadeTimer.running) {
_isPlaying = false;
fadeTimer.removeEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, handleTicking);
* The overall diameter of the spinner; also the height and width.
public function set size(value:Number):void {
if (value != _size) {
_size = value;
sizeChanged = true;
public function get size():Number {
return _size;
* The number of 'spokes' on the spinner.
public function set numTicks(value:int):void {
if (value != _numTicks) {
_numTicks = value;
numTicksChanged = true;
public function get numTicks():int {
return _numTicks;
* The width of the 'spokes' on the spinner.
public function set tickWidth(value:int):void {
if (value != _tickWidth) {
_tickWidth = value;
tickWidthChanged = true;
public function get tickWidth():int {
return _tickWidth;
* The duration (in milliseconds) that it takes for the spinner to make one revolution.
public function set speed(value:int):void {
if (value != _speed) {
_speed = value;
fadeTimer.delay = value / _numTicks;
public function get speed():int {
return _speed;
public function get isPlaying():Boolean {
return _isPlaying;
package {
import flash.display.Sprite;
import mx.effects.Fade;
public class Tick extends Sprite {
private var tickFade:Fade = new Fade(this);
public function Tick(fromX:Number, fromY:Number, toX:Number, toY:Number, tickWidth:int, tickColor:uint) {, tickColor, 1.0, false, "normal", "rounded");, fromY);, toY);
public function fade(duration:Number):void {
tickFade.alphaFrom = 1.0;
tickFade.alphaTo = 0.1;
tickFade.duration = duration;;
You can hide the cursor rather than calling setBusyCursor on the CursorManager use then just toggle the visibility of an overlay with your loading graphic.
You can use CursorManager.showCursor(); and CursorManager.removeBusyCursor(); to show and remove busy cursor.

How to show PopUp with in the screen area In Flex and AS3

Hi i am trying to show my popup on the image mouse over
it is showing fine
when i trying mouse over right side last images popup is going out of the screen
Here TalentInfoPopUp is **TitleWindow
This is my sample code
private static var staticWindow :TalentInfoPopUp = null;
private static var visibleWindow:TalentInfoPopUp = null;
public static function show(t:Object, parent : DisplayObject, x:Number , y:Number):void
if(staticWindow == null)
visibleWindow = staticWindow = PopUpManager.createPopUp( parent , TalentInfoPopUp , false) as TalentInfoPopUp;
else if(visibleWindow == null)
visibleWindow = staticWindow;
PopUpManager.addPopUp(staticWindow, parent, false);
staticWindow.talent = t;
staticWindow.x = x;
staticWindow.y =y;
staticWindow.talent = t;
private function setPosition(nx:int,ny:int):void
var maxWidth:int = stage.width ;
var maxHeight:int = stage.height;
Try using systemManager.screen.width and systemManager.screen.height instead of stage.width and stage.height; also learn about the localToGlobal and globalToLocal methods and how to use them.

Flex: Updating a Tree control

I've a tree control with checkboxes that uses the control from
Somehow I can't get the control to update when I change the dataProvider (i.e. by clicking a checkbox) the only way I can get it to update is to use the scrollbar. How do I force the update? I've tried all possible methods I can figure out? (see update below)
Also how can I reset the Tree (collpasing all nodes, scroll to the top in a large tree)?
package offerta.monkeywrench.components
import offerta.monkeywrench.components.componentClasses.TreeCheckBoxItemRenderer;
import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
public class WatchTree extends TreeCheckBox
public var idProperty:String;
public var watchFactory:Function;
private var _wSet:Boolean = false;
/* clientId: */
private var _clientId:String;
public function get clientId():String
return _clientId;
public function set clientId(value:String):void
this._clientId = value;
/* //clientId */
/* watching: */
private var _watching:ArrayCollection;
public function set watching(value:ArrayCollection):void
this._watching = value;
public function get watching():ArrayCollection
return this._watching;
/* //watching */
override public function initialize() :void
addEventListener("itemCheck", onItemCheck, false, 0, true);
private function isWatching(id:String):Boolean
for each(var w:Object in this._watching)
if(w[this.idProperty]==id) return true;
return false;
private function onItemCheck(event:TreeEvent):void
var item:Object = event.item as Object;
var currentValue:uint = (event.itemRenderer as TreeCheckBoxItemRenderer).checkBox.checkState;
currentValue==2 ? addWatch(item.Id) : removeWatch(item.Id);
for each(var x:Object in item.children)
currentValue==2 ? addWatch(x.Id) : removeWatch(x.Id);
updateParents(item, currentValue);
updateChilds(item, currentValue);
super.updateDisplayList(this.unscaledWidth, this.unscaledHeight);
private function updateParents(item:Object, value:uint):void
var checkValue:String = (value == ( 1 << 1 | 2 << 1 ) ? "2" : value == ( 1 << 1 ) ? "1" : "0");
var parentNode:Object = item.parent;
for each(var x:Object in parentNode.children)
if(x.checked != checkValue)
checkValue = "2"
parentNode.checked = checkValue;
updateParents(parentNode, value);
private function updateChilds(item:Object, value:uint):void
var middle:Boolean = (value&2<<1)==(2<<1);
if(item.children!=null && item.children.length>0&&!middle)
for each(var x:Object in item.children)
x.checked = value == (1<<1|2<<1) ? "2" : value==(1<<1) ? "1" : "0";
updateChilds(x, value);
private function addWatch(id:String):void
if(isWatching(id)) return;
this._watching.addItem(this.watchFactory(id, this.clientId));
private function removeWatch(id:String):void
for(var i:int=0, n:int=this._watching.length; i<n; ++i)
public function update(__watching:ArrayCollection, __clientId:String):void
clientId = __clientId;
watching = __watching;
var ws:ArrayCollection = ArrayCollection(this.dataProvider);
for each(var group:Object in ws)
var count:int = 0;
for each(var child:Object in group.children)
child.checked = "1";
group.checked = (count==0 ? "0" : (count==group.children.length ? "1" : "2"));
this._wSet = false;
var dp:ArrayCollection = ArrayCollection(this.dataProvider);
super.updateDisplayList(this.unscaledWidth, this.unscaledHeight);
//scroll up the list???
//collapse? (doesn't work)
this.expandItem(null, false);
I've found the Tree control a little touchy in Flex. The way I ended up forcing a redraw was to disconnect the dataProvider and reconnect it, then force validation, something a bit like this :
private function forceRedraw(tree:Tree, dataProvider:Object):void
var scrollPosition:Number = tree.verticalScrollPosition;
var openItems:Object = tree.openItems;
tree.dataProvider = dataProvider;
tree.openItems = openItems;
tree.verticalScrollPosition = scrollPosition;
I guess this incidentally answers the second part of your question since all you'd have to do is null out the openItems collection and set the verticalScrollPosition to 0.
You might have another problem: whenever you check an item the tree scrolls to the top and this is just annoying. To solve this problem you should update the file this way:
in function checkHandler:
private function checkHandler( event: TreeEvent ): void;
comment the commitProperties(); call.
Now it should work well.
I've had some minor problem with this solution, var scrollPosition:Number = tree.verticalScrollPosition; is constantly 0??
