Drupal CCK Field Level Visibility - drupal

I am using the Drupal 6 module Content Profile to allow using a CCK defined type as a user profile which is working well. The issue I have is that I want the first completion of the profile to trigger an action however the user may save the profile without completing it. My thoughts on this is to have a checkbox by the save button which states 'My profile is complete' which the user will select once they are happy with it, and I have another module which creates a trigger by using the node_api hook and checking the type of the node, the action, and the value of this checkbox.
Once this trigger has been raised I don't want that checkbox to appear again however. If I could set the visibility of the checkbox using PHP code that would work as I could write a short script to determine if the completed action has already happenede and if so hide the checkbox. Is there a module that allows this? I haven't been able to find one.
I have also looked at using the same node_api hook to manipulate the profile as it is being displayed however the node just seems to have the values for the fields and not a form object that can be manipulated as I would have expected. IS there a way to programatically manipulate a CCK form?

I think hook form alter is what you are after. This can perform alterations to a form before it is rendered.

I would suggest another approach using the Save & Edit module. Set your CCK profile type as "unpublished" by default. Allow users to save it and/or save AND publish it with this module. On publish, use triggers and actions.
This approach is arguably more in keeping with the Drupal way - configuration over customization.


Create moderation for form data

I want to add moderation logic for a form which has name, mail and comment. Now when anyone fills the form and clicks "submit" it should directly be posted to the page. I want to send the content to "admin" and to be published after the content is reviewed. How can I achieve this in Drupal? I'm using Drupal 7.2.
There are many ways to achieve what you want. I guess you are looking for a site-builder approach.
Then you may have a look at the Webform module. Webform lets you build forms and define e-mail addresses to where the submitted data should be send to.
Then there is the Rules module with which you can define a rule that on every form submission automatically a (initially unpublished) node is being created populated with the form values.
And finally you may provide a list of all unpublished nodes built with Views. Maybe you already provide a button "publish" next to each node in the list that triggers the node publication.
Alternatively you may also have a look at moderation modules like Workbench Moderation.
Or have a look at the Flag module which is pretty useful for flagging content according some logic and/or button clicks. For example you can add a flag: approved.

How to programatically unhide Drupal 7 content field

On my company's Drupal 7 site, I created a field for one of our content types through the admin UI. We decided to hide it from the user until some styling changes make it through to production. Is there a was to programmatically unhide the field via an update hook? I know get at least some of the field information through the field_info_field function, but I'm not sure how if it contains the setting needed to make the field visible to the user. Any help on this would be appreciated.
I know I can unhide it through the UI once the changes hit production, but it would be nice to have an automated way of doing this.
You can hide it programmatically from it's node template with hide() function:
You can do that conditionally, i.e. by checking user role first.
Now, I'm not sure will this work from update hook, and I'm not even sure why you want to use that hook?!? If users are allowed to edit that content type and you actually want to hide it from edit form then check out my answer here:
Drupal 7 - Hide certain form fields of a content edit form depending on the content data
You can use https://www.drupal.org/project/field_permissions drupal module to hide and unhide fields to users of specific role.Initially during development the field can be made visible to admin role and then later on the permission can be granted to users of other roles

Add custom form data to Drupal module without using CCK fields

Iam very new to Drupal 7 so bear with me. I have created a jQueryUI drag and drop interface with JQueryUI tabs. My problem is i cant find the correct hook to add this custom interface to the admin interface. Like so (mockup) http://onlinemedia.rmcad.edu/sandBox/screenshot/screen-shot.jpg
All the examples I find are using CCK fields. CCK fields are great but they dont have this kind of custom functionality I want or does it?
Any help would very much be appreciated.
cck is drupal 6, not 7. to add to the node creation form you could use hook_form_alter or hook_form_ID_alter.
Check the form api documentation to get an idea of how to add stuff to the form object in either of those hooks.
From your mockup I understand you intend to add this drag&drop interface to a content-type.
If that's the case, I'd recommend you to add the appropriate fields first. Those would help storing the data in Drupal way, once the node is saved.
Once you are satisfied with the fields collecting the data you need, create a module and use hook_form_FORM_ID_alter hook to integrate your "interface", the presentation layer by altering those fields.
If you don't want to add CCK/Field components to store your data how about you create your own database table and store your custom data in there?
This approach is a long one but I have used it to great effect on a very big and complex project.
You will need a custom module with an install script which contains the details of your custom database table.
Forgive me but I don't remember the hook for altering a node-edit-form but that is where you input the code which implement your drag-'n'-drop elements.
Then, you could save the settings altogether when the node-edit form is submitted but I think it's probably better to implement some AJAX to save the settings to your custom database table. So, when a component is dropped into it's final resting place, you use AJAX to save that information to the database.
When a user comes back to edit that page, you simply load your custom settings and apply them to the drag-'n'-drop features and their previous configuration(s) would be visible to them.
I do hope that makes sense and it helps you.

Drupal views & to do list

Wondered if anyone can tell me whether the following is possible within views.
I have installed To do module - http://drupal.org/project/to_do
I then created my own view which lists all the tasks created in a particular Organic Group, which works lovely.
One of the fields ive added as the to do button field which gives the user the ability to mark a task as finshed from the view listing.
the problem I have is that all users part of that group can see that buton & has the ability to mark the task as finished.
Is there a way I can use views to only show that button if the current logged in user is the author of that node( to do task).
Views have different templates. In one of them all the fields are being printed. You could in that template make a check if the user is the author and then only print the todo field.
You cam click the theme information link inside the view to get a list of templates that's used and what you could call a custom template for views to use it.
This will only show content the user created. It's a pretty simple argument

Changing the value of a field in a Drupal form

I've created a hook submit function for my Drupal node edit form. I'd like to change the value of a CCK field (not in the form) for that specific node within the sumbit handler.
I've tried setting the field as hidden and applying a value to it, but this didn't work.
Could anyone suggest a way to do this?
I think you're probably over complicating things. If all you want to do is change the value of a CCK field on Node save (perhaps based on certain conditions) you're probably better off using the Rules module ( http://drupal.org/project/rules ). There are plenty of videos and resources on the internet on the Rules module.
Also if you want to hide a particular CCK field you can use the Content Permissions module that is bundled with the CCK module. You can deny the user edit access on the CCK field but grant view access.
Instead of adding a submit function to an edit for, why don't you use hook_nodeapi and perform your logic when the $op = 'presave'? This way you don't need a heavy module like rules, but can still alter the values on node submission.
EDIT: Take a look at hook_nodeapi()
use form_set_value(); function on form validation.
