How do I search an iframe for a specific image or grab the source code - iframe

My main goal is to search an iframe for a specific image. I know what the image will be (abc_clicked.gif) but am not sure how I can access the iframe to either:
1) search the iframe for the image itself
2) grab the source code in which I will manually search myself for the image
I am looking trying to accomplish this with javascript, as I don't see how PHP could help me at all in this case.
Anyone have any ideas???? I'm lost....

If the iFrame is hosted on the same domain, you can access the DOM the same as you would for the main page using contentDocument.
For example:
var iframeElement = document.getElementById('myiframe');
var imageElement = iframeElement.contentDocument.getElementById('myImage');

(assuming you're working in a Web page and looking for a JavaScript solution)
If the iframed page is in a different domain, there's not much you can do.
If it's in the same domain, here is a cross-browser way to access it's content:
var doc=ifr.contentWindow||ifr.contentDocument;
if (doc.document) doc=doc.document;
You can then search your iframe:
var imgs = doc.getElementsByTagName("img");
// etc.
Your second option is also valid (but might be more complicated), use ajax to retrieve and parse the page source.


fastest way to get all links and images from a webpage?

So this isn't relly a problem but more like automate thingy...
I built a website and had to copy loads of content from previous webpage. I did that by copy-pasting the content from old page to the new page made with wordpress.
All link and images in the content still point to the old page. So I'd like to find something like a webscraping tools which would analyze list of selected links and then output would be all link pointing outside of my webpage and list of all images that I have to download
Considering that your old and new websites are going to have the same URL structure, here is a bookmarklet that you can save as a bookmark to your toolbar.
To make your job easy, open an old website page, and simply click on the bookmarklet button you've saved (code below). This code will replace the links from old website to new website. The images will be treated similarly. Next, you can copy the updated content and paste it into the editor of your new website (wordpress admin).
On the developer's console (F12 key), you will get a list of all the images that you have to download.
var jqscript = document.createElement('script');
jqscript.onload = function() {
// treat the <a> tags
jQuery('#my-content-container').find('a[href^=""]').each(function(i, anchor) {
jQuery(anchor).attr('href', jQuery(anchor).attr('href').replace('', ''));
// treat the <img> tags, and make a list of images to download
var images_to_download = [];
jQuery('#my-content-container').find('img').each(function(i, image) {
jQuery(image).attr('src', jQuery(image).attr('src').replace('', ''));
// output a list of images to the developer console
jqscript.src = "//";
P.S. To save this bookmarklet code, rightclick the toolbar of your browser and create a new bookmark, and enter the above code as the Location/URL.
This is just an option you should think about: You could use absolute path instead of Relative path, this will help you reuse code without to have to remap every link in it.
Relatif Path :
Read about my Tahiti vacation.
Absolute path :
Read about my Tahiti vacation.

Only allow iframe to load content

I have a service that is loaded through an iframe on Ideally, I only want this service to be loaded under This I can ensure with X-Frame Options. However I also don't want it be accessible by simply pasting the url into the browser. Is there a way to prevent anything except an iframe from loading content?
This will make it only loosely enforced, but you can put a bit of JS on the framed page to take you back to the page you intended them to be on. One check you could try is to see if window.parent is the same as window.
if (window.parent === window) {
location = "";

How to apply css to google calender iframe...?

I want to apply css to google calender iframe. I had tried with Jquery but it gives JavaScript security error. However I also tried this link
Got success but many of its links goes to 404 page as it takes my domain as base URL
You will face a security error when you apply css using javascript to an iframe that contains a page in a different domain. but this problem has a workaround by using document.domain if both documents are on the same top level domain, are using the same protocol & you can add the following line of JavaScript to the page in the iframe:
document.domain = "";
the page containing the iframe needs the same line to make the domains match. Once this is in place, the script running on your main page is allowed to access properties of the document in the iframe element –
You cannot apply css to a iFrame ...
An iframe is a 'hole' in your page that displays another web page
inside of it. The contents of the iframe is not in any shape or form
part of your parent page.
From here
The reason behind that is security. If you have in one
window and in another one, then you’d not want a script from to access or modify your mail or run actions in context of
gmail on your behalf.
From here
If the iFrame is on the same domain and it doesnt violate the "Same-origin policy", you can work around this situation like this:
$('iframe').load( function() {
.append($("<style type='text/css'> .my-class{display:none;} </style>"));
Solution posted here
Anyway, if you are not violating the "Same-orgin policy", you probably don't want to use an iFrame.

How do I get a chrome extension to load an iframe containing a local page

I'm writing a chrome extension where the standard popup page is used as a menu and I add a iframe at the bottom of the page to display some output. the display.html page contains the output I intend to display in the iframe appended to the page. This code inside my content script appends the iframe but it searches for a display.html page on the webserver rather than in the code packaged with the extension. Is there some way for me to get it to load my display.html page rather than one that may or may not be there on whichever page the extension is used on.
ifrm = document.createElement("iframe");
ifrm.setAttribute("src", "display.html"); = "100%"; = "20%";
Updated answer
Per #Cnly's comment, please use chrome.runtime.getURL to get the URL of the embedded resource. (The original answer is extremely old, predating even manifest v2).
Original answer
I think you may want chrome.extension.getURL to get the URL of the embedded resource.

How to include HTML contents from another site? I have access to both sites

I have a site which is using DNN (DotNetNuke) as a content management system. I am using another site for my event registrations. I have sent them my template; which displays the basics including a hover menu with many different items in it.
Issue is - as I update the menu on my site using DNN, I need it to be reflected on the site using my template - without me having to send them a new file. Anyone have suggetsions on how to approach this?
I don't want to send the events provider all of the DNN DLLs as well as my database login information in order to render the menu.
I created a page on my site that is something like 'menu.aspx' - this produces the menu in HTML format, however it has tags like in it that I'd like to remove before serving it to them.
What is the best approach for this? Do I need to write a custom server control using XMLHttp? Can I accomplish this in Javascript?
Any advice much appreciated.
Thank you!
If both sites are hosted on the same domain (eg and you can use JavaScript and XmlHttpRequest to insert code from one site to another. Otherwise, the Same Origin Policy prevents you from using AJAX.
If they're not on the same domain but you have access to the page on their website, you can simply include there a JS script from your site :
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
In the JS, simply document.write() what you want on the page. This way, you can easily change the content of the page on their site without having to send them a new file.
Finally, you can also use an iframe on their site, pointing to a page on yours.
EDIT: As Vincent E. pointed out, this will only work if they're on the same domain - my bad.
If you are unwilling or unable to use frames, then I would set up an ashx on your DNN server which renders the menu (if you've got it in a user control all the better, as you can just instatiate it and Render it directly to the output stream) and then just make an Ajax call to that from your events page and insert it directly into the DOM.
Here's a quick and hacky jquery-based example of the events page end of things:
<script type="text/javascript">
function RenderMenu(data)
$(document).ready(function() {
type : 'GET',
url : 'http://localhost/AjaxHandlers/Menu.ashx',
data : '',
success : RenderMenu,
You'll want an empty div with the ID 'Menu' on the page where you want your menu to sit, but apart from that you're good to go.
If for whatever reason you can't get the menu HTML in an isolated way, then you'll need to do some text processing in RenderMenu, but it's still do-able.
I am not a web expert, so don't shoot me.
Can't you just put their registration form into an iFrame in DNN ?
