Panel page URL - Need to access named arguments - drupal

I have a Panel page, which I have given a path of: books/travel-books/%city/%country/%page. The help text underneath the field says "The URL path to get to this page. You may create named placeholders for variable parts of the path by using %name for required elements and !name for optional elements. For example: "node/%node/foo", "forum/%forum" or "dashboard/!input". These named placeholders can be turned into contexts on the arguments form.", so I have named my arguments appropriately.
So now in my code, I need to get the values of those arguments. I've seen arg(0), but that requires me knowing which index the argument has. Is there anyway to access it by the name I gave it in the path? Something like arg('city')??
The reason being, that I need to have similar path arguments on many pages, and need to access the values of these in my module. But the arguments may be in different places for another page. For instance, another page might be at: flights/%city/%country. Then I want to access the city argument within the same function, but it is at a different index.
Can anyone help?

you can check for arg(0) first, see whether it is 'books', 'flights', whatever... then associate names accordingly. do it as a helper function in a custom module and call it before referencing (wherever you're referencing it).

The text that you quoted from the panels help text is referring to what panels call context.
Panels has a great use if you want to aware of what context a certain piece of content is being viewed. Fx if you had several shops with different products, you might want to control which blocks in a sidebar would be displayed, based on the shop that the product belonged to.
This is essential what context is in panels and what the named placeholdes are used for. You can be default add different kinds of context, fx nodes, users, taxonomy terms. You can then use the different pieces of context if various ways.
If panels default options is not enough, you can also create your own plugins to panels to make it handle your special cases. But it requires a lot of time to learn how panels work.
Other solutions
Using panels might not be the easiest option for you, it depends what you are aiming for. But if you don't need to make pages that is aware of the context, this would probably be a lot easier to do with views and theming. Views can handle arguments in urls very well, and it is a lot simpler to both style and configure.

In Drupal 7 you can get the arguments from hook_content_type_render
function <your plugin name>_content_type_render($subtype, $conf, $panel_args, $context) {
$block = new StdClass;
$block->title = t('test');
$block->content = 'test panel arg: '.$panel_args[0];
return $block;
Custom panel tutorial


Magnolia #cms.newBar

I am creating some Magnolia templates and would like to know if any one has found a way to create a #cms.newBar and somehow use a node as the list of available paragraphs. The syntax is as below:
[#cms.newBar newLabel="Add Content" paragraph="template1, template2" /]
I want to use the node instead to avoid having to come back and add new templates when they are created.
I have seen the docs here and know that nothing is specified but wanted to see if anyone had found a way?
You can do several things, all boiling down to the same:
configure a string property containing "template1, template2", in your template definition. Assuming you're using Freemarker as the templating language, refer to it with ${def.thatProperty} (def references your template definition)
have your model class return that value: ${model.whatsCooking}, where your model class has a method String getWhatsCooking() which returns "template1, template2" (or whatever else you could come up with that decides what paragraphs should be available
STK does something similar to (1) - its template definitions contains Lists of "available" paragraphs, and its templates use some utility method to turn that into a comma-separated list, use with the new bar, so something like ${stk.toStringList(def.main.paragraphs)} (I can't recall the exact names and semantics, but you get the gist).
You should perhaps consider looking into STK for that, and a whole lot of things.
As for documentation, perhaps the templating guide and other docs will be more useful than the javadoc/tlddoc in this case.

Moving fields between fieldsets on Dexterity

In Archetypes, in order to move a field from a fieldset (or schemata) to another, we can do the following:
schema['creators'].schemata = 'default'
However, I'm not achieving the same using Dexterity. I've tried using form hints. Ex:
I notice that it doesn't work because the field "creators" is unknown at this time. (The ownership behavior wasn't evaluated yet).
Nevertheless, with form hints, I can move from "default" to another (eg. "ownership").
myfile = NamedFile(title=_(u"A file"))
form.fieldset('ownership', fields=['myfile'])
How can I do that? Writing my own behavior?
You likely need to make the define the field you want to assign on an interface under your control. While this seems duplicative, it is a good idea for purposes of being complete and explicit. You can either:
(1) Declare 'creators' field on your content type interface (likely, recommended solution), or...
(2) Use your own behavior as documented here (and adding this behavior to the type's FTI in portal_types and associated setup XML):
The first solution should be the easiest. Any fields that you wish to control fieldset location or order of should likely be defined by your interfaces anyway.

drupal-----views(how to know the fields name)

how to know the field variable name when output by views. eg:now, i want to overwrite a field's output, the name which i added is field_hello. but i don't know what's the variable name of it? namely how to print the variable in views-view-field--field_hello.tpl.php
In the Views UI, under "Basic settings", you can click "Theme: Information" to get a list of what template files are currently being used and what file names can be used. You'll find all the default templates within your views/theme/ directory. If you copy one of those to create your custom template, e.g. views-view-field.tpl.php, you'll see they're heavily documented with all the variable names available. For field templates, you have $view, $field, $row, and $output. Depending on whether you want the pre-processed value or the processed value, you probably want $field or $output.
Using Theme Developer (formerly part of Devel), you can inspect a page and see what variables get passed to it and use them in your own templates.
If you talk about using a variable inside a views field: this is not possible due to security issues. Depending on the fields, there are some variables available and Vies tells you which one but you don't have easy access to ALL the variables that your template is able to process.
The simplest solution is to look inside the views module directory, views/theme/ all of these templates are the default view display and contain code that prints the varibles, arrays etc that your view will generate.

How to add variable filters to Drupal 6 views via URL?

I'm currently using Drupal Views 2 to build custom views. This works fine so far, if there wasn't a feature needed: One should be able to filter the results by different fields via URL, in the form of:
The key names are fixed and may not be altered.
I tried hooking hook_views_query_alter() and hook_views_pre_render() to generalize this for all views, evaluating the given filterset, but to no satisfying end, as i could not get hold of the query used to build the view (I could not alter it in the proper way, as i do not know the field names in the query).
The question is, if there is a nicer way to implement such a filterset.
thanks in advance,
Looking at the comments you seem to want not only url arguments but url arguments in a custom format.
I would firstly urge you to drop your format and use the standard views argument format, this will be more standards compliant and save you a lot of headache.
If you want to use that paticular format you are going to have to write some custom code in a module.
Register a callback using hook_menu().
In that callback use arg() and decode your arguments.
Pass the arguments to views_embed_view(). as shown here

Create multiple CCK nodes with single custom form in Drupal

I need a form which will allow creation of several related nodes at the same time. All of the nodes involve CCK fields.
I would like to use as much of CCK's built-in validation, submission, input widget, and security functionality as possible/practical.
What is the best way to accomplish this in Drupal 6? Are there 'best practices' or docs anywhere?
Here are 3 possibilities I can see. I would love feedback on whether any of these would work, or if there are even better options.
start with the standard node creation form for content type foo.
modify the form by adding fields for content type bar, using hook form_alter [can cck widgets for content type bar be inserted directly?]
use a custom submit handler to create node of type bar when the form is submitted
[can the standard cck handler be called? or do i need to 'manually' construct the node object, do my own validation, and use node_save?]
create a new, custom form that concatenates the 'normal' node creation forms for the relevant content types.
then use hook form_alter to modify the forms as necessary.
allow standard cck submit handlers to do the work of creating the nodes.
create a custom form from scratch
create the nodes in my own submit handlers, using node prepare, node save, etc.
If found documentation on re-using the standard node creation form, but creating multiple nodes at the same time is not mentioned.
Using hook nodeapi and hook form_alter is documented in a post on advomatic's site, but the particular method descrube seems to require polluting one of the content types with 'dummy' fields.
Thank you very much for your help!
The advomatic guys posted a nice solution to this.
why not just use hook_nodeapi to handle the node creation for certain content types.
just set up a test condition to see if $node->type = 'foo', and then run a function to create two nodes or however many, using the values from the predefined fields. you can even set hook_nodeapi to only run when the $op is almost ready to insert the node into the database, thus ensuring the object has been run through appropriate validation before being passed on to the new nodes that need to be created. this page has a list of all available operations for the $op variable and what they do.
I hope that helps
If the 2nd type bar needs only one or two additional inputs (fields) from the user, I would go with your approach one.
But given your clarification it seems that foo and bar are sufficiently different and complex, so your approach two seems more reasonable.
Concatenate both forms into one and hide the bar fields that you want to populate from the foo fields (or node, after you created it). In the forms validate and submit functions, you'll have to separate the forms again so that you can call the standard validation/submit handlers for both separately.
I have not done this yet, so I'm not sure how well this will play with the cck functionality, but I would expect it to work reasonably well to give it a try.
