Using the simpletest automator in Drupal 6 - drupal

I've been trying to learn how to use simpletest, and I found the simpletest automator. I was able to install it and run it, but where is the file with the results of the 'macro' saved? I haven't been able to find it.
Also, is there a quick way to duplicate a drupal install in simpletest? I know it starts from a clean install, but I don't want to have to go through and figure out what all is enabled and who has what permissions at the start of the test. Is there a script that can figure out the settings of the current drupal install?
Thank You.

Is there a script that can figure out the settings of the current drupal install?
The short answer is no.
Essentially simpletest should be used as a unit test framework. Where all of the data that is needed is set up at the beginning of the test and it is not reliant on system setting or a particular user having a permission. It does this quite well, and can test core functionality and individual modules easily. If you are testing an indavidual module you have written using simpletest is, well, simple.
Unfortunately most websites use a number of modules and are configured to work together in a very specific way. Simpletest doesn't cope with this very well.
There are ways to get around this:
One option is to write a setup script in php which will work as a big setup script for your test. This can create users, set settings and permissions. This can be dificult to write and maintain and can cause the tests to take a long time to run.
Another option is for the site testing (which is different from unit testing) to be done in a tool other than simpletest. I have had some success with selenium. The downside to this is that you need to find a way have clean data. Which can be tricky, copying a database works but doesn't scale.

I've been pointed to this blog post as an answer to the question:

You can also use a site deployment module and enable only that at the very beginning of your test (in your SetUp() function).


Changing Django/Aldryn boilerplate

I have created a project (and invested significant time & effort on it :-) ) .
When I try to add add-ons it complaints about some missing bits and pieces. Looking around, the root cause seems to be that I created this with the default barebones boilerplate, instead of the richer bootstrap3 boilerplate.
However, there is no option I can find to change the boilerplate. Is it possible to change the boilerplate it is built on? Is there a magic concoction...?
An Aldryn employee helped me out in their chatroom with this problem -- if you're trying to make changes on your templates and whatnot locally, and they aren't being reflected on the site when you deploy the test server, you can get things re-synched by totally deleting your local files, opening the test server with the desktop client, and clicking on the "auto-sync this project" button. This takes what's on the test server, and rebuilds the local files on your computer with that. Then, your local changes (remember to save your changes first!) should be reflected when you deploy the test server (after clicking on the "Refresh Projects" button in the lower righthand corner of the desktop client).
If you have a ton of work that you'd rather not delete and rewrite, you can move your local files elsewhere on your hard drive, and then replace the files that are written from the test server with them.
Cheers to Angelo for helping me with that. It's kind of a quirky solution, and I'd have never figured it out on my own.
You can also add custom boilerplates here (I think that'll make you log in to your account to see it), but I haven't attempted a custom boilerplate, yet, so I can't vouch for how well one would jive with the rest of the Aldryn platform.
EDIT: I forgot to mention that, while the title is unlikely to grab the interest of somebody who's making their own boilerplates, the first two or three entries in this series could be quite helpful in implementing your custom work into Aldryn's framework.

How to upgrade (merge) web.config with web deploy (msdeploy)?

I'm trying to set up a deployment chain for some of our ASP.NET applications. The tool of choice is Web Deploy (msdeploy) - for now. Unfortunately I'm stuck on a problem.
A high level overview of the chain is thus:
Web developer creates the code and checks it in SVN;
Buildserver sees the update and builds the msdeploy .zip package of the website;
The .zip package is automatically put inside our installer and sent to various clients;
The clients run the installer on their webserver(-s);
The installer uses msdeploy internally to deploy the .zip package and create a new website or upgrade an existing one.
Msdeploy makes it easy to deploy a new instance, but I'm stumped about how to perform an "upgrade" install. The main problem is the web.config file. Each client will most certainly have made some customizations there to suit their specific environment. The installer itself offers to set some more critical parameters at the first-time installation (achieved by msdeploy's parameter mechanism), but they can do others by hand.
On the other hand, we developers also occasionally make changes to web.config, adding some new settings or removing obsolete ones. So I can't just tell msdeploy to ignore the file entirely. I need some kind of advanced XML modification mechanism. It could be a script that the developers maintain, but then it needs to be run ONLY at upgrades, not new installs.
I've no idea how to accomplish this.
Besides that, sometimes there's also some completely weird upgrade logic. For example, the application comes with our company logo, but some clients have replaced that .png file to show their own logo. Recently we needed to update the logo - but only for clients that hadn't replaced it with their own.
Similarly, there might be some cache folders that might need to be cleaned at SOME upgrades but not at others. Or folders with user content that may not be touched (but come with default content at the initial installation). Etc.
How do you normally achieve this dual behavior for msdeploy packages? Do I really need to create 2 distinct packages for every application?
Suggestion from personal experience:
Isolate customisations
Your customers should have the ability to customise their set up and the best way is to provide them with something like an override file. That way you install the new package and follow by superimposing your customer's customisations on top of your standard setup. If its a brand new install then there will be nothing to superimpose.
> top-level --
> standard files |
images | This will never be touched or changed by customer
settings.txt |
> customer files --
images | Customer hacks this to their heart's content
settings.txt_override |
Yes, this does mean that some kind of merging process needs to happen and there needs to be some script that does that but this approach has several advantages.
For settings that suddenly become redundant just issue a warning to that effect
If a customer has their own logo provide the ability to specify this in the override file
The message is clear to customers. Stay off standard files.
If customers request more customisable settings then write the default if it does not exist into the override file during upgrades.
Vilx, in answer to your question, the logic for knowing whether it is an upgrade or not must be contained in the script itself.
To run an upgrade script before installation
msdeploy -verb:sync -source:contentPath="C:\Test1" -dest:contentPath="C:\Test2" -preSync:runcommand="c:\UpgradeScript.bat"
Or to run an upgrade script after installation
msdeploy -verb:sync -source:contentPath="C:\Test1" -dest:contentPath="C:\Test2" -postSync:runcommand="c:\UpgradeScript.bat"
More info here
As to how you know its an upgrade your script could check for a text file called "version.txt" and if it exists the upgrade bat script will run. Version to be contained within the text file. Bit basic but it should work.
This also has the added advantage of giving you the ability of more elegantly merging customer's custom settings between versions as you know which properties could be overriden for that particular version.
There are some general suggestions (not specific to msdeploy), but I hope that helps:
I think you'll need to provide several installers anyway: for the initial setup and for each version-to-version upgrade.
I would suggest to let your clients to merge the config files themselves. You could just provide them either detailed desciption of waht was added/changed/removed, and/or include the utility that simplifies the merge. Maybe this and this links will give you some pointers.
as for merging the replaced logos, other client's customization, I think the best approach would be to support branding your application. I mean - move all branding details to the place where your new/upgrade installers won't touch that.
as for the rest of the adjustments made by your clients, they do that on their own risk, so the only help you could provide them is to include the detailed list of changes (maybe even the list of changed files since the previous version) and the How-To article about merging the sources with tools like Araxis Merge or similar
Or.. you could create a utility and include it to the installer, which will try to do all the tricky merging stuff on client's machine. I would not recommend this way as it requires a lot of efforts/resources to maintain.
One more thing: you could focus on backup-ing the previous client copy before upgrade. So even client will have troubles with upgrading - that will be always possible to roll back. The only thing here for you is to provide a good feedback channel which your clients can use to shoot their troubles. This feedback will allow you to figure out what the troubles your clients have and how to make their upgrade process more comfortable.
I would build on what the above have said, but I would do it with transformations, and strict documentation about who configures what. The way you have it now relies on customer intervention against a config that is mission critical to the app deploy process.
Create three config file areas. One for development, one for the "production generic" build, and one that is an empty template for the customer to edit.
The development instance should be self explanatory. This is the transform that takes the production generic template and creates a web config for your development server. (it sounds like you are shooting for a CI type process here)
The "production generic" transform should set the app up for a hypothetically perfect instance of the app. This is what the install would look like if the architect had his way.
The customer transform is used by the customers to set up the web config as required to meet their own needs. Write some documentation and see what happens. Edit the docs as you help customers through the process.
It that what you were looking for? Thoughts?

Require local file in PHPUnit

I am trying to test our source tree using PHPUnit with old, web based legacy code, trying to make as few changes as possible to begin. Once testing is in place, I can then change the library functions for better use, and better unit testing. However, I need the tests done to allow me to change it.
Question: We share the library code across many projects of our application, but they all share a common directory structure. When the website runs, local directories are available when we require files in the library.
Consider this:
When you launch the application, you point to either APP1 or APP2 for the different applications. They have the common code (messaging, DB access, etc...). in Library. The problem is, that the functions in the library need special parameters to work, as they are coded today. These libraries simply require('Config.php'); since it will be found in either APP1 or APP2 (they both have one with application specific settings) and the web server is using the APP1 or APP2 as the directory when the Library files were require()'d.
While this works, it fails when attempting to run the code in PHPUnit. My question is how to include the Config.php file without having to change the legacy code too much before the testing is in place.
I know this is the wrong format, but this is what I inherited.
I can not simply require('../../APP1/Config.php'); since both applications share this library.
Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.
Note: We are trying to test the library and all projects as we begin writing tests, so not sure if the include_path will solve it. I am contemplating different PHPUnit.xml.dist files for each application, but trying to avoid this right now due to corporate influence of testing all applications right away.
From phpunit.xml (<phpunit bootstrap="./bootstrap.php">...) and from the cli (--bootstrap ./bootstrap.php) you can specify a bootstrap file. In that file you could do this inclusion you are looking to do.
As word of advice, when stating to test a legacy code base don't start with Unit test. Your first goal should be "get some kind of automated tests in place". For most people, this will be system tests. That is testing the stack/site as a whole. A common tools for this is Selenium.
This is still not small task. What you are going to have to do it work out "how do I put my system in to a consistent state". The first thing you may need to do is automate importing and emptying test data in your database. Once you can do that you will be able to reliably run automated tests. You will need to get many other things to be consistent also, date and times being a good example.
My point is that, from experience, starting with Unit tests will not give you the value you need to prove that automated testings is worth the effort.
Good luck!

Development shell in ASP.NET

I write a lot of code, most of it I throw away eventually when I am done with it; recently I was thinking that if I just kept every small piece of utility script I wrote, named it, tagged it and filed it in a dev shell, I will never loose the code, and on top of that I won't need to redo something I have done already, which is the main motivation, as I keep finding myself writing something I've done earlier.
Is there a ASP.NET shell style environment anywhere?
If not, what would be the best way to go about this?
I am looking to be able to do the following:
Write big or small bits of code.
Derive from or chain together alread written code/libraries/services.
Ability to have everything on my desktop (would that mean IIS on the desktop? or is there an lighter weight mechanism?), sync'ed with the server at home, so if I am on the move I can still access this and make this part of my day-to-day workflow.
You could build a unique solution, with many class library projects inside. Each project would address a specific scenario, something like this:
MyStuff (Solution)
Then you can put this solution on an online versioning service like bitbucket or assembla, so you can access your source code from anywhere, edit it and commit it back to the server. This way you get the advantages of versioning and you store your code on a remote server so even if your harddisk breaks it's not a problem, cause what's on the server is what matters.
You should either look into a source control system (Git perhaps?) or into a file storage / syncing / sharing service like DropBox.
DropBox would allow you to access code snippets from wherever you are and works really easily (just drop a file into a folder).
If you need versioning and branching you're going to have to look into a source control system. Since you have a server at home, that should be no problem.

Improving Your Build Process

Or, actually establishing a build process when there isn't much of one in place to begin with.
Currently, that's pretty much the situation my group faces. We do web-app development primarily (but no desktop development at this time). Software deployments are ugly and unwieldy even with our modest apps, and we've had far too many issues crop up in the two years I have been a part of this team (and company). It's past time to do something about that, and the upshot is that we'll be able to kill two Joel Test birds with one stone (daily builds and one-step builds, neither of which exists in any form whatsoever).
What I'm after here is some general insight on the kinds of things I need to be doing or thinking about, from people who have been in software development for longer than I have and also have bigger brains. I'm confident that will be most of the people currently posting in the beta.
Relevant Tools:
Visual Build
Source Safe 6.0 (I know, but I can't do anything about whether or not we use Source Safe at this time. That might be the next battle I fight.)
Tentatively, I've got a Visual Build project that does this:
Get source and place in local directory, including necessary DLLs needed for project.
Get config files and rename as needed (we're storing them in a special sub directory that isn't part of the actual application, and they are named according to use).
Build using Visual Studio
Precompile using command line, copying into what will be a "build" directory
Copy to destination.
Get any necessary additional resources - mostly things like documents, images, and reports that are associated with the project (and put into directory from step 5). There's a lot of this stuff, and I didn't want to include it previously. However, I'm going to only copy changed items, so maybe it's irrelevant. I wasn't sure whether I really wanted to include this stuff in earlier steps.
I still need to coax some logging out of Visual Build for all of this, but I'm not at a point where I need to do that yet.
Does anyone have any advice or suggestions to make? We're not currently using a Deployment Project, I'll note. It would remove some of the steps necessary in this build I presume (like web.config swapping).
When taking on a project that has never had an automated build process, it is easier to take it in steps. Do not try to swallow to much at one time, otherwise it can feel overwhelming.
First get your code compiling with one step using an automated build program (i.e. nant/msbuild). I am not going to debate which one is better. Find one that feels comfortable to you and use it. Have the build scripts live with the project in source control.
Figure out how you want your automated build to be triggered. Whether it is hooking it up to CruiseControl or running a nightly build task using Scheduled Tasks. CruiseControl or TeamCity is probably the best choice for this, because they include a lot of tools you can use to make this step easier. CruiseControl is free and TeamCity is free to a point, where you might have to pay for it depending on how big the project is.
Ok, by this point you will be pretty comfortable with the tools. Now you are ready to add more tasks based on what you want to do for testing, deployment, and etc...
Hope this helps.
I have a set of Powershell scripts that do all of this for me.
Script 1: Build - this one is simple, it is mostly handled by a call to msbuild, and also it creates my database scripts.
Script 2: Package - This one takes various arguments to package a release for various environments, such as test, and subsets of the production environment, which consists of many machines.
Script 3: Deploy - This is run on each individual machine from within the folder created by the Package script (the Deploy script is copied in as a part of packaging)
From the deploy script, I do sanity checks on things like the machine name so things don't accidentally get deployed to the wrong place.
For web.config files, I use the
<appSettings file="Local.config">
feature to have overrides that are already on the production machines, and they are read-only so they don't accidentally get written over. The Local.config files are not checked in, and I don't have to do any file switching at build time.
[Edit] The equivalent of appSettings file= for a config section is configSource="Local.config"
We switched from using a perl script to MSBuild two years ago and haven't looked back.
Building visual studio solutions can be done by just specifying them in the main xml file.
For anything more complicated (getting your source code, executing unit tests, building install packages, deploying web sites) you can just create a new class in .net deriving from Task that overrides the Execute function, and then reference this from your build xml file.
There is a pretty good introduction here:
I've only worked on a couple of .Net projects (I've done mostly Java) but one thing I would recommend is using a tool like NAnt. I have a real problem with coupling my build to the IDE, it ends up making it a real pain to set up build servers down the road since you have to go do a full VS install on any box that you want to build from in the future.
That being said, any automated build is better than no automated build.
Our build process is a bunch of homegrown Perl scripts that have evolved over a decade or so, nothing fancy but it gets the job done. One script gets the latest source code, another builds it, a third stages it to a network location. We do desktop application development so our staging process also builds install packages for testing and eventually shipping to customers.
I suggest you break it down to individual steps because there will be times when you want to rebuild but not get latest, or maybe just need to re-stage. Our scripts can also handle building from different branches so consider that also with whatever solution you develop.
Finally we have a dedicated build machine that rebuilds the trunk and maintenance branches every night and sends out an email with any problems or if it completed successfully.
One thing I would suggest ensure your build script (and installer project, if relevant in your case) is in source control. I tend to have a very simple script that just checks out\gets latest the "main" build script then launches it.
I say this b/c I see teams just running the latest version of the build script on the server but either never putting it in source control or when they do they only check it in on a random basis. If you make the build process to "get" from source control it will force you to keep the latest and greatest build script in there.
Our build system is a makefile (or two). It has been rather fun getting it working as it needs to run on both windows (as a build task under VS) and under Linux (as a normal "make bla" task). The really fun thing is that the build gets the actual file list from a .csproj file, builds (another) makefile from that, and run that. In the processes the make file actually calls it's self.
If that thought doesn't scare the reader, then (either they are crazy or) they can probably get make + "your favorite string mangler" to work for them.
We use UppercuT.
UppercuT uses NAnt to build and it is extremely easy to use.
Some good explanations here: UppercuT
