DateTime issue on different platforms (.NET 2.0) - datetime

On a 32 bit OS, with an Intel processor,
DateTime e.g. 2/17/2009 12:00:00 AM
Notice that it is: mm/DD//yyyy
On a 64 bit OS, with an AMD processor,
DateTime e.g. 17-02-2009 00:00:00
Now when I try to parse the 1st format, it throws an error on the 2nd platform.
That means - DateTime.Parse("2/17/2009 12:00:00 AM") - throws an error - cannot convert.
whereas, on the same platform,
DateTime.Parse("17/2/2009 12:00:00 AM") works! That means DD/MM is fine, MM/DD is not.
What is causing this? The 64-bit OS? The processor?
How do I get rid of the problem?

DateTimes themselves don't have formats. You parse them or format them into strings. (It's like numbers - integers aren't stored in hex or decimal, they're just integers. You can format them in hex or decimal, but the value itself is just a number.)
The format will depend on the culture of the operating system (or more accurately, the culture of the thread, which is typically the same as the operating system one).
Personally I like to explicitly set the format I use for either parsing or formatting, unless I'm actually displaying the string to the user and know that the culture is appropriate already.

Check your "Date and time formats" in the "Region and Language" control panel.
Also, if you want DateTime to generate a specific format, don't just call plain ToString(), but pass it a parameter indicating the format you want. Similarly, if you know the format of the date you are asking it to parse, call TryParseExact(), and tell it the format you are providing.
See also MSDN's Standard Date and Time Format Strings


ISO datetime with timezone issue

I am just printing the ISO datetime with timezone as per the below documentation
This is my code
TimeZone tz = TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC");
DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-mm-dd'T'hh:mm:ss.nnnnnn+|-hh:mm");
dateTimeWithTimeZone = df.format(new Date());
However i am getting this exception
Illegal pattern character 'n'
I cant use this format directly in Java ?
dateTimeWithTimeZone =;
When I ran this snippet just now, I got this output:
It’s not clear from the page you link to, but it’s an ISO 8601 string in UTC, so should be all that you need. I am taking advantage of the fact that the classes of java.time produce ISO 8601 output from their toString methods. The linked page does show the format with hyphens, T and colons (2008-09-15T15:53:00+05:00), it shows another example with decimals on the seconds (15:53:00.322348) and a third one with Z meaning UTC (20080915T155300Z), so I would expect that the combination of all three of these would be OK too.
The format you used in the quesiton seems to try to get the offset as +00:00 rather than Z. If this is a requirement, it’s only a little bit more complicated. We are using an explicit formatter to control the variations within ISO 8601:
DateTimeFormatter iso8601Formatter
= DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("uuuu-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSSSSxxx");
dateTimeWithTimeZone =;
What went wrong in your code?
You tried to use the formatting symbols from your source with SimpleDateFormat. First, you should never, and especially not in Java 8 or later, want to use SimpleDateFormat. That class is notoriously troublesome and long outdated. Second, some of its format pattern letters agree with the symbols from your source, some of them don’t, so you cannot just use the symvol string from there. Instead you need to read the documentation and find the correct format pattern letters to use for year, month, etc. And be aware that they are case sensitive: MM and mm are different.
Oracle Tutorial: Date Time
explaining how to use java.time.

Apache Nifi Expression Language - toDate formatting

I am trying to format a date string using the Apache Nifi expression language and the Replace Text processor(regex). Given a date string
date_str : "2018-12-05T11:44:39.717+01:00",
I wish to convert this to:
correct_mod_date_str: "2018-12-05 10:44:39.717",
(notice how the date is converted to UTC, and character 'T' replaced by a space.)
To do this, I am currently using:
toDate("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSSSSXXX"):format("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS", '+00:00')
and this works perfectly.
However, when the date string has 6 digits in ms, rather than 3, things break:
another_date_str: "2018-12-05T11:44:39.717456+01:00"
is converted to:
incorrect_mod_date_str: "2018-12-05 10:56:36.456"
It seems the first 3 digits in the ms precision interferes with the conversion.
Appreciate inputs to resolve this - what am I missing?
seems that's a limitation in java.
according to java documentation there is no support of more then 3 milliseconds digits.
the simplest way is to remove extra digits like this:
attr:replaceAll('(\.\d{3})\d*','$1'):toDate("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSXXX"):format("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS", '+00:00')
I ran into a similar issue with date time encoded in ISO 8601. The problem is, that the digits after the second are defined as fragment of a second, not milliseconds.
See answer to related topic

How to convert a local datetime to UTC with moment.js

I've found a couple of existing StackoverFlow questions on this but nothing very definite.
I have a local datetime. I want this in UTC. my local datetime does not have a 'Z' at the end or any offset information.
I first tried:
moment(mylocaldatetime).toISOString() #works fine because this method always returns time in UTC
But for consistency with other code I didn't want to use to ISOString() so I did this:
This seems to work fine. If the browser running this code is in UTC + 1 I get a datetime one hour less than mylocaldatetime (with an offset string if I specify that in the format). I.e. it has treated mylocaldatetime as a local time, taken account of my current time zone, and given me my local time as UTC.
However. This appears to contradict the moment.js docs which are pretty clear that:
If you want to parse or display a moment in UTC, you can use moment.utc() instead of moment(). - Notice the 'parse'.
Moment normally interprets input times as local times (or UTC times if moment.utc() is used).
If these doc comments were true this line:
should treat mylocaldatetime as if it were utc and then output this datetime in utc - no difference. No conversion. But that is not what I get.
Maybe what this line moment(mylocaldatetime).utc().format() is saying is:
create a moment object in local mode with mylocaldatetime. Then put the moment object into utc mode. So now when we format for display we output as utc. IF this is the case I think the docs could be made clearer.

momentJS UTC versus specifying the timezone in the moment constructor

Does the below 2 syntaxes are same,
moment(1456261200367, 'H:mm:ss.SSS').utc().valueOf() //1456343786120
moment(1456261200367 +0000, 'H:mm:ss.SSS Z').valueOf() //1456325786120
but as you could see if both of them coverts the given value to UTC mode then why there is a difference in the output?
Also I would like to know how a.valueOf() and b.valueOf() are same, when a.format() and b.format() are different, because moment() (moment parses and displays in local time) is different from moment.utc() (displays a moment in UTC mode)
var a = moment();
var b = moment.utc();
In the first part, you're using it incorrectly. You've passed numeric input which would normally be interpreted as a unix timestamp, but then you've supplied a string-based format string so the number is converted to a string. The format string here is telling moment how the input is specified, but it doesn't match what you're actually parsing.
This doesn't error though, because by default moment's parser is in "forgiving" mode. You can read more about this in the docs.
The correct way to pass a timestamp into moment is with one of these:
The last two are equivalent, but the moment.utc(timestamp) form is prefered.
With any of those, all three will have the same .valueOf(), which is just the timestamp you started with. The difference is in the mode that the moment object is in. The first one is in local mode, reflecting the time zone of the computer where it's running, while the other two are in UTC mode.
This is evident when you format the output using the format function, as with other many other functions. I believe that answers your second question as well.

How to convert the format of inserted datetime in Informix?

I insert my date/time data into a CHAR column in the format: '6/4/2015 2:08:00 PM'.
I want that this should get automatically converted to format:
'2015-06-04 14:08:00' so that it can be used in a query because the format of DATETIME is YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss.fffff.
How to convert it?
Given that you've stored the data in a string format (CHAR or VARCHAR), you have to decide how to make it work as a DATETIME YEAR TO SECOND value. For computational efficiency, and for storage efficiency, it would be better to store the value as a DATETIME YEAR TO SECOND value, converting it on input and (if necessary) reconverting on output. However, if you will frequently display the value without doing computations (including comparisons or sorting) it, then maybe a rococo locale-dependent string notation is OK.
The key function for converting the string to a DATETIME value is TO_DATE. You also need to look at the TO_CHAR function because that documents the format codes that you need to use, and because you'll use that to convert a DATETIME value to your original format.
Assuming the column name is time_string, then you need to use:
TO_DATE(time_string, '%m/%d/%Y %I:%M %x') -- What goes in place of x?
to convert to a DATETIME YEAR TO SECOND — or maybe DATETIME YEAR TO MINUTE — value (which will be further manipulated as if by EXTEND as necessary).
I would personally almost certainly convert the database column to DATETIME YEAR TO SECOND and, when necessary, convert to the string format on output with TO_CHAR. The column name would now be time_value (for sake of concreteness):
TO_CHAR(time_value, '%m/%d/%Y %I:%M %x') -- What goes in place of x?
The manual pages referenced do not immediately lead to a complete specification of the format strings. I think a relevant reference is GL_DATETIME environment variable, but finding that requires more knowledge of the arcana of the Informix product set than is desirable (it is not the first thing that should spring to anyone's mind — not even mine!). If that's correct (it probably is), then one of %p and %r should be used in place of %x in my examples. I have to get Informix (re)configured on my machine to be able to test it.
