Genering IPod and Zune Compatible RSS Feeds for MP3's hosted on Amazon S3 Server - podcast

I have few MP3 recordings which are hosted on the Amazon S3 server. I want to expose those recordings (MP3 files) to the users as RSS feeds so that they can download them using their IPod (Itunes) or Zune.
All the MP3's are hosted on Amazon S3 server and I would also like to have a stat that which podcast is downloaded how many times.

It's basically just a matter of building the RSS file and hosting it on an HTTP server. Then you just give users the URL to that feed and they can subsribe in iTunes. Here is a link to the iTunes RSS technical spec: iTunes Podcast RSS Technical Spec There's also an example feed on that page to get you started.
The element that stores the actual location of the files is the enclosure element. It has a URL attribute which needs to be set to the URL of the MP3.
Example: <enclosure url=" AllAboutEverythingEpisode2.mp3" length="5650889" type="audio/mpeg"/>
All your enclosure elements will just need to point to the proper place in Amazon S3.


Serve huge files directy from s3 bucket (in a s3 compatible cloud, not amazo) in wordpress

I have a huge file stored in a s3 compatible cloud ocean (not Amazon). I want to have a download button which will result to downloading this file for user.
I have installed "Media Cloud" plugin which has ability to connect to s3 compatible cloud. But I cant find a way to serve this file which is only saved in my s3 bucket in my wordpress.
If you only have 1 file to serve, you should be able to get the URL of the file in your s3 bucket admin panel where the file lives.
The main thing you need to check if the object (the file) is publically readable and your bucket is set up as a "static website" so it can serve HTTP. If it's not, you won't be given an object URL to put on your site.
I'm not sure who you host your s3 with if you say it's not Amazon, but here's a guide on how to do it if you did use Amazon.

How to upload files in my custom Integromat app?

I am implementing an API that supports image upload. How to pass an image into an Integromat module and send it to the server?
There are many ways how to upload a file in the module. You can check how we upload files in our example Apps:
More info about how to implement multipart/form-data here:
I think the question entails using HTTP module.
You need to host the file somewhere in Dropbox or Google drive... AWS or anywhere on the web.
Use HTTP module to download the file (put file URL in the settings of the blue hTTP module), then link Data to the next module..
We have done this with Facebook Messenger application when user shared pictures or files

how to upload files to onedrive for business through drupal?

I have a drupal site and an oneDrive for business account. My site has a software section through which we provide software to download for public. What we use to do is that we upload the software in our ODFB account, create a download link, then put the link after the description of the software.
What I wanted to do is that while posting the software, there should be an option to upload the software. And the file should go straight to our ODFB account instead of the server where the website is hosted.
Is it possible? Any module available?
This should be possible using the OneDrive upload APIs. If the file size is less than 100MB, you should be able to use the simple item upload API:
However, if the file is larger, you can use resumable item upload API:
With the right permissions, you can access your OneDrive for Business using /drives endpoint and save the file there.

How to connect CDN in magnolia?

I am using Azure CDN, where i have published all my images,css,js files.Now I would like to get all the assets from CDN instead of DAM.
Could you please suggest me?
Thanks in advance.
Actually I would suggest to just add extra step to your publishing process that, when publishing resources from dam will also publish them to azure CDN using their API. Similarly when unpublishing, you remove resources from there too.
You should do that as a first step in publishing, and upon receiving identifier for the resource from CDN, you should store that in assets metadata and only then pass it over to the next publishing step to have dam resource published to your Magnolia public instance.
Then on the public instance, you would need to replace LinkTransformers (and also LinkTransformerManager) and/or maybe just Asset implementation (if you use that exclusively for assets) with a custom implementation that when requesting link to dam asset will use CDN identifier in the assets metadata to construct correct link pointing to the CDN rather than back to Magnolia.
See the Creating a custom content app trail in the documentation - it shows how to integrate images from Flickr, you can customize it to integrate Azure.

How can I link a WebDAV URL within windows explorer (w7) to a regular folder instead of using a network link (standard)?

Normally a WebDAV URL shows up as a network link within the table of root directory trees (c:/; d:/). I would like the WebDAV URL to be accessed from a regular folder e.g. c:/user/download.
How do I link the URL manually and/ or using the msdn WebDAV API for script configuration?
I dont know of any windows clients that can mount a drive into a local file system. A couple of options
Mount a drive like normal and then use a linked folder (ok, not a great option)
Use a file sync client to sync a local folder to the webdav server
There are a handful of sync clients around. Here's a new one that looks nice, although i havent used it -
