Are computer language copyrighted? Can I make a compiler or ide or anything for any of them? - plsql

Are computer languages copyrighted or have some restrictions imposed on them how they can be used? What does that mean in practice? If so, what can be done or what cannot be done? Could I make a compiler or ide or anything for any of them?
For example for Pl/Sql?

Unfortunately, programming languages may be encumbered by patents. This appears to be the case e.g. with the Aikido language.
Just recently this seems to have become a non-issue for the C# programming language (and the .NET Common Language Infrastructure).
To answer your question regarding what can and what cannot be done: if in your implementation of the language you use an invention that somebody patented, you definitely don't want to try to make profit with your implementation in any country where the patent applies (unless you licence the tech, of course). However, if you can circumvent the patent, i.e., implement for example a compiler for the same language without using that specific trick but something else, then you should not have a problem. Patents need (well, should need) to be very specific, so this might often be possible. (IANAL, though.)

You really need to familiarize yourself with copyright. Copyright applies to works of art: writings, paintings, etc. So the programming language itself cannot be copyrighted. The text describing it usually is, but that only prevents you from copying that text - it doesn't prevent you from reading it, understanding it, and using it.
So for PL/SQL, it's probably the case that its description is copyrighted by Oracle, but that can't stop you from making compilers and IDEs. As Pukku points out: there are other kinds of intellectual property, such as patents and trade marks, which may prevent you from doing these things (or calling them PL/SQL when done), but not copyright.


Goto is considered harmful, but did anyone attempt to make code using goto re-usable and maintainable?

Everyone is aware of Dijkstra's Letters to the editor: go to statement considered harmful (also here .html transcript and here .pdf). I was wondering is anyone attempted to find a way to make code using goto's re-usable and maintainable and not-harmful by adding any other language extensions or developing a language which allows for gotos.
The reason I ask the question is that it occurs to me that code written in Assembly language often used goto's and global variables to make the program work well within a limited space. The Atari 2600 which had 128 bytes of ram and the program was loaded from ROM cartridge. In this case, it was better to use unstructured programming and to make the most of the freedoms this allows to make the most of a very limited space for the program.
When you compare this with a game programmed today without the use of gotos, the game takes up much more space.
Then it occurs to me that perhaps its possible to program with the use of gotos if some rules or other language changes are made to support this, then the negative effects of gotos could be reduced or eliminated. Has anyone tried to find a way to make goto's NOT considered harmful by creating a language or some rules to follow which allow gotos to be not harmful.
If no-one looked for a way to use gotos in a non-harmful way then perhaps we adopted structured programming un-necessarily based solely on this paper? Perhaps there is another solution which allows for the use of gotos without the down-side.
Comparing gotos to structured programming is comparing a situation where the programmer has to remember what every labels in the code actually mean and do, and where there are, to a situation where the conditional branches are explicitly described.
As of the advantages of the goto statement regarding the place a program might take, I think that games today are big because of the graphic and sound resources they use. That is, show 1,000,000 polygons. The cost of a goto compared to that is totally neglectable.
Moreover, the structural statements are ultimately compiled into goto ("jmp") statements by the compiler when outputting assembly.
To answer the question, it might be possible to make goto less harmful by creating naming and syntax conventions. Enforcing these conventions into rules is however pretty much what structural programming does.
Linus Torvald argued once that goto can make source code clearer, but goto is useful in so very special cases that I would not dare use it as a programmer.
This question is somehow related to yours, since I think this one of the most common situations where a goto is needed.

Rounding in Ada

I want to use Float'Rounding() in Ada, but I could not find in the reference what the library is where the attribute is implemented.
I'm really sorry, I'm new at this, but it seems PHP and C++ have better documentation.
The attributes in Ada are predefined. You do not need a library for importing it.
This page could be of help:
By the way, considering that the ISO standard of Ada (aka Reference Manual) is publicly available, in contrast to C++ which you have to pay for accessing it, I think Ada is much better documented, since the standard is the most complete reference of the language.
You will find more learning resources on the Ada Programming wikibook homepage.
All of Ada's language-defined attributes (the stuff introduced by the ' character, are documented in Annex K of the LRM. They are a full part of the language, so there's no package or library you have to manually import.
I know for a beginner at first it always seems like a new language is oddly documented, because you are so much more used to how things are looked up for your old languages. However, as somebody who knows both Ada and C++ quite well, I can tell you that one thing Ada has all over C++ is how much better documented it is. You can't even get hold of a copy of the C++ LRM without paying money to ISO. Even if you pay them, what you get isn't nearly as readable by a layman as what I just linked you.
For starters, I'd suggest you save those two links above I gave you, and read entirely through Annex K. There's loads of good stuff in there. You will also want to read through Annex L (language-defined pragmas) and skim through the stuff in Annex A (predefined language environment).

How to get information from standards?

Is there a reasonable way to search standards for programming and markup languages (specifically, C, C++, Java, JavaScript, (X)HTML)? Standard libraries tend to be well-documented and easy to access, but when looking for information on the basics of a language I always have trouble, and end up getting most of my information second-hand from tutorials. That's not all bad, since tutorials often point out gotchas (such as even though this is in the standard, it doesn't work in Internet Explorer) but tutorials are sometimes wrong and often don't cover more obscure areas.
There is really only one way to get information from a standard: read the standard.
If the standard is too hard to read (and a lot of them are), then maybe the standards folks have created (non-normative) introduction or tutorial documents. But they are not the standard. Very occasionally, someone produces an "annotated" version of a specification that offers simplified explanations. These are very useful, but once again they are not the standard.
If a standard is available in machine readable / searchable form, document search on suitably chosen keywords can often point to the relevant part(s) of the documents. But you have to read and understand the text. There are no tools around (that I'm aware of) that can accurately translate the (often abstruse) technical details of a standard into something that "normal people" can read easily.
This is why we label people who are intimately familiar with particular standards "standards lawyers" or "language lawyers". It is analogous to lawyers and judges reading/writing legal documents.
I assume you are looking for a syntax reference, as opposed to a standard. The standard is precise but probably too low level for what you really want. A syntax reference will show you the language constructs for looping, selection etc. There are some exceptions such as (X)HTML which is a markup language as opposed to a programming language. Markup language standards documents tend to be more useful from the reference perspective.
For example look at the Visual C++ Language Reference and compare it to a version of the standard.
For (X)HTML and the DOM, the standards are handled by the W3C. But as you know, browsers don't exactly follow the standards. For an exhaustive resource on browser issues there's nothing better than the quirksmode compatibility tables.

What are the practical advantages of learning Assembly? [closed]

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Most people suggest that learning assembly is essential, its important to know the underlying workings of the computer, and so forth. But what I'm looking for are some practical suggestions that will make the effort of learning Assembly to be worth it.
What are your suggestions? What am I missing out on by not learning Assembly and pointers/memory management in general?
I think the main practical advantage to learning low-level things like assembly language, pointers, and memory management is that when you're writing or reviewing high-level code you're better able to instinctively or subconsciously spot performance issues or other pitfalls.
An average developer, might write a simple loop and think, "This code iterates over a set of integers and writes each to the console."
An expert developer might write the same loop and think, "This code iterates over a set of integers, and has to box each element to call the ToString method and ToString has to format the string in base 10 which is somewhat non-trivial, and then both the boxed integer and the formatted string will soon be eligible for garbage collection as no references will remain, and the first time this method runs, it will need to be JIT'ed..." and so on.
9 times out of 10, it may not matter. But that 1 time out of 10, the expert developer is likely to notice a problem in code that the average developer would never think to consider.
Pointers/memory management are more general than assembly language. You need to understand them for C and C++ as well, which you might need if you have to maintain code written in C.
For assembly language, it is sometimes useful to read the assembler code that the C compiler generates, to find out whether it generates correct and efficient code.
You need to learn to read assembly so you can figure out what goes wrong when a complex statement bombs out. The CPU debug window shouldn't be a mysterious place.
This is sort of one of those questions that will always be asked: "Why should I know anything." etc. Well, perhaps you could get a job doing something besides building the next generic CRUD application or something like that. If you want to do any sort of system development, having a working knowledge of assembly is very helpful, if not vital. As far as what you're "missing out" perhaps you are missing out on actually knowing how computers work. Some people think this is desirable. Some people don't. Some people build processors. Some people dig ditches. It's all a matter of personal preference :)
I think it's great to learn new languages. It opens my mind. Some languages are more mind-opening than others. I'd say assembler is one of those. It forces you to think about stuff like the call stack and instruction pointer. And it'll make you appreciate higher level languages even more. Another fun language to learn is PostScript.
I don't think you need to learn assembly for anything practical. However, it will ensure that you understand the real roots of what you are doing as a developer. In essence, assembly programming is a discipline for learning chip logic and architecture. I haven't programmed assembly in over two decades but it still informs the kinds of choices I make when programming C#.
But what I'm looking for are some practical suggestions that will make the effort of learning Assembly to be worth it.
Learn what assembly is.
Really learn how to read (and understand) small fragments of it: how to walk/step through it in your mind.
Perhaps too, step through some of it with a debugger (including seeing memory and registers being changed).
Ideally, find some annotated assembly.
But, don't bother to learn how to write assembly: instead, learning to write C or C++ is probably 'low' enough for most practical purposes.
Well, on a practical level I did a class in 6502 assembler when I was first learning to code the early 80s. I also did some 8088 assembler. It's been of occasional use of the years since but I can't say it's ever really got my out of a hole on more than one or two occasions in 25 years. Groking C at a pretty fundamental level is of far more use. YMMV and it's certainly helpful as background, but as a direct practical benefit? Marginal really.
Perversely though one thing that has proved useful is at an even lower level. I did a class on chip design (NAND gates and the like) and as part of that was taught formal Boolean logic at some depth. That's been massively useful ever since - it's surprising the number of coders who don't really know what they are doing with ands, ors and nots :-)
Pointers and memory management are really a different question than assembly. If you want to do C/C++, then you need to learn pointers and memory management, because those are part of the language. But, even if you plan to use nothing but (say) Java all your life, you should learn something about memory management to keep from writing a memory leak despite the GC, and pointers are just the difference between atomic types and object references. You need the concepts or you'll write programs that don't work!
Practical reasons for learning assembly: debugging and optimization. Even if you don't write any assembly, one of these days you may need to optimize C/C++ code for performance. In that case, you'll need to be able to read the assembly for your inner loop, even if you never need to write another line of it.
Ultimately, I think your distinction between "knowing the underlying workings of your computer" and "practical suggestions that will make the effort of learning assembly worth it" is a false one. Ignorance does not pay. Learning how your computer works is a practical suggestion worth the effort!
I have a prophecy: someday soon, your program will run far too slowly to be practical, and crash intermittently with an out-of-memory exception. On that day, the sheer screaming anxiety of not knowing what the hell is going on or where to start looking in order to fix it will refund your karma debt, with interest...
These days many assembly languages are actually fairly high level.
And it's always been true that if you learn 'C', that's close enough to assembly to get most of the learning benefits.
edit: thinking about this a bit more, in Knuth's books he describes an idealised assembly language. You won't go far wrong learning that, and reading those books.
Another practical reason I can think of is reverse engineering application code to modify it for educational purposes ONLY, since this is widely used by crackers to bypass shareware application protections like time-limit or serial numbers.
An application like win32Dasm can convert executables into assembly code that can later be modified with a Hex editor like hiew. You can learn quite a lot about the flow of the program.
I think learning about computer architecture, in conjunction of assembly, would open your mind quite a bit.
It would help explain lots of performance issues - e.g. parser's slow because there's lots of branches, and pipeline gets flushed very easily, branch predictor cannot compensate for everything.
Also, different architectures have their quirks. Someone talked about an assembly trick to swap 2 registers in place, involving xor's. It works, and it would run great for in-order execution core (most recent example would be the Intel Atom, and the Via C7 in netbooks), but not so great in out-of-order cores.
Knowing that may help you to detect poorly compiled code by inspecting it in assembly, and possibly be able to write code in higher-level language to sidestep the imperfection of compiler optimizers. I'm not trying to diss them, but they just can't be perfectly in tuned.
The biggest practical advantage to learning Assembly is performance. You can optimize to near perfection when its required.

What are the main issues in designing an interpreter for a functional language?

Suppose I want to implement an interpreter for a functional language. I would like to understand the issues involved in doing so and suitable literature that is available. This is a new language that is in early design stages, that is why the question is broad in scope.
For the purpose of this discussion we can assume that the purpose of the language is not important and that its functional features can be changed (even drastically) if it makes a significant difference in the ease of writing an interpreter.
The MIT website has an online copy of Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs as well as videos of the MIT 6.001 lectures using Scheme, recorded at HP in 1986. These form a great introduction to language design.
I would highly recommend Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs (SICP) as a starting point. This book will introduce the idea of what it means to write an interpreter (and a compiler), and is generally a must-read for anybody designing languages.
Implementing an interpreter for a functional language isn't likely to be too much different from implementing an interpreter for any other general purpose language. There's lexical analysis, parsing, AST construction, semantic analysis, plus execution (for a pure interpreter) or code generation and optimisation (for a compiler, even compiling to bytecode like Java/Perl/Python). SICP will introduce the difference between "applicative order" and "normal order" evaluation, which may be important for you in a pure functional context.
For just about any language interpreter or compiler, the main issues are the same, I think.
You need to decide certain basic characteristics of the language (semantics, not syntax), and the bulk of the design of the thing follows from that.
For example, does your language have
a type system? If so, what sorts of
types does it have? Is it going to be
statically typed, dynamically typed,
What sort of expressions are you
planning to support? Do you need to
define an order of operations? Will
you even have operators?
What will you use as the run-time
representation of the program? Will
you convert the text to a byte-code
representation, or an AST, or a
tokenized form of the source text?
There are toolkits available to help take some of the tedium out of the actual parsing of text (ANTLR and Bison, to name two), but I don't know of anything that helps with the actual interpretation part of the task. I'm sure somebody will suggest something.
The main issue is having a semantics for the language you're implementing -- with that, the implementation becomes straightforward. Otherwise, this question is incredibly broad and hard to answer.
I'd recommend Essentials of Programming Languages as a good complement to SICP, particularly if you're interested in interpreters: Official EOPL site. You may want to check out the third edition-- the site hasn't been updated for it yet.
Edit: spam prevention is making me choose between links, so the official page is now unheated. It's easily Google-able, though.
