Using RadToolTip with RadComboBox without using ItemTempalte -

Is there a way to connect a RadToolTip to each item within a RadComboBox (having a different tool tip come up for each item in the combo box) without having to use the ItemTemplate of the RadComboBox? The reason is because I like the built-in implementation of the combo box styles, etc. and don't want to write it all from scratch within the ItemTemplate. I am trying to have a tool tip come up when I am hovering over an item in my combo box which shows some more information about that item. Basically giving the user a little more information before making their selection.
Updated: I need the tool tip to support HTML or even a RadGrid. It cannot just be a text tool tip.

I'm pretty sure that there is no way to add a RadToolTip to the items without using the Item Template. What about the styling would be too difficult to replicate using the Item Template?


Designing Custom Drop Down with mulitple rows and columns

I have a requirement like for the drop down as shown. Could any one help me in achieving this.
On click of the button a pane should be opened which contains rows and columns containing text, on click of it appropriate action need to take place. The source can be dynamic too....
There are many techniques for acheiving this design. You could do it purely with html and css by having an image that looks like a dropdown popup an absolutely positioned div underneath. Or you could use the ajax control toolkit control called "PopupControl" that essentially abstracts all the html/css away allowing you to just specify a target panel. There are also various jquery plugins, here is one from abeatifulsite.

Searchable TextBox?

I'd like to have two textboxes, one that is large and read-only, with content from the server, and another that is one line and that searches the first text box. The word the user puts in TextBox2 would be highlighted/bolded/whatever in TextBox1.
This is an example of the possible contents of my read-only text box. It would go on for a bunch of lines...
Is there any way I could do this? I've thought about using the AutoComplete TextBox from the AjaxControlToolkit and setting the Service Path to wherever I'm getting the contents of TextBox1. But that's not doing exactly what I want, because I'd like to interrupt the suggestions and use them to search TextBox1. Any ideas? I'm pretty new to and just fishing around for somewhere to get started on this one.
I would recommend a JQuery plugin like this. I don't think it will work with a textbox, but you could try. Do you have to use a textbox for the first one? Could you use a DIV instead, if it doesn't work?
An example of usage:

Facebook blue highlight for a multiline ASP.NET textbox

I am trying to implement Facebook autocomplete functionality after a user types # for a multiline ASP.Net textbox, including highlighting the selected text (this would only be a part of text inside the textbox).
My question is: is it possible to apply different styles inside a textbox or how does Facebook highlight in blue what the user choose from the completion list? How can I achieve the same result with my textbox? As far as I know one cannot apply different css inside the same textbox.
Please help & encourage me.
is it possible to apply different styles inside a textbox
or how does Facebook highlight in blue what the user choose from the completion list?
contentEditable is your keyword. This is a mechanism implemented in newer browsers to make parts of a document “editable”; and with HTML5 is has gotten standardized.

Looking for a code to add existing buttons/text boxes/drop down lists, etc. to a container, or holder?

I'm using Basically, I have a drop down list, text box and a submit button. You choose a movie director from a drop down list, then type in a movie, click button and it adds the data to my database.
There's another button which hides/shows drop down list, text box and submit button using Visible = True and Visible = False, but what I don't like about it is when it hides the things I said before, it leaves some white/empty space like if they are still there, but not visible.
Is there anyway to put some kind of holder/container and place a button which when clicked could add my drop down list, text box and submit buttons to that place?
I assume that you are working with WinForms in Visual Studio. In the Toolbox the controls which could help you out of this situation are in the "Containers" section. Among others, there is a Panel, a FlowLayoutPanel and a TableLayoutPanel (see this video on msdn for a TableLayoutPanel Demo). They can help you to organize controls. Especially the FlowLayoutPanel places the controls automatically. But you can always change the Top and the Left properties of any control, to move them around to the desired place or group some of them on a Panel and change the Location of this one one.
You can add a control to a container by using the Add method of its Controls property. However, if the control is already on the form (since you are asking how to add an existing control) you must remove it from the form before.

Changing the Telerik MVC Grid columns dynamically on client-side

I would like to show my table data in grid. The table has more than 50 columns. By default they are displayed fine but I need a way to hide/show columns which are not required on screen.
So is there any way to achieve this? I think right clicking on the header should show all headers in a list box, allowing selection of which columns we want, then refresh the grid.
Please let me know if Telerik supports this and, if so, how?
No builtin feature available and this is one of many reasons why we are still thinking about other grids instead of telerik.
In the demo site there is a page where they show all the column names with checkboxes on top of the grid and you can check/uncheck to show/hide columns. see that sample source code, is simple to implement but still is custom code to add manually. I love the devexpress grid with customization popup and columns dragdrop from there but nothing like that for us in Telerik :-(
