Fun with Database Triggers and Recursion in RDB - recursion

I had a problem this week (which thankfully I've solved in a much better way);
I needed to keep a couple of fields in a database constant.
So, I knocked up a script to place a Trigger on the table, that would set the value back to a preset number when either an insert, or update took place.
The database is RDB running on VMS (but i'd be interested to know the similarities for SQLServer).
Here are the triggers:
drop trigger my_ins_trig;
drop trigger my_upd_trig;
!++ Create triggers on MY_TABLE
WHEN somefield = 2
(UPDATE my_table table1
SET table1.field1 = 0.1,
table1.field2 = 1.2
WHERE my_table.dbkey = table1.dbkey)
WHEN somefield = 2
(UPDATE my_table table1
SET table1.field1 = 0.1,
table1.field2 = 1.2
WHERE my_table.dbkey = table1.dbkey)
Question Time
I'd would expect this to form an infinite recursion - but it doesnt seem to?
Can anyone explain to me how RDB deals with this one way or another...or how other databases deal with it.
[NOTE: I know this is an awful approach but various problems and complexities meant that even though this is simple in the code - it couldn't be done the best/easiest way. Thankfully I haven't implemented it in this way but I wanted to ask the SO community for its thoughts on this. ]
Thanks in advance

edit: It seems Oracle RDB just plain doesnt execute nested triggers that result in recursion. From the paper: 'A trigger can nest other triggers as long as recursion does not take place.' I'll leave the rest of the answer here for anyone else wondering about recursive triggers in other DBs.
Well firstly to answer your question - it depends on the database. Its entirely possible that trigger recursion is turned off on the instance you are working on. As you can imagine, trigger recursion could cause all kinds of chaos if handled incorrectly so SQL Server allows you to disable it altogether.
Secondly, I would suggest that perhaps there is a better way to get this functionality without triggers. You can get view based row level security with SQL Server. The same outcome can be achieved with Oracle VPDs.
Alternatively, if its configuration values you are trying to protect, I would group them all into a single table and apply permissions on that (simpler than row based security).


Error with SQLite query, What am I missing?

I've been attempting to increase my knowledge and trying out some challenges. I've been going at this for a solid two weeks now finished most of the challenge but this one part remains. The error is shown below, what am i not understanding?
Error in sqlite query: update users set last_browser= 'mozilla' + select sql from sqlite_master'', last_time= '13-04-2019' where id = '14'
edited for clarity:
I'm trying a CTF challenge and I'm completely new to this kind of thing so I'm learning as I go. There is a login page with test credentials we can use for obtaining many of the flags. I have obtained most of the flags and this is the last one that remains.
After I login on the webapp with the provided test credentials, the following messages appear: this link
The question for the flag is "What value is hidden in the database table secret?"
So from the previous image, I have attempted to use sql injection to obtain value. This is done by using burp suite and attempting to inject through the user-agent.
I have gone through trying to use many variants of the injection attempt shown above. Im struggling to find out where I am going wrong, especially since the second single-quote is added automatically in the query. I've gone through the sqlite documentation and examples of sql injection, but I cannot sem to understand what I am doing wrong or how to get that to work.
A subquery such as select sql from sqlite_master should be enclosed in brackets.
So you'd want
update user set last_browser= 'mozilla' + (select sql from sqlite_master''), last_time= '13-04-2019' where id = '14';
Although I don't think that will achieve what you want, which isn't clear. A simple test results in :-
You may want a concatenation of the strings, so instead of + use ||. e.g.
update user set last_browser= 'mozilla' || (select sql from sqlite_master''), last_time= '13-04-2019' where id = '14';
In which case you'd get something like :-
Thanks for everyone's input, I've worked this out.
The sql query was set up like this:
update users set last_browser= '$user-agent', last_time= '$current_date' where id = '$id_of_user'
edited user-agent with burp suite to be:
Mozilla', last_browser=(select sql from sqlite_master where type='table' limit 0,1), last_time='13-04-2019
Iterated with that found all tables and columns and flags. Rather time consuming but could not find a way to optimise.

System level trigger on DML Command in plsql

Suppose there are n number of tables in the database. Whatever insert,update,delete happen across any table in the database, have to be captured in a table called "Audit_Trail", where we have the below columns in the audit trail tables.
The server on which table, on which column, on which date and time need to be captured. Also, the "Action" column tracks whether an action is an insert, update or delete and we have to capture the old value and new value as well.
So what is the best way to do this? Can we create a database level trigger which can fire trigger in case of any insert, update or delete?
The best way would be to use Oracle's own auditing functionality.
In response to comment ...
There is nothing unusual in wanting to audit every change made to tables in the database -- hence there is already functionality provided in the system for doing exactly that. It is better then using triggers because it cannot be bypassed as easily. However, if you want to use this pre-supplied, robust, simple to use functionality you might have to compromise on your specific requirements a little, but the payoff will be a superior solution that will use code and configuration in common with thousands of other Oracle systems.

Entity Framework - Making a column auto-incremement

So I'm using the Entity Framework and we have a modal for a table called TPM_PROJECTVERSIONNOTES. This table has a column called NOTEID which is a number. Right now, when we create a new row, we get the next available number with this code:
note.NOTEID = (from n in context.TPM_PROJECTVERSIONNOTES
orderby n.NOTEID descending
select n.NOTEID).Max() + 1;
To me, this seems incredibly hacky (I mean you have to do an entire SQL query just to get the next value). Plus, it's incredibly dangerous; it's not thread safe or transaction safe. I've already found 9 instances in the DB that have the same NOTEID! Good thing no one even thought to put a UNIQUE constraint on that column... sigh.
So anyway, I've added a new sequence to the database:
Now my question:
How do I instruct the Entity framework to use TPM_PROJECTVERSIONNOTES_SEQ.nextval when inserting a row into this table? Basically, I just don't want to specify a NOTEID at all and I want the framework to take care of it for me. It's been suggested I use a trigger, but I think this is a bit hacky and would rather have to Entity framework just create the correct SQL in the first place. I'm using Oracle 11g for this.
While this may still fall into what you call the 'hacky' category, you can avoid using triggers to call the nextval, but you must utilize a stored procedure to handle the insert (whereas it will call the nextval in lieu of using a TRIGGER). (I guess this could fall more into a TAPI/XAPI category)
Check out the recent article
TECHNOLOGY: Oracle Data Provider for .NET
it explains (and contains samples) to using a stored procedure to handle the insert, calling the sequence, and mapping it back to the ODP EF BETA.
This obviously does not have the ODP EF Beta do the SQL for nextval, but it is an alternative. (look at this forum, it does appear that most of the EF Oracle frameworks fall victim to this-- devart etc {} )

Why does this query timeout? V2

This question is a followup to This Question
The solution, clearing the execution plan cache seemed to work at the time, but i've been running into the same problem over and over again, and clearing the cache no longer seems to help. There must be a deeper problem here.
I've discovered that if I remove the .Distinct() from the query, it returns rows (with duplicates) in about 2 seconds. However, with the .Distinct() it takes upwards of 4 minutes to complete. There are a lot of rows in the tables, and some of the where clause fields do not have indexes. However, the number of records returned is fairly small (a few dozen at most).
The confusing part about it is that if I get the SQL generated by the Linq query, via Linqpad, then execute that code as SQL or in SQL Management Studio (including the DISTINCT) it executes in about 3 seconds.
What is the difference between the Linq query and the executed SQL?
I have a short term workaround, and that's to return the set without .Distinct() as a List, then using .Distinct on the list, this takes about 2 seconds. However, I don't like doing SQL Server work on the web server.
I want to understand WHY the Distinct is 2 orders of magnitude slower in Linq, but not SQL.
When executing the code via Linq, the sql profiler shows this code, which is basically identical query.
sp_executesql N'SELECT DISTINCT [t5].[AccountGroupID], [t5].[AccountGroup]
AS [AccountGroup1]
FROM [dbo].[TransmittalDetail] AS [t0]
INNER JOIN [dbo].[TransmittalHeader] AS [t1] ON [t1].[TransmittalHeaderID] =
INNER JOIN [dbo].[LineItem] AS [t2] ON [t2].[LineItemID] = [t0].[LineItemID]
LEFT OUTER JOIN [dbo].[AccountType] AS [t3] ON [t3].[AccountTypeID] =
LEFT OUTER JOIN [dbo].[AccountCategory] AS [t4] ON [t4].[AccountCategoryID] =
LEFT OUTER JOIN [dbo].[AccountGroup] AS [t5] ON [t5].[AccountGroupID] =
LEFT OUTER JOIN [dbo].[AccountSummary] AS [t6] ON [t6].[AccountSummaryID] =
WHERE ([t1].[TransmittalEntityID] = #p0) AND ([t1].[DateRangeBeginTimeID] = #p1) AND
([t1].[ScenarioID] = #p2) AND ([t6].[AccountSummaryID] = #p3)',N'#p0 int,#p1 int,
#p2 int,#p3 int',#p0=196,#p1=20100101,#p2=2,#p3=0
The only difference between the queries is that Linq executes it with sp_executesql and SSMS does not, otherwise the query is identical.
I have tried various Transaction Isolation levels to no avail. I've also set ARITHABORT to try to force a recompile when it executes, and no difference.
The bad plan is most likely the result of parameter sniffing:
Unfortunately there is not really any good universal way (that I know of) to avoid that with L2S. context.ExecuteCommand("sp_recompile ...") would be an ugly but possible workaround if the query is not executed very frequently.
Changing the query around slightly to force a recompile might be another one.
Moving parts (or all) of the query into a view*, function*, or stored procedure* DB-side would be yet another workaround.
 * = where you can use local params (func/proc) or optimizer hints (all three) to force a 'good' plan
Btw, have you tried to update statistics for the tables involved? SQL Server's auto update statistics doesn't always do the job, so unless you have a scheduled job to do that it might be worth considering scripting and scheduling update statistics... ...tweaking up and down the sample size as needed can also help.
There may be ways to solve the issue by adding* (or dropping*) the right indexes on the tables involved, but without knowing the underlying db schema, table size, data distribution etc that is a bit difficult to give any more specific advice on...
 * = Missing and/or overlapping/redundant indexes can both lead to bad execution plans.
The SQL that Linqpad gives you may not be exactly what is being sent to the DB.
Here's what I would suggest:
Run SQL Profiler against the DB while you execute the query. Find the statement which corresponds to your query
Paste the whole statment into SSMS, and enable the "Show Actual Execution Plan" option.
Post the resulting plan here for people to dissect.
Key things to look for:
Table Scans, which usually imply that an index is missing
Wide arrows in the graphical plan, indicating lots of intermediary rows being processed.
If you're using SQL 2008, viewing the plan will often tell you if there are any indexes missing which should be added to speed up the query.
Also, are you executing against a DB which is under load from other users?
At first glance there's a lot of joins, but I can only see one thing to reduce the number right away w/out having the schema in front of doesn't look like you need AccountSummary.
[t6].[AccountSummaryID] = #p3
could be
[t5].[AccountSummaryID] = #p3
Return values are from the [t5] table. [t6] is only used filter on that one parameter which looks like it is the Foreign Key from t5 to t6, so it is present in [t5]. Therefore, you can remove the join to [t6] altogether. Or am I missing something?
Are you sure you want to use LEFT OUTER JOIN here? This query looks like it should probably be using INNER JOINs, especially because you are taking the columns that are potentially NULL and then doing a distinct on it.
Check that you have the same Transaction Isolation level between your SSMS session and your application. That's the biggest culprit I've seen for large performance discrepancies between identical queries.
Also, there are different connection properties in use when you work through SSMS than when executing the query from your application or from LinqPad. Do some checks into the Connection properties of your SSMS connection and the connection from your application and you should see the differences. All other things being equal, that could be the difference. Keep in mind that you are executing the query through two different applications that can have two different configurations and could even be using two different database drivers. If the queries are the same then that would be only differences I can see.
On a side note if you are hand-crafting the SQL, you may try moving the conditions from the WHERE clause into the appropriate JOIN clauses. This actually changes how SQL Server executes the query and can produce a more efficient execution plan. I've seen cases where moving the filters from the WHERE clause into the JOINs caused SQL Server to filter the table earlier in the execution plan and significantly changed the execution time.

How to find out which package/procedure is updating a table?

I would like to find out if it is possible to find out which package or procedure in a package is updating a table?
Due to a certain project being handed over (the person who handed over the project has since left) without proper documentation, data that we know we have updated always go back to some strange source point.
We are guessing that this could be a database job or scheduler that is running the update command without our knowledge. I am hoping that there is a way to find out where the source code is calling from that is updating the table and inserting the source as a trigger on that table that we are monitoring.
Any ideas?
UPDATE: I poked around and found out
how to trace a statement back to its
owning PL/SQL object.
In combination with what Tony mentioned, you can create a logging table and a trigger that looks like this:
CREATE TABLE statement_tracker
, serial# NUMBER
, date_run DATE
, program VARCHAR2(48) null
, module VARCHAR2(48) null
, machine VARCHAR2(64) null
, osuser VARCHAR2(30) null
, sql_text CLOB null
, program_id number
ON smb_test
INTO statement_tracker
, ss.serial#
, sysdate
, ss.program
, ss.module
, ss.machine
, ss.osuser
, sq.sql_fulltext
, sq.program_id
FROM v$session ss
, v$sql sq
WHERE ss.sql_address = sq.address
AND ss.SID = USERENV('sid');
In order for the trigger above to compile, you'll need to grant the owner of the trigger these permissions, when logged in as the SYS user:
grant select on V_$SESSION to <user>;
grant select on V_$SQL to <user>;
You will likely want to protect the insert statement in the trigger with some condition that only makes it log when the the change you're interested in is occurring - on my test server this statement runs rather slowly (1 second), so I wouldn't want to be logging all these updates. Of course, in that case, you'd need to change the trigger to be a row-level one so that you could inspect the :new or :old values. If you are really concerned about the overhead of the select, you can change it to not join against v$sql, and instead just save the SQL_ADDRESS column, then schedule a job with DBMS_JOB to go off and update the sql_text column with a second update statement, thereby offloading the update into another session and not blocking your original update.
Unfortunately, this will only tell you half the story. The statement you're going to see logged is going to be the most proximal statement - in this case, an update - even if the original statement executed by the process that initiated it is a stored procedure. This is where the program_id column comes in. If the update statement is part of a procedure or trigger, program_id will point to the object_id of the code in question - you can resolve it thusly:
SELECT * FROM all_objects where object_id = <program_id>;
In the case when the update statement was executed directly from the client, I don't know what program_id represents, but you wouldn't need it - you'd have the name of the executable in the "program" column of statement_tracker. If the update was executed from an anonymous PL/SQL block, I'm not how to track it back - you'll need to experiment further.
It may be, though, that the osuser/machine/program/module information may be enough to get you pointed in the right direction.
If it is a scheduled database job then you can find out what scheduled database jobs exist and look into what they do. Other things you can do are:
look at the dependencies views e.g. ALL_DEPENDENCIES to see what packages/triggers etc. use that table. Depending on the size of your system that may return a lot of objects to trawl through.
Search all the database source code for references to the table like this:
select distinct type, name
from all_source
where lower(text) like lower('%mytable%');
Again that may return a lot of objects, and of course there will be some "false positives" where the search string appears but isn't actually a reference to that table. You could even try something more specific like:
select distinct type, name
from all_source
where lower(text) like lower('%insert into mytable%');
but of course that would miss cases where the command was formatted differently.
Additionally, could there be SQL scripts being run through "cron" jobs on the server?
Just write an "after update" trigger and, in this trigger, log the results of "DBMS_UTILITY.FORMAT_CALL_STACK" in a dedicated table.
The purpose of this function is exactly to give you the complete call stack of al the stored procedures and triggers that have been fired to reach your code.
I am writing from the mobile app, so i can't give you more detailed examples, but if you google for it you'll find many of them.
A quick and dirty option if you're working locally, and are only interested in the first thing that's altering the data, is to throw an error in the trigger instead of logging. That way, you get the usual stack trace and it's a lot less typing and you don't need to create a new table:
AFTER UPDATE ON table_of_interest
RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20001, 'something changed it');
