I am deploying a BizTalk solution at a client shortly;
Their infrastructure architects want SQL Server in a seperate security zone on their network isolated from the other servers.
My question, knowing that BizTalk is very chatty with SQL and relies heavily on it; what would the performance impact be in having the SQL Server(s) in another security zone. How much performance hit would we be encountering for every call to SQL across the firewall?
If by security zone you mean a non trusted domain situation it flat out won't work as BizTalk will rely on integrated security. As far as the performance impact, it will really depend on size and frequency of messages. That being said almost all BizTalk performance issues first show themselves as I/O problems at the database (SAN is preferred to traditional disk).
If you are putting the SQL Server behind a firewall, this is not a problem so long as the firewall has sufficient throughput to support the traffic from BizTalk. This is no different than putting the SQL Server on a different network segment than the BizTalk Server. There will be additional latency because of this (every packet will have to be examined). Don't think that you won't feel it. The netowkr folks will have to work with you here to determine of there will be a blanket exemption to SQL from BizTalk or will they inspect every packet.
The bigger question is, can you characterize the type of activity BizTalk will be involved in - lots of small messages, a few big messages, long runnin g transactions, etc. These are more important in qunatifying the impact the decision of where to place SQL may have.
I'm in a high availability project which includes deployment of 2-node high availability cluster for hot replacement of services (applications) running on the cluster nodes. The applications have inbound and outbound tcp connections as well as process udp traffic (mainly for communicating with ntp server).
The problem is pretty standard until one needs to provide a hot migration of services to backup node with all the data stored in RAM. Applications are agnostic of backup mechanisms and it is highly undesirable to modify them.
As only approach to this problem, I've come off with a duplication approach assuming that both cluster nodes will run the same applications repeating calculations of each other. In case of failure the primary server the backup server will become a primary.
However, I have not found any ready solution for proxy which will have synchronous port mirroring. No existing proxy servers (haproxy, dante, 3proxy etc.) support such feature as far as I know. Have I missed something, or I should write a new one from scratch?
A rough sketch of the functionality can be found here:
p.s. I assume that it is possible to compare traffic from the two clones of the same application...
Azure, Rackspace and Amazon do handle UDP, but GAE (the most similar to Azure) does not.
I am wondering what are the expected benefits of this restriction. Does it help fine-tuning the network? Does it ease the load balancing? Does is help to secure the network?
I suspect the reason is that UDP traffic does not have a defined lifetime nor a defined packet to packet relationship. This makes it hard to load balance and hard to manage - when you don't know how long to hold the path open you end up using timers, this is a problem for some NAT implementations too.
There's another angle not really explored here so far. UDP traffic is also a huge source of security problems, specifically DDoS attacks.
By blocking all UDP traffic, Azure can more effectively mitigate these attacks. Nearly all large bandwidth attacks, which are by far the hardest to deal with, are Amplification Attacks of some sort and most often UDP based. Allowing that traffic past the border of the network greatly improves the likelihood of service disruption, regardless of QoS sureties.
A second facet to that same story is that by blocking UDP they prevent people from hosting insecure DNS servers and thus prevent Azure from being the source of these large scale amplification attacks. This is actually a very good thing for the internet overall, as I'd think the connectivity of Azure's data centers are significant. To contrast this I've had servers in AWS send non stop UDP attacks to our datacenter for months on end, and could not successfully get the abuse team to respond to it.
The only thing that comes to my mind is that maybe they wanted to avoid their cloud being accessed through an unreliable transport protocol.
Along with scalability, reliability is one of the key aspects in Azure. For example Sql Azure and Azure Storage data is always replicated in at least three places and roles with at least two instances have a 99.95% uptime in their SLA.
Of course, despite its partial unreliability, UDP has its use cases, some of them enumerated in the comments from the feature voting site, but maybe those use cases are not a target for the Azure platform.
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I'm about to start writing a web app (Asp.Net/IIS7) which will be accessible over the internet. It will be placed behind a firewall which accepts http and https.
The previous system which we are going to replace doesn't let this web server talk directly to a database, but rather have it making highly specialized web service calls (through a new firewall which only allows this kind of calls) to a separate app server which then go to the DB to operate on the data.
I have worked on many systems in my day, but this is the first one which has taken security this seriously. Is this a common setup? My first thought was to use Windows Authentication in the connectionstring on the web server and have the user be a crippled DB-user (can only view and update its own data) and then allow DB access through the inner firewall as well.
Am I Naïve? Seems like I will have to do a lot of mapping of data if we use the current setup for the new system.
Edit: The domain of this app is online ordering of goods (Business to business), Users (businesses) log in, input what they can deliver at any given time period, view previous transaction history, view projected demand for goods etc. No actual money is exchanged through this system, but this system provides the information on which goods are available for sale, which is data input to the ordering system
This type of arrangement (DMZ with web server, communicating through firewall with app server, communicating through firewall with db) is very common in certain types of environment, especially in large transactional systems (online corporate banking, for example)
There are very good security reasons for doing this, the main one being that it will slow down an attack on your systems. The traditional term for it is Defence in Depth (or Defense if you are over that side of the water)
Reasonable security assumption: your webserver will be continually under attack
So you stick it in a DMZ and limit the types of connection it can make by using a firewall. You also limit the webserver to just being a web server - this reduces the number of possible attacks (the attack surface)
2nd reasonable security assumption: at some point a zero-day exploit will be found that will get to your web server and allow it to be compromised, which could lead to to an attack on your user/customer database
So you have a firewall limiting the number of connections to the application server.
3rd reasonable security assumption: zero-days will be found for the app server, but the odds of finding zero-days for the web and app servers at the same time are reduced dramatically if you patch regularly.
So if the value of your data/transactions is high enough, adding that extra layer could be essential to protect yourself.
We have an app that is configured similarly. The interface layer lives on a web server in the DMZ, the DAL is on a server inside the firewall with a web service bridging the gap between them. In conjunction with this we have an authorization manager inside the firewall which exposes another web service that is used to control what users are allowed to see and do within the app. This app in one of our main client data tracking systems, and is accessible to our internal employees and outside contractors. It also deals with medical information so it falls under the HIPAA rules. So while I don’t think this set up is particularly common it is not unheard of, particularly with highly sensitive data or in situations where you have to deal with audits by a regulatory body.
Any reasonably scalable, reasonably secure, conventional web application is going to abstract the database away from the web machine using one or more service and caching tiers. SQL injection is one of the leading vectors for penetration/hacking/cracking, and databases often tend to be one of the more complex, expensive pieces of the overall architecture/TOC. Using services tiers allows you to move logic out of the DB, to employ out-of-process caching, to shield the DB from injection attempts, etc. etc. You get better, cheaper, more secure performance this way. It also allows for greater flexibility when it comes to upgrades, redundancy or maintenance.
Configuring the user's access rights seems like a more robust solution to me. Also your DataAccess layer should have some security built in, too. Adding this additional layer could end up being a performance hit but it really depends on what mechanism you're using to move data from "WebServer1" to "WebServer2." Without more specific information in that regard, it's not possible to give a more solid answer.
Our client requirement is to develop a WCF which can withstand with 1-2k concurrent website users and response should be around 25 milliseconds.
This service reads couple of columns from database and will be consumed by different vendors.
Can you suggest any architecture or any extra efforts that I need to take while developing. And how do we calculate server hardware configuration to cope up with.
Thanks in advance.
Hardly possible. You need network connection to service, service activation, business logic processing, database connection (another network connection), database query. Because of 2000 concurrent users you need several application servers = network connection is affected by load balancer. I can't imagine network and HW infrastructure which should be able to complete such operation within 25ms for 2000 concurrent users. Such requirement is not realistic.
I guess if you simply try to run the database query from your computer to remote DB you will see that even such simple task will not be completed in 25ms.
A few principles:
Test early, test often.
Successful systems get more traffic
Reliability is usually important
Caching is often a key to performance
To elaborate. Build a simple system right now. Even if the business logic is very simplified, if it's a web service and database access you can performance test it. Test with one user. What do you see? Where does the time go? As you develop the system adding in real code keep doing that test. Reasons: a). right now you know if 25ms is even achievable. b). You spot any code changes that hurt performance immediately. Now test with lots of user, what degradation patterns do you hit? This starts to give you and indication of your paltforms capabilities.
I suspect that the outcome will be that a single machine won't cut it for you. And even if it will, if you're successful you get more traffic. So plan to use more than one server.
And anyway for reliability reasons you need more than one server. And all sorts of interesting implementation details fall out when you can't assume a single server - eg. you don't have Singletons any more ;-)
Most times we get good performance using a cache. Will many users ask for the same data? Can you cache it? Are there updates to consider? in which case do you need a distributed cache system with clustered invalidation? That multi-server case emerging again.
Why do you need WCF?
Could you shift as much of that service as possible into static serving and cache lookups?
If I understand your question 1000s of users will be hitting your website and executing queries on your DB. You should definitely be looking into connection pools on your WCF connections, but your best bet will be to avoid doing DB lookups altogether and have your website returning data from cache hits.
I'd also look into why you couldn't just connect directly to the database for your lookups, do you actually need a WCF service in the way first?
Look into Memcached.
I am not talking about application profilers or debuggers but more specific to managing the applications in production environment. So essentially monitor, identify bottlenecks, deploy fixes.
For monitoring the application is up and running we use Nagios.
We also use good old performance monitor for monitoring database connections, memory consumption and CPU usage.
We use IPMonitor to verify uptime, and it has a lot of options for pinging the site for keyword validation, HTTP response validation, and response time. You can also use SNMP to figure out responsiveness of the processor and RAM, and remaining size on hard disks, among many other options. It supports multiple servers and types of servers, not just website or database.
Additionally, we test basic uptime and response speed with AlertSite.
A 3rd party, Keynote, tests our sites to verify that they are navigable like a human would browse. They have scripts to mimic clicks and interactions.
We use Spotlight for SQL server management, and also good old perfmon for the granular problem fixing.
We recently purchased WildMetrix to monitor and troubleshoot performance issues for our ASP.NET applications. It's nice because you can easily aggregate IIS, ASP.NET, and SQL Server information into a single graph or dashboard that allows you to pinpoint possible trouble spots. We currently use it for as our primary performance reporting and track tool, along with ELMAH for Exception Tracking.