Hierarchy in Qt [C++] - qt

Guys could any one point it out to me a link to web page where I can find a hierarchy of classes in Qt, preferably as a diagram (something in UML style)? I'm just starting to learn it and I'm finding it quite difficult to work with all these classes - well, mainly with widgets and layouts at the moment- without knowing where they belong.
Thank you.

The official class hierarchy is found here:
There are also some class charts. It is really big, you need a plotter to print this in a size which is readable:

I was looking for the same thing but for QT 5.3. If anyone is interested here you have the class hierarchy for last QT version.
Unfortunately, the classes diagram does not exist as it is mention here.


Qt Automotive Embedded Cluster (ICP)

I am new to Qt and was curious if we can develop HMI for a Cluster(Instrument Cluster Panel) using Qt.
Can someone share a demo?
I might be in a wrong place to post this question, please don't flag.
I am looking for Examples/Demo in QT 5. (5.3.1)
Look at this widgets on Qt Apps website:
As you can see there are many beautiful widgets. For example:
There is also Qwt: well documented tool with a lot of different technical widgets.
From here
A good example is a dial-type control which combines Image elements with Rotation transforms and SpringAnimation behaviors to produce an interactive speedometer-type dial. You can find the example in the installed Qt directory in Examples/Qt-5.3/quick/customitems/dialcontrol.

How to use custom widget in Qt-Designer

I want to use a custom widget in the GUI-Designer of Qt-Creator IDE.
So i created a class which inherits from Qt's QWidget. It worked to place
it on a QMainWindow programaticaly, but have to do my work in the desiger
where it does not appear as an option in the kist of components.
I googled to find a solution for problem an found an manual on, who guesses, the
Qt doc page ( https://doc.qt.io/archives/qt-4.7/designer-creating-custom-widgets.html
and https://doc.qt.io/archives/qt-4.7/designer-creating-custom-widgets.html).
I tried to follow it but doesn't work.
Does someone know an other way to do this or can give a hint where i can search
for problems following this tutorial?
Thanks in advance.
There is a different example in the examples section of the Qt documentation that I think is a lot clearer.
Custom Widget Plugin Example
It was a little unclear to me when reading the tutorial where the Q_EXPORT_PLUGIN2() macro goes, but having full example code and project alleviates that.
If you are like me, the analog clock example didn't do it for you, in which case I found just one better tutorial. It may be on the kde site but I you dont need kde to do it, it just explains how to make the custom widget a plugin so you can add it into Qt Designer, rather than having to code it in, which is the norm when you just add a widget to your project and customize the class. I hope this page helps you like it helped me, get in the right direction of writing a single Qt Designer (or multiple) plugin:
Writing Qt Designer Plugins
If this link ever becomes dead, just do a search for the link itself, usually that will turn up the original page in someone's cache, as they do in the other examples above (the dead links in the above answers that just take you to main area and not to the pages originally intended).

Where is a reference for the customizable stylesheet properties for Qt widgets?

I've been struggling with learning how to use stylesheets to customize the look of my widgets in Qt.
For example, after much effort, I just figured out that the name of the property that determines what color the text on a QComboBox drop-down menu is when it is mouse-over'd is selection-color, and the background color is selection-background-color. But most of that I discovered by random guess-and-check.
Where can I find documentation that will actually tell me these things so I don't have to guess? Does Qt follow some sort of standard naming convention?
The above link gives examples for pretty much every control. For the combobox it mentions the QAbstractItemView, and mentions that you need selection-background-color etc... to style it - with an example.
It doesn't always explain what each property does however, which is where the doc that baysmith linked to comes in.
So with these two documents together you should be in good shape.

Few basic questions on flex/AS

Guys i have struggling with flex since a day or two.I havent found a nice short tutorials.Actually i also have been struggling with FLEX IDE too.Please indicate a nice good tutorials for this
I basically have questions like
Cannot use Alert in AS
Including a AS file in mxml file
org.com.structure and the as file in it.Why do we need to say pacakage org.com inside the as file
You can use flex Alert class. In pure AS, unlike JavaScript, there is no alert().
<mx:Script source="script.as"/>. But script.as will not know about MXML file, it's better to use class defined in as file as a control in MXML.
Because packages are compiler-enforced design decision, and who we are to discuss it.
Flex in a week!
This video series helped me a lot..

Is there any opensourse set of components or some framework for creating Flex mxml graphs (Node-based UIs)?

Is there any opensourse, free set of components for creating Flex mxml graphs?
like aviary Peacock style ones
(source: peacockwiki at sites.google.com)
with at least Drag, drop, and connect generators
so each graph element could have
(source: peacockwiki at sites.google.com)
or something like that.
Framework should be opensource (like GPL, LGPL etc)
BTW: I found one wary bacic made by Erno Aapa with Degrafa but I would really love to see something much more Flex 4 - mxml oriented and frienfdly.
So blog articles, Google code projects, anything - please help
I don't have a specific answer for you; but just some places to go look.
Have you looked at the Advanced Charting and Visualization package from Adobe? They are part of the open source SDK with the release of Flex 4.
You already mentioned Degra. I understood that Degrafa stands for Declarative Graphics. I'm surprised you'd say it is not MXML friendly.
Have you looked at Axiss? It is another project out there, and I believe it relies heavily on Degrafa.
You said open source, but didn't say free. So, I believe source code is available if you purchase a license to iLog. I'm not sure about FusionCharts, but I've heard very positive things about it from other Flex Developers.
Moccasin and Flex Wires combined should get you most of the way there.
