Flex: Adding selectable image on canvas - apache-flex

I am new to flex, and do not know how to add an image (or other ui component) to canvas, so user can select it (and see that it's selected), also I want to add a possibility for example to click backspace and remove selected image from scene. How to do that?
Maybe you can point me to a doc to read?

I am not sure what you exactly need.
Do you need to add one image to the canvas, or possibly multiple?
And how do you need to lay out these images? Horizontal? Vertical? Tiled?
One way of doing it could be to add a TileList to your canvas, and as dataprovider an ArrayCollection that holds the sources of the images you need.
Create an itemrenderer for the List or TileList and you will be able to display the images.
The images will then be selectable. When you add an eventListener to the keyDown event you can catch the backscpace button being clicked and remove the selected item from the tilelist.
<mx:TileList id="myTileList" dataProvider="{myImages}" itemRenderer="your.domain.MyItemRenderer" keyDown="{keyDownHandler(event)}" />
Adobe LiveDocs and a few of the words I used in this answer might help you further.
Hope this helps.


How to temporarily hide elements while designing in Gluon Scene Builder?

I have complex design that has several layers on top of each other. Problem is that if I click on object, other object that on top of it gets selected. How I can switch off visibility of my top objects while working on my bottom layer, so that they won't get in the way?
I finally found how to achieve what I wanted. Just select element that in the way and in properties remove tick from visible. Now you can design without anything obstructing your view! Just don't forget to make visible all elements before you save your work.

Flex ItemRenderer - how to tell when it's being reused?

I'm using a spark ItemRenderer in a list with useVirtualLayout="true"
The itemRenderer has an image loaded in it.
When the list scrolls, and a new Item is brought into view - the image flickers, briefly showing the previous image in the itemrenderer.
When the itemrenderer is re-used, how can I prevent the flicker?
Is there an event when an itemrenderer is discarded? then I could hide the image or load a blank image.
Try this
A simple way to avoid Flickering images is to give a height according to the total images to show
if the List have vertical layout
myList.height = myList.dataProvider.length;
if the List have horizontal layout
myList.width = myList.dataProvider.length;
It depends on how you use the image. I tend to load the image and save its BitmapData ONCE!. Then you can directly use it without any flickering. You just have to inject some sort of ImageRespository into the renderer.
This can easily be done by listing to the rendererAdd event of the DataGroup and stuff the repo into the renderer.

Add Button in TabNavigator Header

i want to add minmun/maximum button on tabnavigator header.......how i could be possible
put the tab navigator and a button in a canvas
set the X and Y of button Y=0 and X=tabnavigator.width - button-width-10
on click of button use Resize function set HeightTo=0 and heightFrom= tabnavigator.width
then play() the resize
to restore heightFrom=0 and heightTo=previous size of navigator
then you got the illusion of minimizing ang maxizing the tab navigator.. please do add some more effects of your desire..
Hope this gives you a idea on it..
Forget how it looks at first. Create a button that simply hides the TabNavigator. I'm sure there are plenty of tutorials out there on how to animate show/hide. Once you have that, move the button where you want it and style it as you wish.
Ive never heard of a tabNavigator header, but if you mean adding buttons to the tabs themselves, then theres an example and source code you could work from with FlexLib SuperTabNavigator

adding child on canvas and set it "on-top" when clicking the mouse

I need to add an UIComponent (Label for example) as a child on a canvas and I need to set it on-top (when user click on the label with the mouse, the target event will be the label and not the canvas)
I'm sure flash has a solution for that but I can't find it on the net.
any help?
Best regards.
I'm not entirely sure I understand what "Set it on top" means.
If you want a Label to respond to mouse events, you may have to set the buttomMode property to true.
If you want to swap the Z-Order of different components in your canvas, you can use the swapChildren or swapChildrenAt methods.
If you want to the label to somehow become the parent of the canvas, and the canvas a child of the label, you have a long and difficult road ahead of you.

Tree dataTipFunction tooltip Change position,Flex3

I am doing dataTipFunction on Tree in Flex3 Air,
At present the tooltip hides the present node, i need to reposition the tooltip above the node, how can change the x,y position of the tooltip.
Thanks in Advance
The way I did this was to add the toolTipShown listener on the tree itemRenderer, not on the tree. I have a blog post that shows you how to do it, including the code for positioning the tooltip below or above the node.
Hook into the tooltipShow event on the Tree and move the tooltip yourself (a reference to the tooltip is in the event)
You might need to do a bit of logic to position it correctly, and you'll probably want to check if repositioning it would move it off screen and move it below instead in that case.
