Image shows up in Design Preview, but not Application - apache-flex

I have some strange behavior.
My embedded images show up in the Flex Builder Design Preview, but are not displayed when the application is run. The images have relative paths (/assets/images/...), and the application is run on the server (wamp). I've appended the path to the compiled location (http://localhost/...) and tried to display a image in the browser, and the image exists, too.
I've compiled it via FlashDevelop, Flex Builder, and Ant. I've deleted and remade the bin/bin-debug/release/bin-release files to no avail.
Anyone run into this problem before? Thanks for any help!

Try using httpfox extension to debug the application requests, there you would be able to see the images path in the server.


Javascript file is not loaded properly

I have a nice html, css template (source code here).
I am going to use this template in my angular2 app (source code here).
I got the html template out of this repository (index.html).
My problem is in the angular2 source code
You need to clone the angular source.
Run npm install
Run ng serve
Unfortunatly, it seems that the <script src="assets/js/main.js"></script> in index.html is not added properly. Although, there is no error in the console, the left menu is broken. I know that this problem occurs when main.js is not fit.
Here is the correct html page:
Here is the angular page (broken header and menu):
The codes are identical, but I have decomposed the html template into 3 components (header, menu, and app (main content)).
Instead of trying to figure out what happened with your CSS, I took the original template, converted it to Angular 2 with the angular-cli, and fixed the CSS issues. It all works now, and the complete source is at
When you broke apart index.html it's likely that you also altered some file paths.
The relative path would go from src="assets/js/main.js" to something like src="../assets/js/main.js".
Prepending ../ to the path will back out of the current directory to the next level up. As you have it now, the browser is looking for the assets directory in what I assume you have compartmentalized as an htmlComponents directory.
Consider using the absolute path to main.js, at least to diagnose the issue.
I ran into a similar issue with the same file. In my case, I have a complicated application that is developed in stages. I installed my Angular seed in a subdirectory. Because of my file structure, when I run npm start, the live server that is started has bad relative link locations. For example, in the screen shot below, you will see that the application is trying to find style.css at http://localhost:3000/medface/RecordWriter/styles.css; however, it should be looking at http://localhost:3000/styles.css, because the root of the web server that was created by npm start is at /medface/RecordWriter/.
With respect to your project. The key to finding the problem with your link is to open the developer panel and inspect the actual network request. If you share a screen shot, we may be able to help you inspect your instance with more insight.
What Worked for Me
In my case, I reconfigured my local web server to handle any unserved pages in the Angular2 folder and return the index instead. When I run npm start, I close the browser page that opens and use my regular web server. Instead of viewing my application on localhost:3000, I view my application at localhost/medface/RecordWriter/ (which is equivalent to localhost:80/medface/RecordWriter).
The down side to my makeshift approach is that the page must be refreshed before changes appear, but it loads all resources predictably and reliably, and allows my Angular2 code to run in conjunction with some of the older code base in other areas of the website that have not been converted to Angular2. Regardless, this may work for you also.

When I try to use grunt serve to view a locally stored web app, the CSS doesn't work. What are the common causes for this?

I think I have installed everything needed and installed it correctly, but I am obviously missing something; or had a misstep somwhere along the line. I am on a Linux and I know for a fact the site works when viewed elsewhere. Here is a screenshot of what I see when I view the site locally: What are the common causes for this?
There might be some problems with paths. Open the Chrome development toolbar and check if there's a problem with loading the css files.
You should see them under the "Network" tab after reloading the page.

ASP.NET MVC does not catch styles when published

I have an ASP.NET MVC application that works fine when I run it on Visual Studio. But when I publish it, all the styles dont seem to work. Are there any general guidelines on why styles dont work for an MVC application when published because right now I have no clue on what is happenning??
Any ideas and suggestions are appreciated!
There are many reasons why your css styles might not show up.
Caching: Maybe your browser use a cached version of your css file(s). Check with fiddler or clear the browsers cache
Wrong relativ path to the css file(s): You should specify relative paths when including css files in your views (use Url.Content("~/...") for getting the right url). This is an issue when you use not the same path on your IIS and your IDE.
But the first check in any cas is to run fiddler and see
Is the browser requesting the right css file(s)
Is the server returning the file or a 404, 304, ... status code
It is possible that you have defined the styles in a new file and have not included the new css file in your project (in Visual Studio .net).
VS.Net does not publish those files which are not part of the project.
Get Firebug, inspect the element that should have the style applied and see what CSS is actually present.
Take a look at the CSS Panel and see the CSS files that are being linked (click the down arrow in the master.css as shown in the image below).

Download a dynamic SWF written in

I'm trying to download SWF files from a site the traditional way, but a few of the SWF files have been created dynamically through what I believe to be 2.0.
Every attempt to D/Load results in the correct dimensions, height and width, but it just gives me empty white space.
Anyone have experience with this?
What do the SWF files do? Perhaps you have managed to download the SWF fine, but it has an internal check for some requirement? Are there 'flashvars' being passed into it or pulled from a QueryString perhaps?
If you view the site that has the SWF files working with something like Fiddler or HttpFox it might provide some insights?

not getting images displayed after uploading application

i am getting the images in my localhost.But when i am uploading my project the images are not displayed.
I am saving my images in "~/App_Themes/darkOrange/images/button_line.jpg".
Is their is another method for giving image path in ASP.Net.
please help.
thank you.
Yes - check what is actually getting rendered out in the "src" attribute for the images. See if you can physically get to that file, if you cant, means the webpage cant. Have you confirmed the images have been deployed to the web server (not local - the server you uploaded to).
If not, make sure the "Build Action" for the images are set to "Content" in the properties window in Solution Explorer.
I faced a similar problem once. But, that was just a static website. Where the images were displayed in localhost but when I ftp files to the server, the images wouldn't show.
Later, I found out that it was becasue of the different case. For e.g - The image file name was "Image.JPG" and I had used "Image.jpg" in my code
Just check if this helps.
