Sharing ASP.NET authentication between sites -

We are launching a new web site using a sub-domain and need to ensure that users logging in to the original (main domain) site, are also authenticated in the new site.
I believe I need to ensure all related web.config settings (forms authentication, cookie names etc) are the same in both applications and also manually set the machineKey validationKey/decryptionKeys (again, the same in both apps).
My question is, if I now manually set theses keys in my main app, will it break the existing logins?
We are using the "hashed" format for passwords.

Depends what you mean by "break". If you modify the machineKeys/encryptiong keys people might have to log back in but the login functionality will continue to work as before.
You also need to make sure that the domain for your cookie are set to in both places (without the www) or the authentication cookies will not be shard correctly between the sites.

Related MVC Authentication issue

I created two different MVC application using the default template, and launches the two simultaneously, when I login with site a, and refresh site b, site b tries to use the login detail of site a. How do I stop it?
I suspect you are having an issue with the AntiForgery tokens. Something I add by default to my new MVC projects is this (add to Global.asax) :
AntiForgeryConfig.UniqueClaimTypeIdentifier = ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier;
I think this SO answer provides a fairly complete overview
Authentication is persisted via cookies and cookies are domain-bound. All cookies tied to the domain will be sent to a request to that domain, regardless of how many actual websites there are in the mix. Although you haven't specified, you're most likely in development and loading the sites under different localhost ports. It's important to know that a different port is not enough to prevent cookies from being shared. In all cases, when developing locally, the domain will be localhost and cookies will be shared between all sites running on localhost.
You have a couple of options. The simplest option is to simply customize the auth cookie name for each site. If you're using ASP.NET Identity, just add the following property to your cookie auth config:
app.UseCookieAuthentication(new CookieAuthenticationOptions
CookieName = "foo",
If the two sites use different auth cookies (based on the name), it won't matter if they both receive both; they'll only look at the one that belongs to them.
The second option is to use something other than localhost. For example, you can make use of something like It's a domain that has been helpfully set up to redirect all subdomains to localhost. That way you can test your sites via something like and site2.localtest.met:54321 (notice that the ports will be the same as they were with just localhost). However, since these are now different domains, the cookies will no longer be shared. However, doing this requires making changes to IIS Express' ApplicationHost.config file, and you could potentially mess something up if you're not careful. It also will be confined to your specific machine, so any other developers would need to make the same change on their machines. Changing the cookie name will be universally applied.

Sharing ASP.NET_SessionId and .ASPXAUTH cookie security risk

We're developing a SAAS solution for a big company in which doctors can view patients and make mutations, order products, provide licenses.
This project is for 4 separate companies under one umbrella company. For each company we developed a portal. All portals use the same code but have a strict separated database because the database contains all the patient information.
We're using Sitecore as CMS.
The client decided to use virtual folders instead of subdomains for the production environment. Our staging evironment url is for example: For the production environment they would like a URL such as: One SSL certificate is being used for all portals and requests.
We're using Membership Provider (forms authentication) for the authentication of users. Users can not log in with the same account in for example portal1 and portal3 because of the usage of separated databases.
Because we're using formsauthentication the ".ASPXAUTH" cookie is being used. Of course the "ASP.NET_SessionId" cookie is used also.
Because the client wants to use virtual folders instead of subdomains, the cookies are shared over all portals. It is possible to set the "path" on the node in web.config but this path is dynamically read by Sitecore and resolved in a pipeline. I did not find a way to override this path after it is being loaded in the web.config. Also I did not find a way to alter the ASP.NET_SessionId cookie path.
My question is: is it a (security) risk to share these cookies over multiple portals (remember, they should be separated completely)? Are there any other problems this setup could cause?
Hope somebody can help!
Yes, there is a huge security risk. What you do is called a multitenant application. You have to take special steps to ensure that cookies and other sensitive data cannot be shared.
My advice would be to store the tenant name (portal1) in the custom data section of the forms authentication cookie. You set the custom data when you issue the forms cookie.
Then, have a custom module or just a handler of the Application_AuthorizeRequest event, where the identity is already established based on the cookie.
In your handler, you decrypt the forms authentication ticket from the cookie, retrieve the user data and compare to the actual url. If there is a match - nothing happens. If there is no match, it means that user is authenticated in one portal but tries to access another. You can gently clear the response and render a message "well, this portal is not meant for you" or just log the user out.

Creating a cookie using

I have a sharepoint webpart where I have links to go to different web sites to which login is required. Therefore, I think i need to log the users on before redirect them into deep pages in that site, therefore I think i need to set up a cookie to that web site when the web part is loaded (by using the user credentials of the user's active directory information).
How can I achieve this requirement with out opening up a new browser window? (Though I have used a client side script, it pops up a new browser window)
Any help is highly appreciable...
If you are referring to "different web sites" as sites having completely different URL's, then it's probably not possible without SSO system.
The reason is that it's impossible to read/write cookies from other domain in web environment, i.e. pre-login the users like you are saying.
If all the sites are inside same domain, like for example, and different sites are in or, then yes, you can set the cookie. See top section here
A simple way to implement SSO is by implementing method described later on in same article.
in the "Requesting Cookie from Another Domain". This is not a very secure method though, but can be done if you restrict it properly to specific slave domains. And obviously all the slave sites have to be modified, as with any SSO implementation.

Mixing Forms authentication with Windows authentication

I have an (ASP.NET 3.5) intranet application which has been designed to use forms authentication (along with the default aspnet membership system). I also store additional information about users in another table which shares its primary key with the aspnet_users table.
For users who are part of our domain I store their domain account name in the secondary users table, and I want to automatically log in users whose domain account name matches a name stored in the table.
I have read the guides which are available - they're all from two years ago or more and assume that you are able to activate Windows Authentication on a separate login page that allows you to extract the domain account name. From what I can tell, though, this is not possible in IIS7 (the overall authentication method is applied on all pages and cannot be selectively deactivated, and both authentication methods can't be applied on the same page).
Is there a way of getting IIS to pass through the windows domain account name of the requesting user? I don't need proper AD authentication, just the domain name.
Actually, you can do it. Bit late for #dr_draik, but this cropped up in a google result for me so I thought I'd share some knowledge.
If you're in classic mode - Enable both Windows and Forms auth. You'll get a warning about not being able to do both at once, but you can ignore it. Then, you can spelunk around various properties like
and fish the username out of there.
If you're in integrated mode - 4021905 IIS7 Challenge-based and login redirect-based authentication cannot be used simultaneiously leads to IIS 7.0 Two-Level Authentication with Forms Authentication and Windows Authentication which is a module that allows you to selectively change the auth for different pages.
You could always set up 2 separate application in IIS7. One would have Windows Authentication enabled. The other would be the main app with forms authentication. If a user went to the windows authentication app, the page could grab their credentials and pass it to the forms authentication app.
(More for completeness of information really)
I asked a .Net security guy this question at a conference a while back. His response was that it is technically possible, but he'd never seen it done (and to let him know if I did it and it worked!).
He suggested the way it could be done was by making your own ISAPI filter and installing it into IIS. The ISAPI filter would intercept the requests and basically do the job that IIS does when using integrated authentication, but fall back to using forms if this was not present. This involved some complicated challenge/response logic in the filter. This was for IIS6 though, so it might be different in IIS7.
Whilst this might be technically possible, I wouldn't suggest this route as it feels like a bit of a hack, and rolling your own security is never really a good idea (unless you really know what you are doing).
There are plenty articles on mixing the authenticaton by setting config to use the forms with allowing anonymous access to the app. Secondly, a page for integrated auth should be created with IIS settings set to deny anonymous and use Intgrated Authentication. There you would the magic trick by checking the "Logon_User" variable of the requets's ServerVariables collection. And finally for integrated authentication to silently sign in the user it has to have short hosted name. So if your forms authentication piece is exposed to internet via FQDN there should be some kind of redirect to the short host page. I think it is possible to achieve with just one application under IIS with 2 virtual directories.
I found a solution using no special add-ons. It was tricky and involved cobbling together elements from all the pages referenced here.
I posted about it:
In essence, forms, windows and anon authentication have to be enabled.
The login screen should be forms based, and contain a button to trigger Windows login, that issues an HTTP 401 response challenge which if successful creates a forms based login ticket.
The issues are rather complex, and the post goes through the principles and the solution in detail.
Unfortunately, what you are trying to do just isn't supported. In order for ASP.NET to know the Windows username, you must use Windows Authentication.
You could set up another site / virtual directory that just forwarded the username information to another page. But what happens when non-Windows authenticated users try to log in?
I've got something you can try - not sure if it will work.
In the past we've used Request.ServerVariables["LOGON_USER"] but obviously for this to return a non-empty value you need to disable Anonymous access.
See this article:
It suggests keeping Anonymous access on the IIS side, and Forms authentication, but denying the anonymous user as follows:
<deny users = "?" /> <!-- This denies access to the Anonymous user -->
<allow users ="*" /> <!-- This allows access to all users -->
</authorization> forms authentication and multiple domains

I have two domains, and pointing at the same website which uses build in form authentication. The problem is that even if the domains point to the same website the user only get authenticated for one domain at a time. So if he uses first and then visits it's the same website in the back but he only is authenticated for The same thing happens if he uses www and not www when visiting the sites.
This is what I use to login:
FormsAuthentication.RedirectFromLoginPage(username, cookie.Checked);
To check login:
How can I make the user gets authenticated for all domains that points to the same website?
What you're after is a Single Sign-on solution.
As ASP.NET authentication is at it's heart generally cookie based, there are two things to look at:
Set your cookies correctly.
Bounce your users to the alternative domain during signup.
Looking at both of these in more depth:
1. Setting cookies correctly
You need to ensure that ASP.NET is writing the authentication ticket cookies to the root domain, rather than the explicit domain this is done using the domain attribute of the forms element:
You should set your domain to "" - note the leading period - this is the key. This way requests to and will both read the cookie correctly, and authenticate the user.
2. Bounce users to the alternative domain
What we have implemented on a few sites that use a single sign on is a round trip login process. The user authenticates on the first domain, we encrypt the login details, and redirect them to a known page on the second domain, log them in there, and then redirect back to the original server.
This client side redirection is important - cookies are only written when there is a response back to the client, and the browser has to visit the second domain to actually see the cookies.
Other details to consider in this sort of set-up:
You probably want to have a timeout on the encrypted sign-in details - so that recalling that URL from the browser history doesn't automatically log the user in.
If the domains are on different servers, you will need to ensure that either the machine keys are configured the same, so that you can encrypt and decrypt the details correctly, or use some other shared key.
You will probably want to have a mechanism in place to recall the users ReturnUrl from the original server so that you can send them back to the correct place.
You could also take a look at "Forms Authentication Across Applications"
You could try setting cookieless="true".
You should read Explained: Forms Authentication on MSDN. They cover Cross-Domain Authentication.
