Database connections work fine when application is run from localhost. Login fails from dev server -

I have an application which connects to a database, retrieves a username from a user's table and matches it against the username retrieved with System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent.Name
On my localhost, everything works fine. The database exists on the development server but the application lies on my localhost. All of my authorization and authentication techniques are running smoothly.
However, when I publish my application to the development server, I'm faced with the following error.
Cannot open database requested in login 'databaseName'. Login fails.
Login failed for user 'DevelopmentServerName\ASPNET'.
I can't put my finger onto what would cause this. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Edit: Here is the connection string!
<add name="connectionStringName" connectionString="Initial Catalog=myDatabase;Data Source=DevelopmentServerName;Integrated Security=True"
providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />
Also, for context. This authentication needs to grab the user's Windows username and match it against the username in the database. Users will have the Computername\Myname username built into the database (if they are authorized to use the required section of the program, that is).
Thanks again :)

It appears that your application is attempting to connect to the database under the ASPNET account, which may have limited permissions on the development server, as opposed to logging in on your own (you local machine may actually be using your windows identity). I can see two potential solutions.
Make sure to add into the system.web section of your web.config file.
Check with the system administrator and the SQL administrator to make sure the ASPNET account has proper authorization to connect to the database, if indeed your environment allows this account to connect.
Adding some additional code to your question, such as your connection string may help things out as well.
Okay, you are indeed using IntegratedSecurity, so typically with this kind of setup (using impersonation), you need to make sure you are getting prompted to add your Username and Password to authenticate against.
We have a similar setup, and to do this, we have to go to the IIS settings for the virtual directory, select the Directory Security tab, and click the Edit button under Anonymous access and authentication control.
Make sure Anonymous access is unchecked, and you may will most likely need to enable the proper authentication for your environment. Unfortunately we're still using Basic authentication (clear text) here, but Integrated Windows authentication may will work for you too. It depends on your environment.
I'm adding this comment to the main post since this seemed to have done the trick...
I just found this post which may help you get the proper configuration setup to handle what you need based on your IIS environment.

The answer may lay with your connection string. My guess would be that you are using integrated authentication to log into the database. This works fine when it's your machine because the application is using your credentials. When you publish to the development server you would be using the aspNet user and wouldn't have the right credentials to login. I would either add this user to your database server or change your connection string to use SQL authentication.

It could be a firewall setting that's preventing your server from seeing your database.
It might also have something to do with your connection string. If you're using anything besides a username/password combo in your web.config file, you will probably require additional configuration to convince the database server to let you connect.

It seems that what you want to do is impersonate the caller of the web page. You need to add a line to your web.config to do this:
<identity impersonate="true" />
See this article for an explanation.


ASP.NET accessing a SQL Server in a different server

I have installed a new web application that access a SQL Server database in a different server. I'm using Windows Authentication and get the error of:
Login Failed for user XXX
When I try to set identity impersonate="true" in the web.config file, it just throws an error
Login Failed for anonymous user
Also, I'm using forms authentication to validate users from my website and using a different application pool.
Update: connection string Basically like this:
Data Source=myServerAddress;Initial Catalog=myDataBase;Integrated Security=SSPI;
My Virtual Directory has Anonymous Authentication and Windows Authentication enabled.
Typically ASP.NET runs as an anonomous account. In order to access a remote SQL Server using integrated authentication (SSPI), you'll need to have a bit more "permenant" presence. Easy way would be to shift the app pool to use the NETWORK SERVICE built-in account. Slightly trickier would be to use a named account. On the SQL server side of the equation you will need to give the same account -- either matching user/pass or NETWORK SERVICE -- proper permissions to your database.
Your DBA should be able to help.
It is difficult to provide you with an exact answer because you have not provided your connection string or info on your SQL Server config. Your best bet is to look at the IIS configuration and work out what user is attempting to access the different SQL Server. You then need to give this account access to the database. This is a common problem and most of the changes need to happen in SQL Server unless you can change the account that the web server is running under.

How do I configure IIS so that the user's domain credentials are used when connecting to SQL server?

We've recently released the latest version of our intranet application, which now uses windows authentication as standard, and needs to be able to connect to a configured SQL server with the end-user's domain credentials.
Lately we've found that on a couple of customer deployments, although IIS can see the user's domain credentials, it will not pass these on to SQL server. Instead, it seems to use the anonymous account. This is in spite of following all the correct steps (changing the directory security to Win Auth, updating Web.Config to use Win Auth and denying anonymous users).
I've been doing a lot of reading that suggests we need to make sure that Kerberos is in place, but I'm not sure (a) how valid this is (i.e. is it really a requirement?) or (b) how to go about investigating if it's set up or how to go about setting it up.
We're in a situation where we need to be able to either configure IIS or the application to work for the customer, or explain to the customer exactly what they need to do to get it working.
We've managed to reproduce this on our internal network with a test SQL server and a developer's IIS box, so we're going to mess around with this set up and see if we can come up with a solution, but if anyone has any bright ideas, I'd be most happy to hear them!
I'd especially like to hear people's thoughts or advice in terms of Kerberos. Is this a requirement, and if it is, how do I outline to customers how it should be configured?
Oh, and I've also seen a couple of people mention the 'classic one-hop rule' for domains and passing windows credentials around, but I don't know how much weight this actually holds?
This is called the Double-Hop Problem and prohibits the forwarding of user's credentials to third parties. This occurs when they browse from one machine, against a site on another (first hop), and forwarding the credentials to a third machine (second hop).
The problem will not appear if you host IIS and SQL Server on the same machine.
There's alot more technical details published on this at How to use the System.DirectoryServices namespace in ASP.NET, which explains the double-hop issue, and primary and secondary tokens.
To run your application under the user's Active Directory or Windows credentials, ensure these:
the IIS application is set to NOT allow anonymous access
the IIS application uses Integrated Windows authentication
your connection string should have Integrated Security=SSPI to ensure the user's Windows/AD credentials are passed to SQL Server.
i.e. Data Source=myServerAddress;Initial Catalog=myDataBase;Integrated Security=SSPI;
You state you're not sure "how to go about investigating if it's set up or how to go about setting it up".
For this I'd heartily recommend a tool called DelegConfig. It's a very handy app that you can tell you if kerberos is setup properly.
Unzip it into a directory, configure a virtual directory in IIS to point to it. Browse to the main page and you tell it which backend server you want to allow access to (e.g. UNC, SQL, HTTP etc..) and it tell you its setup correctly or not and explain why.
It even has the abilty to recongiure the kerberos to fix the issue if you so desire (although I've not used this - I'd rather reconfiguire it myself to understand what I've done in future)
I realise this comes too late for your particular problem but thought it worth sharing for others that follow - especially the tools ability to explain why delegation is or is not working. I've found it invaluble.

Setting the ASP.NET ConnectionString to a specific domain user

We have a windows account in the SQL Server 2008 called drwho for example
and a password. In the connection string we disabled integrated security and added User Id and password values.
User Id=THEDOMAIN\drwho;Password=......
However ASP.NET keeps thinking we are using SQL server authentication.
Any suggestions?
You cannot connect to SQL server using a domain user/pass. If you wish to connect as a domain user, you need to specify integrated security and run your ASP.NET process as that user.
See this page at Microsoft for more information.
You will have to use impersonate to do this. As far as I'm aware you can't pass domain usernames/passwords in connection strings only a trusted connection, .e.g.
<identity impersonate="true"
password="password" />
the best place to check the validity of your connections strings is here
I suspect that you have not quite got the format correct.
Have you had a look at Always a good resource if you're having connection problems.

The error "Login failed for user 'NT AUTHORITY\IUSR'" in ASP.NET and SQL Server 2008

My ASP.NET v3.5 web application is throwing the following exception when it attempts to open a connection to a SQL Server 2008 database:
Cannot open database "MyDbName"
requested by the login. The login
failed. Login failed for user 'NT
The thing is, I've added NT AUTHORITY\IUSR to the server's list of logins, and to the database's list of users. For the server, I've granted the user the Public role, and for the database I've granted db_datareader permissions.
I've also granted the same for NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE, which is the identity that the application pool is running under.
The web application is hosted by IIS7, if that makes a difference. The problem repros when the DB and IIS are on the same physical machine as well.
The trick here is that NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE actually appears to the database as DOMAINNAME\MACHINENAME$ (note the $ sign!). That is, when you cross the machine boundary from your web server to the SQL Server, SQL Server sees the machine account if you use the NETWORK SERVICE or LOCAL SYSTEM accounts. If you use any other non-domain account, SQL Server will not receive your credentials.
I'm a bit puzzled by your error message. Truth be told, I don't think that when the DB is on another box, you'll see anything other than Login Failed for NT AUTHORITY\ANONYMOUS LOGON.
IUSR is used for anonymous websites, and can't pass over the wire to SQL Server. You may find a way for it to work if you're doing everything on the same machine, but I'd never know because I'd never do it that way... ;-)
In case it helps someone, in web.config I added <identity impersonate="false" /> for this error to go away (under <system.web>)
It's important to note that you'll get this error, as I just did, if you don't have IIS configured to allow impersonation, but you do have your web.config attempting to do impersonation.
I just came across this exact error, and all of the following steps are required:
Ensure ASP.NET impersonation is enabled on your IIS web server:
Combine that with configuring your site to use impersonation (web.config):
<identity impersonate="true" userName="your_service_acct" password="***" />
The above steps presume that you have a SQL Login setup on your MSSQL for 'your_service_acct' with permissions
When running on localhost, against a localdb, or even a remote db that you personally have permissions on, the development IIS runs as if it were YOU - and everything just magically works. So, in debug mode, you don't need to create a special web.config..
As soon as you deploy your site onto some kind of server (in my case, our TEST environment) you'll likely need to have done the above steps I just detailed, because IIS will try to connect as the application pool user, which is not usually what you want administratively speaking. So, that's when you want to start using web.config transformations, so Visual Studio will insert the appropriate identity impersonate="true" during your 'Publish...' deployment step.
I would suggest to create a separate (preferably domain) account and specify it in the connection string (usually in web.config)
Then you can limit permissions on the web server what this account can and cannot do.
Then you can grant this account required permissions in SQL server.
I had had the same problem and solved this by changing application pool.
Instead of using Integrated Security=True; in connection string, just use username and password authentication user=sa; pwd=mypassword;
The simple solution is to check your web.config file and make sure one of these is part of the db connection string:
Trusted Connection=false
Integrated Security=True
This problem is shown when you restore a new database on your last database.
To resolve this you must go to sqlserver, then security and then set your apppool again.
this worked for me:
Open the IIS Manager (inetmgr)
In the "Connections" panel, drill down to your site's node and select it
In the right-hand panel, under the "IIS" group, double click the "Authentication" icon.
Right-click on "Anonymous Authentication" and choose "Edit..." from the context menu.
In the popup dialog, select the "Application pool identity" radio button.
Click OK.

ASP.NET web app can't use multiple impersonation for authenication

I have a app (uses windows authentication for access) which (stipulated by the security team) needs to connect to a remote SQL Server 2005 using integrated security.Because of the fact that it is remote SQL server I needed to impersonate a custom account (impersonating the original caller would not work) via :
<identity impersonate = "true" userName="domainname\user" password="password" />
This workes fine. The rub is my app also connects to an SSRS server for reporting needs using the ReportViewer control. The report server is on a separate server and the security team mandates that all calls to this server must be using the original window's account for auditing purposes. It seems my only option was to to try and separate my app into folders and use a "location" tag in my web.config and use separate identity tags. Such as:
<location path="Reporting">
<identity impersonate = "true"/>
Note: no username and password specified which means it should impersonate the original caller.
However to make matters even more complicated my app is a Masterpage/content page app. The master page makes calls to SQL to populate menus and such. Bottom line is the dual impersonation track is not working. I am ready to throw my hands up and declare that that this can not be done. If there was a way where I could have the app impersonate the original caller which would satisfy my SSRS auditing needs yet make connections to SQL server as the custom domain account. I cannot use SQL authentication: not allowed although that would solve this issue.
Have you tried the following setup:
Set impersonation to true. This is necessary for authentication into the application and for access to the SSRS to use current user logged in.
Use one connection string to SSRS that has Integrated Security set to true, so that the impersonated user passes straight through.
Use a second connection string, with the custom user name and password hard coded into the connection string. You can encrypt the connection string section of the web.config so that it isn't visible to human eyes, but the framework will automatically decrypt this on the fly when creating a connection.
I have a similar situation (need a specific account to retrieve specific data, but the general impersonation for the rest of the service functionality) and this setup is working.
EDIT: The general syntax for encrypting your web.config from the command prompt is:
aspnet_regiis -pef "connectionStrings" [PhysicalPathToApplication] -prov "DataProtectionConfigurationProvider"
Encryption is done on a machine per machine basis, so the encryption will have to be done on the specific server. You can pull up more documentation on this if needed.
You should be able to switch the impersonation on and off, so you can go back to using the default account running the site. I will have to check, it's been a while since I have done it.
This looks like a start as to how to do it:
System.Security.Principal.WindowsImpersonationContext impersonationContext;
impersonationContext =
//Insert your code that runs under the security context of the authenticating user here.
Essentially you just impersonate the appropriate user for the calls you need, and then "undo" the context and turn it off. It goes back to the default user after that.
Here is a link to the windows identity class:
