ASP.NET cache on client or server -

If you set caching (as below) in an HTTP handler, will it be cached on the server or client or both?

For the following call:
it turns out that in addition to setting the Cache-Control: public HTTP header, it also enables server-side output caching.

This sets the http header, which means it will be cached by:
The client
A server "on the way" to the client, such as an ISA server

The code you used above will cache the content on the clients browser.
If the expiry date of the content is within the time specified then the browser (client side) will issue a 304 "Not Modified" i.e. The Content is cached and not re fetched from the server.
Hope this helps

Cache-Control: public to specify that the response is cacheable by clients and shared (proxy) caches.


Is server code executed when server returns http status code 304

Does/should server code run when the server return status code 304?
I understand that the server should not return anything (client should use the cache), but I cant find any info on whether the server will executed the code in an api endpoint for example.
RFC 2616 section 10.3.5 describes the 304 Not Modified response:
If the client has performed a conditional GET request and access is
allowed, but the document has not been modified, the server SHOULD
respond with this status code. The 304 response MUST NOT contain a message-body
The server will send Date, ETag and/or Content-Location (200 only), or Expires, Cache-Control, and/or Vary if the respond may vary.
What is a Conditional GET?
An cliet application, browser, or proxy with a retained Last-Modified or Etag value will issue a Conditional GET as an initial header only. This allows the client to determine if the resource has been updated.
How does the client know if the resource changed?
Well it depends on how the server is configured.
The Origin Server May:
Ignore caching, serve every request new.
Similar to ignoring, you may develop the application to change query strings. This prevents caching at Proxy Servers and invalidates the client cache.
If configured to do so, issue a Last-Modified or Etag value. Often done for static content. Proxy Servers and Client Caches use to invalidate their version.
A Web application could issue a Last-Modified far
into the future then change the URL to invalidate stale content. This requires the application be developed with this feature in mind.
Resources may also be issued version numbers. This allows them to preserve Proxy Caches but invalidate Client Caches.
Does server code run when the server return status code 304?
Almost Never. Disregarding that it is technically possible for an incorrectly configured application to respond with a 304 Not Modified code instead of a 200 code.
With a ETag and/or Content-Location value, a server (nginx for example) can confirm nothing has changed without issued a call to the application. This also neatly handles resources with version numbers the same way.
For query strings (image.jpg?version=12), the client cache will invalidate the content. A Proxy Server will also invalidate, and the query will be requested fresh.
I understand that the server should not return anything (client should use the cache), but I cant find any info on whether the server will executed the code in an api endpoint for example.
I'm a fan of nginx, here is a good resource on how caching applies to it.
In short, as much as you can do to support various caches between your client and the application the more requests you can support per day.

Common HTTP header to disable cache in server-sided web application

I have a php-based web application that does some internal caching of content fetched from another CMS.
When editors modify content in the CMS and then reload the web application's website, it will still deliver the cached content. (The CMS does not know of the web application, so there is no automatic cache invalidation possible.)
Now I would like to add a way for editors to use the web application without caching. This could be done with an URL GET parameter, as TYPO3 does it with no_cache=1.
This requires manual intervention.
It would be much cooler if there was a browser extension that could be used to toggle caching on/off, and which would just inject an HTTP header in the GET request. The web application would react to that header and internally disable caching.
So my question: Is such a HTTP header used in the wild? How is it called?
Yes, there is such a header: Cache-Control.
You might be familiar with this as a response header, but a client can also send it as a request header. In your case, you'd set Cache-Control: no-cache on the request. From RFC 7234:
The no-cache request directive indicates that a cache MUST NOT use
a stored response to satisfy the request without successful
validation on the origin server.

Is caching in browser automatic?

I have a JavaScript app that sends requests to REST API, the responses from server have cache headers (like ETag, cache-control, expires). Is caching of responses in browser automatic, or the app must implement some sort of mechanism to save the data?
An AJAX request is no different from a normal request - it's a GET/POST/HEAD/whatever request being sent by the browser, and it is handled as such. This is confirmed here:
The HTTP and Cache sub-systems of modern browsers are at a much lower level than Ajax’s XMLHttpRequest object. At this level, the browser doesn’t know or care about Ajax requests. It simply obeys the normal HTTP caching rules based on the response headers returned from the server.
As per the jQuery documentation, caches can also be invalidated in at least one usual way (appending a query string):
cache (default: true, false for dataType 'script' and 'jsonp')
Type: Boolean
If set to false, it will force requested pages not to be cached by the browser. Note: Setting cache to false will only work correctly with HEAD and GET requests. It works by appending "_={timestamp}" to the GET parameters. The parameter is not needed for other types of requests, except in IE8 when a POST is made to a URL that has already been requested by a GET.
So in short, given the same headers, AJAX responses are cached the same way as other requests.
Browser handles automatically cache of resources. What you seem to be asking about is the actuall response from the server.
You will need to set that up yourself in your application. You can do so both on front-end and backend.
Most of JS frameworks have cache control implemented, for example:
// Disable caching of AJAX responses
cache: false
$http.defaults.cache = false;
On backend it really depends on what language you using, what server engine etc.
Checkout Memcached for example
As with anything with web development there are odd things here and there, for example some IE versions are automatically chaching requests and you have to add unique id to the url to prevent that.
From :
Note 2: If you do not set header Cache-Control: no-cache the browser will cache the response and never re-submit the request, making debugging "challenging." You can also append an always-diferent aditional GET parameter, like the timestamp or a random number (see bypassing the cache)
Browser should handle the cache automatically.
Check this article, there's only clear cache method for javascript.
If the server sends the response with any of cache headers browsers should respect it. there is no difference between resources or ajax requests.
also you can specify cache headers in your ajax calls to make it not use caches and fetch the whole response from the server.
Most modern browsers support browser caching because of the cache and expire headers
There are 2 apects of an HTTP request that can qualify it for being cached:
- Specifc HTTP cache and expire headers
- A unique URL
Interesting read:

`cache-control: max-age=0` in http request

I have one question: suppose in each http request there is a cache-control: max-age=0 header, so each request will go all the way to the origin web server.
Does it mean CDN is not useful anymore if all requests are like this?
from other post:
When sent by the user agent
I believe shahkalpesh's answer applies to the user agent side. You can also look at 13.2.6 Disambiguating Multiple Responses.
If a user agent sends a request with Cache-Control: max-age=0 (aka. "end-to-end revalidation"), then each cache along the way will revalidate its cache entry (eg. with the If-Not-Modified header) all the way to the origin server. If the reply is then 304 (Not Modified), the cached entity can be used.
On the other hand, sending a request with Cache-Control: no-cache (aka. "end-to-end reload") doesn't revalidate and the server MUST NOT use a cached copy when responding.
It makes sense and match my result.
when cache is not expired in chrome,it will send request to CDN,CDN will query this with if-modified-since with origin ,then serve the end user.
By setting the max-age to 0, you effectively expire your page in your CDN edge cache immediately. Therefore, your CDN always hit your origin and render the CDN useless as you suggested.
Noticed from your other question that you are using Akamai. If so, then you can use the Edge-Control header to override your cache-control if you don't have direct control over that value, but still want to be able to leverage CDN functionality.

304 Status code for my Azure CDN images hosted in Azure Blob Storage

My images are stored in azure blob storage and referenced through my web application using my azure CDN. However all images return a 304 response header. Ideally I dont want the browser to return to the CDN to check for validity at every request, instead for the browser to always use the cache. - Well for at the life of the image cache.
With my limited knowledge of Caching, I understand that the cache uses the ETag value to compare if the version of the image is the same when requested. In this case it is and the CDN returns a 304 response. But because the CacheControl header is set as public, max-age=2592000 I would hope the browser would use the cached copy of the image. I have another CDN setup that has a hosted service endpoint which returns a 200 response because I remove the ETag value.
Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.
When ETag "triggers" 304 response => the browser has sent If-None-Match validating request to the server. This is normally done after max-age has elapsed. You could find a good description of this here:
it is also worth mentioning, Firefox browser settings should be set to default: go to about:config page and check this settings:
Going back to your question, something might be wrong with Cache-Control header the server returns to the browser. In my modest personal experience I didn't encounter explicitly public version of the header, it would be more likely just this:
Cache-Control: max-age=3600, must-revalidate
Anyway, here is pretty good description of headers pertaining to caching:
Alternatively, there might be other reasons for incessant re-validation to consider:
VARY headers in server's 200 response with the file may affect caching;
JavaScript calling reload on the location object, passing TRUE for bReloadSource;
