Response does not start with HTTP -

Attached Firefox to fiddler and got following error. What would cause this error?
Interesting thing to note is that the HTTP header is getting rendered on the page
So Fiddler says that there is a protocol violation because response does not start with HTTP. But the HTTP response is rendered on page.

it is likely that some page content, especially one that has a blank line, is displayed before the HTTP header info is displayed. In such case, the browser will think it was the end of the HTTP header section and render those characters as content.
(your attachment's link is broken now so can't see any info there)

You can use telnet to see precisely what the server is returning. If you are running the server on port 800, try this:
$ telnet hostname 800
GET / HTTP/1.0
(You need to hit enter twice after the GET line. You can also add headers at that point if you need to.)
and assuming a leading blank line is the problem, you'd see something like
(blank line)
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Various-headers: here

The server is not sending things out correctly. A valid HTTP response would be the HTTP headers, followed by an empty line and then the content. In this case, it seems likely that this was not followed. If there was an empty line before the HTTP headers, the HTTP headers would just be treated like content and rendered accordingly.


HTTP 403 Forbidden Message Format

What is the correct format for sending an HTTP 403 forbidden message?
I'm writing a proxy in c for a homework project that has a content filtering system built in. When my proxy detects that a server's response has certain keywords that are contained in the content blacklist, I would like to send a HTTP 403 Forbidden message.
Currently, I am sending the message as: "HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden\r\n\r\n" (without the quotes) as per this standard:
When I send this message, the browser doesn't display an error and looks like it's still trying to load the page.
Are there any required header fields for this http message that I missed? Also, is this the correct usage for the 403 error? I couldn't find anything else that would be more fitting, so I chose 403 because the client won't automatically re-request the data.
Thanks in advance for any help!
For those struggling with this issue as I did, you need to make sure to close the socket or set Connection: Close as Sami noted in the comments. I assumed that you could keep it open so they could send another request with http persistent connections, but they will need to open a new connection.
As for the html displayed, you can send a body with the response (make sure you set Content-Length) that contains the html you want displayed.
Finally, here are two references, one to the HTTP response spec, and the other to the Amazon Restful response spec:

Are multiple status code headers allowed in a single HTTP response?

I have a web app which sends HTTP status codes. In some instances, a 404 code is sent as a header, but then a 200 error is sent as well, in the same response.
HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found
HTTP/1.0 200 Ok
I can't change the execution order to prevent the first status code from being sent, so the second code is attempting to override it.
Chrome ignores the first code and assumes the status to be Ok. Does this conform to the HTTP standard, and should I rely on it?
No, it does not conform to the standard, and you should not rely on it. See
More than one response message per request only occurs when one or more informational responses (1xx, see Section 6.2 of [RFC7231]) precede a final answer to the same request.
The rfc for http 1.1 is given here:
Section 2.1 states:
A server responds to a client's request by sending one or more HTTP
response messages, each beginning with a status line ...
The standard states that you can send more than one response, if you wish, but that each response must have it's own status line. Further, the first line of the header must contain the status-line/code.
So, according to the standard interpreted literally, in theory you can send more than one response, but I've no idea what browsers would do with that, and definitely wouldn't rely on it.
What you've got at the moment is conforming to the rfc; the rfc doesn't say you can't have more than status line, only that the status line on the first line of each response is the one that matters - which chrome doesn't interpret correctly according to the rfc.
It might work, but I wouldn't rely on it.

HTTP: How should I respond to "Range: bytes=" when Range is unsupported?

What is the correct response to a GET request with the header field Range: bytes=278528- if Range is not supported?
Reading the HTTP header definitions ( i think i should at least set: Accept-Ranges: none, but it clearly states that
Clients MAY generate byte-range requests without having received this header for the resource involved.
So, if a client requests a range, should I:
Reply with the whole file from byte 0?
Reply with some status error? (400/406/416/501) see:
You may ignore it, as the spec says. To be precise:
If you support it, you return a status code of 206 Partial Content and include the proper headers like Content-Range.
If you don’t support it, you return a 200 OK as normal.
I have not tested this, but the spec seems pretty clear. I have seen this work — using wget or curl to resume an interrupted download will properly restart from the beginning if the server does not support the Range header.
RFC2616 section 14.35.2 says:
A server MAY ignore the Range header.
The possibility is check the http header and if there is a range string, parse it, parse to ranges, compute skip and take positions, open file stream from url, then, seek to skip and take 'take ' bytes, setup response of it, send response and finaly close stream.
do not forget to respond with range header
do not ignore range, never when you are working on big streams.
if you are using nanohttp, i can help you out with example
Ignoring range requests can made play content (which is huge) on airplay service or another unstable or unacceptable. I know that http is not right protokol to transfer video, but try to send video to airplay from server not accepting ranges....
Airplay uses range requests...

How do I use Fiddler to modify the status code in an HTTP response?

I need to test some client application code I've written to test its' handling of various status codes returned in an HTTP response from a web server.
I have Fiddler 2 (Web Debugging Proxy) installed and I believe there's a way to modify responses using this application, but I'm struggling to find out how. This would be the most convenient way, as it would allow me to leave both client and server code unmodified.
Can anyone assist as I'd like to intercept the HTTP response being sent from server to client and modify the status code before it reaches the client?
Any advice would be much appreciated.
Ok, so I assume that you're already able to monitor your client/server traffic. What you want to do is set a breakpoint on the response then fiddle with it before sending it on to the client.
Here are a couple of different ways to do that:
Rules > Automatic Breakpoints > After Responses
In the quickexec box (the black box at the bottom) type "bpafter yourpage.svc". Now Fiddler will stop at a breakpoint before all requests to any URL that contains "yourpage.svc". Type "bpafter" with no parameters to clear the breakpoint.
Programmatically tamper with the response using FiddlerScript. The best documentation for FiddlerScript is on the official site:
Once you've got a response stopped at the breakpoint, just double click it to open it in the inspectors. You've got a couple of options now:
Right next to the green Run to Completion button (which you click to send the response) there's a dropdown that lets you choose some default response types.
Or, on the Headers inspector, change the response code & message in the textbox at the top.
Or, click the "Raw" inspector and mess with the raw response to do arbitrary things to it. Also a good way to see what your client does when it gets a malformed response, which you'll probably test accidentally :)
Another alternative is to use Fiddler's AutoResponder tab (on the right-hand panel). This allows you to catch a request to any URI that matches a string and serve a "canned" response from a file. The file can contain both headers and payload. The advantage of this approach is that you don't have to write FiddlerScript and you don't have to handle each request manually via a breakpoint.
You would set the rule up in Fiddler like shown below (ensure you enable unmatched requests passthrough otherwise all other http requests will fail).
In this example, any request whose URI includes "fooBar" will get the canned response. The format of the file will vary depending on your APIs (you can use your browser to intercept a "real" response and base it on that) but mine looked like the following:
HTTP/1.1 409 Conflict
Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1
X-Powered-By: Servlet 2.5; JBoss-5.0/JBossWeb-2.1
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Access-Control-Allow-Methods: GET, POST, DELETE, PUT, PATCH, OPTIONS
Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Origin, X-Requested-With, Content-Type, Accept, Authorization
Access-Control-Max-Age: 86400
Content-Type: application/vnd.api+json
Content-Length: 149
Date: Tue, 28 Mar 2017 10:03:29 GMT
{"errors":[{"code":"OutOfStock","detail":"Item not in stock","source":{"lineId":{"type":"Order line Number","id":"1"}},"meta":{"availableStock":0}}]}
I found that it needed a carriage return at the end of the last line (i.e. after the json), and that the Content-Length header had to match the number of characters in the json, otherwise the webapp would hang. Your mileage may vary.
Create a FiddlerScript rule. Here's what I used in order to generate a local copy of a website that was intentionally using 403 on every page to thwart HTTrack/WGET.
/* 20180615 Fiddler rule to ignore all 403 HTTP Status errors so WGET or HTTrack can generate local copy of remote website */
SCENARIO: Changing the user agent or setting a delay isn't enough and the entire remote server is configured to respond w/403.
CONFIGURE: Add below rule to FiddlerScript OnBeforeReponse() section. Configure HTTrack/WGET/CRON to use proxy */
static function OnBeforeResponse(oSession: Session) {
if (oSession.HostnameIs("") && oSession.responseCode == 403) {
oSession.responseCode = 200;
oSession.oResponse.headers.HTTPResponseCode = 200;
oSession.oResponse.headers.HTTPResponseStatus = "200 OK";

HTTP response with redirect, but without roundtrip?

I want the browser to reflect some other URL than the one used to create the request, but without roundtripping to the server.
I would maybe do this:
POST /form HTTP/1.1
...and then return:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Location: /hello
But that would cause a redirect, the browser will again, request URL /hello.
I would like to just tell the browser that, while the request you just sent was POST /some_url the actuall resource that I'm now returning is actually called GET /hello/1 but without preforming a roundtrip. i.e. Location: ...
Is there any way to do this with JavaScript or the base="" attribute? That will tell the browser to request /hello/1 when I hit F5 (refresh) instead of that, post submission warning?
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Location: /hello
Actually that probably wouldn't work; it should be a 30x status rather than 200 (“303 See Other” is best for the response to a POST), and ‘Location’ should be a complete absolute URL.
(If your script just says ‘Location: /relativeurl’ without the 30x status, CGI servers will usually do an internal redirect by fetching the new URL and returning it without telling the browser anything funny happened. This may sound like what you want but it isn't really because from the browser's point of view it's no different from the original script returning a 200 and direct page.)
But that would cause a redirect, the browser will again, request URL /hello.
In practice that's probably not as bad as you think, thanks to HTTP/1.1 keep-alives. The client should be able to respond to the redirect straight away (in the next packet) as long as it's on the same server.
Is there any way [...] That will tell the browser to request /hello/1 when I hit F5 (refresh) instead of that, post submission warning?
Nope. Stick with the POST-Redirect-GET model for solving this.
No. Http is stateless, and every request has one answer. When you post, you need to redirect to a get page immediately to prevent a double post - you don't want it to sit on that post url. The redirect is what tells the browser that it is on a new page. That's just the way it works.
