ASP.NET Localization Issue -

I have succesfully added localization to my website. Came next day and it does not work. After reading alot of posts and did some troubleshooting my self. I found out that the Page ignores the page.aspx.en-US.resx. Because I dont have a standard resx for the page it shows the label caption i have in the designer. I just took out the en-US and made it the default( page.aspx.resx). The page correctly displays the strings that are in the resource file.
I have used the tutorial from MSDN and the same tutorial you can find it All over the internet I even contributed to te tutorial on MSDN. when you are using Authentication or Impersonation you must grant access to the APP_LocalResources folder through the web.config
<location path="App_LocalResources">
<allow users="*">
That I found out yesterday and solved the problem, but now It does not use the page.aspx.en-US.resx , unless it's the default I find it very strange. Does someone has the solution or suggestion?

I found the solution to my challenge. In order for the resource files to work you have to have a default resource file in combination with the other resource files e.g.:
Even if you have only one language and you want to use resource files you have to have the default resource file for it to work, otherwise it will ignore any resource file you may have under the App_LocalResources.


IIS Publish project not displaying images

I have a website that runs on IIS on an internal server.
It display fine when running from my local host. however, whenever I try to publish to my dev server, the images don't work.
And It looks like this
My first thought was that the images were not being transferred to the server. However I discovered this wasnt true, as I remotely connected to the server and found the images.
When I inspect the page, I get 404 errors for all the images. But the path for them seems correct. Goes to the properly named 'img' folder
I thought maybe it was a permissions issue with the images folder as indicated by this post
Images not showing on published ASP.NET MVC Website
So I added
<location path="img">
<allow users="?"/>
And this did not change anything.
I checked to make sure none of the images in question were Encrypted through windows with the 'Encrypt contents to secure data' option under advanced image options.
After some more searching I came across this post,
But i already have StaticFile enabled.
Finally I found this thread
CSS, Images, JS not loading in IIS
That suggested making sure anonymous authentication was set to 'application pool identity' instead of 'specific user'. I changed this and once again nothing has happened. I'm banging my head against a wall with this one. Please help.
So as it turns out there was a folder structure issue.
Was deploying from an svn where the folder structure was placed in another project incorrectly. As a result the 'img' folder was actually in a different location then specified. Once I cleared this up and properly nested the project, my issues vanished.
Thanks for the help everyone.

Can I use ASP.NET Web Pages without deploying the "bin" folder?

I am creating a very simple site that was originally just a bunch of HTML / CSS files. Then I needed to add a little bit of server-side logic so I thought I'd use ASP.NET Web Pages as they sound like a suitable solution.
So I changed index.html to index.cshtml, added the code I needed and I though that would be it (I also added this basic web.config file:
<compilation debug="true" targetFramework="4.0" />
However, launching this on local IIS Express yielded this error:
Could not determine which version of ASP.NET Web Pages to use.
In order to use this site, specify a version in the site’s web.config file. For more information, see the following article on the Microsoft support site:
So I added this to my web.config:
<appSettings >
<add key="webPages:Version" value="2.0" />
</appSettings >
Now the site starts but handles UTF-8 really weirdly - although all the HTTP headers, file encodings and meta tags are correctly set to UTF-8, my national characters display incorrectly. I found this question: Do I need web.config for non-ASCII characters? but it didn't really solve my problem.
I though, what can be wrong with my setup? When I create a new site in WebMatrix and copy my files over to it, it all works fine, even without specifying the Web Pages version in web.config. And the only difference I can see is the presence of bin folder in the WebMatrix-generated project.
So the question is, do I need to have the bin folder as part of my source files too? I don't really feel like checking 1.5MB worth of binary files into Git should be necessary just to add one dynamic line in my index.cshtml but maybe that's how it is?
Thanks for either confirming this or showing me some better way.
ASP.NET WebPages requires a BOM on UTF-8 pages or it won't read the page as UTF-8. And if it doesn't do that, it won't output a UTF-8 encoded page.
This isn't an ASP.NET issue, but rather a WebPages issue. WebPages processes the real page, and it doesn't interpret the html to know that it should be UTF-8. The only way it knows is by looking for a BOM.

Same website different port Javascript and Stylesheets

I've a website running under IIS7. Everything works fine with this website. I've copied the directory and created a clone website on a different port. When I browse to the new website on the different port, I do not get any of the style settings until I log in -- then all appears normally.
The problem appears to do with the ASP.NET Membership/Authorization. I have a web.config in the subdirectories to allow all users (web.config) but the clone website is not using them even though all the config, directories, etc are the same. Only the port is different or non .config settings that IIS 7 uses.
I've discovered the problem but not the whole answer. The directories needed the IUSR permission to work but the original website doesn't have those permissions. It only had IIS_IUSRS. IF anyone can fully explain this behavior and how to fix the problem without granting IUSR then I will award the bounty for that answer.
The answer should be fully explanatory.
One potential issue would be with authorization settings in your config.
Look for something like this:
<location path="MyResourcesFolder">
<deny users="?"/>
The above example would produce the effect that you've described assuming that your resources (css, jscript, etc) were located in a folder named MyResourcesFolder. Check the web.config that's in the actual website and not necessarily the project. This is because your website config may not be the same as your project config if you are using config transformations.

Unauthenticated users can't see images in website

When I run my website through debug mode in visual studio everything looks great and all the images on the page show up fine. But once I deploy my website to an IIS7 web server (doubt that other versions would make any difference, but you never know) then users can't see the images on the site until they log in.
The website is an MVC site and I'm new to MVC, though I do have lots of experience with forms. It seems that only authenticated users are allowed to access the images folder, and there is an authorization section in my web.config saying that only admins can access the site, so how do I make it so that all users, authenticated or otherwise can view the images?
-- Update --
I tried putting in the configuration block suggested, which from everything I can tell makes perfect sense, but it didn't seem to make a difference. The sample below has Content/Images for the path but before that I tried just Content, since it's OK for everything in there to be accessible. I also tried setting the allowOverride setting to false, which also didn't seem to make a difference.
<location path="Content/Images">
<allow users ="*" />
--Update 2--
Funny thing is that I don't even see any explicit deny entries in my web.config, just an allow for admin's, and when I went into IIS 7 and used the UI to allow all users access to the Content directory it didn't show any deny's on the list either. But then again, this project works fine when I just debug it from my personal computer, it's only after I deploy it that I have problems...
<allow roles="admin" />
<authentication mode="Forms">
<forms loginUrl="~/Account/LogOn" timeout="2880" />
In your web.config file, after the </system.web> tag, add the following
<location path="images">
<allow users ="*" />
where path="images" is the name of the folder with your images/css.
If you're using ASP.NET MVC, I would remove the authorization declaration in the web.config file and use the [Authorize] attribute on the controllers that need to be locked down.
You can also specify the roles you want to grant access to using [Authorize("admin")].
By default, the configuration you define in a Web.config file, applies to every subdirectory of its containing folder. If you have a Web.config in the application root, that configuration will propagate to every subdirectory, including those where you have images and Css style sheets. So, if you have in your root Web.config a rule like this one:
<deny users="?"/>
anonymous users will not be able to access the resources needed to display the page like you would expect it.
To fix it, you need to include another Web.config in every subdirectory that has presentation resources, and apply the rules you want to override. In your case, this should do the work:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<allow users="*"/>
If you are using Themes, place a single Web.config file in the theme folder.
Just ran into the same problem. We noticed it on our Login page. The CSS and images weren't loading (they were under the content directory). Adding IUSR to the folder with Read privileges fixed it for us.
Old question but I came across the same problem and found the answer.
I had created a new folder for the Membership pages that I wanted logged-in users to have access to, but the images wouldn't show up in them!
It turns out that no matter what I tried I couldn't set a relative path to the images from within the Members folder.
The problem was the html image (as far as I could tell anyway, correct me if I'm wrong).
I swapped it out for an asp:image with a relative path and now it works great.
My new code: asp:image runat="server" id="Logo" ImageUrl="~/Images/logo.jpg"
Notice the ' ~/ ', that wouldn't work for me with
I tried: img src="../Images/logo.jpg", img src="~/Images/logo.jpg", img src="/Images/logo.jpg", etc. to no avail.
Hope this answer helps someone solve this problem more quickly in the future.
Try browsing the image file directly and see if that comes up for an anonymous user. In IIS 7, there is a way in which you can authorize anonymous users directly from your UI [which in turn would create the web.config if it doesn't exist].
Folder -> .NET Authorization Rules -> Add Allow Rule
Are you using membership framework. I suspect that you have misconfigured your permission settings in web.config and your images folder is only allowing authorised requests. This can be easily change via web.config. Just remove the folder name from your authorised section and this should solve the problem.
For your reference this should be the section in web.config if you are using membership framework :
<deny roles="xyz" />
We came across the same problem in our project and found a solution, although we are not sure about the reasons of this behaviours.
We had a similar scenario, with a folder containing all our png images. Our marketing colleague wanted to rename some of them, so to make it easier for her, we shared (this might be the key) that folder, granting read/writer rights to her.
From this point, the images started behaving as you describe, requiring authorization for being accessed. No unauthorized user could see them any more.
We realized that the problem was related to sharing the folder because it started happening at that point of time. Otherwise we still don't see any relationship among ASP.NET MVP user authorization/login and hard disk user rights. We could have expected an IO Exception or something similar, but not this behaviour.
After checking the folder, and comparing with other folders, we realized that after sharing, the permissions on the folder had slightly changed. Mainly they did not inherit from its parent folder anymore and some permissions such as CREATOR OWNER and MACHINE_NAME\Users had dissapeared (although IUSR and the app pool user were still there).
So, we renamed that folder, created a new one with the same name, and copied the content from the old folder to the new one. The new folder had the permissions inherited from its parent and everything started to work perfectly again.
It solved our problem, but we are still not sure why this all happened this way.

Restricting public access to a file on an ASP.NET site

Trying to prevent access to a specific file, not any files with a certain extention, just one specific file.
The issue is that the end user can just type: /filename.xml into their browser and can see the contents of this file, i'd rather they not be able to see this.
Things I have tried:
1) Putting the file elsewhere
I have a "secure" folder as part of my hosting account. So I figured i'd just change the path to: "..\..\..\SSL\FileName.xml" and move the file there. ASP.NET crashes on this one with the error:
Cannot use a leading .. to exit above the top directory
So I presume that's in place for security purposes.
2) Location in web.config
So next I tried to use this in the web.config:
<location path="FileName.xml">
<deny users="*"/>
This doesn't seem to do anything.... anyone know why? I'm not specifically using ASP.NET authentication in this app, is that why this doesn't work?
3) Using IIS to prevent access
Alas, I do not have access to IIS as I have a terrifically lame hosting account.
So does anyone know what i'm doing wrong with the above attempts or have any alternative solutions I can try?
Can you add the ASP.Net folder "App_Data" to your application, and put the xml file in there? This folder is specifically meant to hold this type of data and hide it from browsers/users, but keep it within your application scope.
alt text
As to why the authorization directive in your web.config file is not working, it's because the ".xml" file extension is not handled by the ASP.Net pipeline. You would need to configure your IIS to send all requests for xml files through the ASP.Net request handlers in order to apply that security directive to it.
IIS Doesn't handle xml files (just post them to requester) and thus security does not work. Surprisingly on Mono platform in would work... anyway, You can make this workarounds:
Store file in really secure folder and access it using aspx page (file name as parameter)
Store file in db and rest like in 1
Store file whatever in Your hosting account folders and give it GUID name, then store GUID and real file name connection in DB and handle file download thru aspx page.
