Flex: HTTP request error #2032 - apache-flex

In Flex 3 application I use HTTPService class to make requests to the server:
var http:HTTPService = new HTTPService();
http.method = 'POST';
http.url = hostUrl;
http.resultFormat = 'e4x';
http.addEventListener(ResultEvent.RESULT, ...);
http.addEventListener(FaultEvent.FAULT, ...);
The application has Comet-architecture. So it makes long running requests. While waiting a response for this request, other requests can be made concurrently.
The application works in most cases. But sometimes some clients get HTTP request error executing long running request:
faultString:'HTTP request error'
faultDetail:'Error: [IOErrorEvent type="ioError" bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2 text="Error #2032"]. URL: http://example.com/ws'
I think it depends on user's browser.
Any ideas?

I experienced the same problem when I sent longer (3-4K!) parameter in HttpRequest. As soon as I sent smaller ones it worked (without refresh, reload or anything). I do not know if there is a limit on client side or on web server side of the length of parameters you can send but definitely this causes the issue.
url limitations may cause it

This error appears very generic and I would suggest trying to collect more information and sharing it regarding the issue.
This post appears similar to your situation.
This post might help you find more debugging information which would be helpful.
Which clients are affected?
Can you capture the http status code or the traffic being sent using Charles, Wireshark, or similar?

Try listening for the HTTP-status of the request, using flash.events.HTTPStatusEvent.HTTP_STATUS
That might give you some more info about what's going wrong.

I was going to open another question on essentially the same topic, but I figure two unanswered questions is worse than 1.
I get a similar intermittent issue from some users of a Flex application we have, but with some slightly different symptoms. The full range of information I can provide is:
It occurs on short (10ms) requests as well.
It appears to occur randomly.
The connection is over SSL.
It only occurs for users of IE, not for users using FireFox.
Once it occurs, users inform me they need to shut down IE and restart it (some users say they need to reboot, but I think that's less likely than just an IE restart). It appears to require a few minutes to reset itself.
It does not appear to affect the rest of the user's internet connection -they can continue to use other IE windows.
Once it occurs, it appears that no HTTPService request from the flex application will work.
It occurs (apparently) only for a small subset of users. Initially it
seemed to be due to their physical distance from the main server, but this no longer
appears to be necessarily the case (though it could be connection quality).
I'm not clear on what version of Adobe Flash the users are running.
Code was built with Adobe Flex 3.4 (linux)
The application does a wide range of requests, many in parallel though I've not been able to reproduce the problem.
Users do suggest this error occurs after they have come back to the application after a few minutes.
There appears to be no related server side request entry in the server logs, suggesting the request never reaches the server (possibly never leaving the client).
The server responds to all requests with the relevant cache headers to turn of IE caching.
The current workaround we have is to request users run the application in FireFox.
Full dump of the error is:
HTTP Status Code: null
Fault Code: Server.Error.Request
Fault Error ID: null
Fault Detail: Error: [IOErrorEvent type="ioError" bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2 text="Error #2032"]. URL: https://my.server/url
Fault String: HTTP request error
Fault Name: Error
Fault Message: faultCode:Server.Error.Request faultString:'HTTP request error' faultDetail:'Error: [IOErrorEvent type="ioError" bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2 text="Error #2032"]. URL: https://my.server/url'
Root Cause: [IOErrorEvent type="ioError" bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2 text="Error #2032"]
Many people have mentioned error 2032, a few even mentioning intermittent errors under IE only, but there are no mentions of the solution. If I ever find one, I'll update my post here.
After talking to a user as this occurred, we found the following:
The user could open a new tab in IE, and load the same flex application up fine - so no internet connectivity problems.
The user could, in the tab with the flex app where the error occurs, load up google.com - so there appears to be no connectivity issue related to that specific tab.
The user could copy the address from the tab with the broken app into another tab, and the flex application would load.
The user could, after loading google.com in the tab where the flex app broke, copy in the flex app URL again, and immediately get the problem.
It appears that in my particular application, my flex app manages to break the flash plugin/VM to such an extent that after the break, no further requests to the URL are allowed.
I am so completely stumped by this I'm at the point of suggesting users use FireFox, or wrapping the application in an Air package.

I had somewhat the same problem here but with a Flash (Web - Flex 4.1 SDK) application.
after trying out a huge assortment of solutions we narrowed we finally came up with one that works pretty reliably for all systems, including newly installed machines.
A. add global event listeners at the root (or stage) of the application, on flex preinitialize stage.
if an error is cought - event.preventDefault();
B. add event listeners on every loader used in the App for the following errors:
*to attempt recovery, like falling back to an external interface call...
C. place all the SWZ files from the bin-release folder together with the SWF file in the same path on the server you use to deliver your App.
in my case these are the files needed:
* to discover this i used Chrome developer console to see which errors occur on the page and discovered a chain of 404s when the app tries to download these files.
D. have a properly configured crossdomain.xml policy file which includes the allow http request xml tag.
<allow-http-request-headers-from domain="*" headers="*"/>
replace the * as needed in your particular case.

Sounds like you might have more connections going out then the browser supports. Do you know exactly how many open connections exist at the time of the error?
Different browser allow different numbers of simultaneous open connections. IE 6,7,8 all allow different amounts: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/282402
Firefox: http://www.speedguide.net/faq_in_q.php?qid=231

I've had this exact issue happening in my Air app. I eventually realized that I had accidentally set the urlrequest.idleTimeout to 10. This timeout is actually in milliseconds and my webserver is local, so if I sent no parameters (no get or post) to my local server it would work. Whenever I sent any parameters along with the request of course it would fail because my script took longer than 10ms to run and return the data.
You may want to pay attention to slow loading scripts. You can debug by just forcing some static output and then stop that page from executing further. In my php page I put:
echo "hello=hi";
Also, make sure to debug it within the sandbox limitations. I am using a self-signed ssl cert and there are a lot of warnings when trying to connect to my local test webserver.
Hope that helps!


The server receives an HTTP request body that is different from what was sent

This may well be the weirdest problem I have ever witnessed in 15 years. It is 100% reproducible on a specific machine that sends a specific request when authenticated as a specific user, if the request is sent from Chrome (it doesn't happen from Edge, it doesn't happen from cURL or Postman). I can't expect an exact solution to my disturbingly specific issue, but any pointers about what could theoretically cause it are more than welcome.
We have several PCs in our factory, that communicate with a central HTTP server (hosted on premise, if that even matters: they're on the same LAN). Of course, we have users who could work on any of these machines.
When a certain user does a specific action on a certain one of those machines, she gets a message about an "HTTP error". The server responds with a 400, specifying that the JSON in the request is ill-formed. Fine, let's look at the JSON: it's an 80-characters string, and it looks very well-formed. I check its length, and it is in fact an 80-character string, and the request has a Content-Length of 80. All is fine, but the server responds with the 400.
The same user on a different machine, or a different user on the same machine, or any other user on any other machine can do the very same action and the very same corresponding HTTP request. The same user, on that machine, can do the action fine using Edge instead of Chrome (despite both being Chromium-based). If I "export" the request from the browser's Dev Tools into any format (cURL bash, cURL cmd, JS fetch...), the request in Chrome and the one in Edge look the same.
Our UI sends the request using Axios. If I send it with fetch, I still get the error. If I serialize the JSON myself and send the string (instead of letting Axios/fetch handle the serialization), I still get the error. If I send that same request using any other client (cURL from command line, Postman...) I don't get the error - same as in Edge.
WHAT I FINALLY NOTICED (and how I hacked the issue into submission)
The server is ASP.NET Core (using .Net 5), so I added a middleware to record the received request. Apparently, in the specified conditions, the server receives a request body that is different from what was sent by the client. Say the client sends:
Well, the server receives:
Notice the newline at the beginning and the missing closing brace at the end. The body apparently gets an extra character at the start, and the final character is lost - either because it is not actually sent/received or because the Content-Length dictated it to be truncated.
This clearly explains the failed deserialization (the string is in fact invalid JSON) and the resulting 400 response.
Since this bug had been blocking or hindering production for several days, I wrote a "healer" middleware, that tries to deserialize the JSON string received (if the Content Type indicates JSON, of course); if it fails, it looks for a single non-opening-brace character at the start of the string, and if it finds it it rewrites the body by removing that character and appending a closing brace. It lets the healed request go down the pipeline and notifies me via e-mail.
All has been working fine since I released the fix, and we even asked or system managers to replace the PC that was causing problems, since we could only think of a vicious issue with OS/browser setup or configuration that caused conflicts.
However, when they replaced it, I started getting the notification e-mail again... this time from other two users, always on that same machine, each of them having the same issue (that is being healed, btw), each of them on a different request (but always the same request for each user). The requests point to different URLs and their bodies have different lengths and complexity (JSON-wise). I haven't tried all the tests I did before (different browser, cURL, fetch...) but the diagnosis of the problem is the same, and it is being handled by the healer middleware.
A colleague reported that they already had a similar problem several months ago, which they didn't investigate back then. They're not sure it was the very same workstation, but they replaced the PC and the error didn't happen any more. It seems to be pretty much random, and I still have no idea what could cause such a behaviour.
Here is some more info about the platform, if any of this is relevant:
clients: Windows 10 PCs, using Chrome in kiosk mode, launched by a batch that is located on a network share;
UI: React, sending HTTP requests with Axios;
server: .Net 5 ASP.NET Core service.
I've recorded the network traffic using Wireshark on the client PC. Here is what I got:
So apparently the request is already modified when it leaves the client host.

"Your request could not be processed" error in IIS application

An asmx service we're hosting under IIS decided to attach below message at the top of xml response body rendering the xml invalid. The guid is unique in each response.
Your request could not be processed. Please press the back button on
your browser and try again. If the problem persists, please contact
technical support. Information below is for technical support:
Support Code: 7d6cbea0-9491-4cb0-9ca0-32f0a8b41bc4
I've limited access to the source; it does not appear like this is coming from the application code itself. Googling brings several hits current or cached having exactly the same behavior (variation of "could not processed" or "could not be processed" in different cases):
Yet, I don't get any hit from technical sites like stackoverflow or MSDN. This is very puzzling; has anyone seen this behavior? Is it IIS doing this? What causes this?
BTW, the issue itself was resolved when AppPool was restarting but I'm worried that this can happen again anytime unless we get to the bottom of this.

Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManagerParserErrorException with IE

I am working on a relatively complex asp.net web forms application, which loads user controls dynamically within update panels. I've run into a very peculiar problem with Internet Explorer where after leaving the page idle for exactly one minute you receive a Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManagerParserErrorException javascript exception when the next request is made. This doesn't happen in Firefox and Chrome. When the server receives the bad request, the body is actually empty but the headers are still there. The response that is sent back is a fresh response you would get from a GET request, which is not what the update panel script is expecting. Any requests done within a minute are okay. Also any requests made following the bad request are okay as well.
I do not have any response writes or redirects being executed. I've also tried setting ValidateRequest and EnableEventValidation in the page directive. I've looked into various timeout properties.
The problem resided with how IE handles NTLM authentication protocol. An optimization in IE that is not present in Chrome and Firefox strips the request body, which therefore creates an unexpected response for my update panels. To solve this issue you must either allow anonymous requests in IIS when using NTLM or ensure Kerberos is used instead. The KB article explains the issue and how to deal with it.KB251404

3 requests for every resource (2 x 401.2 and 1 x 200) in a windows authenticated asp.net mvc app

I was trying to track down why my site was so painfully slow in IE9 when I pulled out Fiddler and realised that every request is being sent 3 times (twice I get 401.2 and then a success). I verified this happens on all browsers, its just that Chrome's speed was masking this (or it could be that this has nothing to do with my sites performance issues in IE).
I've set up break points in my begin/end request handlers and the request comes in for say a css file. It is not authenticated and the response goes out with a 401.2, I doubled checked that I'm not setting the response status anywhere myself, so somewhere between begin_request and end_request the status is changing to 401.2
Note: I have the runAllManagedModulesForAllRequests=true so I can configure compression, however this setting does not affect this (from what I can see from Fiddler).
I am very ignorant on kerberos/active directory in general but I just cannot fathom that this is a normal handshaking protocol for every single request (perhaps for the first? but not all).
I have scoured the googles and nothing seems to help (adding/removing modules/authentication providers, etc). I mean my site works just fine, its only once you look under the hood that I see the treplicated requests. Note: This also happens when I deploy to production so its not a server specific issue.
Has anyone ever seen this? thanks in advance.
I think this is how NTLM authentication works. The process is discussed here. Note that you will want to set AuthPersistSingleRequest to false to cut down on the number of 401s

What does "pending" mean for request in Chrome Developer Window?

What does "Pending" mean under the status column in the "Network" tab of Google Chrome Developer window?
This happens when my page script issues a GET request whose response contains content-headers for downloading a CSV file:
Content-type: text/csv;
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=myfile.csv
This works fine in FF and IE7, downloading a CSV file as expected and opening a file picker to save the file, but Chrome does nothing. I confirmed that the server responds to the request, so it appears that Chrome will not process the response.
Curiously, all works as expected if I type the URL into Chromes address bar and hit <enter>.
FYI: Chrome 10.0.648.204 on Windows XP
In my case, I found that the "pending" status was caused by the AdBlock extension. The image that I couldn't get to load had the word "ad" in the URL, so AdBlock kept it from loading.
Disabling AdBlock fixes this issue.
Renaming the file so that it doesn't contain "ad" in the URL also fixes it, and is obviously a better solution. Unless it's an advertisement, in which case you should leave it like that.
I also get this when using the HTTPS everywhere plugin.
This plugin has a list of sites that also have https instead of http. So I assume before the actual request is made it is already being cancelled somehow.
So for example when I go to http://stackexchange.com, in Developer I first see a request with status (terminated). This request has some headers, but only the GET, User-Agent, and Accept. No response as well.
Then there is request to https://stackexchange.com with full headers etc.
So I assume it is used for requests that aren't sent.
I had some problems with pending request for mp3 files.
I had a list of mp3 files and one player to play them. If I picked a file that had already been downloaded, Chrome would block the request and show "pending request" in the network tab of the developer tools.
All versions of Chrome seem to be affected.
Here is a solution I found:
player[0].setAttribute('src','video.webm?dummy=' + Date.now());
You just add a dummy query string to the end of each url. This forces Chrome to download the file again.
Another example with popcorn player (using jquery) :
url = $(this).find('.url_song').attr('url');
pop = Popcorn.smart( "#player_", url + '?i=' + Date.now());
This works for me. In fact, the resource is not stored in the cache system. This should also work in the same way for .csv files.
I had the same issue on OSX Mavericks, it turned out that Sophos anti-virus was blocking certain requests, once I uninstalled it the issue went away.
If you think that it might be caused by an extension one easy way to try and test this is to open chrome with the '--disable-extensions flag to see if it fixes the problem. If that doesn't fix it consider looking beyond the browser to see if any other application might be causing the problem, specifically security apps which can affect requests.
I had a similar issue with application/json ajax calls. In ff/IE they were fine. In chrome in the Developer Network window Status was always (pending) because a different status code was being returned.
In my case I changed my Json response to send a HttpStatusCode of 200 then Chrome was fine and the Status Text changed to 200 OK.
For example using ASP.NET Web Api
return new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.OK ) {
Content = request.Content
The Network pending state on time, means your request is in progressing state. As soon as it responds the time will be updated with total elapsed time.
This picture shows the network call is in processing state(Pending)
This picture shows the time taken in processing by network call.
The fix, for me, was to add the following to the top of the php file which was being requested.
header("Cache-Control: no-cache,no-store");
Same problem with Chrome : I had in my html page the following code :
<script src="http://myserver/lib/load.js"></script>
But the load.js was always in status pending when looking in the Network pannel.
I found a workaround using asynchronous load of load.js:
var head, script;
head = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0];
script = document.createElement("script");
script.src = "http://myserver/lib/load.js";
}, 1);
Now its working fine.
Encountered a similar issue recently.
My App is in angular 11 and we have a form with some validators which have regex to validate the data. One of data element had a special character which the regex wasn't handling and it made the entire browser hung up. Infact, even though all network calls were successful with 200 Ok, chrome was not showing any response returned by the backend and was also showing the requests in Pending State when infact all network calls are successful, there was no console log errors or anything. Handling the regex fixed the issue.
After i found the issue, i googled more about it. Here is more explanation about it.
I came across this issue when I was debugging a local web application. The issue turned out to be AVG Antivirus and Firewall restrictions. I had to allow an exception through the firewall to get rid of the "Pending" status.
In my case, a simple restart to my browser (chrome) and it worked straight away afterwards like magic!
Little bit of context, I happen to refresh my frontend web page and straight away went onto making a changes to my API which led it to restart. During that instance, the frontend was making calls to API which led into "pending" due to that API is reloading. Browser at this point cached that pending state. For me to get out of it is either I set no-cache (which I didn't want to) or simply restart the browser, I chose the restart.
A little background
I encountered such an issue when requesting an url in my Django project. The server is setup using Apache HTTP web server and basic auth for user authentication.
The url I was accessing required no authentication to access i.e. in my Apache config, I had set Require all granted on the url using the LocationMatch directive.
The issue
The url I was trying to access returned 200 status (in the Network tab in Chrome), but the static assets being used for styling of the requested webpage (css, javascript, font files etc.) associated with the request url were not loading and returned pending status.
In the meanwhile, the page loaded partially and still kept on loading. All this was happening in the presence of basic-auth dialog in browser, even though my url was granted all access.
What worked for me
Interestingly, as I entered my credentials and logged in, the requested page loaded all the static assets. This made it very clear to me that the static assets directory might NOT have the necessary access permissions.
Then, I granted the access to the static assets directory by updating my Apache config and then the requested url and the webpage loaded up fine (200 status) without any basic auth dialog OR pending status.
In my case, there's an update for Chrome that makes it won't load before you restart the browser. Cheers
I encountered the same problem when I request certain images from page. I use JavaScript to set the src attribute of an img object and if the network is poor pending will be displayed in the network panel of chrome developer window. I think it's due to the poor network.
