How to break an ASP.NET website down into modules that can be enabled/disabled? -

I have an ASP.NET website with some independent sections. I need a way to turn on/off the different sections (each section is in it's own directory) based on the user selection. How can I prevent the users from accessing sections that are turned off?

The solution I ended up using was to make a new class ModulePage that inherited Page. In the OnInit it would check an Abstract property I added IxModule to see if that that module was turned on or off, if it was on the page will display and if it is not the user is redirected to another page. Each page in each module has to be change to inherit ModulePage and then just specify the IxModule value. It is working very well.

you can require a log-in for those pages. I'm not sure if that's what you want.

You could look for a specific web.config app setting for each section. Each section would need a web.config setting with a sectionID app setting element.
If your using master pages, just do a check in the master's on PageLoad and check to see if the user has access to the sectionID store in the config setting. Store the section IDs that the current user has access to in the session or a cookie or something (not sure what type of security your looking for). Have one global function to lookup the app setting from the web.config. Depending on which page is calling it (from which directory) you will get the specific section's ID.
If the user does not have access redirect or show a message or something.


ASP.NET page caching and session variable

I have a webpage that displays a link Login or Logout depending on a session variable "IsLogged". I want to implement caching in that page. But after applying caching the Login/Logout becomes inconsistent with the session variable. What is the best approach to address this problem so that I can also apply caching in that page?
I am not sure how you are caching specifically but you could break your page up into two user controls (ascx).
Your aspx page could contain the user control to that shows the login information (make sure that when you load the user control with a dynamic url so that the caching ignores it because the address is diff everytime like:
yourSessionInfo.ascx?stopcache=32487239875 (the number could be just current time in ticks)
You just need something that changes in your url so that the page 'looks' like it is different and reloads.
Then have the rest of your page in another user control that has a static url:
Notice nothing changing in the url so page can be cached.
Not sure if this will solve your exact problem but it should at least start you down the right path.

displaying the same content with loginview

I have an webpage that has user login enabled. Inside of my loginview controller I have my anonymous and loggedin code. Is it possible to have the same code in both, but for example just add a button in the loggedin view. All I want to do is when the user logs in display the same information except if logged in show a button, that is not shown when user is anonymous. Any help would be appreciated thank you. I already tried putting the same code into both anonymous and logged in but I get an error saying that a box already contains a definition for that name.
You can try reusing templates in code, as you can create your own template instance, but it really isn't worth the effort. It would be best to just copy the markup and change the ID's. I know it's a pain...
You get the naming conflict because it defines the template instance as a single instance, and each instance gets implemented in the control tree (even though it may not be rendered).

In Sitecore, how to change or set PageMode

In Sitecore, I have users who are using the editing ribbon to add content to pages. However, there are some pages that I want to prevent EditMode completely from that user's role. This is based off of a branch template, so I can't just revoke privileges for each page. I need some way to set the Sitecore.Context.PageMode to be Normal.
Is there an API for setting the PageMode?
While I was unable to find a C# API, I did find that I could just use a URL Redirect that looks something like this:
if (!Sitecore.Context.PageMode.IsNormal && !IsAdministrator())
String id = Sitecore.Context.Item.ID.ToString();
Response.Redirect("/?sc_mode=normal&sc_itemid=" + id + "&sc_lang=en");
This will set the PageMode to Normal if it in any other state.
your redirect method should work, but it also turns off the PageEditor mode for other pages the editor visits after the redirect.
You could also check if the Page is in EditMode and the user is part of a certain Role and for that (sub)layout show standard .NET controls instead of the Sitecore sc-controls.
Like <asp:Literal /> instead of <sc:Text />
I would suggest that rather than redirecting the user/hard-coding this to specific pages you make create a rule and make use of the Rules Engine. This will allow you to reuse the code and turn on-/off much easier through the content editor.
There is already a condition to select the role:
/sitecore/system/Settings/Rules/Common/Conditions/Security/User Role
So you will just need to create an action to switch to Normal mode. In your action, you can call the following code:
Context.Site.SetDisplayMode(Sitecore.Sites.DisplayMode.Normal, Sitecore.Sites.DisplayModeDuration.ResetAfterRequest);
Wrap it in a check like wilsjd has suggested.
Some info on the Rules Engine if you are not familiar with it:
Decoupling through the Rules Engine
All About the Sitecore ASP.NET CMS Rules Engine

How to implement customized home-page for different users?

I have an ASP.Net(VB.Net) project which has various modules/functionality. I want to give users the freedom to set their own default startup page.
I don't know how to get a head-start implementing this feature.
Also, I am NOT using MVC
On the master page place some control to choose current page as default (i.e. button or checkbox). After user has select current page as default you can store the page address to user's profile or any storage you like.
Set the site start page like Default.aspx and in the Page_Load method of this page read user's saved default page if exists and redirect to it.
You'd want to set up a way for the User to store their preferred home page in your database (or your preferred method). Once that's done you should be able to do this in a simple fashion:
ASP.NET WebForms:
On the Master Page / Default page, check to see if they're logged in in your Page_Load event.
If they are, check to see if they have a start up page saved, if they do then use Response.Redirect and send them to their preferred location.
If they don't, or aren't logged in, then show them the default page.
On the HomeController's Index method check to see if they're logged in.
If they are, check to see if they have a start up page saved, if they do then use RedirectToAction and send them to their preferred location.
If they don't, or aren't logged in, then show them the default view.
There are probably plenty of other ways to accomplish this as well, but this should be a straight forward way to get your started.

Displaying same content to different users who may be seeing different master pages (

I have some pages that have content that is relevant to both logged in users and non logged in users. For example, pages with contact information, privacy policies, etc. All the pages have your typical navigation menu but the thing is logged in users normally see a different navigation menu bar than non logged in users.
What is the best way to do this in
So far, possible solutions include the following:
Displaying the content using a pop up window. The page will contain no menu and is just some basic page doesn't need to check what type of user is seeing it.
Programmatically changing the master page depending on whether the user is authenticated or not. However, there are some variables on one of the master pages that need to be accessed but isn't touched at all by non logged in users.
Putting the content in a user control and sticking this user control on two separate pages to be displayed to the appropriate user.
I'm not really a fan of #1 because users visiting the site for the first time may have some type of popup blocker or have javascript disabled.
I know #2 is possible by having the page use some type of base class that has inherited from MasterPage. However, I've read that this might not be the best design since now one of the pages has access to variables that isn't really necessary.
The third method sounds reasonable but then there'd be two separate ASPX files.
Is there a proper way of doing this? Or another method I haven't thought of yet?
To clarify, logged in users need to set certain variables in their master pages where non logged in users do not. The reason for this is that there is a user control that displays a special navigation menu that will highlight certain items depending on these variables.
For example, the user control requires a string to determine which item to highlight. A page with profile information will provide "profile" as a parameter that will highlight the "Profile" item on the menu.
The menu in the user control is generated dynamically based on data from the database. The menu items are grouped by category and are displayed with an appropriate heading that is also pulled from the DB.
Programmably changing the master page is easy; just supply the correct URL on pre init, set
protected override void OnPreInit(..)
if (this.User != null) {
if (this.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated)
this.MasterPageFile = "~/loggedin.master";
this.MasterPageFile = "~/notloggedin.master";
No base class needed for this.
User control approach would work too, but changing master page file is really easy to do.
EDIT: If you have properties to set or get from the master, you could have the code-behind file implement the interface, and check if the this.Master reference is of that interface type.
