can we use windows 7 home edition to develop applications -

I am planning to buy a new laptop to learn web applications and also windows applications. Do we get IIS7 installed when we buy the home edition of windows 7 or should we buy windows 7 professional version?

Looking at some documentation on TechNet, it looks like all the Windows 7 Home editions (Starter, Basic, Premium) have the ability to install IIS, but it is not installed by default.

If you just want to learn, Visual Studio has a built in webserver for development that will work. If you want to deploy your web applications, this page has information on which versions of Windows 7 have which IIS options available

Following this thread, no problem found so far.

You don't need IIS for ASP.NET Development if you use Visual Studio.
Visual Studio Express for the web is free, and comes with its own web server.
You can also create windows programs with Visual Studio Express for windows.
If you want to do both, then you may need to buy Visual Studio.

If you want to do local debugging of using IIS then you need one of these versions. Not supported on Windows 7 Home.
Windows 7 Ultimate
Windows 7 Professional
Windows 7 Enterprise


Setting up an ASP.NET MVC development enviornment with software from Dream Spark

I need help figuring out what programs I need to setup a development enviornemnt on my new Windows 7 laptop. I have a LAMP background and I have only used ASP.NET once. The first time using ASP.NET I installed all the nessassary software along with Visual Studio Express with one click from
This time around I qualify for free software from Dream Spark. I'm not sure what programs I need to download in order to get eveything up and running correctly.
These are the programs I think I need and are available from Dream Spark:
Visual Studio 2010 Professional
Windows Server 2008R2 Standard
SQL Server 2008R2 Developer
I have a few questions:
Would this be correct?
Am I missing anything?
Should I use the Windows Server 2008R2 Standard in this way or should I save this key for use in a production enviornment?
PS: Main effort here is to get more aquainted with ASP.NET programming web applications but I would also like to dabble in Windows desktop application programming.
no, Windows Server 2008R2 Standard is not compulsory to install to use Visual Studio 2010 Professional & SQL Server 2008R2 Developer,
you can install both in any os ( windows 7 too ).

Unable to run Visual Studio 2003 IDE on Windows 7

My machine has windows 7 and when I try to create a project from VS2003 IDE that is Dotnet v1.1 I'm getting the following error message:
Visual Studio has detected that the specified web server is not running v1.1. you will be unable to run web application or services
I have searched Google and found some links for the same problem but I am still not able to create project v1.1 from VS2003 IDE.
Have you tried the following article:
How to install ASP.NET 1.1 with IIS7 on Vista and Windows 2008
It says Windows Vista / Server 2008, however I am fairly certain that the same applied for Windows 7.
If you are having trouble understanding a specific part of the article then can you tell us which bit?
Visual Studio 2003's lifecycle ended in 2007,
At that time, Windows 7 was not yet released, and such products should not be ever tested on Windows 7 internally.
So my guess is that you should continue using it on an older Windows platform (XP or Windows Server 2003).

IIS Developer Express on XP using Visual Studio

As of recently there is a express edition of the IIS 7. It is bundled with this crazy new tool Web Matrix (
A real IIS instead of the development server in Visual Studio would have many advantages.
Does anybody know, if this IIS edition can be separately downloaded ?
Can it be installed on Windows XP (Professional) ? If yes, are there conflicts with the old IIS 5.1 on XP ?
Can it be integrated in Visual Studio (2008, 2010)?
It will be released for download separately to the WebMatrix but as of yet it is only available as part of the WebMatrix bundle
It can be used on XP SP3, it will not conflict with 5.1 as it runs as a self contained instance
Yes, it can be integrated with VS2010 (you can tell VS to use IIS7 Express rather than Cassini)
Some useful links -
ScottGu addresses your first question and part of the integration work
The IIS7 Express FAQ where your supported platform questions are answered (along with a whole lot more)

Correct installation order to a clean development enviroment

I want to setup a Win7 virtual machine to develop using Visual Studio 2008 and ASP.Net 3.5.
I don't know what the best order to install what I need. I will need to install:
a) Visual Studio 2008
b) IIS
c) Service Packs for Visual Studio and/or .Net Framework
My last try was bad, I cannot do my old ASP.Net 3.5 web app to work on Win7 (works fine on Win2003).
Another questions are, if I choose to use Visual Studio 2010 (to develop ASP.Net 3.5), it's recommended? And the installation order will change?
Thanks for all
Your best bet is to actually use the Microsoft Web Platform Installer. This tool will walk you through installing ALL of the components you need to host a web application. Pick your platform (PHP, ASP.NET, etc), an optional application (DasBlog, etc), and even choose to download Visual Studio 2008 Web Developer + SQL Express. It will install everything for you seamlessly. I've used it and I highly recommend it for a "clean" install.
I'd install IIS first, then Visual Studio 2008. The framework will come with VS.NET 2008. If all goes wrong learn to use aspnet_regiis.exe

What the minimum edition of Windows 7 to work with Visual Studio/

With Windows Vista/XP, I needed at minimum the Home Premium edition. In the Home Basic edition of Vista/XP I cannot work with ASP.Net...
What the minimum edition of Windows 7 to work with Visual Studio?
What the minimum edition of Windows 7 to work with ASP.Net?
Any edition which supports Internet Information Services. Visual Studio is capable of operating on any Windows platform, but you need IIS in order to work on ASP.NET applications (Because they run on top of IIS).
According to this page, IIS is available in Windows 7 editions "Professional" and above.
The key ingredient is IIS, the web server used by ASP.Net. It turned out to be harder than I expected to find which edition of Windows 7 you need to use IIS. I wasn't able to find anything absolutely authoritative. The closest I came was this page, which seems to indicate you can install it on all Windows 7 editions. But that doesn't feel right to me so you might want to keep looking.
