Multi-Database Transactional System & ASP.NET MVC -

So I have a challenge to build a site that people online can use to interact with organizations.: Asp.NET MVC Customer Application
One of the requirements is financial processing and accounting.
I'm very comfortable using SQL Transactions and stored procedures to do this; i.e. CreateCustomer also creates an entity, and an account record. We have a stored procedure to do this, that does a begin transaction, creates some setup records we need, then does a commit. I'm not seeing a good way to do this with an ORM, and after reading some great blog articles I'm starting to wonder if I'm going down the wrong path.
Part of the complexity here is the data itself:
I'm querying x databases (one per existing customer) to get some of my data, though my app has its own data store as well. I need to query the x databases, run stored procedures on the x databases, and also to my own datastore.
I'm not seeing strong support for things like stored procedures and thereby transactions, though it does seem to be present.
Maybe I'm just trying to make my app a nail here, cause the MVC hammer is sooo shiny. I'm plenty comfortable with raw ADO.NET of course, but I'm in love with the expressive feel to writing Linq code in C# and I'd rather not give up on it.
Down to the question:
Is this a bad idea? Should I try to use Linq / Entity Framework, or something like nHibernate... and stick with the ORM pattern or should I trash it and use raw ADO.NET data access?
Edit: a note on scale; from a queries per second standpoint this app is not "huge". But, from a data complexity perspective, it does need to query against 50+ databases (all identical, or close to it) to read data from an external application and publish data back to that application. ORM feels right when dealing with "my" data store, but feels very wrong for accessing the data from the external application.

From a certain size (number of databases) up, you have to change the paradigm. Are you at that size?
When you deploy what ultimately is a distributed application and yet try to controll it as an ordinary local application you are going to run into a set of fundamental issues around availability, scalability and correctness. If you use concepts like 'distributed transactions', 'linked servers' and 'ORM', your are down the wrong path. True distributed applications will use terms like 'message', 'queue' and and 'service'. Terms like Linq, EF, nHibernate are all fine and good, but none will bring you anything extra from what a simple Transact-SQL SELECT statement brings. In other words, if a SELECT solves your issues, then the client side various ORM will work. If not, they won't add any miraculos value.
I recommend you go over the slides on the SQLCAT: High Performance Distributed Applications in Real World Deployments which explain how a site like MySpace manages to read and write into a store of nearly 500 servers and thousands of databases.
Ultimately what you need to internalize is this: one database can have 95% availability (uptime and acceptable service response time). A system consiting of 10 databases with 95% availability has 59% availability. And a system of 100 databases each with 99.5% availability has 60% availability. 1000 databases with 99.95% availability (5 min downtime per week) have 60% availability. And this is for an ideal situation. In reality there is always a snowball effect caused by resource consumption (eg. threads blocked on trying to access an unavailable or slow resource) that makes things far worse.
This means that one cannot write a large distributed system relying on synchronous, tightly coupled operatiosn and transactions. Is simply impossible. You always rely on asynchronous operations (usually messaging and queues), which is something completely different from your run-of-the-mill database application.

use TransactionScope object available in System.Transaction.

What I have chosen is to use Entity Framework to allow access to the application's main data store, and create a custom DAL for access to external application data and for access to stored procedures within the application.
Here's hoping Entity Framework 4.0 fixes the issue. For now, I'm using the concept listed here.


Cross-server In-memory data (as variable) per user or global (for all users)

My question is regarding aggregated data for fast access across several servers on Amazon EC2. In an ASP.NET application, I would probably store that data in Application["somevar"] variable so it can be accessed quickly (in memory) by all users.
The problem starts when I want that aggregated data to be gathered and its value equal on all servers. If I chose to deploy two servers, the user might be transmitting data to different servers every time (the servers are under a load balancer or ElasticBean), and if for example I count the number of times the user asked for the page, each server's Application var will have different value
For example:
Server 1:
Application["counter1"] = 120
Server 2:
Application["counter1"] = 130
What I want is a variable that be the same on all servers. The reason I want the data in Application-like variable is that I want that data in memory for fast access, then I might write that data to the database.
What I want to know is how can I achieve this. I though about using Amazon ElasticCache so even if I have 10 server under the load balancer, I can access the ElasticCache variable via API and it doesn't matter from which server I access the memcache variable, it will get/set the same variable, and therefore I can achieve my goal in keeping a cross-server global variable.
I wanted to know if it's a good practice and wherever there is a better way to implement such feature.
I am developing my application in ASP.NET C# and with MySQL. Also take into consideration that some of the aggregated data should be written to the database, and I do that to prevent a lot of writes at the same time, and write data after it reaches 20 writes for example and then the data will be written to the database.
Just to clear up a few things. First lets make sure that we understand how to use ElasticCache. The API for ElasticCache doesn't give us any CRUD operations on the cache cluster, the API from Amazon is strictly for managing the servers and configuration. You will need to use a memcached library for .NET to connect to the cluster. Using a cache like memcached is a good solution for you're first problem. It will easily and quickly store simple application variables in a distributed environment. Using a cache is generally a good practice even with smaller applications.
I'm not sure how many users you have or how many you expect to have but one thing I've learned in my years programming is that over optimization is usually a bad idea. Over optimization is when you start to optimize you're code before it's really necessary. Take you're proposed optimization for example. We know that making 1 write on the database is quicker than making 20 writes, generally speaking of course. However, unless your database is the bottleneck in your application to implement such a feature you introduce a significant amount of complexity for no immediate benefit. If a memcached cluster server crashes, which it will, then the data waiting to be written to the database is lost. If you really do have a lot of users then you have to start thinking about concurrency and locks on the memcached items.
Without knowing more about your application i can't make any real recommendations except to say that make sure your optimization are required before you spend time increasing the complexity of your application for nothing.

NoSQL and AppFabric with Azure

I have an application that I'm moving to Azure. In the application, there's a query that joins 9 tables to produce a user record. Each record is then serialized in json and sent back and forth with the client. To increase query performance, the first time the 9 queries run and the record is serialized in json, the resulting string is saved to a table called JsonUserCache. The table only has 2 columns: JsonUserRecordID (that's unique) and JsonRecord. Each time a user record is requested from the client, the JsonUserCache table is queried first to avoid having to do the query with the 9 joins. When the user logs off, the records he created in the JsonUserCache are deleted.
The table JsonUserCache is SQL Server. I could simply leave everything as is but I'm wondering if there's a better way. I'm thinking about creating a simple dictionary that'll store the key/values and put that dictionary in AppFabric. I'm also considering using a NoSQL provider and if there's an option for Azure or if I should just stick to a dictionary in AppFabric. Or, is there another alternative?
Thanks for your suggestions.
"There are only two hard problems in Computer Science: cache invalidation and naming things."
Phil Karlton
You are clearly talking about a cache and as a general principle, you should not persist any cached data (in SQL or anywhere else) as you have the problem of expiring the cache and having to do the deletes (as you currently are). If you insist on storing your result somewhere and don't mind the clearing up afterwards, then look at putting it in an Azure blob - this is easily accessible from the browser and doesn't require that the request be handled by your own application.
To implement it as a traditional cache, look at these options.
Use out of the box ASP.NET caching, where you cache in memory on the web role. This means that your join will be re-run on every instance that the user goes to, but depending on the number of instances and the duration of the average session may be the simplest to implement.
Use AppFabric Cache. This is an extra API to learn and has additional costs which may get quite high if you have lots of unique visitors.
Use a specialised distributed cache such as Memcached. This has the added cost/hassle of having to run it all yourself, but gives you lots of flexibility in the long run.
Edit: All are RAM based. Using ASP.NET caching is simpler to implement and is faster to retrieve the data from cache because it is on the same machine - BUT requires the cache to be populated for each instance of the web role (i.e. it is not distributed). AppFabric caching is distributed but is also a bit slower (network latency) and, depending what you mean by scalable, AppFabric caching currently behaves a bit erratically at scale - so make sure you run tests. If you want scalable, feature rich distributed caching, and it is a big part of your application, go and put in Memcached.

Live Data Web Application Design

I'm about to begin designing the architecture of a personal project that has the following characteristics:
Essentially a "game" containing several concurrent users based on a sport.
Matches in this sport are simulated on a regular basis and their results stored in a database.
Users can view the details of a simulated match "live" when it is occurring as well as see results after they have occurred.
I developed a similar web application with a much smaller scope as the previous iteration of this project. In that case, however, I chose to go with SQLite as my DB provider since I also had a redistributable desktop application that could be used to manually simulate matches (and in fact that ran as a standalone simulator outside of the web application). My constraints have now shifted to be only a web application, so I don't have to worry about this additional level of complexity.
My main problem with my previous implementation was handling concurrent requests. I made the mistake of using one database (which was represented by a single file on disk) to power both the simulation aspect (which ran in a separate process on the server) and the web application. Hence, when users were accessing the website concurrently with a live simulation happening, there were all sorts of database access issues since it was getting locked by one process. I fixed this by implementing a cross-process mutex on database operations but this drastically slowed down the performance of the website.
The tools I will be using are:
ASP.NET for the web application.
SQL Server 2008 R2 for the database... probably with an NHibernate layer for object relational mapping.
My question is, how do I design this so I will achieve optimal efficiency as well as concurrent access? Obviously shifting to an actual DB server from a file will have it's positives, but do I need to have two redundant servers--one for the simulation process and one for the web server process?
Any suggestions would be appreciated!
You should be fine doing both on the same database. Concurrent access is what modern database engines are designed for. Concurrent reads are usually no problem at all; concurrent writes lock the minimum possible amount of data (a table, or even just a number of rows), not the entire database.
A few things you should keep in mind though:
Use transactions wisely. On the one hand, a transaction is an important tool in making sure your database is always consistent - in short, a transaction either happens completely, or not at all. On the other hand, two concurrent transactions can cause deadlocks, and those buggers can be extremely hard to debug.
Normalize, and use constraints to protect your data integrity. Enforcing foreign keys can save the day, even though it often leads to more cumbersome administration.
Minimize the amount of time spent on data access: don't keep connections around when you don't need them, make absolutely sure you're not leaking any connections, don't fetch data you know don't need, do as much data-related processing (especially things that can be solved using joins, subqueries, groupings, views, etc.) in SQL instead of in code

Using static data in ASP.NET vs. database calls?

We are developing an ASP.NET HR Application that will make thousands of calls per user session to relatively static database tables (e.g. tax rates). The user cannot change this information, and changes made at the corporate office will happen ~once per day at most (and do not need to be immediately refreshed in the application).
About 2/3 of all database calls are to these static tables, so I am considering just moving them into a set of static objects that are loaded during application initialization and then refreshed every 24 hours (if the app has not restarted during that time). Total in-memory size would be about 5MB.
Am I making a mistake? What are the pitfalls to this approach?
From the info you present, it looks like you definitely should cache this data -- rarely changing and so often accessed. "Static" objects may be inappropriate, though: why not just access the DB whenever the cached data is, say, more than N hours old?
You can vary N at will, even if you don't need special freshness -- even hitting the DB 4 times or so per day will be much better than "thousands [of times] per user session"!
Best may be to keep with the DB info a timestamp or datetime remembering when it was last updated. This way, the check for "is my cache still fresh" is typically very light weight, just get that "latest update" info and check it with the latest update on which you rebuilt the local cache. Kind of like an HTTP "if modified since" caching strategy, except you'd be implementing most of it DB-client-side;-).
If you decide to cache the data (vs. make a database call each time), use the ASP.NET Cache instead of statics. The ASP.NET Cache provides functionality for expiry, handles multiple concurrent requests, it can even invalidate the cache automatically using the query notification features of SQL 2005+.
If you use statics, you'll probably end up implementing those things anyway.
There are no drawbacks to using the ASP.NET Cache for this. In fact, it's designed for caching data too (see the SqlCacheDependency class
With caching, a dbms is plenty efficient with static data anyway, especially only 5M of it.
True, but the point here is to avoid the database roundtrip at all.
ASP.NET Cache is the right tool for this job.
You didnt state how you will be able to find the matching data for a user. If it is as simple as finding a foreign key in the cached set then you dont have to worry.
If you implement some kind of filtering/sorting/paging or worst searching then you might at some point miss the quereing capabilities of SQL.
ORM often have their own quereing and linq makes things easy to, but it is still not SQL.
(try to group by 2 columns)
Sometimes it is a good way to have the db return the keys of a resultset only and use the Cache to fill the complete set.
Think: Premature Optimization. You'll still need to deal with the data as tables eventually anyway, and you'd be leaving an "unusual design pattern".
With event default caching, a dbms is plenty efficient with static data anyway, especially only 5M of it. And the dbms partitioning you're describing is often described as an antipattern. One example: multiple identical databases for multiple clients. There are other questions here on SO about this pattern. I understand there are security issues, but doing it this way creates other security issues. I've recently seen this same concept in a medical billing database (even more highly sensitive) that ultimately had to be refactored into a single database.
If you do this, then I suggest you at least wait until you know it's solving a real problem, and then test to measure how much difference it makes. There are lots of opportunities here for Unintended Consequences.

How to implement locking across a server farm?

Are there well-known best practices for synchronizing tasks across a server farm? For example if I have a forum based website running on a server farm, and there are two moderators trying to do some action which requires writing to multiple tables in the database, and the requests of those moderators are being handled by different servers in the server farm, how can one implement some locking functionality to ensure that they can't take that action on the same item at the same time?
So far, I'm thinking about using a table in the database to sync, e.g. check the id of the item in the table if doesn't exsit insert it and proceed, otherwise return. Also probably a shared cache could be used for this but I'm not using this at the moment.
Any other way?
By the way, I'm using MySQL as my database back-end.
Your question implies data level concurrency control -- in that case, use the RDBMS's concurrency control mechanisms.
That will not help you if later you wish to control application level actions which do not necessarily map one to one to a data entity (e.g. table record access). The general solution there is a reverse-proxy server that understands application level semantics and serializes accordingly if necessary. (That will negatively impact availability.)
It probably wouldn't hurt to read up on CAP theorem, as well!
You may want to investigate a distributed locking service such as Zookeeper. It's a reimplementation of a Google service that provides very high speed distributed resource locking coordination for applications. I don't know how easy it would be to incorporate into a web app, though.
If all the state is in the (central) database then the database transactions should take care of that for you.
It may be irrelevant for you because the question is old, but it still may be useful for others so i'll post it anyway.
You can use a "SELECT FOR UPDATE" db query on a locking object, so you actually use the db for achieving the lock mechanism.
if you use ORM, you can also do that. for example, in nhibernate you can do:
session.Lock(Member, LockMode.Upgrade);
Having a table of locks is a OK way to do it is simple and works.
You could also have the code as a Service on a Single Server, more of a SOA approach.
You could also use the the TimeStamp field with Transactions, if the timestamp has changed since you last got the data you can revert the transaction. So if someone gets in first they have priority.
