Failure scenarios for reliable UDP? - networking

What could be good list of failure scenaros for testing a reliable UDP layer? I have thought of the below cases:
Drop Data packets
Drop ACK, NAK Packets
Send packets in out of sequence.
Drop intial hand shaking packets
Drop close / shutdown packets
Duplicate packets
Please help in identifying other cases that reliable UDP needs to handle?

The list you've given sounds pretty good. Also think about:
Very delayed packets (where most packets come through fine, but one or two are delayed by several minutes);
Very delayed duplicates (where the original came through quickly, but the duplicate arrived after several minutes delay);
Silent dropping of all packets above a certain size (both unidirectional and bidirectional cases);
Highly variable delays;
Sequence number wrapping tests.

Have you tried intentionally corrupting packets in transit?
Also, have you considered a scenario where only one-way communication is possible? In this case, the sending host thinks that the send failed, but the receiving end successfully processes the message. For instance:
host A sends a message to host B
B successfully receives message and replies with ACK
ACK gets dropped in the network
A waits for timeout and re-sends message (repeats steps 1-3)
host A exceeds retry count and thinks the send failed, but host B has in fact processed the message

I have thought UDP is a connectionless and unreliable protocol and that is does not require and specific transport handshake between hosts. And hence there is no such thing as a reliable UDP protocol.


No ACK from established TCP connection

This question was posted on StackExchange - NetworkEngineering. People suggested me to post it here. Here is my original post.
I am trying to write a client that initiates a TCP connection and sends some data. On the server side, I am using nc that listens to a certain port. Now I am able to complete the 3-way handshaking. netstats shows that the connection is established. However, after my client starts sending data, it never gets an ACK.
The client is implemented on top of DPDK, and thus bypasses the kernel stack. The server binds to a different NIC. The two NICs are directly connected. The TCP part is handled by my own code. Due to the lack of knowledge, the implementation is greatly simplified in the sense that I set a lot of fields to some fixed numbers, such as the window size.
As a newbie in networking, I have no clue what could go wrong, and thus not sure what information I should provide to help you identify the problem. Here is a screenshot from wireshark. My client is at and my server listens at No ACK is sent from the server side after packet 6.
Also, the reason for the incorrect FCS is that I had to pad zeros to the SYN and the first ACK packets, so that they are at least 64 bytes, which is a requirement from the client NIC.
I did a comparison between packets from my client and packets from nc client. It seems that for the first data packet, the only real difference is that mine does not have any TCP options, while the nc one carries a timestamp. Could this be the problem?
Please let me know if you spot anything that may cause this no-ACK issue.

Methods for implementing UDP multicast reliable

I am preparing for my university exam and one of the question last year was " how to make UDP multicast reliable " ( like tcp, retransmission of lost packets )
I thought about something like this :
Server send multicast using UDP
Every client send acknowledgement of receiving that packets ( using TCP )
If server realize that not everyone receive packets , it resends multicast or unicast to particular client
The problem are that there might be one client who usually lost packets and force server to resend.
Is it good ?
Every client send acknowledgement of receiving that packets ( using TCP )
Sending an ACK for each packet, and using TCP to do so, is not scalable to a large number of receivers. Using a NACK based scheme is more efficient.
Each packet sent from the server should have a sequence number associated with it. As clients receive them, they keep track of which sequence numbers were missed. If packets are missed, a NACK message can then be sent back to the server via UDP. This NACK can be formatted as either a list of sequence numbers or a bitmap of received / not received sequence numbers.
If server realize that not everyone receive packets , it resends multicast or unicast to particular client
When the server receives a NACK it should not immediately resend the missing packets but wait for some period of time, typically a multiple of the GRTT (Group Round Trip Time -- the largest round trip time among the receiver set). That gives it time to accumulate NACKs from other receivers. Then the server can multicast the missing packets so any clients missing them can receive them.
If this scheme is being used for file transfer as opposed to streaming data, the server can alternately send the file data in passes. The complete file is sent on the first pass, during which any NACKs that are received are accumulated and packets that need to be resent are marked. Then on subsequent passes, only retransmissions are sent. This has the advantage that clients with lower loss rates will have the opportunity to finish receiving the file while high loss receivers can continue to receive retransmissions.
The problem are that there might be one client who usually lost packets and force server to resend.
For very high loss clients, the server can set a threshold for the maximum percentage of packets missed. If a client sends back NACKs in excess of that threshold one or more times (how many times is up to the server), the server can drop that client and either not accept its NACKs or send a message to that client informing it that it was dropped.
There are a number of protocols which implement these features:
UFTP - Encrypted UDP based FTP with multicast (disclosure: author)
NORM - NACK-Oriented Reliable Multicast
PGM - Pragmatic General Multicast
Relevant RFCs:
RFC 4654 - TCP-Friendly Multicast Congestion Control (TFMCC): Protocol Specification
RFC 5401 - Multicast Negative-Acknowledgment (NACK) Building Blocks
RFC 5740 - NACK-Oriented Reliable Multicast (NORM) Transport Protocol
RFC 3208 - PGM Reliable Transport Protocol Specification
To make UDP reliable, you have to handle few things (i.e., implement it yourself).
Connection handling: Connection between the sending and receiving process can drop. Most reliable implementations usually send keep-Alive messages to maintain the connection between the two ends.
Sequencing: Messages need to split into chunks before sending.
Acknowledgement: After each message is received an ACK message needs to be send to the sending process. These ACK messasges can also be sent through UDP, doesn't have to be through UDP. The receiving process might realise that has lost a message. In this case, it will stop delivering the messages from the holdback queue (queue of messages that holds the received messages, it is like a waiting room for messages), and request of a retransmission of the missing message.
Flow control: Throttle the sending of data based on the abilities of the receiving process to deliver the data.
Usually, there is a leader of a group of processes. Each of these groups normally have a leader and a view of the entire group. This is called a virtual synchrony.

Reproducible TCP retransmission packet when using Netty

I have test case where I have one channel between hosts. Client schedules 10 threads. Each thread performs 1 request over this channel. These threads get executed at the same time.
I track communication using Wireshark.
From Wireshark log I see TCP retransmission packet every time I perform execution of my test. Moreover, size of this packet is always the same.
Another test case
Does anybody faced this kind of behaviour? What could be the reason for that?

What is the difference between UDP and TCP packets? What do you use them for?

I was configuring IPtable yesterday. My colleague just asked me this question, and I couldn't anwser. I realized that I'm a much better developper than sysadmin and need to improve that.
So what are they? What are they for? Cons/Pros (if it's relevant).
These are like basic questions.
UDP :: User Datagram Protocol
1) No end to end Connection between to machines (may be in local network or somewhere in the internet).
2) The data received at the receiver end is not in stream as in TCP but as a complete block of data.
3) At the transport layer no packet order check is performed. That is in case of any error in the received packet, the receiver will not ask for resending the same packet to the sender.
4) Because of the above behaviour no sending buffers are required at the sender's end.
5) As no end to end connection is estld. and there are no handshakings required, UDP are pretty much faster but less reliable than TCP. Thus mostly used in gaming and DNS etc..
6) No acknowledgement required to be sent after recieiving packets.
TCP :: Transmission control Protocol
1) End to end Connection is maintained between to machines (may be in local network or somewhere in the internet).
2) The data received at the receiver end is a stream in TCP. Thus, when we do network programming for servers we first parse the header first and then depending upon the size mentioned in the header we obtain that much more number of bytes from the buffer.
3) Error checking and sequence number are all done. Thus in case any packet is received out of order (rarely) or is erred than that packet is made to resend. Also, lots of other protocols are involved for flow control (end to end flow control).
4) As connection establishment , handshaking and acknowledgement is to be done TCP are basically slower in operation than UDP.(Not significantly I believe)
5) Lots of protocols uses TCP as underlying transport protocol. HTTP,FTP,TELNET etc..
6) The communication procedure involves:
Server:: 1) Socket Open
2) Socket Bind
3) Socket Listen
4) Socket Accept
5) Socket Send/Recv
Client :: 1) Socket Open
2) Socket Connect
3) Socket Send/Recv
There are lots of other differeces also..but the above being the most common ones.
TCP is a reliable protocol which ensures that your packets reach their destination and is used in applications where all data must me trasfered accurately between parties. TCP requires both parties to negotiate a connection before data transfer can start and it is a resilient protocol since it will repeatedly resend a packet until that packet is received by the intended recipient.
UDP is unreliable in a sense that it allows some packets to be lost in transit. Some applications of UDP are found in movie streaming where you can actually afford to lose a frame and not jeopardize movie quality. UDP does not need binding between the two parties and is often looked at as a light alternative to TCP.
A nice table is found here:TCP vs UDP
P.R.'s answer is mostly correct, but incomplete.
TCP is a reliable, connected stream protocol. Its view of data is that of a bidirectional stream of bytes between hosts: whatever bytes you send will arrive at the other end in the same order, at least as far as the application is concerned (the OS will rearrange packets if needed).
UDP is an unconnected datagram protocol. Its view of data is that of discrete datagrams, or messages, with no guarantee that these messages actually reach their recipient, or that they arrive in the order they were sent. It does guarantee that if a message arrives, it arrives in its entirety and without modification.
This website probably offers the simplest explanation to the actual difference of UDP and TCP. From implementation point of view, see this question.
For short answer: TCP works kind of like registered letter when UDP is kind of like ordinary letter - with the latter you never know whether the recipient got the packet you sent.
There are loads of helpful comparisons
chris is right!
One fancy link dropping out of google is:

How to Reduce TCP delays caused by ARP flushes for MODBUS TCP

We have an application which is periodically sending TCP messages at a defined rate(Using MODBUS TCP). If a message is not received within a set period an alarm is raised. However every once in a while there appears to be a delay in messages being received. Investigation has shown that this is associated with the ARP cache being refreshed causing a resend of the TCP message.
The IP stack provider have told us that this is the expected behaviour for TCP. The questions are,
Is this expected behaviour for an IP stack? If not how do other stacks work around the period when IP/MAC address translation is not available
If this is the expected behaviour how can we reduce the delay in TCP messages during this period?(Permanent ARP entries have been tried, but are not the best solution)
In my last job I worked with a company building routers and switches. Our implementation would queue packets waiting for ARP replies and send them when the ARP reply was received. Therefore, no TCP retransmit required.
Retransmission in TCP occurs when an ACK is not received within a given time. If the ARP reply takes a long time, or is itself lost, you might be getting a retransmission even though the device waiting for the ARP reply is queuing the packet.
It would appear from your question that the period of the TCP message is shorter than the ARP refresh time. This implies that reuse of the ARP is not causing it to stay refreshed, which is possible behaviour that would be helpful in your situation.
A packet trace of the situation occurring could be helpful - are you actually losing the first packet? How long does the ARP reply take?
In order to stop the ARP cache timing out, you might want to try to find something that will refresh it, such as another ARP request for the same address, or a gratuitous ARP.
I found a specification for MODBUS TCP but it didn't help. Can you post some details of your network - media, devices, speeds?
Your description suggests that the peer ARP entries expire between TCP segments and cause some subsequent segments to fail due to the lack of a current MAC destination.
If you have the MODBUS devices on a separate subnet, then perhaps the destination router will be kind enough to queue the segment until it receives a valid MAC. If you cannot use a separate subnet, you could try to force the session to have keep-alives activated - this would cause a periodic empty message to be sent that would keep the ARP timers resetting. If the overhead of the keep-alive is too high and you completely control the application in your system, you could try to force zero-length messages through to the peer.
